Starting Off!!

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  • First day on fast today. I have worked out food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Does anyone else do this or is it better to have two meals or one?


    Hello, and welcome.
    I am only in my third week of this diet. I find I can do without breakfast, then have soup for lunch and then an early dinner. But it is totally up to you what you do.
    I have discovered some people only drink on fast days, and have no meals at all, but I don’t think that is for me.
    Hope you have a good day.

    Hi JCT

    Good luck on the first day of your new way of life.

    Its completely what suits you and you are comfortable with. Just do the 500 cals and you will do fine.

    I have a milky coffee at 2pm then a late dinner with the rest of the cals. That works for me. x

    Cheers, think I am better trying the food spread out until I get used to it then start stretching out the periods in between after a week or two.


    I’ve been on the 5:2 pattern for just over a year and over that I’ve tweaked it to suit me and made it my 5:2. My way wouldn’t work for everyone and I don’t recommend it to anyone.

    I strongly recommend that for the first two months (at least) strictly adhere to the 5:2 pattern as written. It doesn’t matter when during the day you consume your 1/4 of your TDEE. Many find that having one meal later in the evening helps with sleep. While others have two meals with a bed time nibble. How you consume those calories is up to you. Stay within your TDEE on non-fast days.

    I recommend reading and reading and going back often to the FAQ at the top of the page

    A few threads that can really help especially this one.

    Weight loss stalls and plateaus


    Tips: recalculate your TDEE frequently and stay within it on feed days, if you are doing this for weight loss set small monthly goals and reset them each month, easiest if you are doing 5:2 for a final goal weight set your TDEE for your goal weight and eat to that, however it can be a big adjustment for some. That’s where monthly goals can be better.

    I am doing the 5:2 pattern of eating (I refuse to call it a diet)for the health benefits which I’ve got in spades, weight loss is just a bonus that happens.

    You will find a lot of support and information on these forums. Good luck on 5:2 journey. It can become a habit and a way of eating for life if you stick with it.

    Hi, I too am starting the 5:2 today and having read the book, can’t seem to find anywhere that talks about eating nothing on the fast days, but just drinking water. Is this a no-no as I really can’t be bothered to conjure up meals for 600 cals. My wife is starting on Wednesday and we aim to do this together, but again I don’t think we want to start catering for fasting days, I don’t seem to be ‘suffering’ by not eating anything, any advice gratefully received.

    Hi Thunder and welcome:

    The guidance is to eat 5/600 or less on diet days. Many eat nothing. Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Hi, Have just signed up and about to embark on the 5:2 have trying weight watchers and slimming world. Lost lots of weight but put it all back on need something sustainable so hoping this is it.

    Welcome to 5:2 jennyde. The regain rebound going off a diet is what dooms them. 5:2 is a patter or way of eating that is totally sustainable. 5:2 may not be fast, fancy, or carry a big price tag but it will change you forever if you stay with it and make it a habit that is as natural as breathing. It is doable.

    Best wishes for your 5:2 journey to a whole new you. You will be amazed at yourself in a year.

    I don’t eat anything until about 6.30pm when I get home from the gym. I have a dinner of around 200 calories. The rest of the time it’s just water.

    This works for me because I dont’ eat breakfast anyway, and I find once I eat, I get so hungry the rest of the day that I struggle. If I just drink heaps of water the occasional hunger pangs go away with no real distress, and I really really enjoy my dinner.

    That said, everyone is different. If you want the full fasting benefits, go as long as you can. If it’s just for weight loss, it doesn’t matter when you eat (or if you eat nothing at all)

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