Stevia same as other artificial sweeteners?

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Stevia same as other artificial sweeteners?

This topic contains 34 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Matrika 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I am wondering if anyone knows has Stevia been tested with the other artificial sweeteners that were recently linked to insulin resistance?

    Apparently the recent Israeli study showed changes in the gut with artificial sweeteners…I am wondering if stevia was tested or not, couldn’t find a mention of it…and am not sure if I need to stop using it…

    Having used Splenda and a few of the other artificial sweeteners in my very numerous cups of coffee…do we know how I get my gut back to a non insulin resistant precursor state? My own insulin resistance co-incided with returning to Australia and taking up these artificial sweeteners along with other dietary changes, so it seems relevant.

    Hoping some of the brilliant brain trust here can help with leads. 🙂

    And thank you.

    Stevia is not an artificial sweetener as such because like sugar, it comes from a plant.

    Thanks Amazon.
    I’m looking for more information about stevia…being natural isn’t quite enough reassurance for me… fructose is “natural” too but has a devastating effect on metabolism of insulin resistant people as far as I understand it, hence avoidance of sugar by some of us.

    Matrika, diabetes UK states that Stevia has potential anti-diabetic effects but they do not list their references:

    Although studies have been done it is quite difficult to find anything online for free but I managed to dig up a couple of extracts:

    There is concern that chronic high dose use of stevia could increase cancer risk, however, most research has been done on rodents and results can therefore not be transferred to humans.

    Have you thought about giving up sugar/sweetener in your coffee?

    Dummerchin thank you very much for those links will have a look at them tomorrow.The first one looked at stevia leaves, which are a lot less refined than the powder or liquid I use.

    “Have you thought about giving up sugar/sweetener in your coffee?” Amazon

    Sorry that wasn’t clear and I can’t edit now…the first pubmed study was looking at stevia leaves,the second at extract, more concentrated therefore.

    Thanks again for the links Dummerchin. 🙂

    Wow, wish you could edit on this forum.

    “Have you thought about giving up sugar/sweetener in your coffee?” Amazon

    Did that some years ago, however, the past sweeteners are possibly what triggered the insulin resistance for me if the Israeli study is accurate.

    These days I use Stevia in my yoghurt, not leaves, powder or liquid.

    I have followed through by contacting a few researchers and the word is that stevia is not a good idea if you have impaired glucose tolerance or insulin resistance, it seems to be causing problems like the diet soda sugar replacements do…so, its unfortunately a no for me.
    I am told it prevents weight loss.
    Sorry I can’t give references, I don’t have them but the source verbally is a researcher I respect.

    Thanks for the update Matrika.

    I am always a bit careful when something that has been around for centuries suddenly becomes the new cure-all. If it was that good, why wasn’t it in widespread use before? And the answer usually is: a lot of the recent claims are marketing spin, the research often backs up only a small portion of it.

    Hi Dummerchin,

    I think it is the processing…perhaps if you use the plant, less refined/concentrated.
    I am trying to find a way to continue to eat my yoghurt…I really don’t like the sour taste and other additions like berries contain fructose.

    I may have to explore savoury recipes for yoghurt which I have never done…I am actually gutted. However, few days since dropping the stevia I have had a weight drop. Seems it doesn’t affect BGL but does surge insulin…hence bad choice for me.

    Hi Matrika,
    berries in your yoghurt should not be a problem. They contain fructose, granted, but also fibre which counteracts the fructose to a large extent. Dr Fung, who has been referred to a few times here, has written several blogs about the role of fibre and its protective effects:

    Good to hear you are dropping some pounds. I think in the end everyone has to find their own eating pattern and foods that work for them, and it sounds like you are finding out what works and what doesn’t for you.

    Got a bit more information. The problem is stevia triggers hunger and probably insulin but I’m unable to find a reference for it.

    I am developing more savoury taste and eat my yoghurt with olive oil now.

    Hi Matrika,

    This is off your topic, but thought you might check this thread. A clever person has found a way into the research article Michael co authored and there is a new link on the other thread you were on recently (science of intermittent fasting). It works well, I have downloaded and printed all seven pages, as you said.. A lot to digest!

    Great, thank you very much Nama! 🙂

    Hi There,

    Just my 2p here, but I’ve been using stevia daily for about seven years. I have experienced weight loss with it (including 2.5 pounds so far this week–with only one fast day so far), so I don’t know how it prevents weight loss. Also, many diabetics I know use it because it is listed as 0 on the glycemic index since it isn’t sugar. Feel free to use or ignore this info as you see fit. I just hope it helps.

    Thanks Jayneyw.
    I’m type 2 diabetic also and I have used Stevia for quite awhile.
    I was told by a researcher I am in touch with to avoid it and since they are collecting a lot of data not yet published, I am now using it very rarely, since it seems the sweet taste triggers the release of insulin…and I have a problem with way too much insulin.

    I am glad you are doing well with the 5:2 and weight loss, that is good news.
    I’m stalled despite seriously sticking to guidleines…but my metabolism is seriously insulin resistant, so it may just be me.

    I am also now not taking any medications for diabetes, so that perhaps is slowing me down too now. Not giving up, sticking with it cause I figure it is a long term effort not a short sprint for me.
    Best wishes.

    Thanks Matrika,

    That’s really interested about the as yet unpublished stevia data. If it doesn’t work for you, definitely don’t use it. I guess it would be OK for non-diabetics though. I use it a few times a day (especially now that I’m taking psyllium three times daily). I didn’t realize that flavoured psyllium was available, so am getting through what I have with stevia added–in addition to what I use to flavour my water. However, I realize these things don’t work for everyone and am glad to hear you’re in it for the long haul–as am I. I’ve been reducing my weight since 2008, but hit a wall last year or so ago. I’m just glad things are finally starting to move again!

    Best wishes

    Janey, There is an Israeli study that found using artificial sweeteners created insulin resistance.

    Sorry I can’t chase it up for you just now but if you can find it, maybe some worthwhile information there.

    Will come back when have a bit more oomph to go looking…heat exhaustion time here! 🙂

    Yikes Matrika,

    Please do take care of yourself. However, I think there might be a misunderstanding here, as stevia isn’t an artificial sweetener. It’s from a plant–like sugar–only 300 times sweeter, so you don’t have to use nearly as much. Also, unlike sugar, if you use too much stevia the taste turns bitter, so you really can’t overdo it like it’s possible to with sugar. Just FYI. Please feel better soon!

    Thanks Jayney, I will get there, I am working very hard on it.

    I may use stevia again when I can find and grow the plant.

    The problem (as I understand it) is in the response to sweetness in the mouth…insulin is released immediately…so the stevia triggers it too…and the powder and liquid is VERY highly refined, unlike the original leaf as used in South America forever. I have now introduced a 3 day rule to my eating. If food will not start to die within 3 days of my buying it, then I wont any longer eat it, because it is too refined for me. I make an exception for onions and garlic. 🙂

    For people who do not have insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, this may not be a problem. For people who do, this is a big problem and it is as far as I can find out, completely unacknowledged (in the case of Stevia).

    Potatoes are natural too and I can’t eat them…raise my blood sugar. Honey, lots of natural healthy stuff is not good for insulin resistant type 2 diabetics wishing to heal themselves.

    The problem with sugar is the fructose component of it, not the glucose. Fructose bypasses the normal feedback loops between the gut and the brain…hence lots of fruit if you are tending towards obesity and insulin resistance is not good for you at all, contrary to all the advice all over the place.

    The Israeli study that initially had me go looking about Stevia.

    This is a NYT article about the Israeli study…it says they are testing stevia in future research.

    I definitely wouldn’t be putting Stevia into my drinking water until the results of that study are published. Insulin resistance and diabetes type 2 are rampant and many people do not even know they are already in that zone.

    Thanks Matrika,

    I appreciate your articles and completely agree about artificial sweeteners–which is why I rarely or almost never use them. However, I’m not sure what this has to do with stevia, since it isn’t an artificial sweetener. I realize they say they will study stevia, and I am interested to know the results of that study.

    Yes what you buy in a store is processed, but that’s a different thing. Personally, I buy stevia products made by a company that raises their own stevia plants and uses them exclusively to make their products so they have complete quality control over what plants get used to produce their products and what plants don’t (Stevita). As you say, because you are diabetic I’m sure there is quite a difference in the reactions to stevia among diabetics and non-diabetics, so what works for me might well not work for you. My understanding was that because stevia measures 0 on the glycemic index that it was safe for diabetics generally, but that might not be the case, and it certainly might not be the case with you.

    Many thanks again for all your research. Some artificial sweeteners can be addictive, so I definitely stay away from them. However, just FYI, I haven’t noticed any effects like that with stevia personally. There are times when I don’t use it, or do, but it’s mostly according to taste more than anything else–at least for me personally.

    It sounds like what you’re doing works well for you though, and my motto there is that if it works don’t fix it, so by all means, carry on!

    I am living proof stevia is dangerous . My diet has been very healthy . Natural organic Grassfed moderate carbs.. Except for stevia. I have practiced a great diet for 35 year s and been in AWSOME shape ,always worked out… My health took a turn for the worse 4years ago …too many problems to speak of hear …but finally I have found the hole in the boAt. Stevia causing insulin resistance in turn adrenals I turn thyroid…hypoglycemi and now also weight gain. Just made the connection w/research and my Endo doc confirmed . 24 hrs after I stopped stevia my world started changing back… First thing to go was terrible shakes and leg and chest Pain (insulin resistance!!!) when your adrenals suffer because of trying to stabilize your blood glucose… Then you intire endo system starts to shut down.

    It’s not worth it !,do the research . In short, Your body taste the sweetness and prepares for sugar that never comes… people should no this…!!! Give up the artificial sweetners …and stevia ..

    God bless I hope I’ve help someone

    Pen, I am very sorry to her about your medical issues and am glad to hear that apparently avoiding Stevia has solved the issues.

    Nevertheless, I have used it for quite some time and it helped me reaching my goal weight. I have not diabetes though!

    I would love to see some recent new research as all I can find are links such as this one, which gives Stevia a green light

    Best wishes

    Hey Pen,

    I’m sorry to hear stevia is detrimental to you. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, and it sounds like you’re an exception. I think the moral of this story is to check with your body–and a good doctor–if you experience any adverse effects. I’m glad you were able to discover the source of your health issues and stop using it.

    However, as Stef has said, I’ve also been using stevia daily for over seven years now with no adverse effects whatever, and in my case it has actually helped with weight loss. I’m fairly confident that I was able to reach my goal weight in part due to using stevia–but that’s just me (and Stef as well, apparently).

    I guess you just need to go with whatever works for you. Just my 2p.


    Thanks Pen. Sorry not to reply, haven’t been here for awhile.

    It took me quite some time to remove the stevia from my diet, it was harder than I anticipated, there were some things that I ccked and ate that really didn’t work without sweetener… but happy to say I am now completely free of any sweeteners and have changed my focus to savoury and am using spices more than I was for flavour.

    Amazingly, now cinnamon tastes sweet to me!

    I have massive insulin resistance too and am completely off all medications now.

    It hasn’t been fast for me but am slowly turning around some of the inexplicables that were creating havoc for me.

    Best wishes for continuing imprvements to you and anyone else struggling with this.

    Re: Stevia is natural sweetener…so is fructose but being “natural” is no help if you are insulin resistant and the products I was buying were very highly refined, not plant material at all.

    I am in the camp that avoids all sweet stimulus to my inulin…I have floods of it and don’t need anything to stimulate more. It’s a fat storage hormone. Some of us unfotunately are genetically vulnerable.

    For those who are not affected, good on you! The question isnt really relevant to you. Reminds me of all the dietitians who insisted I should eat three pieces of fruit a day and whole wheat bread. nah!

    Apologies for typos…can’t edit.

    I wish someone could explain how something with a zero caloric effect can trigger an insulin response? Insulin is a response to sugar levels in the blood, produced by the pancreas to bring these levels down, is this not correct? So the studies suggest that, were I to tell the brain from my sense of taste, say by an electrical stimulation for example, something sweet was in my mouth, that my body would immediately produce insulin? Without an abundance of data to support such a fantastic proposition, it sounds like complete BS, and I don’t mean Bachelor of Science.

    So I read the article, primarily dealing with saccharin and it’s effect on probiotics in the digestive centers, and the article pointed out that it couldn’t directly correlate the studies to NAS near the end, but only that the studies pointed to this being the case. It said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about a perfect correlation to insulin resistance, but in a very vague way it said that after giving rodents substantial fat intake that saccharin slowed insulin response. Similar to saying birds no longer nest in trees! (After we set the trees on fire.)

    I’d like to add my ten penn-orth and suggest that people look into using xylitol which is a natural sweetener from birch trees. It seems to have very few problems associated with it, apart from having a laxative effect if used in large quantities and, additionally, being lethal to dogs because of the way it affects their metabolism which is different from ours. It’s worth doing a bit of internet research into it anyway, by those who want to keep off sugar and artificial sweeteners.

    Best answer – our bodies are complicated. There are numerous interconnected systems at work.
    Dr Fung discusses Stevia, & other non-sugar sweeteners, in his book Obesity Code. His statements, backed by research, give a breakdown of receptors that tell the body to secrete insulin as approximately 25% oral, 50% stomach, & 25% blood (don’t have book with me so could be wrong). Non-sugar sweeteners, including stevia, bind to the same receptors as sugar so your brain/pancreas doesn’t know any different & secretes insulin in proportion to the # of receptors that detect sugar/sweeteners. Better living through chemistry!
    In my view, this isn’t much different than your sense of smell telling your stomach to secrete acid in anticipation of food arriving.

    Thanks for these responses I’ve not been around for awhile. Appreciate the input!

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