Weight gain after bad knee replacement

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I got diagnosed with a rare disease nearly 2 yrs ago PVNS were the synovium bleeds into knee joint – very very painful. Because of ostio arthritis they decided to do knee replacement. However short story it’s not been very effective. & I was on pain meds that caused weight gain too
    I’m stil in lots of pain when walking. But pushing it as much as l can. Can’t exercise. Gotta be careful to just stay upright & on my feet. I recently did go back to work which involves walking – work is being very good to me. Giving me easier clients to see
    But I’ve decided somehow l have to have to loose some extra pounds – every 1lb is like 10lbs to your knee
    So I’m interested in any advice …
    I have to be a bit careful to eat something on the 2 days
    I’m not a big eater generally – but after being diagnosed with a “ good” CM leukaemia 3 yrs ago l have to make sure I’ve eaten at least some protein before I take my chemo meds which l take before bed. I think I will easily be able to do the 2 fast days. If I eat protein around 6 pm
    Wondering if anyone else out there has any good advice

    My hubby not quite the same as you but he has had two partial knee surgery and he too has platelet cancer…one of his knees isn’t too good after surgery..

    Normally he walks about 30 mins and he is all in….we have just had a Nordic Walking course using two Nordic poles over three weeks..I can’t believe how they help your knees and legs and takes the pressure off them..it’s a special technique so you have to be shown..just put ‘Nordic Walking uk’ and have a look.

    Over the last two months he is managing two sessions of an one hour walk quite happily ..we even managed 1.45 hours yesterday which to be honest was a bit much for both of us..but we did it….he feels it’s strengthening his legs…

    We have been fasting for 2 1/2 years now..our eating habits have totally changed..eating very healthy I am keeping him off the chemo tablets for now, his blood platelets have come down twice now so fingers crossed , I am adding omega 3 fish oil tablets and lots of raw garlic…I know once you are on the tablets you are on them for life. I really think the fasting helps to restore the balance in the body but my thoughts and my research only. We try and eat as healthy as possible without too many slips..

    Good luck hope it helps you..

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