Related Science articles people might be interested to read

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Related Science articles people might be interested to read

This topic contains 991 replies, has 70 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Obesity not defined by weight, says new Canada guideline

    A healthy diet is more important than your weight when it comes to risk of death, study finds

    Subway bread is not bread, Irish court rules

    Judge finds that sugar content of US chain’s sandwiches exceeds stipulated limit and they should thus be classified as confectionery

    If only our US government were as interested in the quality of food and information we get…

    “If you feel insatiable hunger when you fast, you may have overlooked these 3 steps to intermittent fasting success.

    Intermittent fasting diets, like the 5:2 or 16:8 eating plans, have a steadfast reputation for enabling dieters to shed unwanted kilos. But according to a leading physician-scientist and nutrition expert, that’s only half the story.”
    University of California San Diego researchers and collaborators recently demonstrated in older men that the makeup of a person’s gut microbiome is linked to their levels of active vitamin D, a hormone important for bone health and immunity

    Still early days, but researchers found that the level of precursor vitamin D does not translate directly to level of active vitamin D. Certain strains of gut bacteria are required to do/facilitate the conversion. Precursor vitamin D is the form normally checked &/or available as a supplement

    “New Australian research has found that eating just a handful of leafy greens each day could supercharge your muscles.

    Adding as little as one cup of leafy green vegetables to your diet each day could be enough to boost muscle function, according to a study by researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) published in the Journal of Nutrition on Thursday.

    Leafy green vegetables are rich in nitrates, and researchers found that people who ate a diet rich in the naturally occuring compounds had significantly better muscle function of their lower limbs than those who didn’t.”

    Lot’s of different subject areas in this thread – This is about Autophagy and Stem Cells

    It’s 3 years old, but still informative and relevant to those who fast for health and longevity

    “Scientists uncover secret of the hunger switch in the brain

    A 3D structure reveals how a unique molecular switch in our brain causes us to feel full – and may help develop improved anti-obesity drugs.”



    5:2 diet helps reduce skin symptoms in Psoriasis patients

    Eat those veggies folks!

    “Gut Microbiome May Help or Hinder Defenses Against SARS-CoV-2”

    Could the gut microbiome play a key role in #COVID19 outcomes? Emerging evidence suggests a disturbed microbiome is associated with more severe COVID19, but which comes first?

    Hi Cinque, just come across your “Canadian” post. Being over weight myself and at present on the 800 cal Fast diet I can understand what the article is saying. I recently bought an excellent cookbook, “The 30 minute Diabetes Cookbook” by Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi. I do not have T2 but interested in the Low Carb approach. An “expert” in treating T2 Dr David Unwin wrote the foreword to the book. As a practicing GP he states “He would go so far as to say that 98% of all cases of T2 diabetes are caused by what what we eat. Just 2% are due to other factors”. For him being overweight has a simple cause, we eat to much. However the reasons are complex and not easy to overcome. I used to post regularly but now only visit rarely hence this “late” post. Keep up the good work and stay safe out there.

    Hi Couscous, good to read your post.

    Hello everyone,

    An interesting piece of here saying that not enough autophagy might be the cause of Altzeimer’s Disease.

    Fasting can help with autophagy.

    Australian researchers are trialling a ‘purple diet’ to prevent dementia. This world 1st research project will involve incorporating purple-red foods like blueberries & cherries into the diet of people @ risk of dementia! It will be interesting to follow this

    Not sure if everyone can listen to this, but I could from Australia. It is really interesting on ultra processed food and obesity.

    “In the UK poor diet is a worrying public health issue, and we rank one of the worst in Europe for levels of obesity, particularly among children. Reformulating the most unhealthy foods to reduce sugar, salt and fat is the food industry’s main strategy to turn things around, and this is echoed by the government. Reformulation has been going on for decades, and there has been some real progress recently, for example reducing sugar in soft drinks and some breakfast cereals. However, overall there is much work still to be done and government sugar reduction targets are way-off being met according to recent figures.

    The focus on reformulation has always been on reducing the level of ‘bad’ nutrients in food. Now the concept of ‘ultra-processed’ food is calling that strategy into question. It defines food on the level of processing rather than on nutrients – if a product includes ingredients you wouldn’t find in your kitchen and was made in a factory, then it’s probably ultra-processed. UPF food makes up half of the average diet in the UK, and there is growing evidence to show that it’s very likely driving the rise in diet-related diseases, and the global obesity epidemic.

    So when it comes to nutrients, what are the technical challenges for reformulating our food, and how far can this approach go in improving the quality of ultra-processed food? And if the problem really lies with processing rather than nutrients, do we need a different approach entirely?

    Presented by Sheila Dillon and produced by Sophie Anton for BBC Audio in Bristol”

    Exercise more important than weight loss for heart health

    Really large sample and it concludes that if you’re obese, increasing your physical activity and eating well is almost as beneficial at reducing mortality as actually losing all the weight. So don’t stress as much about weight if you get a reasonable level of physical activity.

    “…[obesity] related health risks can be considerably reduced by adoption of a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet, even in the presence of minimal weight loss, [this] is encouraging and provides the practitioner and the adult with overweight/obesity additional options for successful treatment ”

    Research indicating that Ultra Processed food causes more harm than can be explained by its poor nutrition.

    Joint association of food nutritional profile by Nutri-Score front-of-pack label and ultra-processed food intake with mortality: Moli-sani prospective cohort study

    Conclusions Adults with the lowest quality diet, as measured using the FSAm-NPS dietary index (underpinning the Nutri-Score), and the highest ultra-processed food consumption (NOVA classification) were at the highest risk for all cause and cardiovascular mortality. A significant proportion of the higher mortality risk associated with an elevated intake of nutrient poor foods was explained by a high degree of food processing. In contrast, the relation between a high ultra-processed food intake and mortality was not explained by the poor quality of these foods.

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