starting after new years!!

This topic contains 396 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  Jilly R 8 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 47 posts - 351 through 397 (of 397 total)

  • Hey guys, glad so many of u r doing fantastic. Fast day yest and im finding them very easy, not even eating 500. just did 4 fasts since my last weigh-in and didnt lose a lb. i feel like im bingeing on my feed days for some reason, so im going to start counting cals over the wkd and c if ive dropped come tues. i really hope so. i know im still ahead of the lb per wk mark but im getting impatient, plus i know my bingeing is directly connected to my cycle. crappy age for a woman. next weigh in is tues w 2 fasts by then, heres hoping…..

    so happy for all of you on ur weight and inch losses and on ur goals. yes we need goals, I have lots, xo

    Hiya haven’t posted for a while but have been reading your stories to keep me on track. Time is short at the moment so have cut and pasted my post from another forum:

    just checking in with results: 7 weeks, 14 FDs and 9lbs down. Very happy with how it is going but I know that it is still early days. Next goal is another 9lb in 10 weeks as I have added in extra time for a plateau….
    I was worried last week as I had to do a fast day on Waitangi Day (New Zealand holiday) when I would be at home instead of busy at work. Planned to keep busy so I wouldn’t snack. Everything went pretty well until hubby started complaining about chest pains. I eventually drove him to A&E as he decided it wasn’t heart burn. One hour later he was having emergency surgery as his right coronary artery was nearly completely blocked πŸ˜– The good news is that I stayed under 500 cals πŸ˜› No really the good news is that all went well and he is home now after 2 days in hospital. We will know in a few months if he needs further surgery but at the moment we are happy to have him home and taking one great day at a time.

    Jilly I just read your post, that is shocking news, hope your husband is on the mend.

    Thanks Nomnominator.
    He is healing well at home. Went to a cardiac rehab seminar today and that was very positive. I am a bit gutted though cos I had high hopes that I could get him to join me on 5:2 so we could reduce his insulin resistance. I am convinced that it would work. He was already doing most things well (no alcohol, fit and active) but he just couldn’t shift that last 6kg. Maybe when he has healed from this we could look at it again. I think it could be a good motivation for me to achieve my goals so he can see how effective it can be.

    Hi Everyone,

    Jilly, sorry to hear about your husband, I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Has anyone felt dizzy while on this diet? Monday is normally my fast day but because I was due some treatment at the hospital I made Tuesday my fast day instead. On Monday I had a small bowl of porridge and then some soup, in all about 300 calories. During the afternoon I began to feel dizzy and although I was not going to eat until the evening, I had to have a snickers so that I could get through the treatment. I have to say, I have never looked to see how many calories is in a snickers. I was staggered to see that there are 511 calories! About the same as my dinner! Anyway, I felt better after having it and everything went OK at the hospital. So, Tuesday was my fast day and after breakfast, again a small bowl of porridge, I started to feel dizzy. I felt dizzy on and off through the day and felt so hungry, I nearly gave in and had something to eat. I had dinner which included some carbs and was OK.

    My husband thinks that I am not eating enough and that is why I am feeling dizzy. Compared to what I used to eat it is certainly a lot less as I am restricting myself to 1200 to 1300 calories on the non fast days. Any advice would be most welcome.

    First of all hi Jilly, hope everything is going ok. You guys are in my thoughts. To Jasmine, yes some days suck. Be careful of not eating enough in general or you will not lose anything. I suggest a little bit of calore cycling so you don’t plateau. A few wks ago I felt like complete crap on a fast day and everything seemed off, then on the scales the next morn and I was down almost 3lbs. So one of 2 things is happening to you: weight shift or you may be truly not eating enough, which can be damaging to your metabolism.

    After saying all of that, I have not been posting recently bc I’m getting frustrated in general. It seems like a lot of starving and organizing for a tiny bit of weight loss. I Haven’t budged in a cpl wks and if I don’t c any results over the next wk I may look in to sth else but I’m getting disheartened.

    I hope most of you guys are still ploughing through and best of luck to all of you πŸ™‚

    Hi Suzyqueue,

    Thanks for your post. I shall review how I am doing things and see how that goes. The weight is coming off, I have lost just over 10lbs since Xmas. I can’t resist getting on the scales to see how I am doing and then get disappointed if it hasn’t moved much. I must stick to once or twice a week.

    Got my trial contact lenses today (just for distance, they can’t do varifocals for me in contacts due to complex prescription) and had to buy some reading glasses as I could not see anything close up. Ok, I thought, I can handle that, but I have just come to my PC and I can’t see it! My screen is right in front of my face, lol. After only a couple of hours and they are beginning to feel uncomfortable (have dry eyes). I have used my eye drops several times. Looks like the contact lense part of my new me is not going to work out. Disappointed about that, I sooooo wanted to wear them.

    At least the hair colour looks good and the diet is working.

    I hope your diets are going well.


    Don’t lose heart, remember this is more of a long term thing, even if you aren’t losing weight every week you are still getting health benefits associated with fasting.

    You’re the main motivator here!

    I also think if one is too severe on non fast days, when one does let the guard down it can be a major binge, undoing any fasting from a weight point of view. Slow and steady is best, yes there will be days that we all splurge, but as long as by and large we have sensible non fast days, the weight will continue to come off.

    Jasmine, get yourself a new sexy pair of specs…great weight loss. Re dizziness why not have some carrot or celery on standby? Works for me blended with fruit

    Hi suzy:

    You don’t say how much you have lost so far, but the average weight loss for a woman on 5:2 is a little less than a pound a week.

    Also, weight loss is not consistent. It goes no loss, no loss, down two or three pounds, no loss. This might explain and help you understand:

    Finally, not eating enough will not damage your metabolism. You are referring to the old ‘starvation mode’ myth. Here is some information from Dr. M:

    Basically, the less you eat, the more you lose. Be patient!

    Good Luck!

    Hey SuzyQ, don’t give up on it too soon, it’s worth hanging on in there for a while, I’m sure you’ll reap the rewards. The guys make a good point above though about making sure you don’t overdo it by restricting yourself too much on non Fast Days – it’s better to do all of this in moderation by being sensible on those days, a little of what you fancy does you good, and then stick as close as you can to the 500 cals on the two Fast Days per week.

    JillyR – so pleased to hear your husband is recovering well, what a dreadful scare that must have been for you and your family.

    Been a bit quiet on the forum this week guys so I hope everyone else is OK and just ticking along, which is pretty much what I’m doing at the moment. Main thing to remember is that one bad day doesn’t mean the whole thing is out of the window. Onwards and upwards πŸ™‚

    Jasmine.. your dizziness could be due to low electrolytes. Try a salty drink like Bovril or Marmite.

    Hi everyone
    Just clocking in to say I’m still here! πŸ™‚

    Life has been awful _ unexpected death of a close friends son has hit really hard and knocked the stuffing out of me.
    Still trying to stick to the WOE and am down another 1lb so going in the right direction there I think.

    I’ve been reading the posts and cheering you all on, so best foot forward everyone. Remember: No matter how bad life is it won’t be any better for being overweight and unhealthy (Think I’ll have that made as a wall hanging!) LOL

    Hi everybody, hope u guys r all doing well. Just want to thank all of u for ur support, esp Nomnominator, Simcoeluv and Jennifer.
    And I am so sorry for what you’ve been going thru Coffeeholic πŸ™ Life really kicks u in the ass smtms.

    You all make so much sense. I think I was getting impatient bc I was not seeing the same results as you guys were.
    Having said that, my weigh-in yest morn was what I was lookin for. I dropped 2 lbs! So on the last day of my 7th wk and I am down 9.2 lbs. That’s an average of 1.3 lbs per wk since new yrs. I am very happy w that and am living prooof that this works bc Ive yet to count calories.
    Having said that I think I will count for the next cpl of weeks just to c my patterns and then go from there.
    Again, hope you are all doing great and thx again for everyone’s kind words. xo

    Coffeeholic13 – so sorry to hear; this must be a hard time for you and your friends. I am very impressed that you are sticking to the 5:2!

    suzyqueue – well done on losing more than 8lbs overall. You will be getting there, slowly but surely.

    You are all so encouraging. I see that posts have slowed down, and find myself posting less, but always coming back to this group. I am still sticking to my EAD and it is going well. However, students will be back next week and the stressful semester begins – a real test for my eating habits. This is where I have usually fallen down. Coffeeholic – I will be holding on to your ‘ life won’t be any better for being overweight and unhealthy”.

    GrannyChris – many thanks for that piece of information on electrolytes. I went away to look it up and it made complete sense. I had been drinking a lot of water (literally one glass after the other) to get myself hydrated for my regular venesection. I must have washed away some of my sodium level, along with the other elements. I shall take your advice and have a salty drink of marmite next time.

    Nomnominator – I bought myself some new specs back in the Autumn, lol, but they always look different once the lenses have been put in. I’m an optimist and you never know, in a few years time, they might have brought something out that will work for me.

    It is good to see you all losing the pounds and moving ever forward to your target weight. With Spring just round the corner, I’m hoping that it will be easier as the weather gets warmer. The cold weather doesn’t help when you are eating less, I find. I have got 2.5lbs to get to my first goal of 9st. Having a good look at myself, I have still some way to go. I tried a pair of trousers on yesterday, which I have not been able to wear for some time, and I still can’t get them done up, lol. I can see that I need to work hard to get into them.

    Jasmine you’re right with it getting easier in spring, all those healthy salads to be eaten. I got a good vegetarian book the other day that has an excellent hummus recipe I’ve been eating for the last few fast days with celery and carrot, and they’ve been so easy. No oil or tahini in it, so super low fat…the book’s called the happy pear if anyone is interested, you should have a look.

    I can’t believe I’ve had a few veggie meals and am feeling full, even up to last year my feeling after a vegetarian meal would be ‘nice, now bring on the meat’.

    I think I’m at the lowest I’ve been in a few years and am a kick in the arse off my bmi, which is great.

    Suzy good to see you’re back on track.

    Coffeholic, I have to admire your willpower to stick with this, it would be very easy to throw in the towel when you’ve had a shock like that.

    Keep the posts going…we seem to be all going in the right direction on the scales, and not even 2 months in. Maybe getting used to this woe, but sleeping is getting easier too…it’s all good.

    Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Is has got quieter here and I hope it is only because we are all carrying on with the fasting … not that you are deserting me here. πŸ™‚

    Hey guys – how are you all getting on? It’s gone pretty quiet on the feed, not sure if that’s good or not so good?

    From my perspective I’ve got a bit stuck. A series of events such as kitchen being removed 3 weeks before new one is installed, work related travel, and a flurry of earthquakes, have all resulted in me deciding I’m going to do my best to tick along for now, be sensible, but not stress over it (got enough stress to be going on with for now). Once I have the excitement of a new kitchen I’ll be keen to spend lots of time in it and can get back on track, and also get more creative with my food for both FD and non FD.

    Meantime I’m keeping up the exercise and at least trying to register 10,000 steps on my Fitbit every day (although not successful every day).

    Whats news with you? Weird to think that as some of us head into Autumn, you are gearing up for Spring, and yet we’re all on the same journey :).

    Hi everyone, how are all of you doing? I took a bit of a break after my last weigh-in simply bc I was sick of the severity of the fast days and needed a break. After 9 days off I’m ready to get back to it as I’m getting back to my old ways of bingeing. I’m still good w the drinking tho as I feel my body just isn’t bouncing back the way it used to since I’ve lost some weight, which is a good thing. I’m going to do ADF for a cpl of wks to get back in it and go from there. I’m still super active, but that doesn’t seem to help me as much as counting calories.
    I would love to hear from all of you guys, and yes Jennifer, spring is just around the corner! Although we had some horrible days a few wks ago, with it going down to -25c. Anyways good luck to all who are still hanging in there 😊

    Suzyqueue – good on you for getting back into it, and with the ADF. I am still really happy with ADF since I switched from 5:2. I also still count calories on my non-fast days to make sure I am staying within my TDEE. Overall, I am much happier with this round of fast-diet than last time, where I kept cheating on the non-fast day and kept moving the fast days around. Overall on ADF I now lose on average about 1-1.5 kg per week. I hope it works for you, too.

    JenniferM – I know, they are all talking about spring coming and we are looking at the rain and autumn coming slowly but surely. On the fitbit front – I have now started to go for a walk early before anyone in the house gets up, I can clock in 3-4km and that is enough so that over the day I get my 10,000 steps. Trying not to stress is HUGELY important. I found that in weeks with lots of stress, even when I stuck to the ADF regime, I lost way less than in the weeks where things were more balanced.

    Let’s stick to this and not give up. It is getting harder after the 2montsh mark, and definitely less exciting. I so want to get through this to be able to only worry about maintenance and not about losing more.

    Hi Annah, thx for your post. Yes I want to get through this too and b at maintenance. I’ve still 15 or so to go, so it’ll b a while for me. Thx for your encouragement. First fast day tmrw in a little while, hope all goes well. Kudos to you on adf. I will try my best. What’s a typical fast day look like for you? And any adf tips would b appreciated! Fantastic weekly loss u r getting also!
    And hi to the rest of u πŸ™‚

    Wow, no one’s written in almost a week. I hop that means most of you are close to your goal and not needing to be on here.
    Tomorrow will be my 4th fast after being back at it. I took 12 days off and I enjoyed every minute of it, but could tell I was starting to gain, so Ive been back just under a week. I’m doing adf and I feel the weight is falling off this time. I will weigh Wednesday, and I hope to be further than when I stopped (past the 10lb mark which I’m sure most of you reached already). My body is reacting well this x around even tho the first cpl of fasts were really tough, like back in the beginning. I’ve also started adding a cup of coconut water at bed as it replaces electrolytes.
    I hope you are all still doing well. πŸ™‚

    Hi Suzyqueue, pleased to hear that you are back on track and more importantly losing weight. I have been quiet because I was stuck at 9st 1lb and the scales would not reduce anymore until today, thank goodness. Broken the 9st barrier. 8st 13.75lbs. Target is 8.5st. Think the weight loss is slowing down now and I am expecting the last half a stone to be hard work.

    I have tried quite a few of the recipes in the fast diet cookbook and have found one or two recipes have aided my digestion. Digestion slowed down since being on this diet, even though I am drinking plenty. The recipe that really worked for me was the vegetable tagine which has the following ingredients: chickpeas, raisins (I used sultanas), courgettes, peas, onion, veg stock, cinnamon, coriander, cumin and olive oil. That made a satisfying fast day meal. Think that is going to be one of my favourites.

    I did have a bit of a binge yesterday as I was getting a bit fed up not losing weight. I had a big slice of courgette and lime cake, a small pack of Lindt mini easter eggs (a whopping 610cals) and 3 glasses of wine. I felt better after that, lol.

    I hope everyone is getting nearer to their target weight.

    Im still here too, but I haven’t lost much weight lately either. I’m sticking to it though. Hopefully its just a little plateau. I am going to weight myself soon, had a fast day yesterday, I just can’t bring myself to get out of bed yet.

    Meh, still the same.

    Hey slb, thx for responding, and hang in there. Maybe shake things up a bit, like change ur workouts or do a cpl wks of adf. It shocks the body. Good luck and keep in touch.

    Hi all
    just to check in to say that I am still chugging along. Hit a bit of a plateau after a big dip but then the waist measurement started decreasing. Last week was a bit of a challenge and I didn’t complete my fast days but did the best I could. Still feel very positive as I have lost 5.5kg after 11 weeks so on track.
    I feel that even though life can get in the way sometimes that it is ok to go with it, roll with the punches then get on with it.
    SuzyQ I agree variety is the key to keeping it all fresh. Recently I went to a cardio rehab seminar on exercise from a top NZ athlete and he was saying that the body can adapt to a regime in 10 weeks. The suggestion was each week to add one new thing to the programme even if it was just walking your normal route the other way round. I think this could also apply to our 5:2 wol.
    I still read the forums as I find them very helpful, and try to post when I can πŸ™‚

    Hello Jilly,suzyqueue, SLB, Jasmine and Jennifer (you others who might be lurking but are hopefully still here).

    Because you asked, here some details. Okay, so on my typical fast day I am not eating anything to about 4pm. I drink between 2 and 2.5l water with lemon though. At 4-ish I start cooking; dinner by 5pm. I keep an eye on having enough protein, so either lentils or fish (or both). A salad, vegetables etc. Also keep an eye on getting enough fibre. Overall aiming for max 500cal.

    Non-fast day start with breakfast (buckwheat+fruit), then lunch with lots of green + protein again, and dinner at 5pm similar to fast day. Calories within TDEE: Breakfast about 700 to 750, lunch about 500, dinner <500 to get to TDEE.

    Have been sticking to ADF throughout with two exceptions when we went away with friends for a birthday weekend and another one for visiting friends. On those days I eat normally without overeating but no counting calories.

    Results so far: 12kg lost (12cm off waist, 10cm off hip), about 5kg more to go. How is your routine?

    12kg is awesome Annah-well done. I am interested in ADF and read this in the “I’m happy as a happy thing” thread:
    Monday, fast.
    Tuesday, eat between midday to 8pm
    Wednesday, fast.
    Thursday eat between midday to 8pm
    No restrictions for Friday,Saturday and Sunday

    I thought I would use this when I am really stuck just to mix it up. I think it would suit me pretty well although it may be hard to keep the red wine intake to 3 nights per week πŸ™‚

    I also heard about the restriction to limited “feeding hours” while otherwise eating normally. It sounds very promising. I am still very happy with the ADF. Particularly as it allows me to get back on track relatively quickly after the two weekends with birthdays.

    Hi everyone
    Sorry I’ve been missing – what with one thing and another I’ve been really depressed and went into ‘hibernation mode’… lifes a bitch sometimes, but at the end of the day I guess it beats the alternative!

    Had a fast day yesterday and got weighed this morning… total lost since begining of Jan is 13lb so only about another 64lb to go!!!

    Have to go to hospital for chest x rays and blood tests. Dr is going to prescibe tablets to help stop smoking – Coffee and cigs are the only things that keep me going I think – anyone got a magic wand I can borrow?? LOL

    Sorry I haven’t replied to you all individually, but I’m thinking about you all and sending loads of positive thoughts.

    Speak soon xx

    Hi guys, gonna make this quick as i had a 5 par letter written this aft and i lost my connection and im ticked off, it was a nice and thoughtful one.
    To recap, congrats to all of u who r doing great and to all of u who r having a tough x as of late, keep plugging thru, remember how healthy u r making urself.
    My first wk of ADF went fantastic, i dropped almost 4 lb. This thing really works, honestly try it guys if u r plateauing. It does take some willpower tho. I’m almost at a 12lb loss after just over 8 wks. I’m gonna do this for a while bc it really works for me.
    Thanks to all of u for ur support and here’s to another 1.5 lb loss before st.pattys party next wkd when i will drink and eat my face off! cheers

    Yay, suzyqueue, well done! Yes, I agree ADF is harder but it sooo pays off.

    Coffee – welcome back! You can do this. Slowly but steady. 13lb is good. In fact, 13lb is excellent because it is more than the projected 1lb per week! And you are in it for the long run. We will be here cheering you on. πŸ™‚

    I have stress at work and that affects my sleeping, which in turn affects my health and my mood. Very grumpy while stressed and not eating. Hmpf. There will be better days though, I am sure.

    Hi All
    Just popping in to say hello.
    Not a good weekend for me but going to try a FD tomorrow and hopefully get my head into gear.
    Well don Suzy – what a fantastic weight loss! Which days are you fasting on?
    I think I’ll try Mon, Wed, Fri and see how that goes -Jilly that list might be something I can try. Might as well take the bull by the horns – if I get these ‘stop smoking’ tablets on Tuesday I’ll really have to do something drastic otherwise the weight will just pile on. I once stopped smoking for 4 months and put on 4 STONE in that time!
    I can empathise with the stress issues Annah – it definiteyl affects every aspect of life. Someone told me to try breathing excersises which are supposed to help to clear your mind and calm you down – I haven’t done it yet ( must look it up on Google) but I’ve been too stressed to sort it out! LOL

    Take care of yourselves everyone and speak soon. x

    Hi everybody, thx for all your posts.
    Jilly, hang in there, remember the slower it comes off, the more permanent it will b. U r a lady after my own heart…the red wine :). Can’t wait for tmrws feed day to enjoy some (a bottle)!
    Keep up the good work coffeholic. I wish u all the luck in the world w ur smoking issue. And yes, life does kick u in the ass smtms, that’s why feed days exist, to pamper urself. Don’t give up πŸ™‚ Your health is sooo worth it.

    As my as my schedule, for the last 10 days ive been alternate day fasting and eating/drinking whatever I want on feed days. I do believe if u restrict too much on feed days ur bod will hold on to the cals. I have whatever I want, plus bc i have 500 cals every other day, i think the shock totally keeps my bod guessing. This past wk I’ve changed it to 2 fasts then 2 hi-days etc. I’m gonna play around w this for a while. It’s now spring here so I’ve been doing some hard bike workouts the last cpl days which is always gd to do dif exercises. I notice the weight loss now. Will do another weigh in in a cpl of days. Lookin frwrd to my fried egg and avocado in the mornin. Pretty hungry rt now.
    Good luck to all of u and keep posting!!

    Hi everybody. I had to get new passport photos yesterday and for the first time in years I though the photos looked like me and not some strange fat person who somehow looked similar to the person I remembered being. Wow.

    Work is still stressful and I am still struggling with munchies in the evenings. I so feel tempted to give up and be happy with what was achieved so far. But that would mean having to start again later, and I really really want to make it to maintenance.

    Great Annah that ur photos look so much better.
    Don’t give up, I’m right there w u. I have 12 to go still, so I Will be adf w u as long as I can. U can get to maintenance. So many ppl have done it, and u n i will do this!
    Cheers mate.

    Deal, Suzy! πŸ™‚ Already feeling more hopeful!
    Coffee – how are the non-smoking tablets going?

    Hi Suzy and anyone else still being around. I went to Womad last weekend and the food was just to good to spend the day fasting. Back onto it after the weekend and overall still lost 0.7kg this week. How’s everyone else going?

    Hi Annah and all,
    I’m still here and will be till summer!! Still doing 2-4 fasts per wk and still not counting on feed days, so slowly does it.
    Just did 2 b2b and weighed in yest really hopin for a decent drop as it was a tough cpl of days, but not even an oz down!! I def was bummed but I do feel leaner, so something is happening. My back is buggin me and I feel bloated, so I’m hoping it’s just cyclical water retention. Will do another one tmrw and Tues, so I’m crossing my fingers till then. Good job Annah on still dropping and hang in there all. If I can do it, u can too! Sending my ❀️ to those who r struggling πŸ™‚

    hello everyone

    I was getting a lot of comments that I looked slimmer, I have been working really hard in the gym and trying to get my average daily steps up to 10,000( that includes my gym workouts). Anyway, today I got onto the scales and I am 12 stone 11. I started at 14 stone 4. My lightest weight ever has been 11 stone 8, so I am heading in the right direction!! my clothes are hanging off me, yet on my non fast days, I feel that I eat mostly what I want( within reason!). I have been stuck at 13st3 for a couple of months, so I am very happy. keep it up everyone, it is worth it! πŸ™‚

    Blondie, that is a great result! well done πŸ™‚ Suzy, I am wondering – are you also measuring circumference? I find that often when the weight will not shift, you can still see changes in circumference. I find these very encouraging, and they help keeping me on track.
    I am still struggling and have no put on a kg. No wonder for all the chocolate I was eating out of misery. Hm, today is a fast day. I am determined to get back on track.

    ok well i just lost my post somehow. If it turns up let me know!

    I was congratulating you blondie on your awesome figures – they are close to mine and I am really happy with the way it is going. I agree with you Annah about the measurements decreasing when the kg’s plateau so it is all about keeping the faith.
    I had a great Easter but will need a couple of weeks to get over it on the scales πŸ™‚
    Went shopping but had to stop myself from splurging as everything was fitting so well and looking so good! I decided I needed to think long term as I could be down a size in another 6 – 8 weeks πŸ™‚
    Still just doing 2 FD’s a week as haven’t plateaued yet but will keep AFD ready for a kick start when needed.

    Hello all. I have lost 15kg so far and am slowly starting to think about how to possibly maintain. This is way too early, but a nice indulgent thought πŸ˜‰

    So here is the plan as I imagine it so far: I am currently still doing every-other-day fast and sticking to my TDEE on the eating days. I will at some point add one eating day per week (still with TDEE) and see what happens.

    I am really scared of suddenly overeating and blowing it all. I so want to keep this going and find a way that can work for the rest of my life.

    Blondie, fantastic results! Wow, plus the fact that ur feed days r free range, I love that. Keep up the great work. How many mths did it take to lose that?
    Jilly, great job also! I’m almost ready to go clothes shopping. I am impressed w the awesome results of everyone on here, and I feel bad for anyone who really struggles, as it DOES work.
    I am so happy for u too Annah that u have lost that much and u r so close to maintenance, u have def mastered this way of eating!! I have no doubt thru trial and error that u will find a pattern that works for u, even if u have to gain a cpl lbs to figure it out.

    I just did two b2b fasts and finally broke my plateau and have now lost 13.1 lb. It’s coming off very slowly bc i drink/eat whatever i please on feed days. I want to lose 10 more and I think its’s gonna take me til summer and I’m ok w that bc it’s finally noticeable and ppl r making comments. I even taught 2 b2b fitness classes on my 2nd fast day yest. That was a mental feat for sure. My next small goal is to hit 15 lbs by mid April.

    Pls keep posting…and good luck to all of u still hangin in there πŸ™‚

    Suzy- betting over the plateau is such a big thing. I find it really get’s to you when you are working so hard on it and nothing seem to move. Big congratulations!

    New clothes, Jilly! Yes that is a temptation here as well. But same as you I felt it is not worth it yet. So I keep making adjustments to the clothes I have and am also rediscovering clothes that have been waiting for me in the wardrobe from when they last actually fit… several years ago.

    Jilly, Blondie, Coffee, it is great to see how everyone finds their own way within all these variations. Main thing is we are all doing it!

    Everyone here is so supportive – I really like that.

    Great to read that the plateau has been cracked SQ – I am the same as you with drinking/eating on feed days without counting or worrying about it.
    However I think this week may be a little bit of a problem as we had a hearty weekend catch up with friends. I also find the change of weather – getting colder – seems to make me hungrier and I am concerned as my FD today has been a bit of a struggle. It could also be adjusting to daylight saving ending last Sunday. I have gone over by about 50 cals today – first time ever – so am going to bed to read and hopefully will feel better tomorrow πŸ™‚ Also going to think about that clothes shopping i will be doing in a couple of months Annah – that may keep my motivation up!
    Funny tho Blondie nobody has noticed that i have lost nearly 8 kg – not sure what that means. Another 4 kg should have me dropping a size so maybe it will be noticed then???
    I like the support too and think it is essential for our success – GO TEAM!

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