Success at last

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  franfit 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • In January I read about Fast Exercise and started the regime which led me to Fast Diet. What a difference! Two stones off since then and the most marked difference was in my midriff. To anyone desperate to lose weight I say stick with this I am now at target weight and will follow Michaels advice to go for a one day a week fast for health reasons

    Congratulations on reaching your goal, Blade Runner! I recently reached mine, too, with 5:2 plus gradually increasing my walking to an average of 10,000 steps/day — 40 pounds came off in 40 weeks! 🙂 Nothing else ever worked like this for me, that’s for sure! Now I can focus on increasing my fitness level. There is a new thread of people who are maintaining their weight loss, or near goal and getting ready to, it’s called ‘Thank you Dr M for my success!’ if you would like to join in you are welcome.

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