I’m 5’0″ and have a small frame. I find weight loss incredibly difficult, but I’m over the moon now, just starting my third week, and have lost 5 pounds! Ok no doubt some of that is water weight but I’m chuffed to see the numbers go down.
I don’t count on non-fast days, tho my appetite has definitely reduced so am not going over TDEE. I want to lose around 20 pounds. I’m doing 4:3, more or less, and a few hill sprints a couple times a week plus dog walks and yoga.
I find fast days pretty easy now, usually eat very little or nothing but water, tea, coffee until dinner. Sometimes I eat my full 500, other days I don’t. If I’m not hungry, I don’t eat. I think it’s important for me to recognise true hunger and not boredom hunger! My body knows when I need to eat and I just need to learn to listen to it.
No fast today, it’s my birthday! Going out for a meal to a lovely bistro pub, very much looking forward to it.
Hope you’re having a good day how’s your 5:2 going?
9:09 am
1 Jul 14