NEED Opinions of

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NEED Opinions of

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  JC 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I have been trying to build muscle for quite long and i have been following many programs on diets and building muscle i have come across this program .I want suggestions and opinions from people who tried it or you can still check it out and post your suggestions.I have heard that it is a great program to lose fat and build muscle .
    ANY suggestions?

    I wouldn’t be drawn in with “wonder programmes”. Waste of money.

    There lots of great websites out there which will help educate you. Try (which may seem excessive or just about sports performance but if you can adapt some of the suggestions there to you life you’ll be doing well). Or read any of the other post on this forum for the fast exercise approach, or buy the book! Don’t look for the quick fix. This is a lifestyle change and a commitment to your long term health.

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