Hello everyone!
I’ve been Reading about this fast diet and i’m feeling motivated to start! However, I have doubts in what comes to the CARBS. The only diet that ever worked for me was one based on the Atkins diet, but a little bit modified, less restrictive. Anyway, it is basically excluding the carbs (except for dark bread at breakfast) like rice, pasta, potatoe, etc… It was not that difficult because it allowed one day a week for pause, in which we can eat everything we want! So the system is 6:1.
It really worked for me and everyone else I know and the average of weight loss is 4kg (8,82 lbs) per month. In this diet, the calories doesn’t matter that much, comparing to the carbs. What we had to pay attention to were the carbs and not the calories, because what makes us lose weight is the ketogenic state we enter in (fat burn due to the non existence of carbs in our body).
My problem is that it’s hard for me to have only one day I can eat what I want because I usually have dinners, parties, and it’s hard to coordinate all of it into one day, so… I gained all the weight again. I was with 57kg before doing it and ended up with 51/52 kg (depending on the days…), in more or less ONE MONTH.
With this fast diet, my doubts are: SHOULD WE PAY ATTENTION ONLY TO THE CALORIES OR TO THE CARBS AS WELL? And this question goes either to the fast or non fast days. And, if we eat carbs only in fast days (to have more energy and so on), not eating them at the other 5 days won’t make that much difference, once we need more or less 6 followings days with no carbs to enter that ketogenic state. If we interrupt the non-carb system twice a week (in the fast days), we will always be interrupting the ketogenic state, not taking any advantages from it…
So, what to do? Does anyone know something about this…?
I am 1,55m (508ft more or less, I guess…) and weigh 57kg.
I want to lose 6/7 kgs, so I will weigh 51, 52kg again.
Thank you so much for your help!
(I’m sorry if it was already discussed here, I didn’t find…)
3:42 pm
27 Feb 15