Re-joiner….again…pregnancy weight!

This topic contains 86 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Caz_27 8 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 87 total)

  • Hey Guys

    This is my second attempt at doing 5.2 (4.3 in my case) to lose at least 17lbs of pregnancy weight before 1st December when I go back to work. I refuse to buy bigger clothes and to be the first woman in the office to return from maternity leave looking chubby! Of course, I also want to get fitter and healthier for the sake of my beautiful baby boy. He is now 7 months old so it’s well and truly time to take action.

    Week 1 is complete, I did 3 fast days successfully (I eat all of my calories at dinner) and I also completed 3 gym classes and a yoga class. I will weigh myself this morning and see how it has worked for me.

    My stats:

    Week 1

    Female aged 28
    Height: 5 ft 3″
    Start Weight:150lbs
    Goal Weight: 133lbs

    Anyone else doing this lifestyle to get back into shape after pregnancy? Any buddies looking for company to do this with me by 1st December?

    I am exactly in the same situation!!! My son has 6 months and I have been trying desperately to lose weight while breast feeding but completely unsuccessfully! Now I have this last chance. I am also not eating carbs during the day, only in the mornings (in non fasting days I mean). Not so good at the gym since I have a very bad lower back pain…
    What do you eat on a fasting day? This is my first time. How much did you low the first week?

    Hi there, I’ve just started again with the 5:2 after having a go in June. I had some good results but ‘life’ railroaded me for a while there and I regained what I had lost. I have 9 month old twins and gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant. A lot. I’ve still got about 30lbs to lose and would like to aim to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. We are heading to the beach for a family holiday and I want to be able to enjoy myself and not waste time worrying about my weight. There’s roughly 20 weeks til Christmas – so a pound a week seems like a realistic goal.
    I’ve been fasting again for 1 1/2 weeks now and I’ve lost about 6lbs. My appetite is much less and I’m enjoying the feeling of being in control again. It’s hard on the days when I’m running on no sleep but I’ve managed to stick with it so far. I’ve found that I’m better off saving all of my calories for my evening meal. For some reason whenever I eat breakfast I end up starving I the afternoon but if I don’t eat anything in the morning I can easily wait until dinner time. I’m thinking of trying 4:3 and fasting M/W/F as I feel like I lose momentum having a bigger gap between fasts.
    So I’m in…let’s do it! I’d like to post my weight loss each week …I’ll feel like I’m accountable that way.

    Hey MezJay and Chiarellabella 79, thanks for your posts! Nice to have some fellow mummy fasting buddies. I have stuck to my 4:3 (last fast day of this week is today) and both weeks I have been to the gym 3 times. I weighed myself last week and I was 149lbs, so only one pound loss. I was disappointed as I usually lose more in the first week, but I kept at it. Just weighed myself this morning (a bit naughty as I should really do it tomorrow) and I’m still 149lbs. I’m feeling quite disheartened as I have worked hard this week to fast and exercise, but I’m hoping the scales don’t reflect my fat loss (as opposed to weight loss).

    I also eat all my calories I’m the evening as I find it easier too. There is a bacon and butter bean soup recipe in the fast diet book that I cook as it’s so incredibly tasty and really very filling, it’s a huge bowl of soup.

    How have you guys done this week? MezJay 6lbs is an amazing start!

    Wow,finally found the posts I was looking for.So cool. I’ll join you, too.

    Had my son in february, quite complicated, long story, want to and nee to lose weight. 20 kilos on the long run, but guess I should take it bit by bit, otherwise I’ll stop before I even got started.

    Tomorrow is THE day, my first fasting day. Problem is,my fridge is empty, so I’ll be in the supermarket looking for good food before I can get going.
    I’ m not good at counting calories,so I’ll be trying to stick to cucumber carrots and the likes whenever I need input.

    How are your days going?

    How do you overcome moments of craving?

    Hi Steph1709 and welcome to our journey! I totally get how you feel about taking it bit by bit, if you keep focusing on the long game from day 1 it drives you mad….it does for me anyway lol. It sounds like you have a reasonable strategy for your first day, will you eat two meals or save all your calories for one evening meal? I’m happy to share the soup recipe I use if it helps but it’s defo for an all-calories-in-one-hit approach.

    As for cravings…tea was my coping mechanism when I fasted over a year ago, and I lost 10lbs then so it worked for me. When I was hungry or craved something more than just water (I can’t drink volumes of water, it makes me feel ill) tea with sweeteners a d skimmed milk seemed to trick my body into thinking it was having something other than just liquid. I can’t explain how, I guess it was a more complex drink than water so it satisfied me more.

    I have to be honest, I gave up on myself today. Woke up for my last fast day and gym day of the week, and totally backed out on both. After two weeks of a really big effort I am dissapointed with my loss, so I just felt fed up today. It happens I guess…but it’s frustrating. I thought my body woukd respond much more positively. Oh well, back on the fasting and gym wagon on Tuesday.

    Best of luck for your first day tomorrow, just remember you can have the things you want in a matter of hours so don’t give in as much as you can. Here’s to a slinkier version of ourselves in a few months!

    I forgot to post my stats:

    Week 2

    Start weight: 150lbs
    Current weight: 149lbs


    Thanks natasha for your immediate reply. So many things to say – first of all I can imagine how disappointment turns into frustration if nothing changes on the scales. But keep it up and going,your fab success from previous times prooves you can do it!
    Do you go to the gym while you are fasting? I think I could never ever do that. So I bow my head in admiration. (Is that how you say that?)

    I like your idea of having tea with milk whenever cravings are near.I’ll definitely try that.

    I think I can’t cope with one meal only, I’ll be nuts by noon.

    The thing is,that the central room in our flat is our kitchen. Big Windows, lots of space, nice atmosphere, we spend much time there, but you are always close to food and its preparation. I will try to keep myself occupied. Although the little one does that Job usually quite well 😉
    I’ll let you know how I”m getting on.

    All your little ones will prpbably have Baby food apart from milk. We just started with parsnip a couple of days ago. Can you all stay away from food if you are feeding them?

    Hey Steph

    Thanks for the encouragement I know I need to remind myself that fasting is a slow and steady way to achieve my goal. I get so caught up in seeing results fast. I do go to the gym on fast days, which does sound bonkers, but once you test your body you will be shocked at how it can do things like that. Besides, on days like that I look at my flabby bits and I can see that I have plenty of stored calories to burn! Lol so I get a weird sense of satisfaction knowing that at by the time morning comes om a fast day and I get to the gym, my glucose of glycogen stores should be used up and I am purely burning fat stores to get me through my gym class.

    Having one or two meals a day is definitely a personal thing. I am the same as MezJay, if I eat in the morning it’s like it wakes up my appetite which makes the day so difficult for me. But do what works for you.

    My little one is on solids now but feeding him doesn’t seem to bother me when I’m fasting. Preparing gorgeous meals for hubby has proven difficult at times lol but that’s another story.

    Good luck for your first day!

    Hey Natasha,
    I somehow really skipped breakfast. I tried to listen to my body and it told me it doesn’t really need anything. So I enjoyed my cuppa and then set off for my walk with the pram to the supermarket, and amazingly enough, it was quite easy to avoid the nasty bits.
    What was indeed difficult was to walk past the bakery with the lovely scent of freshly baked bread. Here in Germany, bread is a big thing and I’m such a bread person. It’s the first thing I miss when I’m abroad. Anyway, I had a little glance and told myself that there will always be bread tomorrow . So I did it.

    Next obstacle will be making a cake for tomorrow for a bunch of girls I’m always meeting on a Tuesday…

    Hoping not to bore you with my stories.

    Welcome Steph, good to have another buddy! Well done with making a good start on your first fast day. I think my first day was absolutely the hardest because I was convinced that I was going to starve and all I could think about was food. I think I made it so much harder for myself. But after the first day I realised that it wasn’t that bad and that nothing terrible was going to happen if I felt a bit hungry. I drink a couple of cups of tea with skimmed milk and I’ve gotten into the habit of having a small skim milk latte mid morning. That seems to see me through. I find late afternoons challenging, especially when I am preparing dinner for my 4 year old. It is so hard not to pick at the chopped vegies or eat the left overs! And the worst time for me is after dinner. I’m usually tired and craving something sweet…and that is when the damage is done. So my focus for today is to not blow it after dinner. I’m planning to have some peppermint tea and a few strawberries and see if that does the trick. Cravings pass. So they say.
    I actually enjoy fast days now. It doesn’t seem possible when you first start but it does get a lot easier. Hang in there!

    Oh…my weight loss for Week 2: Complete disappointment. Nothing. Zero. After fasting for 3 days AND going for a run on one of those days – nothing! What a jip. Last time I did this, in June, this same thing happened. I lost a fair bit in the first two weeks and then it slowed down. I got disheartened and then I started cheating and then I put all the weight that I lost back on. So this time, I’m determined. Whether the scales change or not, I’m going to stick with it. I feel so much better and my clothes feel looser. I’m reading a book that gives you mental strategies to support the dieting and that is helping to keep me focused. But still….zero pounds. To quote you Natasha, ‘Boooooooooooo!’

    Well done you Steph! That bakery smell is a killer! For me it’s bacon…Mmmmm!

    Keep the storis coming 😉

    MezJay I feel your pain! But we need to keep it going, loss or no loss. Gotta take the good weeks with the bad! I have given myself the weekend and today to compose myself and I’m starting my 4:3 and gym again on Tuesday.

    Natasha – agreed! Keep going.
    What day do you guys weigh yourselves? Should we all do it on the same day? I was weighing in on Sundays but am happy to change days. Mondays?

    Hi mezjay,
    By the way,an interesting name, hides your first name really well.
    Keep it going, don’t listen to the scales so much. Your body is a huge complex system, I bet and I’m dead sure there are changes from fasting, even if the scales don’t show.

    Was just feeding my little one and that’s exactly it, one quick spoon of left overs and bang – here we go,feeling hungry.

    Does anyone happen to know good apps for calory-counting from Play Store which don’t cost anything? And which actually work?

    Scaling time Monday night would suit me best, although Sunday would also work for me.

    How about your partners and your families – do they support or maybe even join you?

    This thread has gotten so long so quickly, so I’m not sure if I can figure out your special days correctly. I’ll give it a try from what I remember.

    MezJay, yours is Tues and?
    Natasha, yours is Monday and?
    Chiarellabella yours are Monday Wednesday and Friday
    I’m on Monday and Friday.

    I wonder if we all share one day…

    I’m fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday also. I’m in Australia – so I think I’m ahead of you (in Germany right?) by 8 hours or so….bedtime now (and I made it without crumbling to the cravings yeah!)
    Btw, just call me Mez 😉

    Oh I forgot – I use MyFitnessPal to count calories. It’s free and after a few days, once you’ve entered the foods you eat all the time, it gets quicker and easier to use.

    Well done Mez,
    Good to hear that you made it. Fantastic! So sleep tight.
    And yes,it’s four o’ clock in the afternoon here.

    Hi everyone! So great to read your posts. I am starting tomorrow with a friend and our fast days will be Tuesday and Thursday. We are both still breastfeeding 3 times a day so I had an idea that instead of just one meal of 500 we could have a meal of 400 and 2 protein shakes. This takes us just over 500 but it will definitely help us I’m sure with being able to have something a little heavier than just water and air. Perhaps it’s something you girls could consider doing too? The protein powder I use is very low cal and very nutrient dense. It’s called VITAL Protein and is 100% pea protein isolate.

    Hi clove,
    Welcome 🙂
    Looking forward to hearing your stories!

    Although I must admit that my first thought was: I hope they can still breastfeed after / on a fasting day. It’s just that my personal experience shows that the amout of milk is easily influenced by factors like hot climate, dayly intake etc. Maybe you can ask your midwife or doc for quick advice?

    I’m not sure if I would give it a try. Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do, I so wish I could have done it properly, I tried every possible thing together with my midwife, but still I’m one of those few who really simply don’t have milk.
    And it was so hard to accept first. I was so down because everyone else was doing it as it is the most natural thing in the world. As it is.

    So to end my sermon here: just keep an eye on it.

    Let me know how you’re getting on.
    Good luck.

    So here we go,first fast day over – my conclusions:
    1. Dead exhausting: I started with lunch, but had the munchies several times. Luckily, they come and go,as you said earlier on, but tricky. Cups of tea and chewing gum required.

    2. Really challenging: I got to a point where I got goose pimples and was cold,next minute I was hot, so I decided to have an apple.

    3. Quite restrictive: I’m nowhere near doing exercises. I was happy enough getting ma chores done,going out twice with the pram, and playing and catering for the little one.Apart from that, I spent the time bring lazy, reading and writing here.

    4. Psychologically difficult: because it’s new and I must first get the hang of what can I eat etc. It’s always on my mind. Next time I hope I can focus on something else and fast “along the way”.

    5. Easier than I thought: during 2 meals, I had 6 carrots, 2 paprikas, half a cucumber, a bit of extremely low fat cheese, turkey as you put on sandwiches, the vegetables all raw and uncooked. It takes ages to chew and eat all that, so I was actually quite full afterwards to be honest. And my Fitness pal app tells me I used 393 calories.

    6. Rewarding: I felt so good that I made it,plus the scales tell a difference of nearly 4 kilos. I know that this isnt gone forever and will prpbably be back even today, but hey, things shift…

    So was happy to have a little bready brekki today, and see what happens thursday.

    Good luck to all of you who have their fast day today.

    Gosh so many replies, it’s going to take me forever to make sure I reply to them all now!

    Mez – I weigh myself every Monday morning, as it is the first fast day of the week for me (usually). I think it’s a great idea to weigh on the same day, it makes me feel more accountable lol. And it always sucks to see everyone else do well when you haven’t, so it’s good motivation for me. Shall we start next week?

    Steph – Well done for getting through your first day! Its never easy so you should be proud of yourself. That first hurdle has been jumped successfully! My fast days have been a bit haphazard but my fasting days are Monday Wednesday and Friday.
    Slightly off topic but as you mentioned it, I too was unable to breastfeed, so I completely understand how you felt. My little boy had a tied tongue at birth so I couldn’t breastfeed him. Although it was sorted quickly (he was 10 days old) he was a big boy and my milk just never caught up. He also developed a preference for the bottle as he didn’t have to work for it. I tried for 4 months to make it work but it was just so difficult. It was truly heartbreaking when I decided to stop. You know in your heart that breast is best but you just cant provide it, I felt so guilty. There were many tears shed about that. But thank God my little boy is a happy, healthy and chunky little baby lol that’s all that matters.

    Hu Clove29! Welcome to the thread 🙂 I am in the same boat as Steph re. your idea about fasting with the protein shakes. I personally waited til I stopped breastfeeding to start fasting just because I felt like it was already so hard for me that I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardise it. But from what I have read, relatively little is known about the affect of fasting on breast milk production so it is entirely your choice. Keep us posted on how you get on and if you notice any changes, I’d be very interested to see what happens. Best of luck to you and your friend too.

    Saved the shameful bit til last….I sabotaged myself today. I’m so annoyed with myself because my first 5 fast days were brilliant, and now I feel like I’m losing my mojo. To start, last night the gym called to say that my class had been cancelled, so that was a bit crap. Then I woke up this morning and I was just not in the right mindset at all to fast. Unlike my other fast days, I was thinking of food all day right from waking up, and I was so moody! To top it off, by about 4pm I had a banging headache and just felt like I needed sustenance. So at 5.30 I had a bowl of my mum’s home made lamb stew and a banana….then I came home and demolished a whole bag of salty/sweet popcorn (hang my head in shame). I seriously am so gutted. What a numpty! So frustrating. I hope you guys are hanging in there better than me!

    Natasha – don’t get too dejected about a fast day that didn’t work out. Stuff happens to derail our best intentions all the time. And not losing much after trying so hard sucks. Life with a baby can be stressful and a lack of sleep can play havoc with your motivation. I’m hearing you about the headaches- I’ve had to pop a few paracetamols on fast days.
    How about this for an idea: While you didn’t fast on Monday, you didn’t have a complete blowout in terms of your total calories for the day (believe me, what you ate wasn’t a blowout compared to what I was eating before starting!!!), so chalk it up as a non-fast day and move on. Just make this week 5:2 instead of 4:3. It’s still nearly a whole week til next weigh in (btw, I’m good for Mondays to weigh in and report) so there is plenty of time to make amends. Who knows, maybe your little splurge will kick start the weight loss….

    I’m so impressed that you are going to the gym. I find it hard to even get out for a walk with the twins. It’s winter here and they’ve been a bit sniffly so we have had to stay indoors. My partner leaves early for work and then night times are chaos with getting three little ones fed, bathed and into bed. I’ve got the Fast Exercise book by Dr Mosley ready to read. Maybe that will have some ideas for sneaking in some exercise during the day.

    And Steph – I liked your recap of your first day. I felt the same about a lot of things. Especially feeling exhausted after the first fast. But don’t you feel great once you’ve done it! It’s nice to be in control and being pro-active about the weight loss.

    I’m on day 2 of fasting. All good so far. Have a good week everyone 🙂

    Quick question:
    I need recepies for warm meals on fast days. Can you recommend anything?
    Books? Internet?

    Have you looked at the ‘Food’ section of the forums? I was having a browse and found a good lentil soup recipe the other day.

    Hi ladies, great to read all your posts. I wanted to start by saying congrats to all of you. Having a little baby is draining and exhausting and taking this on is hard work and mentally hard as well. I have a 6 and 5 year old. I gained a ton of weight with my second because I was so sick throughout the pregnancy. I have successfully lost 40 pounds by running and watching what I eat and fasting recently, but that last 10 pounds still hangs out around my thighs and bum. I fasted for two months and was able to lose some stubborn weight rather quickly so I am hoping to stick to it and lose that last ten pounds. I stay at home with my kids so I am still around the snacks and kitchen all day. Hope to join you on your journey. I am 5’11” 155 pounds hoping to get down to 145 which was my before baby weight. Although most of my life I was between 135-140. Not sure if I will ever see that again but that is fine. I will be happy with 145. I fast on Monday and Wednesday’s and save my calories until dinner. Hoping i can stick with it. I have enjoyed eating your posts.

    One week over and done with.

    Ladies – your stories? Any experiences worth sharing?
    I hope this finds you all happy.

    Some of my conclusions after my second fast day
    ➡ keep your mind busy with other business than food
    ➡ spend the day away from your kitchen as far as possible
    ➡ be prepared. Knowing what you want to eat, how to prepare it etc. makes life easier. Proper planning and preparation prevents…
    ➡ unprocessed vegetables fill your stomach and keep you happy

    I ordered a book about 5:2, especially for recipes. I’ll be posting meals worth trying.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Welcome Runningnorth – fantastic to hear how well you’ve done so far…40lbs! Inspiring!
    Well done Steph – you did it…one week down and you’re off and running 🙂
    I agree with everything you’ve mentioned. Especially the bits about being prepared. If I don’t have healthy options available and work out exactly what I’m going to eat on fast days then I’m stuffed.
    I had a great start to the week. Monday and Wednesday fasts went well and I managed not to have after dinner blow outs, so am pleased with that. And then came Friday. I struggled all day, feeling really hungry and thinking about eating all day. In the end I had a late lunch (unplanned but low cal) and then my pesky partner went and cooked a divine smelling pasta for himself and our daughter….suddenly my lentil soup didn’t seem as appealing. Sooooo I had a bowl of pasta, loved every.single.bite, grudgingly added the calories onto MyFitnessPal (usually I just pretend it never happened) and decided that I wouldn’t call it a failed fast day, just look at it as a non-fast day. In which case I kept within my calorie allowance. Having friends over tonight for Vietnamese takeaway…so am going to skip lunch and go for a run now in anticipation.
    I’ve been very careful with my calories on my non-fast days this week so that is a win. My clothes feel looser so I’m hoping, fingers crossed, that the scales show some good results on Monday.

    So, Week 2 weigh in: I lost 4lbs! Thank goodness….all that hard work and resisting temptation was worth it.
    Total so far = 10lbs.
    How did everyone else go?

    Hey ladies

    Mez well done!! 4lbs in one week is fantastic, I bow down to your success 🙂

    How has everyone else done?

    I had a bad week, only in so far as I did not complete 3 fast days. I only successfully completed one fast day, and only managed to get to the gym once and did my weekly yoga class. But thankfully, the scales haven’t crept up. For once I am pleased to have stayed the same! I think I have been a bit slow to catch on to keeping within my TDEE on non-fast days, which I tried to do in the second part of last week. Makes a lot of sense, so this week I am aiming to do 3 fast days, 3 gym sessions, 1 yoga class and keeping to my TDEE on non-fast days. Fingers crossed this will make me see a loss in a weeks time.

    Hey everyone,

    Monday is still not over yet over here, so I’ll be telling you later.

    Mez,great to hear your success stories, especially when you say your clothes feel better. Congrats!

    And Natasha, bad times come and go, you’ve got big plans, don’t be too cruel to yourself. Take care of yourself.

    I must admit I have always worked with kilos, so when I downloaded a converter and found out what my weight is in lbs, I was shocked as the number is so much higher. Again motivation to get away from that amout.

    Just had lunch. As my book hasnt been delivered yet, I just put 2 diced courgettes together with half a Paprika, few cherry tomatoes, a carrot and a tiny bit of feta cheese and tuna in the oven for 45 mins. Looks nice and tastes nice, Fitness pal tells me it’s 312 calories. I really like the barcode scan. Beep.

    So more carrots and my low cal cheese for supper, that’s the plan. See how it goes.
    And then the scales.

    Can I please join you. I am a Sydney mum with a 3 year old and 1 year old. I also work. I struggled with infertility and put on close to 20 kilos with that and pregnancy which I struggle to lose. I love pasta, cheese and wine! I like exercise but really struggle time wise.

    I am on week 4 of this diet. First two weeks did no problem but last week only managed one day. I do my fast days together as I just want to get them out of the way! I tend to give up on diets about now! I am struggling mentally with the fasting and keep trying to sabotage myself. But I am so sick of avoiding being photographed because I look so awful in photos. Some how in want to not give in and make this work!

    Hey Jane,
    Welcome to the show.
    20 kilos extra is also my problem, so I know exactly how you feel. Let’s try to get there bit by bit. I don’t think I can lose all in one go, so I’m gonna take time and change whatever I can. But maybe there will be another pregnancy one day, and the kilos will be back on,so I’m not doing the extra mega super hard way just now. I want to go as far as I can, but I know I can’t do magic.

    From what I read in your post is that you detest your fast days from the bottom of your heart. That’s why you do them in one go or give up completely.
    Remember that you do them for yourself, nobody forces you.
    Make a list why you want to lose weight. Make it a nice one, and put it somewhere where you can always reassure yourself, like inside the kitchen cuoboard door. You can also post it here and we all add our ideas. Call it ‘food for thought’ if you like.(I actually quite like this idea, I’ll start below for myself, maybe you want to join in.)

    And why don’t you go for single fast days? Cheese, wine and pasta sounds fantastic, all at the same time for me,please, too. But then you can say- O yes, but tomorrow. I’m on a little break today, the game is on again in a couple of hours (=tomorrow). For me,that’s the good thing about 5:2.

    So far two ideas that came to my mind when I read your words. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Food for thought – part 1 (or: why I want to do 5:2)

    I want to

    ▶ lose weight
    ▶ be fitter
    ▶ wear my nice clothes again
    ▶ pack away my pregnancy outfits
    ▶ do my lungs a favour
    ▶ help my heart beat better
    ▶ make my feet and legs carry less
    ▶ run faster after and with my little one
    ▶ have fun shopping for clothes
    ▶ be a yummi mummi

    … I guess there is lots more, so please all join in and add your pros.

    Hi Jane and welcome 🙂 I too have about 20kgs to lose. (I’ve been converting to pounds because I thought everyone else was more used to that than kgs…looks like it might be easier to use kgs. Although I do like the higher number when working with pounds as well. 😉
    This is my second attempt at this diet and I lost my mojo around about week 4 last time so I know exactly what you are talking about. I’ve realised that my mindset was what was sabotaging me. Whenever I lost a bit of weight I’d tell myself that I could relax a bit and have some treats or that because I was tired I deserved a reward etc etc. I wanted this time to be different so I went and got a book about cognitive behavioural therapy and that has helped me get in the zone and stay there. Funnily enough, the very first task that I had to do was to write down all of my reasons for wanting to lose weight on a card and commit to reading it twice a day. So Steph…we’re on the same page! If you google cbt and weight loss you’ll find the type of book I’m talking about.
    Apart from this, the thing that has helped me lose weight this time is sticking below my TDEE every day. I think that this is even more important than sticking religiously to the 500 calories on fast days. It seems that if I go a bit over with calories on a fast day but stick to my TDEE (or a bit under) every other day then I’m okay. I had such a warped idea of portion sizes before I started using a calorie counter that I’m just surprised I didn’t put on more weight than I did. I ate for Australia when I was pregnant and kept on going while I was expressing. So it’s been a bit of a rude shock that I actually have to eat less on non-fast days as well.
    So Jane, we’re all in the same boat – let’s help each other get there.

    Why I want to do 5:2 and lose weight:
    – I’ll feel better
    – I’ll look better
    – I’ll live longer and stay healthier longer
    – I’ll be able to wear my old clothes…and some fabulous new ones.
    – I’ll be able to go to the beach and enjoy myself and not worry about how I look
    – I’ll be able to run more easily
    – I’ll be a better role model to my daughters
    – my knees will hurt less
    – this is the one thing that I can do for myself right now…everything else is all about the little ones.


    Hello everyone!

    It looks like I may fit into your group, Yay!

    I was a very successful 5:2 dieter last fall. I dropped that stubborn last ten pounds in 2 months and felt great! Unfortunately, I was not consistent with the diet after the holidays and have gained almost all of it back. I’d like to lose 10 pounds and find a way to make fasting a way of life.

    135.0 pounds – 125 lbs. goal
    37 years old
    From USA
    2 kiddos
    I love to exercise, but I’m not very consistent with that either…

    Everyone’s stories, goals and experiences have been great to read! I will try to get to know everyone soon. I will be fasting Monday’s and Thursday’s.

    Have a good one!

    Hey girls,
    Game over.

    Here my stats

    3rd fast day, so it’s my second week,
    Lost 2.2 kilos over the last week, that’s 4,8 lbs
    Wonder whether that’s gone for good or just one of these ups and downs.
    I feel it’s really hard to give you the full picture: I’m 1.80m,that’s 5.9ft, and currently, my scales say I’m 92 kilos, which is the most horrifying & terrifying shocking number of 200 lbs.
    Now you know.

    All in all,I’ve never been a ballet dancer; I’ve solid bones, never broke anything; and as a whole, I’m a tall person. My sister was surprised when we talked about it the other day when she found out about my weight, and she kept saying that the proportions seem alright and she doesn’t see the urgency I feel.
    Anyway, now you know.

    Good nite to everyone.

    Wow, so many posts to catch up in each time I log on!

    Welcome Jane and Tennismom 🙂 the more the merrier! (Unless we are talking about pounds on the scale of course!) We all certainly have personal hills to climb, so hopefully we can climb them a little easier together.

    Steph well done on your success this week! I understand what you say about the sense of urgency you feel and your frustration with the numbers on the scales, but hang in there and remember that we are all where you are right now. I love the food for thought idea too. Yours and Mez’s lists were good to read. Looks like you guys have a very healthy attitude to this way of life. Here goes mine:

    Why I want to succeed at 5:2

    – I want to conquer a long running battle between myself and the scales in a healthy way
    – I want to be fit and healthy for my son and be on good footing for the next pregnancy (fingers crossed in 18 months or so maybe)
    – I want to feel confident with my body
    – I want a healthier relationship with food and eating
    – I want to achieve the lowest weight since I was in my teens (about 17lbs to go)

    It’s interesting to see it written out like that.

    So another fast day done and dusted today. One down two to go 😉

    Best of luck for the week ladies! X

    Hi everyone, and thanks for the good points. I have to fess up and I am the biggest on the board:-(.

    I am 43 years old with two kids…
    176cm and I started this diet weighing a terrifying 102.7kilos. This was the tipping point.

    I am on my 4th week and my scale this morning weighed anywhere between 98.5- 99.7k so on a downward trend.

    Last week wasn’t great. I tried to do Monday and Thursday but ended up at a work function and blowing it on wine. This is why I am doing two days in a row as I often end up at a function or out with friends and don’t want to fast.

    OK . Why do I want to lose weight.

    *I am not getting any younger – if I don’t do it now when will I?

    *I want to feel and look good. Not a supermodel but healthy and attractive.

    *I don’t want to spend my children’s childhood hiding from the camera.

    *I have lots of beautiful clothes that will fit again.

    *My choice of what I wear is so limited.

    *I live near the beach and want to feel ok

    * I want to take my first daughter to swimming lessons this year and not die of embaressment!

    * I want to feel in control.

    * I want to minimize my risk of health probelems.

    So lots and lots of reasons!

    My first goal is under 90 kilos by Christmas and eventually under 85k closer to 80. When I was in my twenties I was in the seventies but I had to work very hard at it. I am no ballerina either Steph!

    Is there anyone else living in Sydney?

    Thanks for your kind words of support.

    Today I am going to have two poached eggs on thin slice bread and a weight watchers meal of 250 calories coming in at 500. Wish me luck. I aim to see 98 kilos on the scale next Monday. Baby steps.

    Oh even with that long post I missed my most important point. Which is the scales were very much going the wrong way _ I weighed more three weeks ago than after having my babies when I weighed 95 kilos so I really have to get this under control!

    I think I better tell the whole story too!
    I’m 43, 163cm tall and started 5:2 when I was at 83 kgs (after tipping the scales at 102kg when pregnant). I lost a few kg then put most of it back on in June after first attempt. I want to get down to 63-64kg….nothing too drastic for my height, just a healthy weight. I don’t have a set date to reach my goal weight but I would like to be down to my pre-preggie weight by Christmas (70kg) so I can fit into my swimming costume and boardies.
    There you go…no secrets left.

    Ps. Jane – I’m in melbourne.

    Pps. I tried this recipe for making pasta out of zucchini (courgette) for dinner last night with half a cup of homemade bolognaise sauce (halved the amount of oil)….it was delish.

    Also, I’ve been having cauliflower rice instead of rice and pasta….it’s not too bad at all. Just stinks the house out while you are processing the cauli. A fraction of the calories and you feel like you’ve eaten a satisfying meal.

    It’s nice to read your stories Mez and Janeone. It’s sounds so silly but when you feel like you don’t look good or you feel overweight, for some reason it makes me feel like I’m the only one and when I look around all I see is svelte people! Brings me back down to earth a bit.

    My story is…I am 28 years old, 5ft 3″ and currently weigh somewhere in the region of 149lbs (as we know). The lowest weight I can remember myself being in my young adult years was 130lbs, but that was some years ago. I’d love to get back down to that, but even to get neat to it would be awesome. So not a huge amount to lose, but it will be the most I have ever tried to lose. I’d like to get as close to it as possible before 1st December when I go back to work, but just to fit back into my clothes woukd be fantastic.

    A question for any of you worming with your TDEE…do any of you find it hard to keep to on non-fast days? I have been trying religiously to keep under my TDEE (marginally) and I fend myself skipping lunch in order to have enough calories for dinner, and I’m only having two pieces of toast and a banana for breakfast. My dinner is something home cooked 90% of the time (bolognese, risotto, a curry etc) so I try to allow about 1000 calories for it, as I can’t quantify it exactly. Today I felt like I had been fasting by the time it came to dinner. Does anyone else feel the same? It is making me wonder how much I used to eat freely before I was trying to lose weight and how many calories I would consume in a daily basis. It’s actually quite scary.

    Sorry for all the random spelling mistakes, stupid auto correct on my phone drives me mad!

    Goodmorning everyone! So I survived my 2 days fast! And the scales were down this morning to 98.5k which I know is big but further away from 102.6 which I started!. I ended up having poached eggs for lunch and grilled tuna with cucumber/yoghurt sauce and roasted pumpkin and zucchini. I might of gone 50 calories over though, even 100. Still not to bad.

    I am going to be religious tracking on my fitness pal and stick to my TDEE…

    Natasha, I am not quite sure how your meals are hitting 1000 cal…100grm pasta is 350cal, 100grm lean beef mince 250..oil/parmesan is 100 cal..Maybe you are overestimating your cals? I think I am the opposite and underestimate!

    I find a good way of bulking my out my meals is pasta with lean chicken/veg etc..I try and keep mains to 600cal unless I am out for dinner.

    I think on Friday I am going to a half day nothing until dinner.

    Good luck everyone with the rest of the week.

    Well done Janeone, success on the scales is always great to see. Keep up the good work 🙂

    About my calorie estimation, I find it so easy to reach 1000 call at dinner. The example you gave already reaches 800cals, and then I give another 200 on top in case my portion is a little bigger than the standard portion on my calorie counter, plus there is red wine in my bolognese etc. I would rather over estimate than under. Maybe it’s me, but non fast days are slowly resembling fast days in a way – very careful counting of calories and no room for my ultimate weakness…biscuits with my tea 🙁

    The 4:3 wasn’t meant to be a very restrictive 7 days per week thing for me, I have never had good endurance for long term restriction like that. I didn’t have to work as hard the last time I did it, but my body is reacting differently now. Struggling a tad, but trying to keep my chin up and plow on.

    Hope you ladies are having a good week so far.

    Hey ladies,

    Good to hear your success stories, keep it going!

    Actually this TDEE thing is something I haven’t given much thought before… I guess it’s time to start now.

    My book arrived, in the intro chapter it’s not much news, seemingly you educated me quite well here!
    The recipes look fab, you prepare one dish and then split it up into two meals, there are suggestions for slight alterations for bigger variety…

    Maybe I’ll shift from Monday to Tuesday, so I can do the food shopping the day before, dunno yet.

    Another question for you:
    Drinks like water and tea are crucial for your metabolism. But I am hardly ever thirsty. How do you manage your daily intake? Any strategies?

    Take care.

    I second that Steph – I really struggle to guzzle water like others do. Before my evening meal today all I had was two cups of tea, and my body never seems to ask me for more liquid. Interested to hear the other ladies views.

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