What am I doing wrong-Belly fat!!

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What am I doing wrong-Belly fat!!

This topic contains 22 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  Surbhi Jais 2 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 3 posts - 51 through 53 (of 53 total)

  • Less carbs, more fat and protein amongst other things. Spot reduction is not possible as someone else already pointed out. Do you look skinny fat? This may have to do with unbalanced amount of cardio with little weight training. Do you lift?
    Cheers, onplanners

    Sometimes too many starchy carbohydrates and bad fats are a recipe for that midsection to expand. You should better get plenty of veggies, choose lean proteins, and stay away from fats from red meats. Eat healthier fats, like fish, nuts, and avocados.

    I’m 19, 5″8 and around 9st 7- 10 lbs. I have a huge issue with stomach fat. I love the fast diet and have lost around 7 lbs in a month. However I can’t get rid of my stubborn belly fat! I run for 30-45 minutes on fast days and eat generally well on non fast days. What am I doing wrong?? It’s getting me down and I could use a little advice. I’m new to there forums, but find they really help with great advice you all give for this you have to search on google

Viewing 3 posts - 51 through 53 (of 53 total)

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