Texas Girl Needs Help!

This topic contains 271 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  fatteacher 4 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 276 total)

  • Hello

    fasting, sounds like you had a nice trip, and 1 lb is nothing! I hope that you had a successful fasting day.

    Dragonfly, it sounds like your fasting day went very well…good for you 🙂

    Disney, I hope that you are doing well…I hope that you are finding the FDs a little easier.

    My fasting day went very well…and I exercised!

    Have a great day all.

    I finally got a niece after 3 nephews and she is only six but to finally be able to buy girl stuff verses boy toys was a nice treat so I bet a day out with your niece was fun.
    I like your saying, one I had not heard before. Thanks for posting.
    I know what you mean. Sometimes getting motivated to exercise can be difficult. I tell myself oh I dont have to do a full 30 min as long as I do some, but its like the minute I gave myself permission to not do as much, then when I do start, I keep pushing myself to do more and I am at 30 minutes before I knew it and I lived..hahaha.
    I am on my 6th fd ever and its really getting easier, but last Friday , I know this is horrible , but I was up late and it was midnight and I was like ITS SAT… A NON FAST DAY, I can eat..it was one of those hungry days too and with some bad news at work and pms I am lucky I did not break down before midnight and wipe out the fridge.But I refrained.
    Fasting me that was awesome, only 1 pound and I am sure as I type this its probably already gone.
    Do you guys weigh yourself daily? I have been and I am not sure I like it and wondered if you guys did.
    Have a great week!!

    Hard week. Yesterday would have been my friends 53rd birthday. I am struggling just to maintain. In fact, I am not even maintaining. I am up from my low. 4 lbs to goal instead of 2.
    Minny, Flo, Dragon, Fasting, Disney, Sweet tooth (join us)
    Let’s stay strong! I am feeling down! You guys lift me up! Shouting out for support! I feel like you guys are my friends! You all seem to have it all together! I love hearing if your success! Have a good Wednesday! I am going to try to get back on track! Night!

    Hi Teach, sending lots of love your way. I can imagine how difficult it was to get through what would have been your friends birthday, but you have to hold on to the memories, something no one can take away. I consider you my friend too 🙂 Be kind to yourself with regards to getting back on track, a day at a time, baby steps are the way to go *hug*

    Disney, so glad to hear your FD’s are getting easier, and well done on making it to Saturday without wiping out the fridge, your SO strong!

    Some FD’s are easier than others, and same goes for NFD’s. One day last week I was absolutely ravenous on a NFD .. it was awful, I could have eaten and not stopped. Other days, I can keep the cals really low. Our bodies are so strange, I think its important we listen to them though.

    Flo, great job on the exercise. I’ve done none this week, have been SO lazy! Next week, or hopefully tomorrow/Friday I must motivate myself 🙂

    Have a happy/peaceful day my lovelies xxx

    Good Morning from Florida…
    FD #2 today

    I hope that you are feeling better this morning, Teach

    Disney, I am glad to hear that your FDs are getting easier.

    Dragon…I was doing so well with the exercise until May when I started slacking off…now I’m trying to get back to it…It’s like the Nike commercials…I’ve got to JUST DO IT!

    “I have chosen to be happy, because it is good for my health.”

    Going for a FD tomorrow.
    Great attitude!
    Thanks for the much needed ❤️!
    It is fun to hang out with girls. Even our two dogs are males.
    Good to hear you are back on track.
    Fasting me
    Hope you are well.

    Night all!

    Morning guys. FD for me today, I’m really enjoying how I feel on those days now, nothing to worry about food wise, nothing to plan really until later, its quite calming 🙂

    Yesterday was so hot here, I felt so uncomfortable with it all day really, and when I weighed I was 2lb up?! Surely, that must be water … I did feel really bloated because of the heat. I’m having an official weigh tomorrow, so I really, really hope its gone again. I was 4lb down I really don’t want the final result after 2 weeks to be just 2lb down (although I should be happy with that .. 4lb sounds much better lol)

    Teach, how did your FD go? Are you finding them easier?

    Flo, I find that once I start to exercise again it gets quite addictive and I feel guilty if I don’t do it. It is on the flip side, quite easy to stop doing it and have that “I’ll start next week” attitude. Next week I will 😉

    Good luck to the fasters today.

    Crossing my fingers for your weigh-in, Dragonfly.

    Peace 🙂

    Packing for Mexico trip. We leave in the morning. I am very excited. Will not be able to check in for a week. Will let you know how it went upon return. Good luck to all next week and have a fun relaxing weekend!

    Have a fantastic trip Teach 🙂 Thinking of you, and can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂 xxx

    So begins another week. Its been so hot here this weekend, and I’ve seriously overdone the sunshine. Feeling a tad unwell this morning because of it 🙁

    Fasting though, so will stay positive. I seriously need to start exercising again, I’ve been so lazy of late.

    Good luck with the day everyone xx

    Got home from trip last night! We had a blast in the sand and sun! I am so glad that I found this WOL in March! I would have never been able to enjoy myself on the beach 36 lbs. heavier. I am 3 lbs. from goal. The day before we left I came within one lb. So close! Now comes the real test! Trying to lose the last lbs. and maintaining from now on. I never want to go back. I feel very fortunate that after eating unlimited amounts, I only gained 2 lbs. It is so easy for me to let my self go after returning from vacation, but I am determined not to let it happen this time. Today has been a NFD, but tomorrow I am going to have my first FD in over a week! Time to buckle down to get the job done.
    Flo, Dragon, Disney, Fasting me and Minny,
    Hope you guys have had a good week and weekend. How has the fasting been? I thought about you while I was gone and wondered how all were getting along. I can’t believe the end of June is quickly approaching. I look so forward to summer every year and then it seems to fly! When we left Amarillo last Sunday, it was 105 degrees and when we returned, it was in the 50’s. It only got into the 70’s all day today. You never know what you are going to get in the Texas Panhandle. We did get a good amount of much needed rain, though. Have a good Sunday and I am looking forward to hearing about your journey.

    Hey, Teach, good to hear from you! I’ve been thinking about you on your Mexican Vacation and hoping that you were a] having fun in your slimmer body and b] being a bit mindful about what to eat.
    I like your determination to stay on the diet, even after your reach your goal. take it from me, you will have ling-term benefits from staying on it instead of yo-yoing back to a higher weight and being so annoyed with yourself.

    Sunday here in NH has been lovely: temps in the mid-70s and low humidity. I did some pruning and we’ll go for a walk later. Lots to do before we go on vacation in July.

    Have had some good Fast Days lately: weight is below my target [!], so if it inches up, it is still OK. Tomorrow will be a Fast Day, with Tostadas for breakfast. Might have a Thai Soup for dinner: butternut squash or shrimp with noodle. Decisions….

    Dragon, do you know about the app called 7-minute fitness? A very thorough work-out, on your own time, in your own home, all in 7 minutes. You still have to make yourself do it, but it is a good one.

    Florida1, Disney, hope your Fast Day tomorrow will be one of your best!

    Teach – so glad your back 🙂 your trip sounded lovely. I really like beach holidays, and to feel comfortable as the slimmer you must have been amazing .. you deserve to feel good about that 🙂 You are so close to goal now, you can do it!!

    Fasting – a 7 minute workout sounds brilliant, so easy to fit into the day 🙂 I’ll check that out, thanks!

    My FD’s have been ok, I’m averaging a 1lb a week at the moment which is fine. I’m 3lb away from my goal, although I’m tempted to push it a bit further and get lower. It feels so good when the number are dropping and clothes are comfier 🙂

    Have a wonderful day everyone STAY STRONG .. I’m fasting today 🙂 xx

    It sounds like you had a wonderful trip, Teach! That is great!

    Dragonfly…it sounds like you are doing great! I can imagine how exciting to be so close to your goal.

    fast, thanks for sharing the tip about the 7-minute fitness…I may check it out, as I am having difficulty with the exercise again.

    I am FD with you today, Teach…good luck to us!

    Hello Everyone,
    Sounds like everyone is enjoying trips and summer fun activities.
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

    I will have to check out that 7 min app for working out. I like my bike but a little variety can be good.

    I decided to switch my FD to Mon and Thurs. I was finding that Friday I was staying up later and ofcourse getting hungry so I think this switch will be good for me.I plan on really trying to cut back on the non fd. I think I am being a little too lenient.
    You guys are all doing soo good and are really an inspiration. I cant wait to say I have lost 36 pounds or a few pounds from goals. You ladies rock this plan.Thanks again for everyones helpful posts.
    We got this 🙂

    Hi ladies, I’m checking in. Still fasting….still not really losing. I decided to track my food on non fast days too and keeping it to around 1400-1500 calories. I’m fasting 3 days a week at about 300-500 calories. Walking for 3 miles 3-4 times a week. Sounds like I should be losing. Right?? Well…..Nope! Nothing! So frustrating!! I’m giving it a few more weeks and then off to the doctor. This just isn’t right! But I’m not too discouraged. I’ll figure this out. I turn 50 in August and really really want to be down 12-15 pounds. We will see!!!

    You all sound like you are doing well. Fasting, traveling, enjoying summer!!! I’ll check in soon and keep you all posted.

    Happy After The Fast Day to you all.
    But bad news on the scales for me and Dear Husband. Ever heard of Blue Apron, the mail-away food delivery service? We were given a meal box last Fall, so we tried it. The meals were good but VERY high in calories [600-700/serving] and EXCEEDINGLY high in fat. Also, there was a lot of chopping/prepping — much more than the suggested “15 minutes.” Well DH thought this was a cool idea anyhow so he ordered it a few more times. No one expects this to be diet food, but I always gained weight from eating these meals, even though I would make my portion smaller.

    DH finally decided to cancel the subscription but there was one more box in the pipeline…. We had one meal of it on Sunday. We were both very happy with our weight that day. Then next day was a Fast Day and the scales hadn’t budged upward much, so we figured we’d be OK. Stealth attack of the Fat!! Today, AFTER a ‘good’ Fast Day, I gained 2 pounds and DH gained 1.5! Never again, Blue Apron.

    Minnygirl, are you eating much fat or sodium or carbs on your Slow Days? My example above shows how foods like that can do a lot of ‘damage’ to one’s overall diet. This is why in my fasting blog recipes and food-planning, I pay attention to fat and carbs, keeping them within bounds. Hope that doesn’t sound preachy or holier-thats-thou, but it is odd that you aren’t losing despite the lifestyle you are describing.

    Disney, every day you are closer to your goal!! Hold that thought. I too find Thursday is a better day than Friday for Fasting. I try to keep my Slow Day calories to 1300-1400. Since my stomach holds less now, it isn’t much of a problem. Still get to have dessert on Slow Days. Well, not every day…

    Dragonfly, so close! That’s wonderful. When I reached my goal, I kept going just to see what would happen. Then I reset my goal to a lower point. We’ll count the pounds with you.

    Florida1, Teach, enjoy your week. Humidity is back up here in NH, but temps are cool. Not good weather to shampoo the rugs, but it has to be done.

    Fasting… I wish I was eating too many carbs. That would explain this slump. I’m eating as close to perfect as humanly possible. It really makes so sense. I have been watching my weight my whole life. I have lost weight before and kept it off for years, successfully (I hit 45 and gained 30 pounds) I know how to do this, I know how to excersize. I have run multiple marathons, done beachbody, Jillian Michaels, hikes for miles and miles etc…. I know how to eat and how to excersize. My body is just not responding. At all!! So weird! Frustrating! I think it’s something medical. Maybe a thyroid issue. I’m not looking forward to explaining this to a doctor. She will take one look at me and see a middle aged overweight woman in menopause and just blow me off.

    Sorry to rant, but I’m feeling powerless these days.


    I have hypothyroidism and its crazy. Your body fights you every step of the way. Its worth having checked. I have to have it checked every 4 to 5 months to see if the meds are helping . Last month my numbers were up but I have to checked again in Sept. You get tired for no reason and its harder to lose weight. Its also hereditary . My mom had to have hers removed, so if you have a family member that has it too thats a good sign its an issue.

    It is so nice to see everyone on the forum chatting and supporting each other! I love the encouragement!
    How long have you been at your goal and how long did it take you? I am going to look at the 7 minute exercise app. It is time for me to incorporate exercise into my WOL. Now that I have lost weight I can tell that muscle has disappeared. I have been afraid to exercise because I wanted to see the scales move, but I know I would definitely look better with some tone. My friend calls skinny with no muscle “skinny, fat”. That is certainly not a fit picture! I have not ever ordered Blue Apron, but I have heard of it. One of my friends used it to save food prep time. I love to cook, especially since son is home from college. I have to stay mindful. I tend to prepare way too much for him and OH. Did you tell us where you are going on vacation next month? I can’t remember.
    Congratulations! You are almost there 3 lbs. is not much. Is your goal a certain number? I have a specific number, but I am alright with about a 3 lb. range. I feel 125 to 128 is what I want to stay. 126 is the lowest I have been so I am still waiting for that one stubborn monster hanging on for dear life. I can almost see him pulling as hard as he can on a tug-of-war rope! It is nice when your clothes feel good. Do you still have your bigger sizes? I have not let go of them, yet. I am going to try to do that before the summer is over! No turning back!
    Keep at it! It is frustrating when you are trying everything and it isn’t working. I tried for 2 years before I started this WOL. I finally went to my doctor and ask him for help at the beginning of the year. I didn’t even know that I had already gone through menopause because I was taking birth control and still having periods. Once I quit the pill, I never had another period. I think that was a lot of my problem. Women’s bodies go through so much during childbearing years. It is a wonder we survive. My doctor gave me an appetite suppressant and that is when I was able to start fasting. He was very supportive. I went for a checkup monthly and he kept a close eye on my progress. Last month I finished my visits and am on my own again and I feel good about it. He did thyroid and all kinds of other tests. I could not have lost the weight without his help. It was hard to talk to him about it, but I am glad I did. Hang in there! It will happen for you! ♥️
    I hope I can get into exercising. I know I need to gain some strength. What kind of exercise do you like to do? My problem is that I don’t really like it, or maybe I haven’t found what is fun for me. I wish I had someone to go with me. We live down the hill from a gym that I have access to 24/7, but I don’t really know what to do there except walk on the treadmill and I have one of those at home. It all seems so boring! Maybe I should look into some kind of aerobic classes with up beat music! Have a good fasting week, and good luck with your exercise!
    I too find it hard to fast on Friday. To me it seems like I have worked hard all week and I am ready for a break. Everyone is different. You have to find what works best for you. Do you have a stationary bike or do you actually go bike riding outside? That sounds fun. I was telling Flo that I am looking for some kind of exercise that will interest me. I live in an area that has lots of hills, but there is also a park near that is not so bad. Keep on keeping on! You are getting closer!
    It’s hump day! The weekend is on the way. Happy Fasting!😁

    Hi everyone 🙂

    Fasting – I’m 3lb away from my first goal of 14lbs gone. I need to get lower (I think) although the weight I will be would probably be acceptable. I too am curious to see what happens if I keep going!

    Teach, I still have all my bigger clothes, tucked away somewhere. I have no intention of fitting into them again, so maybe a big sort out is due. I’m such a hoarder of stuff lol.

    Minny, its so frustrating. Hopefully things will become clearer if you get a medical opinion? I’m always worried my age will slow things up, and it really has done to a great extent. Keep going .. things will start to move soon I’m sure 🙂

    NFD for me today .. not too hungry though, which I’m taking advantage of!

    Take care everyone xx

    Thank you all for your kind words and great advise. I knew I could vent to you all and that you would “get it”. You’re the BEST!!!

    I’m not giving up….I’m determined to do this!!


    Minny, good attitude. Good determination. If your doctor blows you off, then you need a new doctor!

    Dragon, 11 down, 3 to go. And go. And go. See what happens. I never dreamed I’d be at this weight again, but here I am, just because I wanted to see if continuing to Fast would mean continuing to lose weight. There is a level below which I will not go, so I watch out for that.

    Teach, I’ve been Fasting since April, 2013. I reached my Target Weight in mid-2014 and have stayed at that weight or within 2 pounds below that ever since. Yes, there are little blips on the graph, but they usually get under control in a couple of days. When our sons are home, we still have Fast Days. They get the same meals we get, but if they want to have dessert or a beer with dinner, that’s their affair. They have commented on how good the Fasting food tastes! Once my sister was visiting and we served a Fast breakfast and a Fast dinner and she never even noticed. Even complimented me on the dinner.
    We go to our vacation cottage in Maritime Canada in July and stay through September. And we continue to Fast, even though we have guests visiting us and go to visit at friends’ houses.

    Tomorrow will be a Fast Day — still trying to get rid of all that dratted Blue Apron Fat. We’ll have 2 new recipes: St Denis Eggs for breakfast and Strawberry-Chicken salad for dinner. Happy Fasting!

    Hi all, I’m fasting today, wish me luck!

    Fasting – lets keep going! I agree that there should be a number when we say that’s enough now 🙂 Till then, enjoy the journey xx

    Minny – we can do this! I love the support too, and knowing we can vent about anything and know people understand, is amazing!

    How’s everyone else?


    Goal!!!!! 125!!!! I am so excited 😆! Now to stay here forever!

    “Formerly Fat Teacher,” that is FANTASTIC!! How wonderful for you. You will have to change your ‘handle’ now that there are no ‘love handles’ and you are no longer ‘fat.’ So happy for you.

    We maintain by staying on the Fasting plan 2 days/week, although there is leeway there. If for some reason my weight is low, as I’ve mentioned, then I’ll indulge in a little lunch on a Fast Day. Dear Husband has regained some of his weight, but he was not happy with that lower weight and he set a new target.

    Fasting today. Have gotten back down to below Target, which is where I’m happiest, but still Fasting as I wanted to try those new recipes. The St Denis Eggs were super! Very rich, which made them taste like a no-no, but the meal came in at 295 calories with 8.4 g fat and 17.6 g protein.

    Minny, Dragon: Teach has set the bar. You can make that hurdle too.

    Hope your meals today are delicious.

    Happy Friday from Hot, Hot Florida.

    Teach…that is so awesome! Good job!

    Dragon, Fasting…I hope that your fasting days were successful.

    I hope that ya’ll have a nice weekend. 🙂

    I have a recumbent stationary bike and a real bike. Since I am in FL the stationary bike is what I use now and the other one when its much cooler.Its a space saver one that folds up and i just pull it in front of the tv and ride it for 30min. I sometimes add arm weights and do those while I pedal away.
    YAY!!! Happy for you hitting your goal, thats awesome.

    Happy Friday and yes its freaking hot! Either we need to stay in the a pool or air conditioner.

    I do like the change of the fasting day to Thursday. I had growling moments but stuck to water and it passed.

    I am still stuck at the 5 pounds down but I am not the best on fasting days which I am working on that as well. On the FD I have a protein shake at 8am and then a small dinner at 530 .. does it have to be a 12 hour fast? Are you guys doing that? Should I be eating later? What works for you?

    Have a great 4th of July weekend those you of in the US! Watch some fireworks and celebrate independence! Good luck to all who are fasting and let’s all eat mindfully! The weeks are flying by quickly!

    Happy 4th to you too.
    We like to eat Bison Burgers on the 4th of July — much lower in calories and fat and they are delicious. Not to mention All American! Try them sometime.

    Had a great Fast Day yesterday, weight is down and fat% is lower too. Maybe that’s why I have more vim and vigor today despite the humidity.

    Happy week-end.

    Teach! That’s awesome, SO SO proud of you 🙂 Enjoy the feeling xx

    Fasting, sounds like your doing great! It certainly keeps me motivated to get through my fast days xx

    Florida, hope your doing ok, have a great day today xx

    FD for me today, weight is dropping slowly 🙂

    Stay strong my friends xx

    Happy Monday!

    I am fasting with you today Dragonfly.

    fasting…if I get the opportunity, I will definitely have to try a bison burger. Have a Happy 4th. 🙂

    Looking forward to making this a good week and getting back on track with the exercise!

    Flo – hope your weeks going well. Are you back on track with the exercise? Certainly makes me feel better when I can exercise 🙂

    NFD for me, next FD is tomorrow.

    Half way through the week now, we can do this!


    Hope everyone is well. It was a long 4th of July celebration. Lots and lots of food and fun! Hung out at the pool and attended a concert. I actually did pretty good considering all of the temptations, but it is time to get back to fasting today.

    Hi! I am just getting started – in fact, planning my first fast day tomorrow. In preparation, I’ve been reading some threads and saw yours. As a fellow teacher, I felt like I just had to stop by and say hello 🙂

    Happy Thursday my lovely friends 🙂

    Welcome Trillian 🙂 Good luck with your first FD. Drink plenty of water, it really helps!

    Teach, glad you enjoyed the 4th celebrations! How did the FD go afterwards?

    FD for me today, last night I had wine (so extravagant mid-week) it was nice though, but today back to water and green tea only!

    Have a great day everyone xx

    Hello Ladies 🙂

    Dragon…good luck with your fasting day.

    Teach…sounds like you have a fun weekend. Hope your fasting day went well.

    My hubby ruined my FD and exercise on Monday…after I got home from work, he whisked me off to the beach to watch the sunset…he brought dinner and drinks…I can’t complain, we had a real nice time. 🙂
    My FD yesterday went very well…and I am back to doing the exercise! I am feeling good about getting back on track.

    Welcome! Glad you joined! This is a kind and supportive group! Everyone has the same goal in sight and encourage others to achieve. Starting is always the hardest part. Just jump right in and see where it takes you! Hope you have a good FD today. Where are you from and what age do you teach?
    Sounds great! Beach, sunset 🌅, Food and drinks! What FD? That is what I love about this WOL. You can always switch your days! Life happens and a lovely time with your husband is much more important in the scheme of thingsthan not eating! Glad you had a good FD yesterday.
    A little wine never hurts anyone! Hope your FD goes well today! It is almost the weekend again. Where does time go?
    Fasting Me
    We actually have Bison in the Texas Panhandle! One of my student’s parents own a bison ranch. I have tried the burgers but prefer good ‘ole beef. Where I live “Cattle is King”. Many people make a living ranching and selling cattle. Glad your fasting is going well!
    Minny and Disney
    Hope you are happy and well!

    Florida, what a nice, romantic husband you have! And, as Teach said, you can Fast another day.

    Welcome to Trillian. Whether you have 25 or a trillion pounds to lose, we can attest that the Fast Diet is the way to go. Good luck with your journey. We’re here to help.

    Dragon, Disney, and Minny: hope your Fast went well

    The Bison Burgers were good. I tried an Eating Well recipe — mixed some wild blueberries in with the meat, along with Dijon mustard and Worcestershire. Roasted tomatoes instead of catsup. Good meal, with a good wine.

    Fasting today with a simple omelette for breakfast and pork-green bean stir fry for dinner. Now to get through the evening. I’ll go work on a hands-on project with a glass of ice water for company.

    Florida, the evening with your husband at the beach sounds perfect and certainly beats any FD! Like the others said, the beauty of this is that you can switch days to suit your plans 🙂

    Fasting, hope your FD goes well 🙂 Managed to get through mine ok yesterday, so can eat more today. Its weird that appetite has lessened so much on NFD, think its that psychologically I don’t want to un-do the FD.

    Teach, have a wonderful day. So glad its almost weekend 🙂 I’m off to a christening on Sunday, other than that just relaxing. I’m going to try and keep it healthy food wise, and not go too mad on the old vino lol.

    Minny, Disney, thinking of you .. hope your ok xx

    Have a lovely weekend everyone x

    Good morning all.
    I hope that everyone had a nice weekend.

    FD for me…anyone else fasting today?

    Good Monday to all.
    It was a busy weekend. I started a huge project on Friday. I decided to tear out the carpet in my living room and stain the floor. After that I will put a tile border around the room. I try to do at least one project every summer to keep the house updated. This is a big one! After I got the carpet up, I found out that my son’s college roommate is coming to stay with us on Friday, so now I am pressed to finish!
    I am with you today! Need a FD after the weekend! Anyone else?

    Hello All,

    Everyone sounds like they are doing soo good and having fun.

    I wish I was handy around the house. That sounds awesome and I prefer tile and hardwood to carpet. I need to do that in my house.

    I am fasting today and faced a challenge. I had to make some of my favorite sides for my husband and I got out my measuring cups and measured out my servings and still stayed within my 500 calories. I also did not bring any goodies into the house this past weekend. I bought fruits for my NFD too to stay on track.
    The pork green beans sound great and the water around is huge.I am always so surprised at how it keeps most of the hunger away.
    Welcome I am fairly new too and grateful for this feed, all these ladies are really nice and here to help.
    I hear ya, I get outta control on my nfd and you’re right, why undo what you did the day before.I have to keep reminding myself that.

    I am glad to be able to sign on again at home. I got a message that this site was not secure and had to log in from work?? Weird, but everything is fine now, I did a security update to windows 10 and everything is good.

    Wishing everyone luck this week!!

    Fast Day today for me!
    Sometimes my scales are not to be believed — anyone else have this problem? I get on in the morning before breakfast, just using the ‘Tap Here’ part. [this is a Weight Watchers scale] It will give me some crazy weight, as if i just lost 6 pounds since yesterday. Then I ‘sign in’ as a user, and get a different, higher weight. Sometimes I have to repeat this 4 or 5 times to get 2 numbers that match! And it’s not the batteries.

    Anyhow, it has been a good Fast Day here in NH. Glad you have projects to do and that you carry on with the Fast.

    Fasting – I NEVER believe my scales! Also, when I weigh at my parents on their scales, I get a different reading! So frustrating ….

    Teach – I’m sure you’ll get your project finished in time 🙂 How did your FD go?

    Disney – sounds like you smashed your FD! So strong 🙂

    Flo – how did your day go?

    I got through ok yesterday, was so hungry when it was time to eat though!

    Its dismal and raining where I am today, can’t believe its July!

    Have a great day everyone x

    Hey there, everyone…we had a lot of fasters yesterday…I hope that everyone had a successful FD.

    Teach – good for you! taking on such a ambitious project! Good luck with getting it finished. I wish that we could share pictures so that you could show us how it turns out.

    Disney – glad to see that you are still with us…and good job! sticking with your plan!

    fasting – I was just thinking the same thing this morning…maybe I’ll have to buy me a new scale…it’s making me crazy. 😛

    Dragonfly – I hope that you are having improved weather…I hope that the sun comes out for you. 🙂

    My fasting day went very well….and I exercised! I’m getting back into the swing of it, so hopefully the scale will start moving. 🙂

    Hello Everyone,

    I just wanted to “weigh in” on the scale discussion, haha. I had the weight watcher one too and that thing got thrown away right after my first week of this plan. It was all over the place and was really getting me down. I went on Amazon and found a new one that I love and its showing me what I feel is true numbers. And it wasn’t that expensive and it tells me all kinds of stuff. Its made by Greater goods and it was 38.99 and you can download an app to track your weight loss. It measures weight within a .2 lb accuracy, BMI, body fat, muscle mass, hydration, bone mass.Not trying to sell them but I do like it alot better.
    Glad everyone is having good fasting days. We will be less of a group soon. 🙂

    Thanks for the tip on the scales, Disney. The weird weight thing doesn’t happen every day, but enough to make me wonder how accurate it is… Only once did this happen to Husband: it said he weighed 293 pounds which is SO off that it is laughable. I’ll shop for that Greater Goods.

    We’re packing up for our 3-month ‘summer’ vacation. Leaving this weekend, which is just right since now the weather has turned to hot and sticky. So we go North and East where it is cooler and we can look at the ocean. Ahhh.

    Fast Day yesterday took off 1.2 pounds, so I’m where I want to be. [happy-face emoji]
    Fast Day tomorrow: Creole Scrambled Eggs for breakfast and Felafel with Ratatouille for dinner. Yum.

    Yes, Disney, there will be a lot less of us as time goes on! Giggle.

    Hey you guys i love my Weight Watchers scale. It weighs me on pound lighter than when i go to my doctor i did it the day of my last visit used my scale that morning and about 3 hours later went to thw doctor only a one pound difference

    Morning guys .. FD for me today, wish me luck!

    Did a mini workout this morning, so feeling strong 🙂


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