Up to 72 hours shortly – would love some views!

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Up to 72 hours shortly – would love some views!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  primalgranny 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I saw an article recently featuring Dr. Mosley, and in my usual style decided to start trying out fasting for real. I’m nearly up to 72 hours, and want to know if anyone else has done this and if so what benefits they have, and what benefits you are supposed to get? I was planning to go 4 days – sunday night last and eat again Good Friday – feels like a good day to eat something! I feel fine – quite happy, a little weak at times and occasionally hungry, but water sort it out. Would love to have some thoughts! Cheers!

    I just finished a 60-hour fast yesterday, I had started sunday night as you did, and I mostly felt fine, though blood pressure was a little low in the morning before I broke the fast. I know because I do keep track of it, I check it routinely, maybe every few weeks. I also routinely check my blood glucose with a meter, so I know what is “normal” for me. Yesterday morning, 3 hours before the end, BG was slightly lower than typical. Carefully choose what you break your fast with, so you don’t upset your sleeping gut!

    Thanks pg! I ended it at 72 – small tuna salad. This has given me impetus to go again! Couldn’t quite make it to Good Friday as felt suddenly quite lightheaded and needed to drive so thought best not. What will you do next and why are you doing it?

    For about the past year I had been doing a 5 day 0 calorie fast about every 8 weeks. I decided to suspend that in January while I’m mending from a broken leg, but will start again when I’m all healed.

    The first 3 days aren’t bad for me, but days 4 and 5 can be difficult. Especially on day 5, when I have no energy. It’s a chore for me to even take the dog for a walk on day 5. They say the rest from food is good for your body, but I sure don’t feel like it while I’m going through it!

    The first couple of times I tried a 5 day fast I gave in after 3 days. Then on the third try I made it to 5. The last fast I wanted to try 7 days but felt too drained after 5 1/2 days. If you’re interested in doing a 5 day fast don’t give up just because you didn’t make it this time. Try, try again.


    Hi everyone – just saying hello and congratulations!!! Well done!

    I have done a 70 hr fast before but did have bone broth and lots of water and tea. Do any of you take in any calories at all such as the 1/4 TDEE that Mosley refers to? I have been on monthly challenge sites and noticed a majority do that.

    As far as the light headedness, from what I have read, it almost always due to low sodium. You may feel great, as I did, by simply taking a bullion cube and adding to a large cup of water and heating up. Made me a new person. With fasting you drop so much water is such a short amount of time that your potassium depletes very very quickly – thus that crappy light headed feeling.

    I find that it gets easier each day once I get into ketosis.

    Congratulations again.


    I think I will try to get through the Easter feasting with minimal damage – I’ll see how that goes! My main purpose in this last, 60-hour fast was to get a grip on my appetite, see how I fared at that duration. Now, friday night after ending wed.morning, I feel much more “normal” about food, not nearly so desperate – it’s not so much about weight loss.
    So Vampirepirates, are you fasting again now? after the tuna salad?

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