so cross on first day

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  traveller01 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Thought my first day was going well and got lots done but I was in the worst mood once 5 o clock came. Help. Cldnt continue like that!!!

    Hang in there – only day 1.

    Stop and have a nice drink of water, or perhaps a cup of tea.
    You can feel horrible, but don’t be horrible.
    Nice breakfast tomorrow!

    Like the idea you can feel horrible but can’t be horrible! !
    Starting again tomorrow.
    Very nervous.
    Lots of tea….

    Have a big glass of water and go for a walk at about 5pm, 30-60 minutes. Hopefully you are in a position to be able to do this? I find that it breaks the boredom which brings on a desire to eat (as a form of entertainment). Plus some physical exercise, even moderate exercise like walking releases dopamine which makes you happy. Im at my happiest when Im on my bike!!

    Cant at this time but will see if today is any better. Was really cross again last night. Did recover but cldnt manage this another wk.

    Thanks for the advice. X

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