The end of the second week…

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The end of the second week…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dimples0523 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • So today is my 4th fast day… Not been too bad although stupidly sleepy. It has more to do with the unusual British heat I think!

    Dinner will be salmon fillet and salad… Have had a small bowl of bran for breakfast and small carrot soup for lunch.

    I just hope this trims my tum a bit…!

    hi cassiejane85,

    it’s been more than 1 mth since u’ve posted

    curious 2 know
    how this lifestyle has been helping u?

    Me too Cassiejane85 – I started fasting on August 28th. So far I’m down 4 pounds, I believe due to the Labor Day weekend unfortunately (had three barbecues). It is going well, but I’m eating the same thing over and over again. I need to find some new things to eat. Also, at night I get really hungry, so I end up going up to bed a little earlier than usual, about 8:30. My husband and I went out to dinner last night for our anniversary and I had two crab cakes, along with mashed potatoes and some veggies. Normally, I would have been able to eat the entire meal, but last night I could only eat a very little (forkful) of mashed potatoes and veggies and one crab cake. I took the rest home!

    My husband even started it this week with only my knowledge to help him. Good luck to you!! Since we started the same time, I curious to see over time how much weight we both lose, let’s keep in touch, ok?

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