The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • I suspect lots of us are in similar positions: we were incredibly lucky with the grandchildren, who grew up about 15 miles from us, and spent a lot of time with us. However, things change and move on – quire rightly: those grandchildren, and their families, live in this country, but a good drive away in different directions, so we see much less of the ggchildren than we’d like Our offspring, now in their 50s, live scattered around the UK and Spain. But it’s less about distance than the sheer demands of modern working and living: not all drive, not one does a ‘normal’ 9-5 job – all work hugely long hours, with on-call duties both weeknights and weekends; and we no longer drive huge distances without an overnight stay – which in turn is complicated by health problems (he needs his special bed) and a bank account which is far from bottomless. I remind myself regularly that we brought them up to have wings, as well as roots, and that I wouldn’t dream of wanting them not to spread them, but…..We managed to get (almost) everyone together to keep last Christmas on January 15th; some we saw two weeks after Easter, and some, we haven’t seen since last summer. As for Mothering Sunday – they all phoned and sent messages etc, but I actually saw one of them a month after the event, while another combined it with the post-Easter visitation, and one hasn’t made it yet! That’s not a moan or a criticism: none of that was through choice or indifference, we’re in regular contact with multiple daily messages, and nobody complains of feeling unloved. And I know I have it easier than those of you with children overseas.. It’s tough in so many ways – but I guess the balance is that I’m proud of the people they’ve all become, and the positive things they’re doing, which I don’t think they would have been, or could have done, if they’d stayed round the corner.
    Carolann, you have a real dilemma, and there’s no one right answer – I know what my decision would be, but I’m not you, so I shan’t tell you!! . All love and luck to you as you go on pondering it. X

    Hi All!

    Lovely surprise to check in and find old friends chatting!

    I don’t have children, but I’m very aware that I live a long way from family and my closest friends are scattered too. It’s definitely a regret that I don’t get to spend as much face to face time with them as I’d like.

    Weight maintenance a problem for me at the moment, in that I can’t keep it on – I’m recovering from surgery and currently struggling to eat enough. That’s never happened before… 😂

    Hi, Fast and Happy.

    I like the wings reminder. Happy, I hope you’re getting support after your surgery and that you will feel better soon.


    Hi Happy
    Sorry to hear about your surgery. Hopefully it has been successful and you’ll soon be eating normal again.
    Keep happy. 🙂🙂 P

    Thanks Pol and Purple,

    The surgery went better than expected, but recovery is rougher than I expected/ hoped! I am being well supported, which is good as I’m pretty much still at the baby bird stage of helplessness.

    Take care, baby bird. X

    crimino mushrtoom

    Hi Happy – lots of good wishes for a swift and uneventful recovery – and a return of good appetite. Xx

    Speedy recovery Happy! Take it slowly, healing after surgery often takes longer than we expect. 💐

    Thanks everyone. This is actually my second surgery/ recovery having been opened up at the start of March and then closed (with innards intact) as it was more complex than the surgeon/ hospital could cope with. This surgery apparently went well, but it’s been hard coming so soon after the first, and obviously a lot of stress on the body.

    Probably the only positive about the recovery period is all the extra calories the body needs to heal! I know it won’t be sustainable when I’m recovered, but just for now I can eat cake and ice cream every day without gaining weight 😂

    Possibly not an ideal weight loss idea though, Happy. Hopefully you are on the mend now. P

    No indeed! I wouldn’t recommend major surgery for weight loss 😂

    It’s been rough, but fingers crossed I’m over the worst of it 🤞

    Enjoy every mouthful, Happy, and get well soon x

    It sounds like you’ve been through the mill, poor darling. Take care and be kind to yourself. X P

    I will repeat that I wish there was a quick method of responding to posts on this site. I second all that’s been said to you, Happy. You’ve been through the mill over the last few years. Take care.

    Absolutely lovely day on Saturday for the wedding. Daughter and now son-in-law in raptures and loads of their close friends there. Otherwise just husband, me, Scott’s mother and son, plus my niece, who counts as daughter’s friend anyway. Sunday was also lovey, we took them out for a lovely lunch in the garden of an independent Italian restaurant. Calories well over TDEE, of course.

    Fabulous Polly! Glad to hear it went so well. 🙂🙂 P

    Sounds lovely Polly!

    It’s been months since I peeped above the parapet. It’s not been a great year, but fingers crossed, the corners have been turned.

    After months without work, I was finally hit with a very big book translation job from my biggest client. Coinciding with a day before beginning, I was struck down with appendicitis. Bless them, my friends in Germany were very sympathetic and reassured me the work could wait.

    Fortunately, our local docs were quickly on the case I was treated within 48 hours, my first-ever time spent in hospital, the op was relatively easy, with no dramatic pain nor queasiness, but to the disgust of one particular female surgeon who played no part in my op, I couldn’t stand the sight of food, and by orders I was kept in until I accepted tea and ginger biscuits and the very occasional banana. Thankfully, the nursing staff were superb, skilled, supportive and fun.

    Even now, eight weeks later, I mostly live on sandwiches with carefully-chosen, healthy fillings. Himself took good care of me but he believes that when ill one must eat in order to recover. As a result, a lot of domestic effing and blinding was exchanged when I disagreed.

    Of course, having been 5:2-ing for 10 1/2 years and still stuck with 4 undesired kilos, this has finally led from a revolting 84K to a delightful 56K and BMI 23. Good enough for me. And even old misery guts seems to be pleased.

    I forgot to mention, 10 days before the appendectomy I’d had one cataract dealt with at the same hospital – a 15-minute outpatient op under sedation then straight home – the satisfying result was 100% by the following day. The still less troublesome eye is still to be dealt with.

    Thanks for listening to me and my ramblings and whinging.

    Oh Herm! What a tough time you’ve had! It’s a mixed blessing that the end result was weight loss.🙂
    I too, after over 10 years, can’t understand how upset people get about the “need to eat” as if a few hours without stuffing your mouth will kill you.
    Don’t get me wrong…I still ADORE good food. But I DO know I don’t NEED anything like as much as I’d love to eat. 😏
    Are you managing to do the translation now? Don’t push yourself too hard as it does take significant time to fully recover in our “later years”.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Purple 🙂

    Sorry you’ve been experiencing difficulties with work and your health hermaj, but as they say ‘every cloud has etc……’ and a BMI of 23 must be making you feel pretty happy. Speedy recovery.😊

    How lovely to receive good wishes from kind Australian friends.
    In reply to both, I’ve been extremely lucky with the job, which is all about tree houses.
    The kindly clients encouraged me to start work very gently, which I did, and slowly but surely delivering batches I got right up to date last week. Plus the first invoice has been paid.
    Sadly, the most important piece, the German introduction to be translated both by me and the French translator, has been somewhat underrated and the author has been ordered to go away, behave himself and don’t write rubbish. So here I am twiddling my thumbs.
    Again, the controlling editor, a very kind and sensible lady I’ve often worked alongside, has reassured me there will be plenty of time to deal with the entire book.

    🤣🤣Fun and games in the world of publishing! P

    Yes, it does have it’s moments, Purple. These guys also step in when an author starts throwing toys out of the pram and screaming that my English translation provided so far is appalling.
    This did happen once and of course I was glad to see the back of him but nonetheless somewhat scared. The publishing editor very swiftly consoled me. My work was absolutely fine but the complaining so-and-so often appeared on German TV as critic of a variety of art forms who never failed to talk unadulterated crap. 🙂

    So sad to be sharing the dreadful news that Dr. Michael’s body has been found on Symi.

    His inspiration has help thousands, including those who follow other IF plans. I also take Macushield thanks to one of his experiments and discoveries.

    Thank you, Michael. RIP. 😢

    Michael totally changed our lives in 2013. We will be forever grateful to him for his skill and caring.
    So sad for Clare and the family and send our love and sympathy.
    Vale Michael

    It was the BBC Horizon documentary that we viewed in 2013 that started my journey to health and wellness. I will always be grateful to have had this opportunity. Thanks, Michael, we remember you and all your work in the health space fondly. RIP.

    It may seem a wee bit odd that I’ve taken over a week to join you, Pollypenny, Purple and Barata, in sadly remembering Michael as a man of powerful intellect, kindness, bravery, all added by a delightful sense of humour.
    The reason for my delay was first to watch again his 2012 BBC Horizon documentary, Eat, Fast and Live Longer, which I did on Friday. I wanted to check that this was partly featured on Michael’s trip to Chicago. There, he took part in the ongoing study led by Dr Crista A Varady of the University of Illinois at Chicago, focusing on the promising possibilities of following this new approach of the theory of Eat, Fast and Live Longer.
    The programme was broadcast in early August. My ears were well pinned back and eyes wide open since we were due to travel to the same great city in mid-September 2012, first to explore Chicago before hiring a car to head southwards to Amish country and on to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia (with a mummy and baby bear carefully crossing the road ahead of us) and eventually turning to New York. I joined the Fast Diet on 1st February 2013.

    This time I want to thank Carolann, closely followed by Pollypenny in early September 2022, for describing how her studies revealed how fat cells are laid within a child’s first 2 years, just waiting to be filled up. 100% correct. A professional photo shows a 2-or-3-year old toddler with a pretty, big-eyed face and a thick head of dark wavy hair, spoiled completely by obscenely fat arms and legs.

    Genetically, there were variations on both sides, some more or less average in weight and build. My mum was plump from childhood, father put on considerable weight when he gave up athletics. Somehow, I and later my brother were on the fatso line.

    Finally, when it comes to diabetes I’ve been very lucky when it comes to Type 2 or indeed any form of diabetes. Both parents and my brother suffered thereof. I still had to put up with being told off in public for not eating enough bread. If I had, I’d have been fatter still.

    Just a final quickie. Back on May 24th 2024 I and my Other Half spent a delightful meeting with Purple and Mr P in Cambridge and their kind congratulations.
    All four together we celebrated my long, slow journey from 1st February 2013 to a pleasing arrival to 52.3 kilos (8.2 stone). This was helped by a rough ride following a comfortable appendectomy op in July 2023 with complete loss of appetite and living on healthily filled sandwiches and/or carefully-mixed soup. Still not perfect but on the mend.
    Mustn’t grumble. Especially when it began with 13.35 stone (2 stone directly due to 2 years of a quack’s continuation of corticosteroids), i.e. 85.77 kilos, with a doubly lethal BMI 35.2.

    I’ve logged back on in desperate and hope that the site will help me find a bit of discipline. Weight is creeping up due to those little treats and greed.

    My BMI is showing at 24.5. That’s a heat really as I didn’t alter my height to its new shrunken figure

    Herm, that’s a very impressive weight. How is everyone else doing?

    As Herm says, Mr P and I had a great catch-up with her and ‘er other ‘alf. Herm is looking wonderful!
    Hi Polly
    Sorry to hear you have the same issue as me. Life has thrown too many curve balls at me in recent times. I am sitting too high for my likes, but at least stable. I eat healthy food that I’ve learnt from the Fast Diet mob, but I no longer fast regularly. I CAN easily do it, but just don’t. Life’s too short to fret the small things.
    Nice to see at least some of the old mates are still around. 😊 P

    So I’m not the only backslider! I was steady in 131 lbs for over a year. I’d be happy with that, but an all-inclusive holiday and being greedy has given me 135 on times.

    How is sunny Australia?

    Very patchy weather Poll. Plenty of rain, like your summer! 😯
    I am looking forward to the swimming season to start soon.
    You are doing ok. I always have the niggling idea that you gain 10kg in 10 years. That’s what I did. I figure, at my age, I can live with it. 😏 P

    Down to 132.2, but it’s been hard. We’ve been out for too many meals, catching up with friends. I have been disciplined though, no starters or desserts. I had a couple of days when I was just so hungry last week.

    Now we have Cadbury’s snack packs in the house, as we didn’t have many trick or treaters last night. The treat size are more dangerous for me – tempting on the ‘it’s only …’ scale.

    Fight it. Slug some water. Perhaps I should revert to sucking my thumb! 🤣🤣

    Mmmm…thumb sucking! Now that’s weight reducing 😄😄

    I did suck my thumb until I was about ten. I think it helped me to concentrate. When I did my degree I sucked Mintoes for the same reason. The kids were small and they called them ‘swotting sweets’.

    I always fancy something when I start things like my writing or preparing for poetry group. Daft!

    Me too!!! I hadn’t thought about it as a way of concentrating, but you might be right. Very comforting. Like food is. 😏

    Glad I’m not the only one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12 year check in and still 6:1’ing and doing Zoe.

    BMI target is 22.5. Over the years it has been:-

    2013 Average 23.2 (21.6 – 27.0)
    2014 Average 22.2 (21.6 – 23.0)
    2015 Average 22.8 (22.2 – 23.6)
    2016 Average 23.1 (22.2 – 23.7)
    2017 Average 23.3 (22.7 – 23.9)
    2018 Average 23.2 (22.1 – 24.1)
    2019 Average 23.0 (22.4 – 23.6)
    2020 Average 22.4 (21.9 – 23.2)
    2021 Average 22.8 (22.4 – 23.5)
    2022 Average 23.1 (21.9 – 23.8) (NB changed height used from 6’2″ to 6’1″)
    2023 Average 22.1 (21.4 – 23.1)
    2024 Average 21.7 (21.1 – 22.6)

    Today my BMI is 21.5.

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