Story of a Health-Nut Binge Eater Who's Gone to Anorexia and Back Again

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Story of a Health-Nut Binge Eater Who's Gone to Anorexia and Back Again

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Ilovecake 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m J, 18 turning 19 years old, college student, from the USA.

    For anyone who’d like to read, here’s a short story of my long story:
    I’ve always had a large appetite, but thankfully in my younger youth (yes, I do realize 18 is young) my metabolism was equally voracious. So growing up I was slim. I turned vegetarian Buddhist in the 6th grade and kept that up for 8 years, keeping my planned meals organic, low in refined sugars, and full of colorful foods and nutrients. But here’s the catch: there were so many unplanned meals throughout the day. Snacking and snacking and snacking while out with the family or at school with friends. And because of the guilt of eating food that diverged from my idealized “organic, Buddhist, vegetarian, yogi, health nut” self-image, I would binge on food for the rest of the day once I’d take a single “cheat” bite. And this would happen more days than one per week, so I couldn’t even apply the dieter’s concept of a “cheat day” to make me feel better.

    My weight from Freshman year of highschool started to reflect my excessive eating (I’ve learned that vegetarianism really isn’t for everybody; without protein my appetite grew to ravenous proportions, enough so that I would even finish my friends’ lunches under the environmentalist pretext of “conservation” and “no-waste”). During the school year, I’d gain 10-15 pounds, and then lose all that again by picking up some new fad diet during the summer, once even going to the point of anorexia for the entire 3 months of summer, exercising three times a day (before breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner).

    Well now, I’m sick of the weight fluctuations and I’m tired of my bingeing. The lesson I’ve learned that I think everybody has heard before but needs to hear again is : Listen to your body. What “should be” healthy might not be healthy for you in terms of optimal weight/muscle tone. Fruits for me are just like dessert. Vegetables are great. Protein is the only thing that keeps me full, so every meal needs to have some form of it. Bread wrecks my digestive system.

    Anyways, to really go on a spiritual journey, redefining my life in terms other than food, I’m starting off with a water fast (minimum of a week, max of 25 days). And then with all the insight I’ve gained into what works and what doesn’t work for me, I’d like to continue on with intermittent fasting and a diet of moderation, without beating myself up for little “cheats”.

    I’m so happy to have found these forums, just because no one I know fasts, and it can feel so lonely to go on radical diets without a sense of a community just like you. So thank you for all your stories!!!!!

    Hi J,

    I am new here myself and feel a bit overwhelmed by your lines yet sense it wouldn’t be good to stay silent either. Have you considered to get professional assistance?

    If you were my son/daughter (not sure what gender you are?) I would openly express my perception that professional help is vital. Food or non-food sounds like a vehicle to me that transports important other issues. You are not a member of my family so I can only express my thoughts as a stranger who cares after reading.

    I am wishing you the best.


    I, too, have to voice concern on doing that long a water fast without medical supervision. And it sounds like you are wanting to stop the roller coaster of fad diets, not that fasting is a fad, but to fast with water only for that long is extreme and potentially dangerous.

    Why not just do 5:2? It seems like that would be more “natural” for you. Fast one day, then eat “normally”; fast again. It is a nice way to vary your diet.

    Hi Mahalo and fitnfast,

    I definitely appreciate your concern and you taking the time to voice opinions/offer advice. What ended up happening anyways was that yesterday (my fourth day), I broke my fast in the evening with a light dinner of greens and coconut water. So essentially, I followed a three-day pure water fast. And now I’ll basically, as you fitnfast recommended, be continuing with a variation of the 5:2 for awhile that involves fasting during the day and then eating a dinner of greens and light protein (almost like Ramadan).

    hi yogi

    well done, I’m glad you found a timescale you are happy with, a great kick start. I was supposed to start my fast tomorrow, but hubby has just had a tooth filled and was told no food tonight, couldn’t let him watch us eat a roast dinner! So fast postponed to Friday, Ive nothing on this weekend, zo I may get go three days fast, hopefully ease back in with my normal Monday fast. Wish me luck!

    So a good beginning for you, now check your TTDE and enjoy 5:2. I also do 19:5 or 20:4 windows, on fast and non fast days, mainly evenings, otherwise I find it hard to stop once I start. Many roads, yet for us all the same journey.

    Hi yogi

    If I could reach you I’d want to give you a hug. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    You are just starting out on your journey as an adult and your teens and twenties are all about discovering who you are as a person (and it seems you are embracing that). Hopefully you will realise fad diets don’t work and doing things like a water fast will not work. There are many of us on these forums who have been there and done that for many years and have finally ended up here! We’ve done the hard work for you!

    Follow 5 2 but do it right and give your body food on non fast days. Proper food- 2000kcals of it! You are young and your body needs it. That’s not a cheat- it’s just how it works.

    Somehow you need to find a way to get rid of your food issues otherwise they will follow you for a long time. And then you can use your energies to explore your spiritual side rather than worrying about food. I think the others on this site have suggested professional counselling but if you’re not comfortable with that just yet then a good starting point is here.

    I hope you find your solution and gain some inner peace.

    Milena, yes definitely I wish the best of luck to you this weekend!!! Especially if it’s a three day liquid/water fast. It’s definitely not only a test of the body, but of the mind as well.

    Thank you ilovecake (great username, by the way!). I probably won’t seek professional counseling, but I have so much free time during the summer months (the beauty of being a student) to self-reflect and basically make my own “retreat” center (the beauty of the internet and it’s vast archives of reading materials). As you advised, I am in fact trying to be less hard on myself, not expecting perfection, and instead doing what feels right. I also think that in unhealthy binge-eating, there is an element of envy: wanting to eat like the “skinny” (ectomorphic) girls do, wanting to be young and let the naturally fast metabolism do the work, etc. But I’ve learned to be proud of my own body (I’d be categorized as a mesomorph who is naturally athletic and gains muscle easily, hence the high appetite) and to work with it. As for the water fast, yes it is definitely not a long-term sustainable diet for any human, but as Milena put it, it got me off to a great start. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone looking to reboot the system and center the mind after a bout of excessive eating. But I’m very happy to keep reading other people’s stories on these 5:2 forums, learning about their journeys, and applying what they’ve learned to my life. Best of luck to you on your journey as well 🙂

    Hi Yogi

    Things have a way of working out, in my experience, it’s better to be on hand than to give advice to the young.

    So enjoy the journey, take the advice you want from the threads, there is wisdom on these pages, but we all travel different roads up the same mountain.

    I’ll let you know how I get on.

    Take care.

    J- Sorry if I came across a bit preachy. That wasn’t my intention. It’s hard to have a proper ‘conversation’ on a forum. I guess I have wasted about 25 years of energy and thought battling with my weight and the perfect body and I wouldn’t want you to waste that time too!
    Milena is totally right- you’ll find your own way and good luck with it.

    Hi Ilovecake

    thought you came over as a really caring person, here and on other threads. It is so difficult to hold a proper conversation, and my conversation with Yogi is over two separate threads, so reading just this thread it probably seems disjointed.

    Ive wasted about 15 years – bet we could both write a book!

    ilovecake, you definitely did not come off preachy, just caring. No worries 🙂

    Milena- I could write several books about diets and food- haha!
    How dull!

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