treadmill….eeks.. but not stressing

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treadmill….eeks.. but not stressing

This topic contains 106 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  splashabs 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello again
    I hope you’re both doing ok.

    The bug has retreated, I’m glad to say. I have had some really good news. At the weekend I went to see a friend. Last time I saw her, in early August, I used her scales to weigh myself. So this weekend was my first weigh-in in 3 months and I’ve lost 12lb/5.4 kg. I was really pleased: it’s just the sort of steady loss I’ve wanted from the start.

    I meant to say last week, too, that I have dropped a dress size. I’ve found out that British and Australian are the same, so you’ll understand when I say I’ve gone from 18 to 16. In fact my 16 trousers are a bit loose. I did try on some size 14 but I’m not there yet.

    Brisv, to answer your question in your last post, I think it is very common to find that, on non fast days, one still wants to eat good food. (Lots of people have commented similarly on other threads.) I think I tend to harp on about my occasional slips because I feel I still have the potential to eat compulsively. Possibly I’m almost too aware of it. It’s also because I use this thread as my outlet for all my thinking/agonising about it! You’re right though -it is great the way one’s appetite generally turns to wanting more healthy food, rather than junk. Am very pleased for you.

    Oh Splash, hope things are going ok for you and that we hear from you soon, wherever you’re at with your eating and exercise aims.

    ‘Have an awesome week’ (as Splash might say)

    well this week has been a ‘I DON’T CARE WEEK’….lol…. Gave myself permission not to worry and will get back on track next week. Don’t know why but just didn’t want to do anything like fasting. I have been okay eating, not going too overboard with eating wrong foods but still not 100% which is not good!

    My back has been playing up this week. I went to physio yesterday and am going again today. I hope to be better for this weekend as I have a stall in Fremantle selling my art along with 24 other artists! Should be a great day and hopefully I get to sell some of my artwork!…. fingers crossed. I just hope my back is not too sore as we are going to be there from 8am to 5pm!

    I plan on getting back on track with fasting next week. I had in the back of my mind because I didn’t lose weight over the last 3 weeks I wanted to ‘shock’ my system again… possibly by eating more calories over the week instead of adding an extra fast day…. who know what I was thinking!! LOL LOL

    Will see how I go next week with 2 fasting days to see if it shifts any weight with this weeks no fasting days!

    will let you all know how I am going! Hope you have all been well and okay with your fasting days!

    Helloo-oo Splash

    So glad you’ve posted. Sounds fine that you’ve been taking some time out from fasting. I did too because of my bug last week. Must admit I found it hard to get back in the saddle this week, so I am only fasting once (tomorrow) but have mapped out my fast days for next week, in case I go too far downhill.

    I know I shouldn’t be dishing out advice as it’s up to each one of us to find our own way, but . . . I would suggest you think carefully about whether you need to weigh yourself every week. Once a month would iron out the ups and downs and then maybe you wouldn’t get disheartened and feel like ‘rebelling’. Somewhere on this site is the info about expected average weight loss – I expect you’ve come across it. (I think it’s about 500g per week). Have you calculated what your average weight loss has been over the whole time since you started? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were on track, despite lack of loss in the past few weeks, as you lost so much in the first few weeks.

    Sorry to hear about your back: I hope the physio can sort you out. Good luck with the stall, too!

    Now, where’s that Brisvegas got to? 😉

    I’m here!!!!! Every time I go to reply I don’t have the email on that computer so I can’t click on the link and then I can’t find the thread and then I get busy and have to work again so then I forget……. you get the picture.

    I weigh every day and it’s hard to see it fluctuate but then again I think I need to weigh every day to make myself more accountable – so it’s an individual thing I think.

    Splash – I hope the physio helps with your back. Have you tried bowen therapy? I have a bad arm/neck/back and that always helped alleviate the pain for a few months. I mostly go to the gym now for weights sessions and a massage when I get time so I guess I’m in maintenance mode but the damn pain still creeps up on me and gives me a migraine so I feel for you.

    Well I weighed this morning and I was in the 70’s – been fluctuating between 80 and 81 for a while now, so feels good to be in the 70’s. Plus I’ve been fitting into clothes that a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t zip up so I think that weight aside, I’m starting to see REAL progress which is encouraging.

    I’m off to a lunch at a ‘gentleman’s club’ today (not a strip joint lol but a real gentlemen’s club – they allowed us womenfolk in a few years back but we have to be accompanied by the men I think), for a networking lunch and I’m wearing my dress that I wore to Melbourne cup and I’m glad to say I fit into it better WITHOUT any shape wear. So I’m taking that win and I’m going to have a nice lunch to reward myself.

    Oh…. that’s right. I stepped outside of ‘fasting’ by a glass of wine and a couple of lollies yesterday because I had a mega cow awful bad mood day yesterday and I can’t tell you how GREAT I felt after having that glass of wine lol. But still woke up lighter today so I’m hopeful that my metabolism might be starting to work? Fingers crossed….

    Talk later everyone, have a great day 🙂

    Me again

    Good going Brisv!
    Just to say you’re dead right, weighing is a v individual issue, so sorry if I came over a bit finger-wagging, Splash. Am sure you can sort yourself out.

    Have a good day – but good night from me!

    Oh i didn’t take it as finger wagging! I used to be a HUGE campaigner of not stepping on the scales… go by how your clothes feel….. all that jazz lol. Found that didn’t really work for me and that’s why I said what I did.

    Goodnight! Have a great sleep!

    Nar.. didn’t take it as finger wagging either! LOL….

    I am trying not to get into the habit of weighing myself constantly like I use to, so will put the scale out of sight so I only pull them out when I need to weigh.

    I had bowen therapy a few years back not sure if it helped or not! LOL
    Physio is working at the moment so fingers crossed all will be good tomorrow. Didn’t help that it took over an hour to get to work today because of an accident – taxi versus power pole… then power pole over a major road! Hope Taxi driver and passengers are okay though.. haven’t heard anything yet. But traffic is manic today because of it.

    Well late to work, so better get some work done!

    Have an awesome weekend everyone!

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