Support – falling off the wagon.

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Support – falling off the wagon.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  annejones101 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I’ve always been prone to falling off the wagon but I had lost some weight by IF avoiding breakfast. I then got to the time of month and binged on carbs and regained all the weight I had carefully lost over the past month.

    I’ve lost faith a little (I’m a cup half empty type) and wondering whether my body will allow me to loose weight – not absolving from responsibility of overeating but the cravings were horrendous regained and now they have gone and although I feel ready for IF again, I wonder if this is a vicious cycle and I should resolved to being a little bit overweight.

    I am venting of course but wonder what other experiences with fasting and permanent weight loss are?

    Reply to myself. 😀 in case this is if any use to anyone.

    Back on track today, I don’t know what that manic appetite was all about. as usual back on track with not having breakfast and good night’s sleep.

    If 12-8 pm. Mood improved.

    Don’t lose hope! Tomorrow is a new day. Got at it with a plan. Like strategize your meals and convince yourself of all the other benefits you will reap. Feel better, look better, look cute in clothes, feel confidence, save money, etc.

    I’m having to cut out dairy bc of my acne… it’s hard because I love it so much but I’m also more concerned about the mountains growing on my face. Get motivated! and

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