September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 29 Sicily NFD
    DAY 30 CD-It would be better if I can turn this into a FD but we have dinner out tonight. We’ll see. Thank you @basyjames for hosting. Can’t believe this month has gone by! I want to stay on board for October. Who is the host? Welcome to any newcomers!

    Day 30 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 FD
    I’ll put my final weight in tomorrow as I’ve probably over eaten on the last two days.

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD
    September goal: 147lbs
    Final September weight: 146.5 lbs 😃😃😃

    And whoosh!!! Miracles do happen. Ketosis breath and peeing like a racehorse all day yesterday and during the night was worth it. I dropped 3lbs OVERNIGHT 💃💃
    Still can’t believe it.

    So I have smashed September goal by half a pound….loss since start weight is 2lb, but if you take the 8lb holiday gain into account it’s really 10lb loss for September.

    Thanks BasyJames for hosting. Looking forward to the October challenge. See you all over there. Thanks Saffy420 for taking the reins.

    Oh happy day 🤗🤗

    Day 30, UK, FD
    Weighed in at 80.2kg this morning. BMI of 22.93 😀 Target for the challenge was 79.5kg, but as we’ll be eating at a Brazilian BBQ restaurant this afternoon, that won’t happen! I won’t break my fast until I get there though and the dogs need walking before that too.

    DAY 30 – UK –

    Starting weight 10st 7lb
    To-days weight 10st 6 lb

    Miserable fail – but better than a gain!!!!

    Target again for next month 3 lb.

    Day 30 NFD

    But aiming for control as last day of the challenge.! Will post final weight tomorrow but I feel have not met my September goal due to an indulgent holiday in south of France! Never mind, the numbers have gone down a bit so pressing on!
    Thanks to @basyjames for hosting the September challenge.
    @saffy420 please include me in the October challenge. I’m all fired up to do well this next month!

    DAY 30 – UK – NFD

    Oh! Forgot to ask if could I please join the October Challenge?

    Two weeks hols (1 in Lakes another in Cornwall) so another testing month

    Still hope to be 9st 7lb by Christmas!!!

    Day 30 North Wales NFD

    @jarbia I don’t see your month as a fail at all you lost a pound and did not put weight on. Well done 👍

    Day 30 – 🇬🇧- FD

    Completing B2B – struggled this month & feel as though I’ve lost my way but reading up on the posts has motivated me to “just do it!” & squeeze in 2 final FDs!

    I’m grateful my name has already been added to Oct challenge – I was wavering but will now commit & hope for a better month.

    Will post weight tomorrow 😊

    Day 30 – Newcastle, UK

    What a month – high highs and low lows and nothing to do with fasting – other than I’m ending September on a high in that regard (which is really a low in terms of eradicating weight!). However, that’s life. Swings, roundabouts and slides.

    Thank you for the many supportive comments regarding my dear friend. My thoughts and hugs to all those going through personal struggles and losses – @belfastsink, @lindasue amongst others. I’ve had very little time to read posts this month, but knowing you are all there has been comforting. @coda – I gather you’ve had treatment on your foot – I need to look back at posts and get caught up. I hope you are recovering well.

    My really great news is that OH has come through his knee replacement on Wednesday and is doing really well. His consultant is delighted with the result which is a lot better than he imagined was possible. OH has nothing but praise for the wonderful people looking after him at The Freeman Hospital. Long live our brilliant NHS!

    I like that October 1st is a Sunday – the beginning of a new week and a new month. I look forward to joining you for the October challenge. I’ll post my starting weight in the morning and remember that I’m still at least 7lbs lighter than when I started these challenges in February.

    Finally, having messed around our very patient techy JJ, I am keeping my @Strawberriesandcream handle as it turns out @sc is taken and @lilymartin‘s kind comment helped me decide against changing to something completely different – lol!

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting September 🙂 x

    Hello everyone day 30 from co down ni nfd

    So if you are reading this congratulations you completed September’s challenge.

    @basyjames these are for you
    Thank you for hosting our challenge much appreciated from everyone who took part.

    @saffy420 thank you for volunteering to host October’s

    So for me I count September as a success with being off my feet for 2 weeks, so far, prior to 5:2 I would have gained weight sitting around but I actually lost weight and my interim goal of reaching 159 lbs was almost met. An itsy quarter lb held it up. Probably a bit of muscle waste in there to but I still see a positive that this way of eating is a way for life. Catch up with you all in October’s thread x

    Day 30, London, UK, FD

    Well, it’s the last day of this September challenge and as is becoming more common for me, I’m sprinting for the finish line, any weight eradication this month has been over the last week, suffering the bouncy-bouncy scales for the first 3 weeks were no fun, but I know as long as I stick with this WOL it WILL work – and it has!!!! Final weigh-in will be tomorrow morning………….I might actually do this (or close anyway!!) My bottle of water will not leave my side today, I need to flush some salted peanuts I had yesterday, and the water they’re making me hold onto, so 3L planned for today.

    For all those fasting today, just keep in mind that tomorrows’ final weigh-in will be lower than todays!!!!

    @jarbia – fail is not a word we use – remember? Like @molij said it can’t be a fail if your weight is still going down. Ok you may be disappointed it’s not more – join the club, aren’t we all. I keep repeating you do not fail if you keep trying. You finished the challenge and with a loss – win win. Please recognise we don’t lose the lbs when we want, we don’t lose the lbs as quickly as we want. This is a journey – a long journey with bumps in the road. You have to appreciate the scenery and the company and keep on keeping on.

    @strawberriesandcream glad your OH is on road to recovery and doing well.

    Day 30 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Had a successful B2B FDs consuming 450cals and 415cals and will probably break my fast late morning or whenever I feel hungry – enjoying a cup of earl grey tea at the moment whilst I check in for the final time this month!

    Final weigh in for September = 53kg/116.8lb/8st 5lb – that’s the lowest I have been 💃………now that was a surprise after the indulgences of the last 2 weeks BUT I did manage to still do 10 successful FDs for the month!

    @penz – well done on that whoosh – I’m doing that happy dance with you💃
    @lindasue and @steffieagle – maintenance is great! – @lindasue – Go you with those looser tight skinny jeans 👖
    @jarbia – 1lb eradicated is definitely not a fail and remember that word is not allowed on here….
    @Strawberriesandcream – great news regarding your OH’s successful operation and glad to hear that you are keeping your original handle on here (I love it) and 💃 on weight eradicated!

    To those who have reported a loss for the month so far @stayinthin @liathanail @daffodil2010 @losing_it @lynned @mari84 @molij @msraven – 👍 and on to the October challenge with @saffy420
    I’m sure many more will report losses over today and tomorrow – Great Job!

    If you have not achieved your goal, stayed the same or even put on the odd kg/lbs – don’t give up – come join us in the October Challenge and “DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR GOAL TO BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. BE PROUD OF EACH STEP YOU TAKE TOWARD REACHING THAT GOAL”

    THANK YOU for the funny stories and laughs – for sharing your life with us – for the support and words of wisdom – for being part of this amazing global family that has no borders and takes everyone in.

    I hope to “see” many of you in the October Challenge and if you are not continuing on this journey with us, then good luck and know that you can always rejoin us anytime!!! OR just pop in to say Hi and let us know how you are doing!

    @basyjames – Thank you once more for looking after us this month – hope to see you in the October challenge

    @coda – no end of the month goes without a thank you to you for starting these challenges 🤗💐Joining the October Challenge a year ago helped me reach my goal and definitely has helped me in keeping to maintenance since.

    The greatest thing you have is the 24 hours in front of you.
    The past is gone; the future is distant.
    Today you CAN succeed.
    Set a goal you can achieve in the next 24 hours!

    2nd post
    I had a shower after walking the dogs and thought I’d have a sneaky 2nd step on the scales. It started with a 7!!😀 Ok, it was 79.9kg, but it was BELOW 80kg 🎉🎊

    The drop from where I started on March 20th is 26.6kg / 58.6lb / 4st 2.6lb. HAPPY!

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Well best laid plans and all that. Last week was a washout, @liathanall – how do you manage when staying in hotels? Brought most of my trusty apples home with me, avoiding lunch lasted one day! Avoiding alcohol also lasted 1day.

    We’re away over the weekend at a family party, a golden wedding celebration for my aunt and uncle. Won’t be home till Tuesday. It’s rare we get together as a family these days apart from at funerals so we’ve decided to make a long weekend of it. I declared meeting September’s goal last week, not sure what the scales will say when I get back home -probably get off me you’re too heavy! I’m supposed to be philosophical about it aren’t I.

    Congratulations to everyone who met their target and to everyone that stayed till the end. I will be forever grateful I found these challenges. @coda you’ve affected so many people since you started these groups. Can’t thank you enough. Also many thanks to @basyjames for hosting this month’s challenge.

    Onwards to October, suppose it’s too much to ask that I lose 2 stones before my holiday in November! Oh well, I’ll regroup and decide what October will be when I see what cruella says.

    Day 30…..Florida…..NFD

    Well the time has come to say good bye to Sept. No matter where you ended, it’s better than where you started. Don’t forget, this way of life is about getting your health back with a great side effect of weight loss! Congrats to those who suffered from said side effects and for those who haven’t had the side effect yet….. Just keep doing what you doing and you’ll get yours too!

    I’m counting this month as a success, I started at 133, went up 4lbs due to Miss Irma, and then lost it again. If I were a normal person, eating a normal WOL, that 4lb gain would have sent me into a tail spin. I would have continued to let the chips fall where very the may…… Oh but no, I could not do that now! No, I had to be a smarty pants, reset and go again. So, here I am….. 4lbs down!

    So, here is why, I am no longer a normal person….. Since starting 5:2, I have changed in my thoughts, my hopes and my dreams. I never in a million years would have thought changing my WOE, would change who I am. Thanks friends you know it’s all your fault! You helped me believe in myself, how to be kind to myself, supported me when I saw no hope or results. You helped me take the bad words out of my vocabulary. I am forever grateful to each and everyone of you!

    Well…. I’m off until Oct.
    Struggling with my Oct ending…..but for the last time!

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    Day30 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Another month down – maintenance continues.

    @basyjames -thank you so much for being our guide this month.

    On to October, hugs and wishes to you all

    Onward and downward!

    Day 30 Lancaster, PA NFD

    @bert1802 I can so relate with what your saying about September and losses. I was at 155 lbs. Within the first week and a half I had lost 5lbs down to 150 ✨reaching my goal. Then with my Dad’s illness, convenience eating and stopping at convenience food stores on the drive to get to him and back, my weight went up. There was some convenience eating and drinking with my Dad and sister. I admit some eating of chocolate. Oh yeah and going out to eat to a fantastic restaurant with my DH✨. Before I got a hold of myself I was drinking margaritas 3 Days in a row. Very unusual for me. I gained to 158.5lbs. In that week. For the last week and a half. I weened myself off Margaritas and slowly off of the chocolate to maybe 1 piece of chocolate a week. And did 4-5 FD’s at less than 500 cals per day. My weight today is 152.22 lbs. If I look at the start of the month and the difference today, I lost 2.78 lbs. if I look how much I gained to 158.5 and where I am today I lost 6.28 lbs. 😂
    I’m so glad we have wonderful people in our group to read about and listen to. My gain would have been more and I wouldn’t have lost that 6.28 lbs. with This soft place to land as @lindasue put it.

    Thank-you All, I am so grateful✨🎶✨

    That’s what all these challenges are about – to the last few posters a heartfelt thank you. ❤

    Day 30 – Reykjavik – NFD
    final weight: 95.5 kg (-1.7 kg in Sept)

    So the final outcome of September is nowhere near my target of -4 kg. However after thinking this over yesterday, taking in some good advice from you guys and assessing my approach for the September challenge I have come to the conclusion that I’m not at all unhappy with the outcome. And here is why:
    1. My goal for the September Challenge were unrealistic. A month with three big parties & social events is not a good month to reach one’s ultimate goals in weight loss.
    2. Due to increased pressure at work I didn’t start up my exercise program in September and frankly I have exercised way too little in the last few weeks.
    3. I tried to offset for the two negative factors above by doing more extreme dieting at times. But it proved to strenuous for me and was probably the main cause of my series of health issues in the last two weeks of September.

    I’ve decided to enter into the October challenge with a much changed strategy.I’m taking @at sound advice of doing a basic 5:2 in Oct. I will in addition start up my exercise program of at least 3x a week and do several 3-5 km. walks on top of that. Also I will join my wife in a dry October (that’s a difficult one!)
    My target will be to reach 93 kg. by end of October (-2,5 kg).
    So all in all I will do more exercise, the basic fasting but less/no focus on extra dieting and with a realistic weight loss goal.

    I want to thank @mari84 and @lynned for their support and encouragement.
    @flourbaby – thanks for interesting info on water and fat cells.
    @annemarilyn – I will try out your Apple cider drink advice. However that has never been my favorite drink. But if it works I will drink it gladly – maybe holding my nose while doing it 😉
    And lastly thanks to @basyjames for hosting the September challenge and greetings to all you September challengers!

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, 444 cals. I enjoy drinking 1 tsp. of ACV in a tall glass of water all day on FDs; it seems to curb my appetite and as a result I’ve been able to stay under 500 cals for all but one of the FDs in September.. Final weigh-in: 171.4, down 3.2 lbs. for September. I’m sure I shed a few inches too, but I haven’t measured yet…maybe tomorrow. @Strawberriesandcream, glad to hear about your husband’s successful surgery. Congrats to all who lost, maintained and I’m sure all of you gained a little bit more insight as to how your body works on this WOL! Onward to October!

    Day 30 Wales NFD

    September weigh day……..surprised and delighted that there is 3.2 lbs less of me!! Surprised because I didn’t think I was being ‘careful’ enough as I haven’t been weighing food or counting calories on NFDs. Delighted because it seems I don’t need to. Will continue the Blood Sugar Diet on 5:2 – loving it!!!!

    Well done this month everyone and thank you for your wonderful company, ‘see’ you all tomorrow at the start of the October challenge.

    Day 30 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    This month has been another roller coaster ride, up and down. 🎢 I will weigh in tomorrow morning and see where I’m at. Just thankful for a new month.🗓‼️

    @at – Wishing your friend good results next week.
    @basyjames – Thank you for hosting this September.

    So much inspiration in this group.

    @okeydokey thank you 😊 x

    Day 30, US, NFD

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting this month. Hope to see all of you over in October!

    @saffy420 I set myself a few rules when I started travelling a lot. Firstly I book rooms without breakfast included. It’s just too easy to hit up the breakfast buffet and demolish 600-700 calories. Safer not to have it. Secondly I book apartment hotels. So like a regular hotel room but with a basic kitchenette so I can cook a healthy meal for myself rather than eat out all the time. Thirdly I always book hotels with a gym so I can do at least one weights session a week.
    Other than that I try and do at least one fast day whilst travelling. I also skip breakfast and usually buy yoghurt and fruit from the canteen or nearby supermarket for lunch.
    What I struggle with is the long days and I tend to drink far less water than when I’m at home.

    Day 30, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Another month starts again tomorrow. September really went by quickly. I did maintain but I cannot become too complacent. Checking in every day with all of you keeps me accountable. Love being part of this wonderful international group! 😊💙⚘😊💚⚘😊

    @basyjames: Thanks for hosting our September Challenge! 🌺🌻🌼

    Looking forward to seeing all of you in October and to meeting new friends!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!😊😊😊

    Day 30, Guildford UK, CFD

    Thank you @basyjames for being our host this month.

    1 kilo down today, not my target but I will take it. I have really struggled this month although finished strong, so @okeydokey yes it’s becoming a pattern.

    I am so grateful that I have this group as my life style journey may have ended without you all.

    If you will let me then I am in for October, so grateful we have a host for October.


    Day 30, MA, US–feel disappointed that I didn’t make this month what I wanted to. I basically abandoned my eating plan for the past week, and I’m afraid of the scale right now. Starting fresh for October.

    Day 30, Emden Germany, NFD

    Starting weight: 52,3 kg, final weight: 52,6 kg, successfully maintained to stay under 54 kg.

    Survived the small Sweet Dreams & Ab-ers challenge but I’m glad it’s over, I do want to eat sweets once in a while so won’t join next month’s no sweets challenge.

    @basyjames thank you for taking the lead this month!

    @strawberriesandcream glad your OH OP went well. I’m very pleased you decided to keep your handle, I like it so much.

    @laurealice take care!

    @jessyoursize I’m with you on the Planks-Challenge.

    @coda I’m so grateful you started this challenge, without it I wouldn’t be the one I am now! Hugs!

    @at thanks you for all your kind replies, I’m glad you’re here. Hugs!

    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight ot maintained, but also congratulations to the ones that didn’t lose any weight, struggled or gained weight, the most important is you didn’t give up and stayed with it. This WOL isn’t just about weight loss, it’s also about living a healthier life, both physically and mentally.

    Hope to see all of you tomorrow in the October Challenge.

    I could murder a bottle of red tonight. Stupid Dry Wini challenge 😡… 😂

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – NFD

    So it’s the last day of September! What a month for some but it sounds like many ended strong. Congrats to @liathanail, @Dafodil2010, @coda, @bigviking, @Okaydokey, @tenoro, and @rainbowsmile, to name a few who dropped some of pounds they desired. Others have maintained beautifully! What an encouragement to us not as far on the journey.
    @steffieagle – great job moving down even in maintenance & @at getting to your lowest ever even in maintenance!

    @metatauta – interesting way to have your ACV. I may try that. @tenoro, I definitely don’t drink ACV because it’s a favorite but for what it does.

    Personally, my final weight today is 204.4 a little over 4 lbs higher than I began the month. I only saw the other side of 200 on Sept. 1 and then continued the bouncing – as high as 207.6 and down to 202.4 etc. I did several FDs in a row without much long term success weight wise. Clothes are still fitting quite well, and I’m feeling good. This week I started back teaching evening classes and I’m feeling so much better than when I did it last school year. I am feeling better this 67th b-day this September than my 66th. I’m not quitting. Will be rethinking next month’s strategy because I’m not planning on moving back up to bigger sizes again.

    See you in October!

    2nd post,

    @bigviking I had a little chuckle at your post (it gets a bit tricky when you can see the finish line doesn’t it?) because earlier, I was thinking, I wonder if it would be ok to crack open a bottle at 1 minute past midnight?

    I then managed to talk myself out of it because I need my final 7 a.m. weigh-in for September to NOT include an entire bottle of red!!!!

    2nd post. Happily ending September under my goal weight. Looking forward to a new month. Thank you @basyjames. Thank you all for your kindness, support, laughter and sharing lifes ups and downs.

    Day 30, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Loss for September 1.4 kilos.

    Good night and thanks hostess

    Day 30 NZ NFD

    The September challenge has helped me focus on me. Its the longest time I have stuck to a ‘diet’ and my results are amazing. I’m definitely signing up for the October challenge.

    @flourbaby The 00:01 thought had crossed my mind too! But with the bad food choices I made today, my September gain would be shot to pieces in the morning if wine was to enter into it before the final weigh-in.

    Day 30– Colorado USA – NFD

    Start of Sept. = 153 lbs… (69.6 kg)
    Final weigh in = 149.7… (68 kg)

    I’m pleased! Wanted to break out of 150’s barrier into the 140’ s range.
    Barley squeezed in! I’ll take it! 😃👍🏼

    Need to go back & catch up on last 5 pages. Looks like excellent “treadmill walking + reading time” tomorrow.

    Hope everyone made progress toward your personal goals (Dry Wino, weight loss, planking, maintenance, BETTER HEALTH …) See you all in October.

    Final weigh-in

    Last night I took a swan dive into a bag of sweet & salted popcorn………………. I really must go to bed earlier!! At least it wasn’t a bottle of wine, it did cross my mind though!!!

    Anyway, no pressure, no recrimination. Although I didn’t make my 5lb target, I’ve still eradicated 3lbs overall and I’m below 160 (Yeah me!!!!). I did have a 6lb gain in the 1st week, so I can pat myself on the back for working hard to lose 9lbs really, this month.

    Start weight – 162.6lbs; Sept. 6th weight 168.8lbs; todays’ weight 159.6lbs!!!

    Thank you to @basyjames for hosting another of these fantastic monthly challenges, I’m not sure where I would be without them!!!

    Thank you to my fellow Dry-Wino’s, I would continue this month, but I think I would start to feel deprived and that’s another word banned from this WOL!!!!!

    Thank you to all the other forum members, who’ve enlightened me, tickled me, shocked me and strengthened me with your stories and support, I hope to ‘see’ each and every one of you in the October challenge.

    Day 30 UK

    As expected did not meet September challenge of 1Kg loss, but managed 0.5 Kg to reach 60 Kg. So a total 10.6 Kg gone since April. Think my final target will be around 58 Kg which I hope to reach by the end of the year!
    Many thanks to @basyjames for hosting the challenge and hope to “meet” you all again over in October!

    Many thanks @basyjames for hosting this challenge and a big thank you to all of you for your tips and kind words to keep us all motivated. See you in the October challenge. Onwards and downwards 💪💪💪💪

    Final post
    @basyjames thank you for hosting 👍

    My final weigh-in is 81.0kg, so the pig out meal yesterday cost me 0.8kg. I am still feeling stuffed, so my plans for a pub lunch today followed by a bottle of red goes out the window! I need an impromptu FD to make me feel better.

    This does however not mean I will join the Dry Winos for another month, but I will at least be with you in the hand-over phase today 😀

    As for targets, I had hoped to reach 79.5kg / 12 1/2st, so missed it by 1.5kg. But I still lost 4.6kg / 10.2lb from my weigh in on Sep 2nd, so will be happy with that.

    Hope to see you all over on the October thread.

    Day 30 UK FD 🌈

    Oops ended the month 1.4lbs up, however considering I was ill and I am definitely a comfort eater I think the FDs I still managed kept it under control, sort of. So here’s to the next month where this 1.4lb will be gone and then some.

    Thanks all, haven’t been as active this month in the posts writing and reading, ups and downs in work and life but that’s sometimes how it happens.

    Love the optimism and the good results, spur me on to have my own. I’ve signed in for next month fo see y’all there. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Gold stars to all who are still here no matter the result. Keep on keeping on!!! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

    @basyjames thanks for hosting 💐💐💐

    Day 30 London NFD
    Ended the month at goal so a success! Well done to everyone

    Day 1Belfast FD
    A big thank you to @basyjames for your excellent stewardship during September and the lovely words at the end.

    Just catching up from last month after a lovely week’s holiday and 1 1/2 lb rise of holiday weight, which means I didn’t meet my goal but I’m happy enough about that. I will despatch it in he next couple of days.
    @bigviking do you get the Martin’s money emails? He’s detailing a prosecco deal.
    @rainbowsmile – I love your idea of dying old bras before recycling. I have a big pile of recycling including a couple of bras, so I’m off to get a dye. I’m so glad you’ve turned round your life. A change of career will be so good for you. I went to teacher training college when I was 35 and with two children. It was the best thing I ever did.
    @coda hope the healing is on track 👍
    @Strawberriesandcream – glad to hear your OH’s op went well. Yes, our national health is amazing.
    Thank you @okeydokey for that link for nitrates. Very interesting.
    @lilymartin – the fresh fruit, cheese and veg at the market, the pastries the bread, the Croque Monsieur, the wine, the sunshine, the scenery, the …… what can I say?
    Thank you @basyjames for the fitstar link. One to look at.
    @Beft1805 I loved the words ‘I’ve changed my thoughts, hopes and dreams’ and I can’t wait to see your October ending!
    @tenoro – that is what this WOL is about. Self evaluation and being kind to yourself, because life happens.

    I achieved my goal before I went on holiday, but acquired a couple of pounds away last week. Those will gone be asap. So I’m signing off this month on a positive note. See you in October.

    End of sept challenge- weigh in 10 stone 11lb so 1lb gone – pleased considering I have struggled. I didn’t manage B2B but had one successful fast followed by CD.

    @basyjames thanks for hosting 😊

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Hello again! Final measurements: 3.2 lbs. dispatched in September and 4.5 inches lost overall. Very happy with results. Planning FD meals was the key for me.

    End of September challenge.
    This was a rollercoaster month with too many ups and downs. I got in all of my FDs, but didn’t do well on my NFD, so I ended up exactly where I started, at 61.8 kg. No excuse for that since I was as low as 60.3 during the month. So my focus will be doing better on my NFDs from now on.

    @basyjames – Thank you for hosting September. 🌻

    Thank you to everyone for posting here and for all the support. Happy October! 🍁🍂

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