September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • @basyjames – Please add my name to the September challenge. And thank you for hosting it this month!

    Righty then. Sign me up please.

    Not been active on the forum since May. Not even weighed myself.

    I expect I’ll have put on a bit when I step on the scales but not too much.

    I have been fasting, but not as much or as well as I did in Feb/March/April this year. So back to it with a vengeance 🙂

    I’ll weigh myself on the 1st and post a starting weight.

    Good luck to all. And thanks for hosting @basyjames

    Hello My Friends,
    Welcome to September! I have volunteered to host this month’s challenge and I am looking forward to a great month with all of you. The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016; and many of us have found them very helpful in staying engaged and motivated on our individual journeys. Some of us are in maintenance while others are on the path to finding our happy weight. Regardless of where we are, this is a safe space to share, vent, seek and find support and advice. We have members from all over the world and some of us have even used this forum to learn about the differences in each other’s cultures and languages.
    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.
    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to do so.
    The link to the spreadsheet is the initial post in this forum, you can use it as a tool to track your progress; feel free to enter as much or as little information as you want in it. The names highlighted in green are in maintenance. The spreadsheet has been edited to include the posters who indicated they wish to join this month’s challenge; as more people join I will add their names.
    Remember, anybody can consume an elephant – if you are willing to take one small bite at a time 🙂
    Now let’s go make September Awesome!

    My best to you all 

    Hello My Friends,
    Welcome to September! I have volunteered to host this month’s challenge and I am looking forward to a great month with all of you. The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016; and many of us have found them very helpful in staying engaged and motivated on our individual journeys. Some of us are in maintenance while others are on the path to finding our happy weight. Regardless of where we are, this is a safe space to share, vent, seek and find support and advice. We have members from all over the world and some of us have even used this forum to learn about the differences in each other’s cultures and languages.
    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the Month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.
    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to do so.
    The link to the spreadsheet is the first post in this forum; feel free to enter as much or as little information as you want in it. The names highlighted in green are in maintenance. I have edited the spreadsheet to include only those posters who have indicated they wish to join this month’s challenge; as more people join I will add their names.
    Remember, anybody can consume an elephant – if they are willing to take one small bite at a time

    Now let’s go make September Awesome!

    My best to you all

    @Baseyjames- please add my name to the September challenge. I am looking forward to making long-term positive changes in my life.

    Hi @basyjames

    Great job on the spreadsheet… it looks amazing. Thanks for hosting September and here’s to a great month! Will weigh in on Friday and fill in starting weight and goals for the month.

    @njgirl done. @mia139 thank you. Watch out September here we come!

    @basyjames Thank you so much for hosting this month!

    Quick question – when I use the link on the first post, it keeps bringing me to the August 2017 spread sheet. Anyone else having this issue?

    Edit: never mind – I just found the tabs at the bottom — lol

    Thanks again!!

    LOL no problem @jessyoursize. I will try to edit and save so the relevant page is the first thing you see when you click on the link. I can’t access Google sheets from work so I had to use my phone, which is just not as convenient as my desk top.

    I just put my name on the spreadsheet. Keeping up a strong exercise routine will be my main goal, with one FD per week and at least one B2B.

    Thank you so much for hosting @basyjames . Please sign me up for September. Am back at school now and finding fast days so much easier. I don’t have time to pee never mind eat …

    Hi, I just started with 5:2 today, so I would find this helpful. Thanks

    I’m working on linking directly to September spreadsheet

    I would like to join you since Sept. is fast approaching. I started 5:2 after the new year, been mostly off than on 5:2, but still managed to lose 10 pounds. I plateaued, so I’m buckling down and am following the revised version of 800 calories 5:2. It’s working. I’m determined to really stick to it this year. I’ll try logging into the spreadsheet.

    Oh dear, I went into the link but couldn’t log in. Oh well, I’ll just follow you on this thread, if that’s ok.

    Please add me to September challenge! Took the summer off but am back with renewed purpose!

    Please add me to the Sept challenge. Haven’t done anything since June challenge so need to get motivated. Many thanks for hosting the challenge @basyjames

    Interesting … but I don’t know if I would consider myself in maintenance. I’m just not very good at choosing monthly weight goals. My current vague thinking is I want to get my BMI under 25. I used to be opposed to BMI, but now I’m not so sure. The goal is a longer, healthier life and I’m realizing I don’t have any real excuse for having a BMI in the 26 range. While my body fat is under 20% I still have plenty I could afford to lose.

    Please add me! Just joined the site!

    Everybody ready for tomorrow?! New day, new month, new mindset. Let’s go! 💥💥💥

    Hi count me in. Looking forward to a great month.
    I’ve been in maintainance mode since April 2015. The monthly challenges keep me focused and honest. This is a very supportive group full of kind, generous, inspirational, caring and fun individuals. Looking forward to sharing another month.

    Hi Basyjames thanks for setting up the September challenge. Please count me in.

    I would like to lose 3 kilos weight for September. I’m currently 68.1 kilos and I’d like to be 65 kilos by end of September.

    Have a great Thursday everyone

    Basyjames I’m from Gozo, Malta. I just saw your spreadsheet thanks

    Hello @basyjames – thank you so much for taking on the role of leading us into this September Challenge 💐

    I have been I maintenance mode since December 2016 and I echo the sentiments expressed by @onahealthyhigh above – could not say it better!!

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Hi @basyjames, No doubt it’ll be a big group for September to counteract the summer hols and associated indulgences!!!!! Thanks for taking up the baton, I couldn’t imagine doing this without the support and encouragement, not to mention the accountability, I get from these challenges!!!

    Glad to see some familiar ‘faces’ back after a break…….. @johnnyr, I hope tomorrows weigh-in No. 1 is reasonable considering your 3 month break!!! @pamie, @lorky35, we will ALL be pulling our fingers out for September, there’s been a fair amount of falling off wagons recently……… now, back to it!!!!

    @at, that quote is all I need to get my mind and body in the right place for today’s FD, love it!!!!

    I’ll post my start weight and September goals tomorrow!!!!! September is going to be EPIC!!!

    Would like to join you on September challenge but not brilliant on computer. Please would you add my name to your list and will have a go.

    Just thought, do I supply you with the information or do you add my name and then I fill in the details?

    @basyjames – thanks for hosting & adding my name to spreadsheet – definitely ready for this challenge 😎

    Count me in! I have just done my 1st two weeks of the 5:2 EVER. I am now 84.4 and would like to be 80.4 by the end of September. Its Spring here so a good time to get out and about.

    Day 0, soon! — Colorado USA

    Many thanks to @debster251 for August. Fantastic poem to send-off this Fasting Crew!
    Thank you also to @basyjames for taking up the reins in September!

    I re-joined midway thru August. Managed 4 solid FD’s and am already down 2.2 lbs!!!
    I am thrilled with my slow, but steady, progress! 🐢🐢🐢 Tortoises FTW 😃

    Looking forward to continuing downward progress in September.

    @sher_joy @lorky35 @pamie @bellbird @1fitmamma @annabelle48 you have all been added to the spreadsheet, Welcome to the challenge!

    @annabelle48 feel free to fill in your information, there are no edit restrictions.

    @dykask I took off the asterisk and green highlight 🙂 Personally I prefer not to think off myself as being in maintenance because it messed with my mindset which led to a 10pound weight gain at the end of July.

    It’s the last day of August, lets make it memorable.
    My best to you all!

    I’ll join in too, and thanks for hosting @basyjames. No need to put me on the spreadsheet, though.

    Hi from Scotland,
    can you add me for September too? Currently at 85 kg, hope this will give my determination a little boost.

    Hi there,
    Please sign me up for the September challenge. I´ve haven´t tried these monthly challenges before so this will be interesting.
    I did 5:2 for 2 months this year (first time) from mid April- mid June with a good result. But after a long summer break I just restarted 5:2 with my first FD today. Surprisingly it´s much harder than I thought it would be. Got hangry as early at 10 this morning. I guess I´ll have to see this day through on my fist!
    Good luck all,

    1 day to go till September Lancaster, PA, 🇺🇸 FD
    @basyjames ✨🌈✨Thank-you for Hosting the September challenge✨ I like that we can locate the spreadsheet by going to the first post of the group! I 💛that our groups are international and that we are learning about different cultures and languages around the world. I think that is one of the many things that makes our Challenge groups so supportive and educational.✨ For anybody new, @basyjames really has covered what you need to know to post.✨ Also, feel free to ask questions! We are a supportive group. Even when we get busy, there are many supportive people here that will answer questions.
    Here is a good link for any newbie’s with more questions.✨

    @at Thanks for ✨maintaining and being so supportive!
    @coda Thank-you for initiating and being enlightening in these supportive 5:2 FD Challenges.😊
    @debster251 Thank-you for being a fantastic Host for August.✨
    @johnnyr Welcome back…. Fasting Buddy✨

    Eradicated 6.4 lbs in August✨I’m hoping to keep the sugar and lbs down and the motivation up! My Goal is to be at 148 lbs. :67.13kg by the end of September✨

    ✨May the Fast be with you!✨
    ✨Wishing everyone a great Month!😊✨

    Here is a good link for any newbie’s with more questions.✨

    Rocky Mountains, US

    One day to go! Thanks for hosting our September Challenge @basyjames.

    Maintaining at 55Kg, BMI: 20.8

    Looking forward to a great month!😊⚘😊⚘😊

    Please count me in @basyjames.

    Hello all,please sign me up for the September challenge … hopefully will keep me motivated, I’ve (re)started 5:2 this week after several false starts .. Really want to try to make it stick as so many of my friends swear by this. 141 lbs at the mo (5ft 2), 1lb a week would be great … best of luck to all! Skippy xx

    Thank you @okeydokey for the newbie link. I love how supportive this group is and credit this forum for my success.
    @skippy1968 @annemarilyn @tenoro @ iivanana @penz welcome to the challenge. You are all updated on the spreadsheet.

    Joining the September challenge. As I am off on my holidays today until 18th Sept I won’t be weighing in, but I hope to be able to log in occasionally for some inspiration. From mid September I will hit the ground running and plan 3 FD’s per week with two of them being B2B liquid only FD’s.

    My challenge for September is to gain no more than 5lbs while on holiday and get back to pre-holiday weight minus 1lb by the 30th!!!

    Adios 😄

    Count me in @basyjames and thank you for taking over the reigns. I see my name is on the spreadsheet, thanks. I’ll log In my weight etc tomorrow – to the wire as usual!

    Day 0 – McMinnville Oregon USA
    @basyjames – Please count me in for September.

    Day 31 – USA – NFD

    Great FD yesterday, 439 calories and my choice of foods makes me feel satiated..drank lots of ACV with lots of water. My usual weigh-in is Saturday, but since it’s the last day of August, I’ll stick with 174.6, down 1.8 from last week, but only .8 lower for the month. I’ll take it! It’s been a roller coaster month for me, up and down in lbs., but overall still losing inches and getting back into the FD groove. Thank you @debster251 for your clever poem that succinctly describes the range of all our posts on this forum! @basyjames, thank you for volunteering to host September. @ducks_d, sorry to see you go, please peek in once in a while and let us know how you are faring. @steffieagle, welcome back! I see you also are a lover of mountains, parks, nature; isn’t it refreshing? Congrats to @anna6, @losing_it, @daffodil2010, @liathanail, @mari84, @tlc2, @bert1802, @maddyg, @okeydokey on your success this month! @at, congrats on 9 mos. of maintenance! @krisnia, I trust you will find the most comforting words for your friends when the time comes.

    Norway, Day 0, NFD

    Yay for a new month and a new challenge! I am so uncertain of what my goal should be. August was my first month on 5:2, so obviously the weight loss was high. Do any of you experienced people out there have any advice? Like, when did the loss become more slow after the first whoosh? I think I will aim at 0.5kg/1lb per week, so that’s 2,5 kg/5lb rounding up. Hope for more, but too high goals are not good for motivation I think.

    I love this quote from the group, it keeps me going:

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Hi @basyjames thanks for taking the lead this month. Please count me in. I don’t have access to the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet from August keeps coming, clicking on the link at the bottom doesn’t have any result. What am I doing wrong?

    Day 31 Massachusetts USA NFD I was kind of guessing on my final weigh in for the month (120 pounds.) At a friend’s 10 days ago that’s what the number was- my own scale, an old one I keep in the garage, is destined for the dumpster. So I lost 1/2 pound/week, with 6 FD’s instead of the usual 9. I did have a lot of 800 calorie days. After September, I expect to be on maintenance. Welcome to any newcomers and congrats to all for getting through August as a lively group.

    1 More Day – ABQ

    So happy to see so many of the same names from last month, and a few new ones too!

    @BaseyJames – Thank you for hosting this month’s challenge! I can’t wait to get started!
    @Debster521 – Thank you again for hosting August’s challenge & for that lovely poem!
    @bellbird – Welcome! I am finishing my first 2 weeks of 5:2 as well! These “challenge” groups are really quite helpful and it’s a great place to keep on track with 5:2!


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