Regaining weight after losing it

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Regaining weight after losing it

This topic contains 1 reply, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I’ve been doing a 3/4 routine for about 6 months and have lost 16.5 lb. I now find that even a relatively modest occasional overshoot on the calorie limits on fasting (600 cal) and non-fasting (TDEE) days causes weight gain — this is despite the combined calorie total over a 7-day period still showing a deficit. My question is: after a period of pursuing the Fast Diet, does one’s body re-set (lower) the threshold at which fat starts to be stored?

    There seems to be evidence that all diets do this, faast22. You’ll find some links to reports and research in the Science threads. It’s partly that at a lower weight one needs fewer cals but also that the body becomes more efficient at using what it gets, more so than someone of a similar weight who has never dieted. The science of fasting is very helpful, though, as it tackles the issue of keeping insulin low for at least the fasting periods. Fat cells release their fat for energy if it’s needed only when insulin is not in the bloodstream, as this process is promoted by glucagon and glucagon can only work in the absence of insulin. But your system also has to need that energy and will use what is already in the bloodstream before bothering to open fat cells. So if you eat over what you need, it will get used first if it’s fat and any extra sugars will be turned to fat and will be shunted into your fatcells by insulin. If you are going over totals, eg for a night out, or weekend away, try to leave a good long gap between meals to help a bit, or maybe have very late breakfast. You’re right, it doesn’t seem to take much.

    Im assuming you’ve recalculated yur new TDEE?? So short answer is yes, I think the set point does change in some people. I measure my blood glucose daily every morning when I wake up. If Ive had carbs the day before my insulin will be high (still in the normal range but high) the next day. About 5.5mmol/L. If Ive had very little carbs the reading will be about 4.5mmol/L. So for me my insulin is relatively higher the next day if Ive had simple carbs. This means Im wanting to store any carb as fat. Not good.

    My take on all this is that you have to be VERY mindful of what you eat. You can not treat all calories as being equal. 1500 cal of carbs will not have the same effect as 1500 cal of protein or fat. If your going to go over make sure youre not going over with carbs.

    In addition, faast, I find that some foods turn to extra weight on my body more quickly than others. Discovered this by accident. And, yes, those foods are carbs. If you can isolate those foods which do the damage, you can eliminate them to see the result.

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