September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,605 total)

  • Day 1 – Woking, UK – NFD
    So up from yesterday’s finishing weight which I know is water weight as I had too much salty food. I’m not setting a target for this month as such as I’m just about to start my new job which will involve commuting between the UK and Germany each week (Monday and Friday in the UK office, Tuesday – Thursday in Germany). I’m yet to figure out how to manage the fasting most effectively as I’ll be travelling on a Monday and Thursday evening and my regular gym days will switch from Tuesdays and Thursdays to just one session with my trainer on a Friday. So, whilst I experiment I’m expecting some bouncing up and down with the weight until I get it figured out.

    Day 1 NFD St. Louis USA
    Started on 5:2 with March Challenge at 148 lbs with goal of 136. Made that and set 2d goal at 132 lbs. Achieved with support of group fasting Monday and Tuesday back to back (500 Mon and 800 cal Tues) and additional 500 cal fast day on Thursday. I have high protein smoothie with froz squash and berries for breakfast no lunch on fast days and protein and veggie dinner. I think no snacks on fast days and staying within TDEE on nonfast days has also been beneficial. I try to walk 10000 steps, daily yoga and morning and evening mindfulness meditation practice and kettle bell class and workouts has made difference. I was more concerned about the extra weight in my belly and my BMI that we’re getting in an unhealthy range. I have lost 2 inches in my belly and waist.

    I’m 71 and 1/2, 5:5 and currently maintaining between 130 and 132 lbs. on maintenance now but want to stick with group so I stay on track. Besides, I feel people here are my friends.

    For those of you who know my recent concerns, my brother is doing well so far with no side effects. He says he’s feeling good and we are all hopeful. He does have to have MRIs every three months for we don’t know how long. That’s a minor thing. We are just so glad to have him. Thank you all for your concerns and support here.

    @basyjames. Thank you so much for hosting this month. And welcome to all the new comers. This is a wonderful supportive and encouraging place to start your journey.

    Thinking about those who are struggling with flooding and the aftermath in various parts of the world, here and ourselves and other places as well.

    All my best to all of you and may the fast be with you.

    Day 1- Colorado USA- NFD

    Friday is definitely NFD today. Off work, so out to breakfast with OH. Later it’s Date Night, so there’ll be some đŸ·đŸ·

    The rest of the weekend we’ll head into the woods to camp/ caravan. I plan to pack healthy snacks like apple, cheese slices, hard boiled eggs, popcorn… that’s to keep me from feeling deprived while OH crunches on his Doritos, BBQ potato chips or Cheetos. (Oddly, he only eats those camping, never at home. I suppose that keeps them feeling like a special treat that way.)

    Goal for September = weight finally out of 150’s and down into the 140’s for good!

    2nd post

    Hi @sirisan I’m so glad your brother is feeling well, please take care of yourself also. Hugs, don’t know how to do the emojis

    Day 1 – USA – FD

    Glad to start off September with a FD! Welcome all newbies and glad to “see” familiar names this month! My goals are: dispatch at least .5 lb. a week.

    2nd post

    Sirisan so glad your brother is doing and feeling well.

    Rainbowsmile incidentally my eldest daughter is going through separating from her husband as he was being unfaithful for three years seven months and she only realized that last March and they have a one year old son. I can realize how painful it must be for you to divorce. Take care.

    Good evening/ night everyone

    Second Post:

    I’m so excited to see a bunch of people starting the month off with a FD!!

    @awilson: Hey we have the same goal weight! And the same birthday month too!! You’re closer to our goal than i am, but it’s fun to see other people with similar goals (and birthdays 😄 )
    @sirisan glad to hear your brother is doing well!
    @johnnyr sorry to hear of your loss. It’s hard to lose a parent. Much love and hugs to you and your family đŸ€—

    Today’s fast may end up being a water fast on accident, I haven’t had anything to eat since dinner at 8 pm yesterday, so i’m already at 15 hours of no food, we shall see how it goes!

    Day 1 California USA NFD

    I’m at 136.2 lb, 61.8 kg to start this month. My BMI is 22. My final goal is 58 – 59 kg or 128 to 130 pounds. I’m hoping to hit that next month. Looking forward to doing better on my NFD. More vegetables will help.

    @basyjames – Thank you for hosting September.

    @debster251 – Thank you for hosting August!

    Great to see the gang back here for a new month. Time to get rid of those kg’s before the holidays! We got this!

    Day 1. QuĂȘbec. NFD

    I did’nt reach my goal for August but however I have developped new habits that I am proud :

    – I changed my sleeping pattern ( was going to bed around 2 am, absolutely crazy and doesn’t help with weight loss ).

    – II used to eat a lot after supper untill I went to bed. Now I know that when I fell hungry it means that it’s time to go to bed

    -I completely stopped eating transformer sugar. Really, really happy about that. It wasn’t even hard to do !

    I developped a bad habit tough, I started replacing chips and nachos by peanut butter … Not a great idea. I am quite sure that it’s the reason why I did not reach my goal. So this is a new challenge for me.

    I know that wine brings a lot of sugar but I don’t feel like stopping wine. I drink about 1-2 small glasses about every other day. I am ready to accept that my weight loss is slower because of that. However I am very happy about my other new habits. I never tought in my life that I could do those changes.

    I am not yet decided on my Sept goal. Will have to go on thinking about it.

    Have a nice day everyone x

    2nd post

    @quebecoise — those are some wonderful new habits you’ve implemented. And you achieved nice results because of them! Fantastic!

    Makes me want to sit down & review my typical day to determine habits I can change, drop or add. Anything that takes me Baby Steps closer toward my goals!

    Day 1. QuĂȘbec. Second post

    Please excuse me for taking this long time to answer to you @debster251 and @at.
    Yes, I do think that quitting sugar is a lot like stopping smoking. I guess it must activate the same zones of pleasure in our brain.
    Since you both spoke French with me I am sending here some very interesting info about the consequences of eating to much sugar.
    why eating sugar brings us to eating more sugar, to be always tired and to have urinay and vaginal infections.

    Le niveau Ă©levĂ© de sucre empĂȘche le glucose de se libĂ©rer dans les cellules. RĂ©sultat,l’organisme ne reçoit pas d’énergie et se voit obligĂ© de continuer Ă  demander de la nourriture encore et encore : c’est un cercle vicieux.

    En cas de niveau Ă©levĂ© de sucre, l’organisme n’est pas capable de conserver et d’absorber le glucose comme il devrait le faire. L’énergie n’est pas efficacement utilisĂ©e et les cellules de l’organisme ne reçoivent pas le combustible dont elles ont besoin. Tout cela conduit la personne Ă  ĂȘtre fatiguĂ©e sans explication.

    Les infections des voies urinaires et les champignons existent chez les hommes tout comme chez les femmes. Mais elles se retrouvent plus fréquemment chez les femmes avec un haut niveau de sucre et du diabÚte. La grande quantité de sucre crée un environnement favorable au développement des champignons et des bactéries.

    @at You asked me a question that I don’t quite understand. You asked “How far I have gone to remove sugar from my diet “. Could you reformulate and/or explain please.

    @losing_it you also mentionned wanting to quit sugar. I think that if you go on the link you will be able to translate in English. Sorry if I don’t translate because it is quite extensive.

    Hoping that this post can help.


    Norway, Day 1, NFD

    I forgot to introduce myself in my first post! So:

    I am Mari, 33 years old, mum of two boys (1 and 3), married to my love. I have a PhD in chemistry and work as a research scientist.
    I did the 5:2 between the kids and reached my goal weight really fast (6kgs lost in 6 weeks) and got pregnant again the exact same week I reached goal weight. This time around I started 8th August at 94kg 207lb, am now 89.4kg/197lb, and need to reach 77kg/169lb to have a BMI in the normal range. I hope to achieve this within 6 months. After that I plan on going on with maintenance with 6:1.

    I love this forum and everyone in it, good to see many familiar “faces” and welcome to newcomers! 🙂

    Today was a work-travel day, so a bit OOCD (out of control day). Next week I have to have a B2B (back-to-back) fast again on Mon-Tues, as I have a business travel to Germany Wed-Thurs, and I try to keep Fri-Sun to be NFDs.

    Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

    Day 1 uk NFD sorry no time to read posts but will catch up tomorrow

    Day 2/NFD/Melbourne Australia đŸąđŸ·đŸŸ5:2 maintainer

    Yesterday’s non fast day morphed into a fast day of sorts with only 790 calories consumed in a 1 hour eating window. Just didn’t feel like eating after the excesses of August. Very happy with that. I’ll see what today brings.

    @basyjames I’ve managed to download google sheets again and can access September and update. Many thanks. I’ll also update August to reflect the reality and not the aspirational for my personal accountability.

    @johnny I’m so sorry to hear about your mother
    @sirisan great news

    My journey began when I watched a documentary by Dr Mosely. I’d been a yo yo dieter all my life. At 63 I’d come to the conclusion I’d never control my weight and was quite depressed at the prospect of developing age related diseases. Dr Mosely inspired me to start intermittent fasting for the health benefits. To my delight and surprise I easily lost 43lbs and have maintained my weight below goal – 23 BMI – for two and a half years. I’m fit, healthy and take no medications.

    I’m a voracious reader of the science behind intermittent fasting and have completed a number of online nutrition courses. Whilst we all find a pathway to achieve our goals, I’m a big fan of the basic 5:2 fasting plan. It works and is easy to follow and maintain.

    Whilst I credit 5:2 with the massive change to my health and weight I don’t think I would have achieved without looking at what caused my weight gain in the first place
    – too much wine
    – too many chips/crisps
    – eating the odd family bar of chocolate by myself
    – eating the same portions as my 5’11 husband. I’m only 5’1
    – allowing myself to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted

    – I enjoy wine but not everyday. I cannot limit myself to one glass with meals. Sigh
    – I don’t buy chips, chocolates and don’t miss them
    – I watch portion sizes
    – I eat whatever I want but only occasionally, I have no desire to do it more frequently. I never feel deprived
    – I follow Dr Mosely’s advice to eat a mainly low carb diet rich in colourful vegetables with a small amount of protein, healthy fats, full fat dairy and fruit. I also take care of my gut health.

    Have a great and fulfilling weekend everyone.

    Day one Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.
    Well here we go again.
    BaseyJames Thank you for hosting and thanks to Debster for last month too, much appreciated.
    2lb above goal for August quite happy with that. No calories between 22.00 and 12.00 everyday, one 800 calories fast day per week seems to be working so far for maintenance. Hopefully more of the same in September. Good luck everyone you can all achieve your goals.

    Day 1, 2nd post

    Very late update

. Started 5:2 Nov ’16 at 194.4lbs, now starting today Sept 1st, at 162.6lbs (for shame, flourbaby!!!) we have been here before (June & July on the bouncy bouncy (soon to be binned(!) scales, I can only blame a holiday and a funeral

and my self-confessed pocket wino membership, Oh well

    Aim for September,
    ‱ Simply eradicate 5lbs and drop another dress size, if only to support my local charity shop

.. I’m not sure I should even remove labels at the rate I’ve been going!!!!
    ‱ Be consistent with my water intake (3L min/day)

.. I know that’s the key, but that knowledge keeps falling out of my brain!!!!
    ‱ NFDs MUST be controlled, there really is no point washing an entire chocolate fudge cake down with a bottle of shiraz

.. no matter how nutritionally balanced it seems!!!
    ‱ 16:8 max, ‘cause if I release the dragon any earlier, I would literally eat anything & everything in sight, including small children, shoes (beef jerky??) and carbs of all & any variety!!!
    ‱ Dry September (I can’t believe I typed that!!)

…fellow pocket winos, I heard the collective gasp, I know, I know, I know, but I have to try, wine is my nemesis

.. my Achilles heel PRECIOUS!!!!

    @johnnyr, glad to have you back my friend (I think we share a similar SOH), My condolences on the loss of your mum, my dad passed away at the end of July (having celebrated his 92nd, then my aunts 90th, saw everyone, then a week later deliberately refused food and water. My mum refused permission to force-feed, his choice had been made, and anything else would have been our own selfish choices) When the time came, I was on holiday too, an EMOTIONAL time which thankfully didn’t lead to emotional eating

.. just drinking!!!!!! He would have approved, so it is what it is!!!!!

    Newbies, it’s just one day at a time, you can do anything for one day, just limiting calories, believe me when I say

.. ‘YOU ARE NOT’ going to starve, are you going to feel hungry??? Oh God YES!!!! But there’s nothing wrong with being hungry, no really, you’ll come to love THAT feeling, and it goes within seconds of drinking a glass of water, in 30 days time, as @coda said

. “ this challenge may just be the best decision ever and it’s only for 30 days – you can do anything for 30 days.”

remember those 30days are just taken one at a time and most of them will be NFDs so knock yourselves out and eat that entire cake on a NFD!!!!

. if You Dare!!! You’ll be surprised after 2 or 3 FDs how little appeal there is in THAT cake!!!

    @bert1802, I’m loving this month’s ending
.. again!!!!!

    @njgirl, we’ve got you, a loss, is a loss, is a loss!!!! Stick with your system and if you feel the need to shake it up a bit, there’s 5:2, 16:8 even 20:4 not to mention water fasts

 there’s at least one person here to advise on any of these methods!!!!!

    @sirisan, still keeping my fingers crossed for you and yours, xxxxxxx & hugs too!!

    Stay strong everyone, it only gets easier……. really!!!

    Day 1 SW WA USA NFD

    Great to start a new month with you all! I just finished 4 liquid b2b FDs and pleased to move the scale to 199.2 for my starting weight this month. I started 5:2 back in September and joined the forum in October. The 1st few months I lost about 10 lbs a month. Then it slowed down and for the last several months I’ve been bouncing. Still glad to be where I am than where I was. My highest weight was 245; all but 10 pounds have been lost with intermittent fasting. So 45 pounds gone & more to go.

    I’m an ELL (English Language Learner) specialist/teacher, oh and a Canadian living in the USA.

    @johnnyr – good to see you back. That’s rough to lose your mom.

    Glad you’re all with me on the journey! Together we are stronger!

    Day 2 Sydney NFD

    @debster251 enjoy your pie and weekend, it sounds wonderful 😉 thank you so much for hosting last month, it was brilliant.

    @quebecoise thanks for that!

    @bert1802 love the new ending haha

    I forgot to do an intro, so here it is. I read the fast diet in July this year and started the diet immediately, and lost 4 kg in the first month. Last month I joined the August challenge (best decision ever) and lost another 4 kg doing 4:3 and 16:8. This month I might do 4:3 a couple of times, but plan to do mostly 5:2, increase water intake, stay off processed foods, be gluten free (only because it makes me sick), and stay away from sugars except for lunch every second Tuesday, and the possibility of cake on immediate family member birthdays.

    My aim is to lose about 1.5 kg, keep up the exercise I’ve been able to do, make sure I don’t indulge on NFDs, and most importantly to eat until I’m satiated (I managed to do that yesterday!). After a couple of months I’m learning how important hunger cues are and how much I actually need to eat to be full, it’s really interesting.

    Thank you everybody for sharing your stories, experiences, and daily struggles. Sometimes just knowing that other people are fasting too helps me get through moments of weakness, as you know what I’m going through too.

    Good luck too all this month đŸ€“

    Day 2 Queensland Australia NFD
    Current weight 64.2 kg
    Target for September 62.2
    First post this month…crazy week at work. Thanks for hosting this month @basyjames.
    Big thanks to @debster251 for August and just caught up with posts and read your fabulous poem!!!!
    Had a great August and shed just over 2.5 KG which I’m very happy about and am aiming for another 2KG this month. Welcome newcomers…this is a fantastic forum with great tips, advice and support. Looking forward to sharing a great September with you all…wherever you may be in the world!!

    day 1/NFD/Edinburgh

    OK, so my first day didnt go to plan. After explaining to my colleagues I was doing this challenge and I had given up sugar and alcohol, they invited me to the pub. I tried to say no, really i did. But 3 pints and a whisky later, then getting home and hitting the cheese and biscuits and opening a bottle of wine.


    Can I start again tomorrow?

    Québec. 3rd post

    Yes, @george diogenes you can start again tomorrow.

    For sure, you won’t loose any weight nor solve your health condition if you live each day like today ( I am not judging, believeme ! )) but you can reboot tomorrow. And if it doesn’t work tomorrow it will be another day !

    Did you check the intro information on the home page ” All you need to get started on your 5:2 journey

    It think it could help you.

    Good luck in this mind game. Change your mind and you will change your body.

    Have a nice day.

    Day 2 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 80.6kg

    Not doing great but I did manage to push up my push-up workout by one push-up. I’m feeling like I’m at about 2/3rds of my normal strength. I changed up my breakfast this morning, cut back on the oatmeal and had a couple eggs. Maybe I’m not getting enough protein for this level of working out.

    @okeydokey I find travel stressful and combined with fasting which can also be stressful it sometimes causes even more stress with my gut. I don’t like having to find bathrooms often when I’m in places I’m not used too. The problem tends to be more when I start eating. I’m also spoiled when it comes to bathrooms as Japanese toilets are really a step up from what exists in a lot of places. I really don’t like using bathrooms on planes or even your typical public bathroom in the states. I guess I’ve become a bit of a snob that way.

    There are pretty basic public bathrooms in Japan too. In those places I will use an squat toilet which they often have. Not only is it easier to use than a western toilet once you can balance, it is also a whole lot cleaner. Anyway in Japan I’ve never seen a squat toilet that doesn’t flush, but I’m sure more primitive ones do exist. Now I really feel like a snob.

    Day 1 Massachusetts USA NFD Stayed under 1000 today, even with a couple of indulgences. Holiday weekend here so there’ll be picnics and dinners. Hope to do a FD Monday. Clothes fitting well but I would like to know what I weigh. I’ll need to stop at the YMCA.
    Wishing everyone well!

    Day 1–MA, USA, NFD

    Hello everyone, glad to be here for the September challenge! I’m a teacher and just about to launch the new school year, and while it’s an exciting time, it’s also any easy time to forget about personal routine and ways to take care of yourself. So, while I know it will be a busy month, I’m committing to this WOL and a regular exercise routine. I’d like to lose about 5 lbs. this month, and then another 5 in October, then assess how I look and feel.

    Today went well until post-dinner snacking, but I’m optimistic that tomorrow will set things right. I plan to have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday fast days, with the occasional 4th day added in as needed.

    Thanks @basyjames. I know there were some planking tips/videos posted on the august thread – has anyone got them and is anyone interested in some form of ‘planking’ challenge for September – I need to get that waistline down!

    Day 2, UK, NFD

    Day 1 UK NFD
    Day 2 UK NFD

    Hi everyone and so happy to be continuing on the September challenge! I have been following the challenges since the April one and have despatched a total of 10 Kg since then. Thanks in great part to all the support and encouragement from the great people on this site! Will catch up with all the new posts later today.
    Starting weight for September is 60.6 Kg and will set a target of getting to 59.5 Kg . Modest target I know but there’s a holiday coming up in September so trying to set an achievable one!
    Good luck to all the fasters this month… we can do this! . Onwards and downwards !

    DAY 1 – UK – NFD Starting weight 147 lbs. Goal weight 140 lbs. (Wishful ideal weight 137lbs – probably unattainable) SEPTEMBER GOAL: 3 lbs.

    Please may I rejoin the challenge. Joined January 2017 at 149 lbs. Lost 11 lbs. in total – then went awry and have put 9 lbs. of it back on!!!. Hopefully I have learnt my lesson!!

    DAY 2 – UK – NFD.

    Day 2 Chester UK NFD

    First post of the month. Bit about me – been doing 5:2 since January. Joined the March challenge as I was starting to fall by the wayside and it’s been a godsend for me. I’ve never stuck to any kind of healthy eating regime for this long before and it’s really working. So far I’ve lost about 3.5 stones (49 pounds). The aim for September is to lose 5/6 lbs which will take me firmly under 200lbs and put me at my lightest weight in years.

    I tend to do 2/3 FDs during the week, but never at the weekend. I’m a self confessed pocket wino – cutting down but not giving up one of my life’s pleasures. (managed a Friday yesterday without a drink).

    @sirisan – good news re your brother, thinking about you. @fatrabbit I know you were having a really bad time with your mum but if you’re out there still reading we miss you and your posts. Thanks to everyone for keeping me going, for any newbies – you’ll find this forum amazing for supporting you. If you feel tempted, come on here for 5minutes if you can. Temptation will be replaced by resolve.

    Day 2, UK, NFD

    Weigh in @ 85.6kg. Goal for the month is to lose 13 1/2lb / 6.1kg. This would take me down to 79.5kg / 12 1/2st / 175lb. To get there calls for extreme measures, so I hereby declare September a DRY month.

    Day 2, Wales, NFD

    @flourbaby and @bigviking – I’m still gasping at your declarations of dry September!! Good luck and at least you have each other for extra support. I’ll be joining you on the Pocket Winos abstinence wagon on week days.

    Newbies, remember you are not alone and it really helps to login here everyday.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone x

    Day 2 North Wales NFD

    Have a good weekend everyone. 😀

    Day Two Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.

    Day 1 FD. Sydney Australia
    Hi everyone. I would love to join your September Challenge. I have tried 5:2 diet a couple of years ago with some success, and would love to try again. I have dabbled in IF over the past year and have slowly reduced my weight by a few kilos.
    I recently turned 65yo and currently weigh 72kg and would like to reduce by 2-3kgs over Sept. My ultimate goal is to be 63-65 kg.
    Hubby and Inhave just returned from a 2week holiday where we feasted on much too much food and wine…. 🙂 I feel my body is desperately wanting to detox!

    Day 2, Guildford UK, CFD

    @anna6, divorce is tough at any age, I am going to have to sell my house and that’s rough enough, younger and with children is even harder. Give her a hug from me

    @mari84 we have the same name! Except I would be Mari54, how funky is that in one thread…..

    @basyjames thank you for hosting my autocorrect keeps changing your handle to (busy james) and Debster251 thank you for last month

    I am hoping today will be a better day, supposed to be a CFD but I am going to a 50th BBQ. Hoping to hide in the shadows



    Day 2, Emden Germany, NFD

    @flourbaby loved your post!

    About scales and clothes:

    August 31st weight: 52,6 kg
    September 1st weight: 52,3 kg
    September 2nd weight: 51,8 kg

    Does this mean I lost 0,8 kg in 48 hours? No, of course I didn’t, it’s just normal weight fluctuation, losing water and food in transit. I normally only weigh on the first and last day of a challenge, so my next visit to the scales will be at September 30th. I have a favourite dress I want to fit in, I’m satisfied when it fits well so I prefer to go by that and the look in the mirror, for me that’s enough, I don’t need extra stress in my life.

    Newbies welcome, please don’t set your goals to high, try to stay realistic. This really works when you stick to it, I mostly did the basic 5:2 and lost my weight in a reasonable time without any stress. After a while you’re going to like the fast days and enjoy not having to think about what to eat all the time. Try to plan ahead, if I don’t do this, I might grab a chocolate bar and eat the whole thing, when I start it’s difficult to stop.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 2 UK NFD 🌈

    Have a good day all.

    Day 2 UK NFD all caught up on posts,great to see some inspirational goals, I currently weigh 149lbs – same as last month but 5lbs up on where I was beginning of June before I went on holiday , only put 2 or 3 lbs on holiday but continued to gain on my return , think I’ve turned it around – now just need to get rid of the 5lbs and maybe another few before Christmas , will join the weekend only drinking club – and aiming to cut down ,want up my exercise and aiming to cut down on meat – think that’s enough for a month đŸ’ȘđŸ»

    Day 2…….Florida……NFD but must be a very controlled one!

    So, last nights dinner, we had Chinese, my favorite General Tso, extra saucy! So, although this is a NFD, I must control it and drink tons of water to counteract, the day after fluff caused by my food choice. I didn’t bother getting on the scale, I knew she was going to be mean to me. I just couldn’t take her sassiness this morning.

    I haven’t been able to full read all three pages of current posts but I did skim them. I plan on reading them this afternoon. Please forgive me, I forgot to right down the names but did want to answer a few newbies questions.

    The first step is always the hardest only because we have no idea what we are getting ourselves into. But you did it and you survived. Yippee! Now all you have to do, is pick another day and try it again. The reason this works is because it’s only a couple days a week. As your body adjusts it will get easier! I believe the most important part of this journey is this forum. We are not perfect, we know this that is why we come together. The support you’ll find here is way above anything else you’ll ever experience.

    Also, I know you’ll hear this over and over but it’s actually something that is wise to live by. Measure your success by your clothes rather than the scales. Here is why, in Nov. when I started I lost weight the same with every month until March. March, April, May and June, not a pound lost. Not a ounce lost! But I did go down in those 4 month in three pant size, actually, while the scale was being a mean ole prison guard. July, 2lb loss and Aug. 3lb loss, no reduction in pant sizes. So, which one would you use to judge your success on……. Clothes shopping is a hoot when you have no idea what size you are!

    Well…. Im off! I started this new cleaning system to help me reduce my time spent cleaning and help move unwanted things into loving homes and find more time to have fun…so, today is bless this house hour and errand day. So far it’s working.

    P.S. My eggplant has about 20 on it that are the size of golf balls and I can see baby beans starting to form. So, excited!

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    Day 2 – 🇬🇧- switched to NFD

    Beauty of this WOL, change of plan FD will now be tomorrow – a much busier day helps me get through!!!

    Day 2- Colorado USA- NFD

    Forgot to do my introduction on first day. Always enjoy reading those to get a feel for each person…Such a diverse & interesting group here!

    I’m a Surgical Nurse, working a terrific job in the OR of a large local hospital. The super long & busy work days make it ideal for Fasting (can’t drink or eat anywhere in or near operating rooms.)

    I move heavy equipment, instrument trays & unconscious patients all day, so I NEED to stay strong. I’ve recently mapped out a “100 Moves Challenge” for myself to get & keep me fit. I hope. 😃 My goal is to crank out 100 body-weight or dumbbell-weighted moves every day. đŸ‹đŸŒ It’s a circuit mix of: press ups, pull ups, squats, leg raises, hip bridges, kettle bell swings, etc, etc. I’m hoping as I lose fat on 5:2, I will look more fit. đŸ’ȘđŸŒ

    I have 2 birthday trips coming up: One for me in September & for OH in October. So my goal this month is to finally drop out of 150’s down into 140’s. My ultimate goal is to maintain around 136-138 lbs. And feel confident in a bikini 👙
    I know intermittent fasting can get me there!!

    Day 2 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    A successful water FD yesterday, have not done one of these for a long time – did not intend to do one but drank black tea and water all day.
    Went for a walk with my walking group in the morning, kept busy all day and was out in the evening to a Jazz concert with friends and never felt hungry so just carried on – drank water when they all had a glass of wine (Pocket winos – you would have been proud of me 😇) broke my fast this morning at 1100hrs so some 39hrs of a water fast done!
    Weight this morning = 53.9kg/118.8lbs – BMI=20.3 – Happy 9th month anniversary in Maintenance to me!

    Lovely to see this September Challenge taking form with so many new members joining, some who have been with the challenges before coming back and some who have been on board for a few months and longer still in for the long haul – @coda so many of us are grateful to you for starting these in May 2016 – Thank You 💐

    I would like to share a brief summary of my journey for those new to the challenges to encourage you and to show you that this WOL does work – This will be the start of my 10th month in maintenance 💃 so losing weight and maintaining can be done on this WOL
    I’m a 59y.o. female – 5’4″/163cm tall.
    *January 2015 = BMI: 27.9 Wt: 75kg/165.3lbs (retired from a stressful although enjoyable job, moved to the beautiful Lake District; started walking and being more mindful about what I ate)
    *January 2016 = BMI: 25.6 Wt: 68.8kg/151.7lbs (started 5:2 WOL on my own for health reasons)
    *October 2016 = BMI: 22.1 Wt: 59.5kg/131.2lbs (had plateaued for 3 months previously so decided to joined the November Challenge – Best decision I ever made! and I have joined every challenge since then as they keep me motivated and help when I’m having a bad day!)
    *December 2016 = BMI: 20.3 Wt: 54.7k/120.6lbs (55kg was my target)
    *June 2017 = BMI: 20.1 Wt: 54kg/119lbs
    *July 2017 = BMI: 20 Wt: 53.7kg/118.4lbs
    *August 2017 = BMI: 20.3 Wt: 53.9kg/118.8lbs

    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL in January 2016:-
    1. Since reaching target of 55kg/121lbs in December 2016 I have been able to maintain below that target!! This is a permanent WOL for me!!
    2. My Asthma is much better controlled to being non existent – I have not required any preventer or treatment inhalers for the past 3 months although I still carry both with me at all times!
    3. My blood cholesterol has improved over the past year as follows: (due to be retested in January 2018)
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.2mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.14mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol down by 1.08mmol/L
    4. I have lots of energy, sleep well and able to enjoy life to the full without regaining any weight so far – what is there not to love about this WOL?

    My FD are usually Monday and Friday but I do vary these to fit in with my social life and I also follow a 16:8 pattern of eating omitting breakfast daily – never been a breakfast person truth be told!

    I love living here in Cumbria and enjoy walking on the fells and doing Pilates and Yoga. This WOL has allowed me to lose weight and maintain that loss without giving up on the pleasures of good food and wine!!!
    I just no longer indulge everyday or in the same quantities as before but it means that I do appreciate it all the more!!!

    @johnnyr @lorky35 @pamie @jo15 @cleo120 @cleo120 – WELCOME back to the challenges – lots of us are still here and each month we have some new joining and others leaving but still an amazing group of individuals sharing their ups and downs and offering support to each other!
    @johnnyr – sorry to hear about your Mum “Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday”
    @sirisan – So good to hear that your brother is feeling well – Enjoy the times you have together building on your memories and take care of yourself also đŸ€—
    @quebecoise – Merci beaucoup de partager vos rĂ©sultats sur les consĂ©quences de manger trop de sucre. Ce que je voulais savoir, c’est ce que vous avez fait pour Ă©liminer le sucre de votre alimentation – est-ce que c’est simplement Ă©liminer le sucre ajoutĂ© ou avez-vous coupĂ© certains groupes d’aliments spĂ©cifiques?
    Je pense que ce sont de merveilleuses nouvelles habitudes que vous avez mises en Ɠuvre. Je suis avec vous en ce qui concerne la consommation de vin – J’apprĂ©cie aussi quelques verres sur 3 ou 4 jours par semaine – un verre n’est jamais suffisantđŸ˜ˆđŸ·
    Can I also ask what you mean by “transformer sugar”
    @george-diogenes – that is the beauty of this WOL – one bad day does not a bad week make – just press the RESET button with either a controlled NFD or a try for another FD

    “If you focus on results, you will never change.
    If you focus on change, you will get results”
    Jack Dixon

    2nd post

    @berries63 – Sorry I forgot to answer your query – I posted about the plank challenge in August – here are links to the videos
    **Planks for Beginners: How to do a Plank – YouTube

    **5 min Plank Workout with timer

    Once you can do the 5 min challenge easily you can start adding extra time to each of the different planks e.g build up by holding each pose for an extra 10 secs and so on…..
    Pilates is also great for the waist and core
    Good luck

    Day 2 Canada NFD

    Started the challenge with a FD yesterday and am now off for a 4 day holiday with friends.
    Looking forward to continuing the challenge next week!

    Day 2 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Stayed just over TDEE yesterday despite going to a birthday party last evening, cake and a nice glass of Merlot. Today will be going out to lunch with friends, so saving my calories until then.

    I am in a fantasy football league with church people – no gambling, just for fun, but it’s insanely serious! Our draft is this afternoon. I am a weird woman who loves sports. At times we have been season ticket holders to both college football and opera. Go figure…. And of course, I have to follow my life-long-fan Chicago Cubs. This season has been interesting, and just hoping to continue into the post-season.

    Reasonably, 1 pound loss per week is very doable on this WOL IMHO. It worked for me on 5:2 and now on 6:1 maintenance, I get to indulge a bit more often on the 6 and still have success.

    @bert1802 – laughed out loud at your flamingo! But the hokey pokey was also adorable.

    @sirisan – yeah for the good report for your brother. Prayers will continue.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 2-MA, USA-FD

    It’s a beautiful, crisp September morning here. Perfect weather for a hike! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Day 2, London, UK, FD

    Well I wrote it
. So it must be true

. It’s ‘Dry September’ for me, I can and I will do this, the world isn’t going to run out of full bodied fruity reds anytime soon, so roll on October 1st!!!!!! @bigviking
.. we’ve got this!!!!!

    @bellyblast, have a great break away. Enjoy yourself and jump right back in when you get back, it’s great that this WOL allows you to step off the path, then step right back on when you’re ready!!!

    Onward & downward everyone, we’ve got this!!!!

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, 416 cals.; getting my mojo back and I think the secret to a successful FD for me is choosing foods that satiate and of course, drinking plenty of water/ACV. @jarbia, welcome back! @johnnyr, so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing and welcome back.

    My profile: 63 years old, 5’4″, 174.6 lbs; starting weight: 191.6; goal weight 150 lbs. I’m officially retired as of January 2017, but I work at home transcribing legal proceedings to keep my skills up. I’m an urban transplant from NJ, NYC and then Chicago now living the good life in a rural town on a beautiful plateau with my OH and 13 y.o. diabetic schnoodle, raising chickens, gardening and growing our food. I started 5:2 in earnest in January 2017. I joined this forum in February 2017 and love the support and comraderie on an international scale. I love reading about the different WOL that everyone employs using 5:2. My biggest goal is to reduce blood pressure and get down to a comfortable weight, but not low enough to reveal more wrinkles!

    Day 2 Massachusetts USA CD Today I’m eating only breakfast and dinner (I’ve always been a breakfast person.) My daughter’s family is here and they went out and got local apple cider donuts. Knowing this was an indulgence, I stopped in the middle of breakfast, sliced an apple, and had 3/4 of a donut. It helped to get out my App and record so I savored what I could have and pushed aside what would’ve been too much. @at, your goal, which you’ve achieved is the same as mine (118 pounds.) I’m at 120 now. Got to 118 in 2013 then went “”unconscious.” Now that I’m almost there again it feels great. I’m in my 60’s, only 5’1″, but a muscular swimmer. That’s why below 118 doesn’t work on me. My high was 135 and it was all around my middle. Not going back there again!

    @floudbaby — seriously?! We pocket winos will try not to gloat over our indulgences.

    @metatauta — oh so with you about keeping wrinkles puffed up! I’m 69, retired for 4 years, but keeping very busy!

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