The Feel Good Factor and Alcohol

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Mrs.g.of.g 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Last week I lost an (astonishing) 2 kgs and this week exactly nothing.. not a thing.. but it doesn’t seem to matter because for me the unexpected overall result has been a huge lift in my mood – I feel incredibly positive and upbeat about absolutely everything. I normally suffer from bouts of anxiety but the last four weeks I have felt fantastic. I am do remember reading in the book about how fasting activates some feel good hormone. I am quite keen to hear more of Michael Mosley’s thoughts on alcohol. I used to drink a lot (like so many people). I think we are all totally embracing the fast diet (and its many benefits) because of the book/documentary he made; which inspired us to give this a try. I wonder if he could do the same thing for alcohol? I have been thinking about the effects it must have on insulin levels etc…not to mention how slyly it depresses the mood

    I have read that alcohol turns to sugar in your blood stream and it is higher in calories per gram than sugar. Sugar = 4 calories per gram while alcohol = 7 calories per gram. So I would say that drinking especially beyond one drink is counter productive to losing weight. It can cause sugar spikes which causes insulin production which causes fat storage leading to hormones that cause inflamation and insulin resistance which causes us to get even more fat. That is just my thoughts on the topic. Wishing you good luck on your fasts and continued weight loss.

    I’ve definately seen more weightloss since I cut out alcohol. I also feel much healthier generally. It contains too much sugar, so for me defeats the object. I would not deny myself the occasional drink though, but certainly not daily any more. Good luck!

    I’ve been doing the 5 2 since august 2013 mainly for the general health benefits. I now feel much better. My mild eczema has gone, my joints are’t achy, I also have lots more energy. I also look better – lots of people still tell me (unprompted!). I drink lots of wine too although I try not to on work nights and definitely not on fast days. In late October this year I decided to try taking a break from drinking until the Christmas celebrations started. I love going out and love socialising and my friends are of the binge drinking at weekends demographic!

    I feared that when I went out I would feel like a puritanical maid. And I dreaded the thought of only drinking diet coke all night. My first night out was with an old friend I hadn’t seen for ages I was about to pretend To be on antibiotics when she said that she had cut down too. Her recommended technique for a decent night out was to have a diet coke at the start of the night to buzz her up so that she was as chatty as all the drinkers. Then move onto alcohol free beers. These taste much better than they did in the 80s, are lower calorie than normal beer and the hops give me a good nights sleep when i do eventually go to bed. This has been much easier than I thought, helped by;
    1. The fact that I’d proved to myself I could stick to the 5 2
    2. I love the feeling of feeling great after a night out.
    3. I stay awake and enjoy nights out more.
    4. Other people either forget you’re not drinking or aren’t actually drinking that much either.
    5. I look even better – my face gets less red and my features seem more defined.
    6. I am more positive and happy and have even more energy.
    7. I read lots of posts on mumsnet about people giving up alcohol.
    8. Husband (also a 5 2 success story) likes the fact that I stay awake longer and that I don’t mind driving.
    It’s definitely changed my attitude to drinking and I’m not craving wine as I feared I would be.. Good luck to anyone else who decides to try this- though probably best leave it till the new year now! That was a long first post…

    That’s interesting Mrs g of g. I will try the diet coke followed by alcohol free beer approach on a night out. Probably after New Year now 😉

    Thanks mrs G of G, A few years ago I didn’t have any alcohol for 3 months, with as only exception New Years Eve and afterwards it didnt taste as good in the beginning…. But helas… I got past that point!
    I do want to stop though, because for me less drinking doesnt work, it is all or nothing, just as it goes with 5:2. I am inspired by your post, and definited will try to follow your example after New Year. My good intentions have disappeared as I got closer to the point of D-Day, tomorrow, when everyone in our hospital will learn whether he/ she will still have a job in 2015 🙁

    Hi mrs G of G, Interesting points!! as i have cut out wine for the past month and now have a night out coming up and was wondering about the dreaded drinking and after effects, but your list of positives..are a good boost..Im six weeks on 5;2 and feel good!!

    Hi ann really sorry to hear about your job. It so pisses me off that the mess left by the bankers is being cleaned up at the expense of our public services. I’ve had similar news this week… I know that I’d be in a much worse place if I was still drinking. I definately feel more in control. So.. Give it a go soon. Take care and good luck for tomorrow.

    Hi bigmarie. Well done with your alcohol free 6 weeks and I hope you’ve had a good night out tonight.. I’m looking forward to hearing how you got on.

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