Starting today….

This topic contains 157 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi Patt – I think it’s good that you’re working out what’s going to be best for your body during this time. I do remember a psychologist telling me that recent research had shown the body will tolerate 6 months of significant calorie restriction and after that, the majority of people tended to find they could no longer maintain the loss and began to gain. So perhaps a 6 month window is the best we can hope for and you’ve managed 9 months – certainly dried figs and nuts and cheese and vegetable soup sound like wonderful foods to chose for a ‘binge’ if that is in fact what it was 😉
    I’m having a very ‘free range grazing day’ today after an early morning visit to a farmer’s market so I have thoroughly enjoyed fresh sourdough bread, a variety of cheeses and dips and some wonderful fresh salad (spring is a wonderful time of year to go to market!) not to mention some yummy chocolate. I’ve been hungry today but I’m trying to enjoy everything I eat rather than see it as ‘bad’ food that is not part of my plan. All the best with your next fast day ~Ensitu~

    I have an incurable sweet tooth and its also insatiable so i’ve “quit sweets”. (meaning there are certain low risk situations where i can have them but the rest of the time I abstain). So yesterday was a binge but nothing like the ones i used to do.

    The six month thing, gels with what i’ve learnt read about weightloss, set point and the famine reaction from Dr Amanda. She did hard science research on this stuff. i.e. on how leptin causes this famine reaction. I am trying not to elaborate. Her book doesn’t talk about the science but go on in detail about it in layman’s terms. I believe its these research findings that are behind the reasons people find it so hard to keep it off long term. Her work was pretty groundbreaking at the time and there’s still a lot of catch up going on as it filters through to popular knowledge.

    Anyway although i hadn’t heard of her then, it was because of knowledge coming from her research that i approached my diet this year. I had heard of the business of how once you lose about 10% of your body weight or fat (I can never remember which is it) the body tends to fight back. And that you need sort of rest periods if you have a lot to lose and why it can be so difficult for the very obese person to reach a skinny level.

    Anyway the 6 month thing sounds somewhat similar. But so long as i can refrain from eating sugar and keep trying to stay on the wagon, i think with time i might get past this rocky period.

    Today is a fast day and i’ve been pretty good so far, helped i might add by getting up at a reasonable hour and then going back to sleep in the tv chair until midday. Strangely i often feel sleepy on fast days and do this but its not a good idea because i want to stay up late and then i risk going over my fasting calories. I am already over my limit but its ok. Its still less than 800 i think. I’m more concerned about not starting to eat the whole house out.

    Food today has been
    expresso with half cup milk
    nescafe with 1/4 cup milk (my usual amount)
    1 cup lentil and chickpea soup lunch
    1 banana (because i just found my stash that i had thought i’d left at the supermarket and which were now very ripe)
    1 serve of mexican mince with beans and veg in it (that’s where my calorie limit went over)
    1 raw carrot
    and now i’m having black tea.
    I hope that’s the end of it.

    I also did my HIIT skipping but not so many step because of sleeping.

    I feel like i’m on track again after two days of fasting. A little over 500 but still respectable.

    Though high carb i had a wonderful late breakfast this morning of:
    Dhuli dal i made yesterday with a flaky roti (which i won’t buy again even though i love them, because they’ve got palm oil in them) and some fruit salad and yoghurt with mixed seeds. And of course nescafe milk.

    Dinner tonight will be: omelette made with leftover peas and havarti + green salad with fetta + roast vegetable soup (beetroot, carrot, pumpkin)

    Hi there AJDreams
    Is that 15g of cooked or uncooked rolled oats?
    Day 1 for me and the kids are eating pancakes with maple syrup for dessert…torture!

    The only way i can cope with people eating that sort of thing around me is put some distance between me and it, or find a way to switch. I certainly would not sit at the same table or anywhere within smell range. At least not when starting out on a diet.

    I would presume oats are meant as raw. 15g of porridge would be 1 tbsp and that is not breakfast.

    Unfortunately with small kids, you have to prepare them food all day, although I was interested in the book saying they should be waiting 4 hours between meals. I did it though. And am putting off eating this morning too.

    Does anyone have any experience with doing 5:2 during the week, but combining it with a delayed breakfast on the normal days, delaying up to 11am to achieve a 16 hr overnight fast every day? Has this had extra benefits for weight loss for anyone?


    Hi katietas,

    I was asking myself the same thing. It does make sense do, delayed breakfast on the normal days. I’ve only started today, but found this first day not too hard. Hope next fast days will go ass well. By christmas I would loved to have lost 8 kg. hoppa! Luck to you all!


    Katie, By “during the week”, I take it you mean non-fast days. If you are eating the same calories on a 16:8 days, i would not expect it to increase weightloss.

    If you want to increase the speed of weightloss, count calories every day and reduce a little from your TDEE on your non-fast days. Or if you don’t want to count calories, just food log everything. Even doing this will give you some way to monitor your eating. I find food logging perhaps a most important tool.

    Another idea you might try if you don’t want to count calories every day is to

    1. eat normally on a non-fast day. Log everything. Preferably do it for one week.
    2. Next day eat 16:8 and log everything. Again preferably do it for one week.
    3. count up the calories using a site like mfp AFTER the two weeks or two days. Then compare if you are eating more with one method. Then follow that method. But frankly, i think even this experiment is no guarantee that you will eat less in one method after you start doing it all the time.

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