Substitute for soy or a recalculation of amount

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Substitute for soy or a recalculation of amount

This topic contains -1 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  honeylechat 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello Michael, Clare, Mimi,
    As I mentioned in my introductions (Hello from Columbus, OH), I am a 13 year breast cancer survivor. It was a stage 1 estrogen positive tumor. My oncologist suggested that I avoid, or at least minimally, eating soy products when I can as a preventative measure, because soy contains plant estrogens. I did 5 years of tamoxifen, followed by 5 years of femara. There are many recipes with soy in your books that I would like to try if you think it might be safe to try a bit of miso, for example. Do you have any suggestions for a soy substitute or how I can recalculate the quantity I can use in a recipe?

    Thank you, from honeylechat, aka Ann-on-y-mouse in Columbus

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