Did anyone else who didn’t like the result drown their sorrows in food this weekend?
I ate so badly! Chocolate, wine, cake, pasta…. I’m going to pay for it on the scales Friday I’m sure :p
This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by atcgirl 8 years, 3 months ago.
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We’ve gone through the Republican Convention and seeing Trump and realizing that the racist Oompa Loompa might be the next leader of this nation made me tear up a bit and reach for them trusty Oreos *nervous laughter*. so I’m watching this country slowly decent into a plutocratic oligarchy.
I’ve always wanted to move to England so HOPEFULLY Brexit doesn’t completely screw things up. Sorry, didn’t mean to bitch about US politics btw.
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11:21 am
27 Jun 16