Sleeping Issues

This topic contains 62 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  alexm_ 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I’m having a successful time on the fast diet and so far have lost 15lbs in 12 weeks. My only issue is sleep deprivation on the 2nd fast day.

    I’ve never had a sleep problem in the past and I normally go to bed at 11.30 pm and wake at 7.30pm. The same routine occurs for my first Fast Day on a Monday – no problems here. However, on the second Fast Day (Wednesday) I toss and turn and am still awake past 2 am. I do fall to sleep but I’m awake again by 5.30 am and have to get up because I can’t get back to sleep. I don’t mind too much the early start to the new day but I hate the fact I can’t get to sleep in the first place.

    I’ve tried everything; drinking water during the day, walking the dog (a collie who needs lots of walking anyway), eating my meal at 8pm and I recently “sacrificed” 100 cal of my allowance for warm milk before I go to bed. All with no positive results.

    So, two questions.

    1. Anybody got any natural remedies they can suggest?
    2. If no natural remedies, can anybody recommend a good sleeping tablet that will do the trick – seriously!

    I’m really happy with this diet but I still have a long way to go to reach an ideal weight (April 2014).

    Any and all help greatly appreciated.


    me 2 Neill

    i’m really wandering if in the long run i’m ruining my health

    by not sleeping i’m 2 alert tossing & turning

    it is becoming a great concern

    i’ve tried melatonin nottin

    i’m going 2 try Valerian

    i really understand how u feel

    the crashing part is not fun

    & like u i’m happy w/ this lifestyle finally something that works

    Thanks for that – appreciated.

    I don’t think the diet is ruining my health. Apart from this one sleep issue I’m feeling the benefits. I can now see my weight loss and my (very) high blood pressure issue is, I beleive, reducing too. But like my weight reduction, I’ve still some way to go………..


    I always was a light sleeper, but had a couple of difficult nights when I first started 5:2 (difficult getting to sleep, easily agitated).

    When starting I had many small meals/ snack, but as I trained my fasting ability I can do 24 hours and spare my calories for one meal in the evening (600 KCal of meat and vegetables will certainly make you feel full).

    I am sleeping better now than before I started but I also do more exercise now (4.5 hours of cycling per week in addition to walking my cairn terrier). Cycling is a wonderful way of transportation and exercise.

    Also try not to make the being awake cause you to not falling a sleep, don’t worry so much that you cannot sleep. Get out of bed and do something else (listen to radio pod-cast works for me), read a book if that works. Go back to bed when you are feeling more sleepy.

    If nothing else works then talk to your pharmacist/ doctor about your problem. I have used a over the counter drug containing Promethazin. It worked well for me but be careful not to take it on a regular basis (according to my pharmacist it will loose effect and you will be in a worse position).

    I sympathise. Like you i find myself wide awake for no reason in the middle of the night if I haven’t eaten enough in the evening. I get the same if I drink coffee in the evening too. This seems to affect quite a few intermittent fasters. I agree with DrLL that eating most of your calories in the evening could help. I confess I sometimes raid the fridge in the early hours and have a small glass of skimmed milk and find I go straight back to sleep.

    The other thing that Michael finds helpful is to practice mindfulness which he finds helps him sleep better( or read a boring book )
    As you say exercise probably helps with sleep too, even simply walking more.

    A good night’s sleep makes all the difference including motivation to stick to a healthy diet! wiltldnrUSA and NeillMac I hope you find a way to a good night’s sleep

    hi clare & NeillMac & DrLL & thanks

    i have asked my doc no help there

    i have tried eating @ night, boring book, blackout the room etc

    noise machine ugh. i don’t do (4.5 hours of cycling per week). lazy i guess

    yes i admit it πŸ˜‰ i @ least do the hit a wk

    it is every other fast day that this happens 4 a while now the deprived sleep

    i always thought that was an expression tossing and turning but 2 actually be doing it all night is weird

    i’m just concerned because our bodies need 2 repair & sleep just like fasting

    if it does not get it, 2 repair & build our immune system, what is going 2 happen?

    i think this diet has been the best ever it works

    i have lost over 22 lbs since march 2/13 & 51 lbs 2 still go.
    slowly going down by 1.4 a week some plateaus inbtween ugh

    plus it is fun averaging 1410 cals a week used 2 b 1300

    like today i could add 696 calories if i want yay!!

    9870 cals -sun394-mon2902-tues1221-weds1757-th550-fr1840-sat510 = 696 (i added a 3rd fast this week)

    the 2902 cals went out with my little niece 2 c a movie and had a ton of popcorn then a slice of pizza and a soft pretzel a hot dog
    things i don’t usually eat. that’s ok as long as i average the 1410 a wk i’m good

    sunday is splurge day whatever i want which usually because of this great diet i do not want that much anyway yipeeeee!!!!!

    i’m trying this low carb cycling high mod carb low carb and sund feastday click on my name and u will c all my posts & replies w/ all their trials & tribulation
    & experiments

    i’m getting tested this mon on cholesterol my high blood pressure the type2diab

    let’s hope it is lower

    please share whatever works 4 sleeping

    wish u all continued mental acuity, energy, health, weight loss & above all


    Hi Neill Mac,

    I had sleep issues before I started the CR 2 Fast Diet.

    After trying various sleep aids that did not work well, I consulted my local pharmacist. The pharmacist advised that I use melatonin a natural sleep aid product that is produced by the human body and helps promote restful, normal sleep.

    You can buy Melatonin without a prescription and is available in most USA drugstores on the shelves. I have tried it in 3 mg and 5 mg pill form. Both worked for me before CR 2 Fast Diet and when I am on the CR 2 Fast Diet.

    Another good sleep aid is to try to read a boring book or news magazine at bedtime. You can tell if its really boring if you can’t remember what you read the next day.

    Best wishes in getting some good sleep. Without proper sleep then you will have other issues with weightloss.

    Wow – some great replys there guys – thank you.

    A couple of you have tried melatonin. I’ll see if it is available in the UK.

    DrLL says “Also try not to make the being awake cause you to not falling a sleep, don’t worry so much that you cannot sleep. Get out of bed and do something else (listen to radio pod-cast works for me), read a book if that works. Go back to bed when you are feeling more sleepy.”

    Now that REALLY sounds like good advice and I think I will try that one before the pills which I’m really trying avoid.

    Clare. Mindfullness is a big issue with me and something I should try to develop. My brother is a Gestalt councillor speciallising in mindfulness. Perhaps I should take some advice form him………………

    Hi there, I’m looking for help overcoming insomnia on the first fast day of the week.

    I’ve been doing the Fast Diet since the start of July and I’ve lost 11 lbs, which i’m pretty happy with. I fast on Monday and Thursday and I do hour long CV classes at least twice a week plus pilates.

    My pattern of fasting is to skip breakfast, have lunch of around 150 cals at around 1-2ish, maybe a nibble of a water biscuit or oat cake late in the afternoon then tea around 8ish. I generally drink lots of water and de-caff tea during the day. I always try to have a low cal hot choc about an hour before going to bed.

    But when I do go to bed I’m just wide awake and last night couldn’t get off to sleep until about 2.30am.

    I was hoping this would pass after the first few weeks, but it’s still a problem.

    I like the 5:2 diet and the lifestyle it offers, but I’m feeling like I can’t go through the rest of my life having six nights sleep out of seven.

    Can anyone offer me some hope that things do improve, or some strategies for getting a good night’s sleep on a fast day.

    Much appreciated

    hi everyone,
    before starting this plan i used to sleep like a log, then begain this plan,
    to start with i couldnt drop off due to tummy rumbles, i also worried about if lack of sleep would affect my health,

    my thoughts on it is, when my body was carrying much more weight it had to work harder hence being tired at the end of a day, now i have less weight my body dosent have to work as hard and i have much more energy,

    if i found myself wide awake id get up and read the posts here or play a game or 3 of solitaire then go back to bed and would find i would drop off.

    it was frustrating laying there at night waiting to drop off but i kept at it and changed my eating to most of my cals as an evening meal it has improved, but it did take quite a few weeks before i noticed any changes my sleep is now much better. xx

    magnesium worked for me. i discovered that my multi-vitamin didn’t have enough maganesium (the USRDA level).

    another good one to try is drinking tea that has the herb valerian in it. valerian is useful for sleep problems.

    the book “self hypnosis for dummies” comes with a CD – i downloaded the CD to my MP3 player and play it when i have difficulty falling asleep.

    @keyz – ” i downloaded the CD to my MP3 player and play it when i have difficulty falling asleep.”

    I also have a series of recordings that I can tap into depending on what mood that I need to shift or a skill to develop.

    I do wake up early or sometimes in the middle of the night.

    I take the waking up in stride & I’ll go back to sleep whenever I feel sleepy again. I’m fine with waking up & it gives me an opportunity to do many things that are mundane.

    Rather than being concerned, I can be productive for what interests me.

    It’s an attitude of anticipating that the body knows what it’s doing & the mind can continue until fatigue sets in again.

    My wife has gone through anxious periods before and now sleeps well through the night by taking melatonin & relaxing about the waking up part.


    i have to edit my reply.

    the magnesium supplement helped me before i did the 5:2 diet. and i still take magnesium.

    however, now that i have the 5:2 plan, i’m noticing this insomnia was worse on the 2nd fast day of the week.

    i’m going to use my MP3 player and try to get to bed earlier to see if it’ll help. before being on 5:2, i also did yoga and/or meditation, and that helped a lot. i’ll try it and report back.

    I realised too that I sleep far better (though not very well) if I have my main meal in the evening. For me too the second fast day caused me most problems which I guess is because the body is more drained than during the first fasting day. The protein gives a sense of feeling fuller which I think is why I feel better when I eat more of my 600 calories in the evening. I was never very good at sleeping so it is just more of the same anyway for me πŸ™‚ but I also felt that it disturbs me that this wonderful diet comes with this side effect… I hope to go to 6:1 soon so I hope that this sleeping issue will then be resolved, but otherwise I need to find something out because I do not want to sleep badly like that for a very long time.

    I find also that on the nights following fasting I awake early (2- 4am) and I put this down to going to sleep hungry because when I go downstairs and eat a (small) snack I can fall asleep again.

    I find myself wide away thinking about food and Mosley. It’s a hard life.

    Mosleys Bit On The Side

    LOL HA HA HA ♬♬♬♬♬♬ SO SO TRUE!!!!

    wiltldnrUSA are you a contender for Mosley’s #1 fan? The crown is mine. Until you’ve suffered Horizon addiction you don’t have a hope of snatching the title. However I will allow you to join the ranks of ‘The Mosley Groupies’ if, and only if, you are strong enough to stomach watching the entire series of Genius of Invention back-to-back. Even the strongest would-be Mosley Groupies buckle at that one.

    Mosleys Bit On The Side

    u may call me usa

    what may i call u? not bit what?

    i still have not watched the truth about vitamins

    i’m sure u saw my post 4 newbies please add what u have & know

    everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

    tend 2 love researching & audiobooks

    however this dr was found while reading an article about

    how the brits have gone crazy over the fast diet way b4 it came 2 the usa

    so research hat on while practicing the 500 lifestyle it was

    & finally found a u tube clip then the pbs

    finaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly something that worked

    i bow 2 u oh great horizon watcher & u may have the crown bestowed on ur head πŸ˜€ ♬♬♬♬♬ 

    happy restful sleeping &

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 πŸ˜€

    I’m still struggling to sleep on my fast nights. I started on 5:2 on 2 October 2013 and reached my target weight end of November 2013. Originally I did the 2 fast days back to back and it was only on the second fast day that I only slept intermittently. Now I do different days say Monday and Friday and find staying asleep difficult. The only thing that works for me is to take a small dose of citrizine (an antihistamine).
    I now skip breakfast all weekdays. Fast one or 2 days depending on whether I feel I may have put a little weight on. My exercise is less as it is winter now and I don’t like going out in the cold.

    Sleeping issue is really a great issue With Christmas round the corner, people are busy looking around a perfect gift for their partner, accepting too many party. All these will surely rob you off your sound night sleep. here are some tips for get a better night sleep on that kind of busy days:

    You can add me to the list of people who have been experiencing sleep problems πŸ™ Even without fasting, I usually wake up about three times a night to pee (because of a back problem). It’s hard to go to sleep hungry and even harder to get back to sleep when you wake up at 3 or 5 in the morning with your stomach crying out for mercy.

    Saving as many calories as possible for the evening and taking some valerian helps, but I don’t think I’ve found the definitive solution yet. I’m considering fasting more frequently (every other day, for instance, as suggested by Krista Varady), but being a bit more generous with the calories — maybe a 100-cal snack at midday, a 400-cal dinner at eight p.m., and a 200-300 cal bedtime snack.

    Varady proposes “fasting” every other day (approx. 1 x 100-cal snack and 1 x a 400-cal meal). Once you reach a point where you’re just maintaining your weight, you can presumably double this (approx. 2 x 100-cal snacks and 2 x 400-cal meals). Again, if you follow her system you’d be doing this every other day. Perhaps it’s still possible to lose weight, even if it’s more slowly, at some intermediate point that’s more sustainable for those of us with sleep issues.

    I don’t think losing sleep is very good for your health. Also, I need to be very focused to be productive in my work. The combined effects of fasting and sleep loss can make this difficult to achieve.

    Anyway, I’m hoping that with some tinkering I can come up with a workable approach.

    Hi all, like some of you I have sleep issues but had these prior to fasting. One of the reasons is common to men of a certain age which means I also wake up several times a night to pee. The other reason, and I have just found this out is like eghamhigh I take an antihistamine. In my case it is Lorotadine, taken on a daily basis for an unknown allergy. I have now found that a side effect is sleeplessness. Lucky me. Could I suggest to those with similar problems check any medication they are on. It may be the cause of the problem.
    Good luck to you all.

    I’ve had sleep problems for about as long as I’ve had weight issues, i.e. most of my adult life. Twice I’ve been to a sleep clinic. I learned some good strategies that I employ from time to time, so I sleep quite well most of the time now, and I will try and summarise here.

    i. hyper-active brain … whirling thoughts, often brilliant and exciting that keep your brain zinging and whizzing … this is where you need that dull book, or a puzzle, or solitaire but usually something that you can do lying in bed and just drift off when the brain slows down

    ii. patterns to initiate sleep … establish a routine that you can do when preparing to sleep … walk around the garden, check lights off, dog out, brush teeth, read favorite book,light out, recite favorite poem, sleep … if you cant sleep get up and do ten minutes of some non-habit activity and then go through the routine again.

    iii. reverse psych … self talk that says ‘wow I’m glad to be awake and having all these fabulous thoughts and sleep can just wait’ is a better way to get back to sleep than ‘doom gloom oh woe is me i can’t sleep and i’m going to be so knackered tomorrow’

    iv. if i have two bad nights in a row i take phenergan (an antihistamine that makes me drowsy) at bed time. i never take it more than two nights in a row. I sometimes take it if i have a big day coming up and sleep is really important.

    v. the usual … no caffeine or stimulants after about 2pm … bedtime snack of milk and biscuit … goldilocks room temp …

    vi. orgasm … no joking, there is some science behind this one … but on your own or in company it is still a great way to get to sleep.

    I read that people who have trouble sleeping often have low levels of magnesium, have you had your levels checked? Good luck to you it’s so hard to function daily with little sleep.

    Sleep can be an issue for many of us including myself. In the past my Doctor has prescribed sleeping tablets. They worked but some, the so-called Z tablets can have serious side effects so I do not recommend them. What I now do is a form of meditation based on my breath count. You can practice this during the day on a quiet moment to help you with the the technique. When in bed and I finally settle down I start to focus on my breathing and a reverse count down from 50. I focus on each deep breath and how I do it.I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. At the end of each exhalation I do a count, starting from 50, then 49 and so on. If my mind wanders, and it does, I recognise it has. I refocus on my breathing and start the count again from 50. My breathing becomes slow and shallow. My mind starts to quieten down and stops jumping about and stills its racing. I go to sleep. It may not be for every one, it is frustrating and it takes time to learn but for me after years of sleepless nights it was worth the minimum effort I took to learn it. Check out meditation on the internet. Buy a pair of headphones and find a relaxation process you can use in bed. I can assure you that if you spend a bit of time learning a mind quietening technique it has a good chance of helping you with your sleep problems.
    Good luck to you all.

    I frequently have trouble getting to sleep. My mind seems to go into overdrive and shoot around all over the place as soon as my head touches the pillow.

    I hate taking any kind of medication to help me sleep, I’ve tried various types and they all make me feel like cr@p in the morning.

    I have been listening to relaxation tracks recently and find they help me drift off pleasantly. I use Steve G Jones ‘Weight Loss Hynosis’ which is designed to help you fall asleep (I downloaded it for 89p from Amazon) and also Jon Gabriel ‘Evening Visualisation’ (which was a free download from his website). Since I started using these I’ve found it much easier to ‘drop off’.

    ” I sleep quite well most of the time now, and I will try and summarise here.”

    Thank you for these sleep solutions.

    I will keep these notes because they will come in handy in the future for me.



    great idea!! will look 4

    take care


    This is interesting for me because I’ve had long term issues with sleep.
    I do find that my sleep is both better and worse with IF.

    Unlike a lot of people here my sleep is better on fasting days (I fast from 1pm). I think by night time I’m in the slow down mode of fasting by then so sleeping is fine. But the first day I’m back on normal foods – particularly protein – I do struggle with sleep. I’m thinking about cutting protein from my night time meals to see if that helps.

    I do also use melatonin.

    Interesting stuff. The interplay of hormones and various chemicals is a complex one and hard to predict.

    Let me know if anyone tries switching their food intake to earlier rather than later and if that helps.

    For years, I was a terrible insomniac. Was getting 8-10 hours sleep PER WEEK, and had to resort to drugs to get by. Started the 5-2 diet last August (5 months ago), and after a few weeks I noticed a big change – I was sleeping! I now have trouble staying up past 10:30 at night, and while I’m generally awake by 5:30, this is a wonderful change that I wasn’t expecting when I started on this thing. I’m a male in my mid-50s, and have lost 8 kg since starting. I’m now only 1.5 kg off my goal weight of 75 kg. While I was heavier than I wanted to be when I started on the 5-2 diet, I was not yet technically overweight by BMI definition, so I have no idea why I’m seeing such a remarkable change in my ability to sleep. Perhaps I shouldn’t try to figure this one out, but would appreciate any ideas as to what might be going on. Regardless of whether there’s a rational explanation, I’m very grateful. This has really changed my life. Thanks so much.

    I too also had no problems sleeping before fasting. In the first few weeks I would get up and have cereal then read for a while. Now I just do meditation and brainwash myself. I will try some of the suggestions on these posts because it is annoying.

    I’m glad I came across this post. I thought I might be going a bit crazy. I have only been doing the diet for 2 weeks (four fasts, total). But on all four fast days I had a really hard time falling asleep, and then staying asleep. This is really a change for me. I usually fall asleep quickly (around 11PM), and sleep soundly until 6AM. On fast days I am lucky to fall asleep by 1 or 2AM, and wake up several times. I am going to try the valerian tea and if no impact, try to increase my magnesium. Not too keen on trying any medication quite yet.

    @emullen. I wouldn’t try any medication to resolve the lack of sleep. I just accept that on fast days I don’t sleep well. Pretty sure that it is my mind saying ‘stay awake and go and find some food, you haven’t had enough calories’. Seems a pretty reasonable action from my mind.
    I have reached my target weight and to maintain just fast one day a week (called 6:1)and I still get a bad night’s sleep on the night of the fast. I am used to this fact so I don’t get too wound up by it. One thing about lack of sleep, it is guaranteed that at some point you will sleep.

    Sleeping disorder has become the most common problem of large number of people who doesn’t exist in a specific country in-deed in various part of globe. Hectic schedule, changing life style, excessive consumption of junk foods and no physical workout is the main cause founded by the medical researchers.
    After consulting with a doctor you can go for Sleeping tablets.

    i just checked magnesium has zero calories-im sure a tablet of this can help

    I have had this issue with low carb dieting. What I found was that is related to low glucose/insulin levels. I think when blood glucose/insulin levels are low, cortisol is high. I think a spoonful of honey right before bed is helpful.

    I’ve been on the 5:2 diet for two weeks now and had sleeping issues this week. Interestingly, I’ve just switched from 2 meals to one evening meal on fast days. Maybe it’s a body clock (circadian rhythm) thing?

    Good to see you talk about training yourself to fast. I was hopeless the first week. A bit better this week. Trouble is that when I am housesitting I have to much time on my hands during fast days. Have to get busy and that helps me get through. JJ

    I have a pretty erratic sleep pattern, easily become nocturnal, so keeping normal hours has been a long term challenge for me.

    What has worked for me:
    1) I take prescribed melatonin (it’s called Circadin here) an hour before I want to sleep.

    2) I take a complete Magnesium supplement, daily.

    3) I take a hot bath (warm is recommended, I prefer very hot) with a large cup of epsom salts (magnesium sufate) in every night before bed. Rinse off the water after bathing with a shower, otherwise your skin will become dry.

    4) I got rid of the television.

    5) I have low lighting and relax before taking a bath and in the bath I use a candle for light. Light is major!

    This is my problem as well. I usually have no trouble sleeping, but fast days cause me to wake up repeatedly during the night and feel exhausted the next day. Other than this issue, the diet is working very well for me, but the sleep is a deal-breaker. I’ve tried over-the-counter sleep aids, eating the last light meal later in the evening, saving calories for a few sips of milk, but nothing has really worked. I really need to find a solution.

    My sleep problems don’t sound as severe, but I am having some. I’ve just completed my third week. The first week I didn’t notice any sleeping problems, but starting the second week I have had sleeping problems after both fast days. I wake up in the middle of the night and it takes me 1-2 hours to get back to sleep.
    I have had pretty severe sleeping problems in the past, so I’m willing to live with this and I’m also hoping it will go away with time.

    Good luck!

    The first week I experienced sleep problems, but sleep problems are fairly common for me anyway (menopause, always a light sleeper), though fasting days it was more pronounced. But after the first week my sleep got better and not just better as in not having trouble sleeping but better as in sleeping REALLY well. Weird but I’m loving it. I do find im VERY wired by the end of a fasting day, but I do about 30 min of brisk walking at the end of the day and it helps with that.

    As someone who has spent virtually their entire adult life (49 years old) with sleep issues I have become an expert on the subject at least inasmuch as it pertains to myself. Fasting or even dieting definitely interferes with me being able to get off to sleep.
    On the subject of medication it can be used occasionally to get off to sleep but don’t take it after 4 pm I would say otherwise it will make you dopey when you are supposed to be awake the next morning. Paracetamol helps your muscles relax and has a soothing effect likewise other NSAIDs. Nytol is ok but dependence forming. I get the stronger tablet form and cut it into quarters and wouldn’t use more than once a week. There’s the drowsy version of night nurse – again only occasional use and if you are on anti-depressants use caution it can interact and make you sleep all day too! And it contains paracetamol. I only take a small sip. Valerian (herbal nytol) I found makes me feel depressed and irritable the next day and I haven’t used it for years and years. I tried prescribed sleeping pills, they work to some extent but again they are only for occasional use. I used them for a short while years ago but feel it is not really worth the hassle of a trip to the doctors. I also tried melatonin years ago and feel the results were inconclusive.
    I can’t particularly vouch that these things work for fasting sleeplessness however as I have copped out and eaten in the evening every time I have tried so far! I am on anti-depressants (citalopram) and as these tend to help you sleep I might try taking a bit extra on a fasting day.
    On youtube there are various recordings designed to help you sleep. I find thunder and rain sounds quite good.You can get 10hrs of rain, or waves or rainforest… Also listening to Eckhart Tolle speaking as he is both interesting and soothing at the same time!

    I have not slept well for years, but other than warm milk/ovaltine, have not let it get to me. However , since retiring, I find things have got worse, also since starting FD I find I’m more aware of hunger at night. I have tried all sorts of different herbal/natural remedies and all seem to help for a week , then the circle starts again. I have found an Ayurvedic natural product from Pukka ( ) that contains Valerian and Ashwagandha. It works for me. Have taken this now for over a month. There have been a couple of bad nights where I have got up and read for an hour, but I take another capsule and manage to get back to sleep no problem. Already I feel much better when getting up. Just have to sort out my silent reflux now then I might be something like fit and well.

    Second week on 4:3 and I’m sleeping better, if anything. I fall to sleep unusually early and EASY on fasting days and sleep deep, however, I do wake before my 7am alarm; usually around 5:30 – 6. No grogginess. I feel great.


    I just wanted to add, insomnia is a big issue with me if I haven’t had enough carbs or kcal. I have found having a high carb snack before bed really helpful.

    I often find I’m falling asleep after lunch at midday though grrr!

    Good luck!

    I did the fast diet for 1 year and lost 25 pounds, but stopped when my sleep became severely disrupted, culminating in anxiety attacks at night. I contacted one leading expert on fasting and asked him about this experience and he told me that it is not surprising, since most fasts involve eating at different times of day on different days, which has a direct effect on circadian rhythms responsible for regulating hormones, neurotransmitters, and sleep. For the first time in my life I had severe sleep problems and anxiety attacks which I could only control using meds, despite 1 hr of meditation, running daily, and cognitive therapy (and the meds cause weight gain, btw). Three years later I still cannot function without meds, and revert immediately to sleep disruption without them. I would strongly advise against any fasting diet that prescribes different meal times on different days. The scientist I spoke to recommended restricting calories without a complete fast, e.g., by eating a high protein, carb free meals in place of full fasts.

    @stopfasting. The diet here IS calorie restriction. So we do eat some food it is NOT a fast where no calories are consumed. I suggest you see your doctor for your problems as they are probably not related to this way of life

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