Very Excited to start 5:2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  teamy 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • on second day of 2. It is still my first week, still very excited. The first low cal day was easy. Felt very positive about being able to do it without any real effort. I got easy recipes off BBC cooking website. Today is going through fine as well.
    After years of dilly dallying this is it!

    good luck!! I am on day 8 and am so pleased with the changes that is happening to me, I hope it happens for you too!
    Make sure to report back frequently.

    thanks Poca, the day has gone well, Still feeling very excited!!

    Welcome sanjay
    I am in my 2nd week and lost 6lbs in my first week, ive struggled with a virus this week but hopefully not put any back on.I also find the fast days fairly easy to get through.

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