starting after new years!!

This topic contains 396 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  Jilly R 8 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 397 total)

  • Hi
    Hopefully everyone will soon get over the sickness and bad heads from day 1 – there must be some sort of withdrawal stage during the first week or two, and we will settle down soon – keep going! I think also as it becomes more habitual we won’t think about it quite so much, so maybe won’t over-analyse all those aches and pains that arise. Hope so anyway – looking forward to where we will be by late spring!! (or sooner for those hoping to get into their ski pants)

    I also have eating machines at home – my eldest boy is 14, just shot up to 6ft tall and skinny as you like. never stops eating. Hard not to have high calorie food around the place for him.

    ABCD – i’ll let you explain what allotments are! I think they are great, you even get exercise travelling there as well as doing the digging and weeding – hope you will be growing some lovely healthy food but i guess at this time of year it’s mostly the muddy stuff and not much produce. My mum used to regularly fill our freezer from hers, I just used to go down there to sit in a deck chair in the peace and quiet.

    Just got in from busy day at work so not really thought about eating – i enjoyed reading all the posts from whilst i was out (10!) whilst getting a meal ready, instead of reaching for biscuits like i normally do. So keep posting and it’ll keep me out of the snacks…..


    Amazingly i haven’t stuffed my face all day today! Hurah!

    Pam – Sorry i didn’t respond before, i’ve just realised ABCD is me! πŸ˜€

    An allotment is an area of land (often in urban areas), not attached to where you live, divided into lots of smaller patches where people grow vegetables/keep chickens/drink flasks of tea/escape the real world….ect

    And going back a bit…. yes, i rather fancy a before and after weigh in on a monday (most of us appear to be fasting mondays). I think it might keep me on the straight and narrow if i have to report back numerically!

    I have decided to do things in kg because its more abstract to me (not using them normally). I’m hoping i will stick to my aim if its less familiar and i don’t think; “oh wow i’m nearly 9stn, i will reward myself with this entire ltr pot of clotted cream”….etc

    (before fast) Monday morning; 69.4kg
    (after fast) Tuesday morning; 67.5kg

    A tip for those of us avoiding a(some) glass(s) of wine in the evening, i have converted to a squeeze of lemon and a few drops of angostura bitters, topped up with fizzy water. In a wine glass. Very satisfying.


    Very pleased to meet a fellow allotment enthusiast! I do a lot of deckchair gardening too, its all good!

    Produce was really great this year, but yeah, not much still going now. Spinach is still going strong and have a few cabbages in waiting. xxx

    Hi newbies and welcome:

    When you start 5:2 you are radically changing the way you eat. It takes the body about a month to adjust. The usual newbie symptoms are headache and light headedness. These usually can be managed by drinking more water and maybe having some salty food/beverages on diet days. 5:2 is not a quick weight loss diet – the average loss is a little less than a pound a week for women. Many people think it is or should be a quick weight loss diet and quit when their initial losses slow down. Those that don’t quit will be very happy a year from now.

    This thread answers a large majority of questions/issues that come up when doing 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    I’m more of an allotment enthusiast in spirit, rather than in practice! I find it challenging enough keeping my own little garden under control!

    Suzy, what kind of fitness class do you teach?

    I lost 1 stone 3 pounds between april and december. I put 7 pounds back on over xmas :(. I have been in the gym for last 6 days and this week back to my wednesday and friday fasts. I can’t wait! I am aiming to lose 2 stone by august- but mine comes off very slow as I have underactive thyroid. I am going to keep my eye on the prize as some months I lost nothing but was visiby thinner! I do a lot of running and sprinting at gym so quite solid body wise!
    Good luck πŸ™‚

    Hi, I’ve just got in and read today’s comments.
    I think light headiness, feeling cold and feeling like your coming down with some kind of bug is quite normal. I felt awful for the first 2 weeks, when I last started this in Jan 2015. After a couple of weeks you get into a routine and feel better. I also stopped obsessing about food and started to enjoy my fast days because I felt more in control. it doesn’t take too long before you can feel the difference in your clothes – they’re not tight!
    Hang in there guys, you can do it.
    Ps another little tip. Go and get a load of holiday brochures to read through. There’s nothing more motivating than the thought of wearing a swimsuit/ bikini πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone – just reading your comments and noticed some of you are struggling during the day. I used 5:2 successfully to lose 20kg and am back on it in ernest now to shift a bit that’s crept back on over Christmas and then to lose another 10kg. What worked well for me was not doing my fast through the whole day, but from lunchtime to lunchtime – that way you are sleeping for quite a lot of the fasting period.

    On Mondays I have a normal breakfast and lunch, then a low calorie dinner, sleep, low calorie breakfast and then a normal lunch on Tuesday. I do the same again from Thursday lunch through to Friday lunch. I don’t eat anything between meals as a general rule since starting the Fast Diet, but especially not on my fast days, mainly so that I can use the calories for dinner and breakfast, but if I’m desperate I’ll snack on a carrot or some celery.

    The trick is to play around with what suits you best in terms of when you have your lower calorie slots – this certainly worked for me and might be worth some of you giving a try to get through your day.

    I have tried all the other mainstream diets without much success but this one just clicked – it’s almost too easy to be true and I didn’t get caught up in the whole mental deprivation thing! Just give yourselves some time to get into the swing of it, and make sure you plan ahead – that’s a huge key to success πŸ™‚

    Yay! Got through the first fast and still feel just about okay. Slight headache but better than I imagined. My stomach is empty but knowing that the first day is over is a relief. Next day is Thursday. Here we go!

    So first day fasting done. Wasn’t too bad but think I was over the allowed count. I made myself a fruit and veg smoothie which lasted me through the day. Dinner was a bit of an overly generous portion. Will be harder on myself on Thursday. Always found the second day tougher than the first when I did this before.

    Also decided January isn’t quite miserable enough so off the alcohol for the month too. To be honest drinking a few glasses of wine every evening over the holidays became a bit routine. I’ve gotten used to tea and marmite as my new liquids in the evening.

    I know some people were asking for tips -I find excercise is great for staving off any hunger pangs, there’s also the obvious added benefit to weight loss. This diet isn’t easy, however if you’re finding it really cold – get an extra blanket. If you are feeling you can’t sleep with the hunger, maybe change to having something last thing at night as someone else suggested. Some days are tough to get through, but it’s only 1 day…as Katie said it gets easier after a few weeks.

    Any suggestions meals wise? I think my wok skills will have to break out again, long as I don’t od on broccoli. Miso soup is also good calorie wise and flavoursome.

    Snacking on the odd tomato or bit of carrot here and there isn’t going to push anyone over their allowance either, and avoids the lightheadedness for me anyway.

    Have about 20 lbs to lose so looking forward to May when I’ll be at my target all going well.

    Good luck tomorrow if you’re fasting.

    Rambling now so will shut up.

    Is it even possible to od on broccoli? Blergh 😊. I fasted yesterday and today have a drastically reduced appetite. Yay! I threw away a leftover brownie and a cocktail sausage today. That’s unheard of in my house.

    Just home from work and enjoying a glass of red. I have tomorrow’s food all mapped out, and if i struggle w headaches, it’ll be a sliced up apple for sweetness at night.
    I really appreciate everyone’s posts. I feel so much better. I tried this last winter and only lasted a cpl of wks bc it didn’t seem very practical for me, but I’ve done my research now and realize everything I am feeling is normal and will get better.
    Thanks again everyone. Really looking forward to a successful day tomorrow.
    Jenn, I teach fitness classes to seniors. It’s my 2nd career snd I just finished the training end of the summer. I teach high and low functioning for the city, and just got hired for the university here to teach an osteoperosis class.
    Off to put my pjs on. Cheers all!

    Hi everyone

    My stats taken yesterday morning.
    Weight 139lbs
    Bust 39.5
    Waist 32
    Hips 39
    Age 48
    Height 5ft 2″

    Aiming to lose 20lbs

    Fast days yesterday and today and will do my third Thursday this week.

    Mrs P are you doing 3 fasts per wk and what does 2 back to back feel like?


    Newbie to the forums – really enjoying reading the stories πŸ™‚
    Did 5:2 about 3 years ago and it went really well. For some reason (I can’t remember why) I also did the same as you Jennifer -lunch to lunch. I couldn’t believe how simple and effective it was.
    Really worked for me but then decided to study full time while working full time so I could start a new business! Needless to say I didn’t keep the weight off. However business going really well now so it’s time to get back on the horse.
    On my 4th FD today and going well. Have picked up some good tips from the forums thanks to you all. Very interested in buying some miso soup as my cravings tend to be for salt. Does anyone know where to source it in New Zealand?

    Where do you live Jilly? There’s a Japanese store in Sylvia Park and a couple in Westfield Albany. They’d have miso soup for sure. Otherwise sushi places sell it by the cup.

    I’m in the Waikato so may look for a Japanese store in Hamilton. Would like it on tap at home so may do a bit of research on line too. Thanks!

    Hi Jilly miso is dead easy to make also just takes a bit more time I have a recipe somewhere if you need it

    Jilly, New World has sachets of miso. I have one for my lunch on FDs, all liquids until the evening meal.

    Greetings__1st time poster. Began alternate day fasting in November fasting 11 days another 9 days in December and now 2 days so far January, 2016. Fast days are water plus medications eating around 10/11 am on eat days so during 48_hour cycle there is 36 to 40 straight of fasting followed by 8 to 12 hours of eating generally two meals. Began at 247 with current weight 220 accounting for just over a pound per fast day. I remain highly motivated and expect to exceed November’s 11 fast days this month. Have grown accustomed to routine, food is totally yummy come eat day and eat day is never that far away. Am 6’3″ with target weight of 190. Thanks for listening, I’m American so hopefully that doesn’t render me a party crasher. ___PapaSherm

    Hi everyone
    I would like to join this thread. I am not new to 5:2, having started it around Aug/Sept last year. I have lost about 5kg’s but probably put some back on over the festive period. I didn’t find fast days terribly difficult, skipping breakfast, having small amount of chicken/salad for lunch and soup or small portion of meat and veg for dinner. The weight stopped coming off the last couple of months, however. A little frustrating, to say the least. Perhaps I hadn’t’ been sticking to my TDEE on the non-fast days. I think the blurb on the homepage about this diet leaves the impression that you can eat whatever you like on non-fast days, but this isn’t the case. I also need to increase my activity level. I tend to do a 45min walk a couple of days a week, and always use the stairs (2 flights) at work. This clearly isn’t enough.
    I am approaching 50 and in menopause, and have around 15kg’s in total to lose to get back to where I was a couple of years ago (size 10 jeans, which are still in my wardrobe). I am also in Australia on the East Coast (Newcastle) so summer here, altho it has rained non-stop the last 3 days…What the?
    JenniferM, I read your post with interest, and am going to try my FD’s along the same path as you have done. Before the break, I was doing Monday and Tuesdays so will keep to that for now. I go back to work next week so will start officially then – next Monday 11th Jan.
    I have to say, I am over feeling full and uncomfortable. It really was nice to feel light and not bloated after a FD.
    Looking forward to sharing our experiences, successes and support.

    Hello everyone new!

    Suzy- i got a real pang of jealousy imagining you sat there with your glass of red! I was with you in spirit!

    KrysK – I read the blurb/book as that you can eat your ‘normal’ diet on the feast days, only assuming that your normal diet keeps your weight stable (not going up). And that by introducing the 2 fasting days you would undermine your longterm calorie intake and in turn gradually reduce your stomach size, reducing the amount you feel the need to eat on the 5 non-dieting days… if you see what i mean.
    And i know what you mean about being over feeling stuffed. The christmas – new year week or so, i felt like a beached whale. And its madness because its such a horrid feeling, but as soon as it passes, i top it up again! fool.

    About doing the fast over the two half days and one night – I gave this a go last year briefly as my sister was doing it this way. It worked fantastically for her but really stalled my weight loss. Doing a whole day and 2 nights (one each end) works out at about 36hrs instead of 24, so maybe that had something to do with it. But like i say, it worked brilliantly for her! All bodies function differently. Its definitely worth trying out.

    And PapaSherm – Well done!!

    I am delaying my Second Fast from Thursday to Friday for this week, because i have some family over from OZ. I don’t fancy cooking a grand dinner for everyone and then skulking off to the kitchen to sip soup!


    Hi everybody. Third fast day going great, not even hungry and I just returned from low-funct fitness class. Just had a fat free chocolate greek yogurt. My god I almost cried when I spotted them at the grocery store. I know it’s a little processed but it helps me deal. Gonna have some porridge when I need to eat next and just a bunch of raw veggies and broth tonight. Have a great day everybody!

    Hello everyone,

    Hope that all is going well for you in the FD world.

    Just coming to end of second fast day, certainly a lot easier than first time aound, I think being at work and busy helped. Plus I followed the tip to drink some chicken stock mid-afternoon that really helped, no headaches today.

    I started 5:2 as my Canadian colleague, very nice young man, Jonny, I have to say, started 2 1/2 yrs ago and has dropped about 15 lbs, he wasn’t that hefty to begin with, and of all weight loss programmes finds this one has worked the best and with a weekly FD he keeps the pounds off, which is encouraging.

    I wish you all a lovely evevning,

    Not hungry at all atoday. Not sure what’s going on. I was this morning during fitness class, then it passed. Could I be adjusting this quickly?
    I know I am still closer to 600, but beats my last day of 700.
    Will fast next week m w f, and will fine tune down to 500. Should be ready by then.
    Making chicken parm for my boys, and just perrier and raw veggies for me πŸ˜‰

    Hi Everyone!

    Happy New Year to you all! I hope you don’t mind me joining your little group! I loved reading all your posts and found it really motivational! I am back to 5:2 again today. I first started last summer and it worked well for me but then I let things slide and put the weight back on again. I then got back in to the swing of things in November last year as I wanted to shed a few pounds before I went home to Ireland (from Canada) for the Holidays. It worked well for me for the couple of weeks I was back to the program and lots of people commented on how I had lost weight when I went home. Unfortunately enjoying my holiday home and my family filling me up with Christmas treats mean I have put back on some of the weight I had lost. I have not actually weighed myself since getting back to Canada on Sunday, I think I am in fear of what the scales will tell me but I just know in myself and feel in my clothes that I have gained back a few pounds.

    Started my first fast day today. Its just lunch time here so I am filling my lunch hour reading your posts! I find what works for me on my fast days is to not have any cals all day – just water, black coffee and plenty of herbal teas (caffeine free) and then use my calories for a substantial main meal as soon as I get in from work in the evening.

    Everyone is different so this might not work for you but I just found the days where I had even a light breakfast or lunch it put food into my head more and I struggled more to make it until dinner. Herbal teas are great I find since you can get fruity ones or my favourite is peppermint and coconut and they fill up your tummy while being 0 cals.

    You are all doing really well, congrats and keep going. I feel like 2016 is going to be the year I finally get healthy! I am going to go back to my fitness class its a hit 30 class which is basically boxing and kickboxing for 30 mins in a circuit. I will give myself this week to get back to normal and get over the jet lag some more and as of Monday I will be aiming to go 3 times a week.

    I have a lot of special occasions coming up this year, the biggest is one of my best friends getting married New Years Eve and I would love you be really happy with the way I look on the day for the photos.

    Fasting today and probably Friday this week but will normally be Mondays and Wednesdays. Once I get used to it again I will try 4:3 out and see if I can manage it for a week or two.

    Keep up the good work everyone!


    Hi to everyone who’s been on since my last post. Lots of people now which is really great.
    I think I’m getting used to this now as it’s not a fast day until tomorrow but i haven’t been hungry so just had a ‘low calorie’ day (about 900) – didn’t want to ‘waste calories’ by eating junk so this has focussed me on better nutrition, if nothing else! Several people had brought chocolates into work today (why?? did we not have enough before Xmas??) but i managed to resist. Anyway, back into a proper fast day tomorrow.
    Hope the rest of your day goes well wherever you are (Suzy – did you stick with the veggies?!? Also hopefully you won’t feel like Xmas choccies for breakfast but at least you know you can have ’em if you want!)

    (Oh,I forgot it’s only around mid afternoon in Canada… my brain must be worn out from all the calorie counting😊 can’t cope with time zones!!)

    Hi all

    Jenn125k, I always seem to fall into not consuming enough cals when slimming, which has the opposite effect on losing weight, or puts me into a plateau. I think it’s important to eat the allocated cals on your non-fast days to keep the metabolism pumping along. Has everyone done the questionnaire to ascertain our TDEE?

    Hi Jenn, so sweet, yes I am doing great, sticking to my veggies and broth, but killer headache/lightheadedness now that I’m back at home. Makes for a crappy evening.
    Won’t have chocolate for breakfast thank you, but prob will on the wkd as this is my last fast til Monday! So hopefully my weigh-in on Tues is a good one πŸ™‚ Cheers allβ€οΈπŸ·πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    Nite all…headache all night. Had so many things I needed to do and didn’t do any. :(. A granny smith before bed helped a little. Chow

    thanks for the miso soup information Barata and Nomnominator – I will try the supermarket versions and see what happens.

    Suzy I also had stuff I didn’t complete today but for sure it will be there tomorrow! Try making a list of what you did get done to focus on the positive stuff that happened?

    Enjoying reading all the new posts esp the new stories. Hopefully we will all be able to report back some great results in a couple of months ☺
    My fourth fast day finished today 1pm but we were so busy at work that I didn’t get to eat til 3pm. It went so well that I almost feel a bit worried that it was too easy but then I read something Michael said about how we tend to get the symptoms we expect. Soooooo from now on I am going to expect it will always go well and I will have it as a natural part of my life!

    Thanks Krys for the advice, you’re right I should be mindful of not undereating! At the moment though, just trying to re-train myself in how much i actually need, as I’ve been persistently gaining weight for 4 years, obviously what I think of as ‘eating normally’ is eating too much. And if I combine that with two fast days, I may not reverse the weight gain. I did use the calculator for my TDEE, and being conservative (honest?) about my activity levels, it’s only around 1650. So I’m playing around with what I really need and how to be satisfied with not going over that number too often!!

    Hey nominator, I would love to hear how you make miso at home.

    Abcd I am impressed with your gardening and chicken rearing. You must always have lovely fresh eggs. I have a sprouting kit which is the most growing of food stuff that I do, but love to tend my flower garden in the summer.

    We seem to have a few north Americans in our group too. Welcome papa Sherman and galway girl. Where exactly are you located? I’m in vancouver,bc.

    Lots of new members, we can all motivate each other! Good luck to those fasting today.

    Hi everybody, love reading your posts. Please don’t stop, gives me motivation.
    Well I am really happy I have several off days now as I simply enjoy the freedom of having what I want if I really need it. I am noticing that I am not eating as carelessly as I was after my first cpl of fasts bc I am more aware of how hard yesterday was on my body and I have guilt about not respecting it today, which is a good thing. I’ve always been a mindless eater.:/
    I’m also drinking less. I’m allowing myself wine 1-2 x per wk instead of almost every night. My husband cracked open a really nice bottle of red last night and I had to say no thank you, my veggie oxo is all I need.
    Looking back on yesterday, I plan on making some changes on Monday: drinking more water, having that granny smith sooner, going for a long walk to distract myself and finally, trying to see the positive of all the cleansing/detoxing my body is doing in the evening.
    I will admit last nt was tough. I was not very good company and was absolutely freezing. I know this is normal. It’s just tough bc we are busy w our boys smtms every night of the wk w hockey, and I also was asked to supply teach last night and I said no bc I knew I wouldn’t make it.
    Having said all of this, I do feel I am learning. If I haven’t lost any by my next weigh-in then I need to scale back on my off days. On a brighter note, my husband hugged me from behind this morn amd said I felt a little leaner. I also feel like my skin looks a little healthier.
    That’s enough rambling for now. Enjoy your wkd everyone πŸ™‚

    Hi KrysK and welcome:

    Your metabolism (TDEE) does not slow down if you eat fewer calories, or go up if you eat more calories. If you look at any TDEE calculator, you will see there is no input for how many calories you are eating. TDEE does vary if your weight decreases or increases or your exercise increases or decreases.

    Here are some tips that might help:

    Good Luck!

    Suzy – sorry you were feeling rubbish by yesterday evening, so really well done on putting off the wine for another evening, not sure i would have been able to say no, if somebody was offering!! I hope it gets easier soon for you. Sounds exhausting with your boys and their sports etc. Mine go through phases of having loads of training & fixtures, but there’s nothing going on at the moment so a bit of a break for me – can’t say i’m sorry not to be hanging around the edge of a rugby field in winter!
    Anyway keep going!! you can do it!! My fast day going fine so far, but i may get bigger heating bills as I discovered that a bit of comforting warmth helps…
    Enjoy your weekend too.

    Everybody else – hope you are still there and having successful days?

    Hello All. How’s it going? I also started 5:2 on Jan 4. Today is my second fast day and it’s just about to be afternoon. The hard part is still ahead! I’d like to lose 30#. A friend inspired me to do this. Before I started reading about it, I just went by what she said. She advised nothing but black coffee, unsweetened tea and water on fast days. I had a couple of apple wedges on my first fast day and it got me over the late afternoon urges. I feel really committed. Seems really too early to judge, but I swear I feel better already! For the last few years, cocktails have been an every day occurrence, so the two “no booze” days will be a plus for me. But I do have to say that it’s a challenge. Good luck to everyone. I saw that several of you fast on Mon/TH, so have a great day!

    Yes, In It to Thin It. I’m in Kentucky in the U.S. It’s a state, haha.

    Fast day #3 for me today, it’s 9am and I’m hungry. I had a couple beers with dinner last night and I feel hungover. However I am looking forward to my homemade roast tomato and garlic soup for dinner. Maybe a beef broth will sort me out now.

    Ok I just tried a packet miso…yuck yuck. I wouldn’t bother Jilly.

    Suzy – slap your husband in the head for drinking wine on your fast day.

    In it to thin it – I made my own miso today after rushing in from work and sport, only took 20 mins…
    I used:
    A chicken stock cube to keep the calls down
    About 1.5 litres of boiling water
    Thumb of ginger
    3 cloves of garlic
    1 large red chilli
    Juice of a lime
    Red bean curd/miso paste
    Bunch of fresh coriander.
    A few scallions(spring onions)
    Dash of fish sauce
    Dash of light soy
    A few drops of sesame oil if you feel like it
    Meat if you like, I had some leftover sirloin roast to use so that went in.
    I would use some lemongrass but didn’t have any to hand

    After that whatever veg you have, I used a carrot and 3 large cabbage leaves all chopped up finely.

    Once the chopping is done, dissolve the stock cube in the water, add the soy, lime, fish sauce,throw in the hardier veg(white bit of scallion, ginger, carrot) and cooked meat, red chillies. Boil for about 5 mins, then add the rest of the veg and stalks of coriander. Dissolve the miso paste in some of the soup in a smaller bowl, add that, add the green scallions and serve with the coriander leaves.

    I just had 1.5 bowls and I found it scrummy. I love the hot and sour combo it has. I’m going to tell myself it’s within my tdee.

    Hi all! Unfortunately I can’t slap my husband, and least not for the wine heehee. I haven’t told any family of friends I am on the 5:2 yet until I have a good hold of it and believe I can 100% do it. I always start out strong and usually crash after a wk at diets, so I want to prove this to myself first. I know many of u may not agree with this, but I need to get to a stage where I’m not struggling so much w my fast evenings. Doing 3 fasts next wk so by this x next wk I should b pretty gd at this stuff and proud of my perseverence:)

    Hi SuzyQ – I hear ya – other than my husband and some very close friends I didn’t tell anyone I had embarked on 5:2 – I wanted to prove I could do it first and that it worked, given all the other diets I had tried and with which I had failed miserably. Once the weight started to come off, I just waited to see who noticed and it was an awesome feeling when people started to say I was looking slimmer :).

    I am coming to the end of my first proper FD of the New Year, having slipped off the wagon in late November once all the Christmas nonsense started. It feels good to be back under control.

    Keep up the good work peeps – first weekend of 5:2 coming up for a lot of you which is always tricky – but you’ll find the longer you persevere the easier it gets.

    Wow, went back to work this week so hardly had a chance to check the thread… just been having a good read. My weigh in is tomorrow and I am feeling good. Been very motivated this week. Fasting Tuesdays and Thursdays. I do my weekly shop on Thursday so have breakfast cereal for dinner when we get in, but tonight I had some quorn ‘chicken’ and h/b egg with toast so ended up going over. Hey ho not the end of the world. I started my food diary in ernest today (well it came in the post so jotted down rest of the week). I will be writing down everything I eat but only counting cals on my fast days to make it easier. Also getting my 3km walk in the morning despite it being cold, dark and wet. So also getting to 10k steps by evening by dragging poor Luna (the dog) out three times a day. One thing I have discovered which is helping a lot is Almond milk. I am having a small glass before bed and it really stops the grumbling tum and stops me wanting a biscuit. whoo hoo anything that helps. Weigh in tomorrow morning… am a bit nervous! πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone!

    Hope it’s OK to join this group. I started 5:2 on Jan 1st, have had 2 FDs and have lost 5lb.

    Reading all your posts has been really inspiring and I feel as though I know you all already. LOL

    I live in North East England UK and I’m 66 years old, unhealthy and about 50lbs overweight! I’m hoping to encourage and be encouraged with this as I’m desperate to lose this excess weight and try to regain some health.

    I’m vegetarian ( eat eggs and dairy ) so if anyone knows of any recipes that would help I’d really appreciate it.

    Hi coffeeholic, you are more than welcome!! The more the merrier bc this is all about getting healthy snd helping others too. We will encourage you I promise. This is a great little group we have here.
    I’m just chillin thinking about my wkd plans.
    Grannychris I’m thinking about you. I hope your weigh in tmrw morn makes you happy. Nite all πŸ™‚

    Hi I am new to all this, this is first week and I have completed two fast days at 500 each which was easier than I thought as I knew I could eat the next day lol.

    I only have a little bit to go but can’t seem to shift mummy tummy. I had been dieting using MFP at 1200 calories per day but had stopped for months regardless of how much exercise I done.

    Just wondering if anyone here has had any success reducing tummy?

    Hi all, now to just get through the weekend without getting ourselves into trouble. 2 fasts days done and feeling good about them,but the weekend is usually a tough time for me. Too much free time has me checking out the fridge and having snacks that aren’t in my diet plan. Do any of you have diet strategies that help one get through the weekend?

    Nominator- thanks for the miso recipe. Will be trying it out today.

    Welcome kelltoch, my mummy tummy is 23 years old!! Hoping this diet will be the one that will finally shift it. Why is this one area so stubborn to lose?

    Re: almond milk -I use it rather than dairy,which I try to avoid. I make a chia seed pudding 1-2 tablespoons of chia seed stirred into 1/2 cup of almond milk. Let it sit in the fridge several hours or overnite. Stir in a few berries or 1/2 a banana for sweetness. Tastes yummy and keeps everything “in transit” so to speak.

    Kkicks I am impressed that you could fast all day on liquids and a few apple slices. But like you, I felt an almost immediate improvement after 1 day of fasting I seemed to lose most of the ridiculous urges to keep eating past the point of fullness.

    What is your weather like now in Kentucky? I don’t know much about your state except that there are a lot of sport team rivalries with your neighbor Tennessee, I think.

    In a previous life, I used to love kentucky fried chicken or KFC as we call it here. Now I follow a mostly plant based diet as much as possible, for health reasons.

    In it, we’re having a slow start to winter here, but it should arrive shortly. Sunday I hear. Kentucky is a huge basketball state. Well, football is popular too, but our main university excels at basketball. Well, I can tell from other posts that I’m not taking the eat days seriously enough. I haven’t been a hog, but I’ve kinda eaten and drank what I want. This is the first time I’ve ever done this. Motivated by a teacher at my school who has been very successful–she did 5:2 for 10 months, now maintaining with 6:1. She’s thin as a pin! I’m 62 and my weight has crept on over the last 7-8 years after some surgeries made me more sedentary. And then there are those nightly cocktails! Yesterday was my 2nd fast day and I made it through again with liquids (not the good kind) and a couple of wedges of apple. Keeping the cals down to 500 on fast days would be too much temptation for me right now. I think I’ll do better just eating a bite or two (apples or carrots or such) in the evening. Do y’all think I’m messing with my metabolism by eliminating the 500 cals on fast days?

    I do have to say, at this early stage, that I already feel different. Better. And I feel very committed. But I can tell from y’all’s posts that I’m going to have to be careful on my eat days. I hope I can be a good girl over the weekend!

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