The Fast Diet works for me because …

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The Fast Diet works for me because …

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • – I’m crap at dieting, and could never count calories or stick to a regime for more than two days, but even I can do this
    – I need to know there is a modicum of science behind a theory, as I’m more likely to trust a science than a religion
    – the results are self evident, and I’m getting the positive reinforcement I need
    – I can imagine doing this forever and ever, because it is simple and straight forward, and I even like doing it
    – I feel a tiny bit smug and virtuous about being less of a Consumer.

    I’ve become a Fast Diet Evangelist!

    *:D big grin


    Hi RoBa, keep it simple and straight forward.
    Good Luck.

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