
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jpitts88 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I’ve seen similar post on here but feel like my issue is slightly different. I’ve been fasting off and on for years and anytime I get really dedicated to it and never break my hours, I see results. Most of the time I still eat like crap but stick to my fast and still lose weight. My fast plan is typical 16:8, but I pretty much always go longer. In fact in the last 2 months I have only went less than 20 hours a handful of times and typical go between 20 to 24. And I’ve lost about 20 lbs in the two months. I do have an issue though and that is food getting stuck in my throat. Not in a choking way but like a reflux way but there is no acid at all. Never any discomfort at all. Just the annoyance of burping and feeling small chunks of food come to the top of my my throat and back of my mouth. I try to then hack it up and spit it out. I can slightly feel it in my throat for hours after eating my last meal and again when I burp it comes up. Again, no sour acid taste when it happens, no heartburn, no ulcers or literally any of the symptoms or side affects of acid reflux or gerd. Just food being in my throat and me burping it up. My question is why? Since there’s no discomfort I used to just dismiss it but fasting has me wondering will it ruin my fast? Eventually, it all goes down or I can hack it all up. If it all goes down does that food going back in to my stomach finally break my fast?

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