Rabbette and 165GW kicking ass with great focus in 2020. Everyone welcome.

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Rabbette and 165GW kicking ass with great focus in 2020. Everyone welcome.

This topic contains 93 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  165gw 4 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 44 posts - 51 through 94 (of 94 total)

  • April 13: 177lb?? I’m not playing! I fasted every other day this week, finishing my 4th water fast, and I did NOT overeat on my eating days, and my weight is up? I only hope this is some weird water weight fluctuations and I will see a good result in the next several days.

    I’m at 41.5h and am not hungry, but a bit bored and peckish.

    I guess the scale result should inspire me not to break my fast when I’m not hungry! Ha!

    April 7: 68h; 177.5lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 41.5h (but am continuing to 44); 177lb

    I really hope this will even out and I will have a nice downwards trend. I was SURE I’d see 175 this morning, as I have been so diligent with the ADF and not overeating.

    I will count my caloories today, just to make sure.

    April 14: I broke my fast at 27h tonight. Initially I was planning to fast into tomorrow, and I wasn’t hungry, so this would have been easy. However I thought that eating one small meal tonight and then fasting for 36h could be a good idea, as this is a greatt opportunity not to eat more than I should–just one small meal in the evening.

    I also made a really nice black bean soup for the family and for once I wanted to eat something that was just made and not re-heated.

    I had a bowl of that soup, a slice of bread with home made pasta sauce and melted cheese, and a nice serving of a homemade cheesecake. It was all very satisfying and delicious and I restarted my fast. This is a great reminder that I don’t need to eat more than this, and anything more is stuffing myself.

    Even with my delicious cheesecake it was all under my TDEE. For once I used a recipee for the cheesecake and actually had to weigh each ingredient, because I was making 3 servings instead of 8. Today was a “light” eating day, but certainly doesn’t feel like one. Perfect!

    The weather is still great today, though supposed to rain / snow tomorrow. Even a little bit time outside helps me feel inspired and motivated.

    The minimum for my current fast is 36h. I wonder what my weigh will be on Thursday when I break it.

    April 15: I’m at 23 hours, and it is very tempting to eat supper. I’ve baked an apple pie, mini pizzas and fish patties with oven roasted potatoes. Everyone loved it. I’m feeling a bit hungry. While yesterday I managed to have a rather small OMAD (though the cheesecake calories made it up to my TDEE), i have a feeling that if I eat today, I will have to sample everything and it won’t be as easy to control.

    I stoically packed my food in boxes for tomorrow and I’m drinking black tea.

    I’ll be upset with myself if I do another OMAD instead of an overnight fast, so I’m persevering. Though tday I’m finding it hard. It is only 2h until I go to bed, so it is not that bad. I’ll be okay. Hopefully the number of the scale will be a little reward tomorow.

    Aprl 16: 176lb. Where is my woosh??

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h: 176lb

    It seems that in the last 9 days my weight has remained remarkably stable. However, technically speacking I lost 1.5lb, which, if remains a trend, should result in 6lb weight loss by May 10th.

    I think that jump bak to 177lb prevents me from thinking about this as a downwards trend. Instead it seems like I haven’t moved anywhere, while being very committed to the fasting schedule. This is a bit disappointing.

    However, it is sunny. I spent some time outside. I tidied up my bedroom and now I have space on the floor to do stretches and planks.

    I haven’t gotten back into running yet, but it is getting there. I spent some time clearing the trails on our property and even though it is awfully muddy I think I will be running on the trails this spring / summer. I like how peaceful it is in the woods.

    I broke my fast this morning with three two and a slice of bacon, 4 of yesterday’s tuna patties, a slice of apple pie, coffee with milk (no sugar) and 3 apples.

    The kidney bean spred that I made yesterday was kinda bleh–I tasted it, and put it in the fridge. I think it will end up a total waste, as noone likes bean spread here and I don’t like this particular one. And I made about 800ml of it. Either I will end up feeding it to myself on my eating days so that I teach myself not to feast, or it will go to waste.

    I still have “pizza pockets” that I made for the kids but with…spicy cheese? I don’t know what got into me. The kids won’t eat them and I don’t like them either. The crust is great, the filling is bleh.

    I wonder if I should get hungry enough to eat the pizza pockets with the bean spread? HA-hA-Ha.

    April 17: I’m at 25h and the kids are cooking! It is way easier for me to cook myself when I’m fasting, than to smell what they are making, even if it is just toast!

    Feeling hungry! But I already brushed my teeth so NO WAY I’m eating tonight.

    I’m going to break my fast at 36-38h. At the moment I fancy a poppyseed bagel, toasted, with cheddar cheese; coffee; an egg. I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

    I’m also very curious about the weigh-in tomorrow. That will be my 6th fast since April 7.

    April 18: 175.5. Okay, no woosh but it is going down! I guess I was hoping I’d be magically “back” at 172, but I’m a couple of weeks away from that.

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h; 176lb
    April 18: 40h; 175.5lb

    Optimistic May 2 Goal: 172lb!

    April 20: I’m at 23h fasting. Yesterday I broke the fast at 23h and had supper. But today I’m continuing into tomorrow, to at least 36 hours.

    I had a busy day working in the woods, clearing a path with hand tools–for 4 hours. I was exhausted at the end, but I made great progress and it was very rewarding to have the area by the little brook cleared and walkable. I’m going to work on the other side of the brook tomorrow, if it doesn’t rain and then this part of property will look really nice. I want to get rid of most of alders, and keep the beautiful birch trees, giving them more chances to grow bigger. Lots of hand sawing and carrying the trees and branches away.

    April 21: I broke my fast at 38.5h…and at 175.5lb. My weight hasn’t changed! Still waiting for the whoooosh lol

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h; 176lb
    April 18: 40h; 175.5lb
    April 19: 23h; n/a
    April 21: 38h; 175.5

    **Optimistic May 2 Goal: 172lb!** <–Considering it is only 11 days away…I won’t make it without the long awaited whoooosh lol. But 11 days is practically 2 weeks. And theoretically I can lose 1-2lb a week, so let’s say 2. So…HAHA

    To remind myself that I’m actually doing not too badly:

    APRIL 2019
    April 7: 202
    April 9: 202
    April 18: 201
    April 21: 201
    April 24:198.5
    April 26: 197.5
    April 29: 196
    May 3: 197
    May 5: 198

    May 23: 193
    May 31: 189

    First of all–wow, over 20lb LIGHTER this year! Second of all–it was going slow last year as well–in my memories it seemed faster? lol. As long as I’m fasting, I’m back on track.

    And if I follow a similar patter and lose 10lb by the end of May, I’d be 165, which is back to my weight in December, is a very good Goal Weight. From there I will lose the “last 7lb” and will maintain. I don’t feel too far away from my ultimate goal, and I’m optimistic.

    April 21, second post. I’m so proud of myself today!

    I broke the fast at 38h at around noon. I was hungry and feeling off. So I had some plain yogurt with the left-over sourdough-failure bread that I baked (it didn’t rise) but i was still pretty tasty. And then I had bacon and eggs and a coffee with milk. I’m trying to remember if I ate anything else? I think I ate several apples and a couple of slices of cheddar!

    I felt kind of unsatisfied–not hungry anymore, but feeling like I wanted to eat something. However, there was nothing that I wanted and the fridge was pretty empty. Which was good, I guess!

    I went right out into the woods and spent 3.5h clearing an overgrown area. I hand-sawed quite a number of thin trees, lots of branches, and carried lots of dead and rotting trees into different piles. Quite a lot of progress, and I’m pleased! If the weather is still good tomorrow, I hope to put 3-4h into this project again.

    When I got back into the house it was time to go grocery shopping, which I still find stressful! We did manage to last 2 weeks with no issues, so that was great.

    Even though I tried not to spend too much, I did end up buying quite a number of treats for us, incuding smoked fish, spreads, Easter chocolates (half price, yay! Got my favourite ones!), raspberries for the kids, shrimps (I missed sea food!), crab sticks, and rainbow trout that I tried to salt for the first time ever, as supposedly it is “easy.” In any case, it is in the fridge until tomorrow.

    I was fully expecting to eat when I got home (9pm). But despite unpacking all the goodies, and sorting and disinfecting, I wasn’t hungry. It was very tempting to just eat, but I reminded myself that I wasn’t hungry. I’m proud that I did NOT eat! Usually my OMADs are successful when I eat later in the day, around 6pm. Eating at noon and this being my OMAD has been a challenge. And after a stressful experience of shopping in 2 stores–one had so many empty shelves, it was awful.

    I’m open to potentially breaking my fast tomorrow at 24h–just because I have fresh greens for the salad, that won’t last that long and I didn’t have a fresh salad for about a week. And I do have a full fridge full of goodies. However, I will start with black coffee and will start working on the wood lot after breakfast. If I’m hungry, I will break my fast at 24 hours with a nice green salad. I’d try for this to be a lower calorie day, because the day AFTER tomorrow, when the avocado I bought should ripen, we are planning a sushi-making-then-eating event!

    April 26: 179lb. Time to accept the harsh reality–I gain weight really quickly, and it is not worth it.

    April 21 was my Bi-Monthly Groceries Day. I bought some yummy things. I ate some yummy things. I also baked The Cake.

    I had two eating days in a row…and they were close to feasts…Fasating became harder–I was feeling really hungry at 24h…Last night I persevered and kept on fasting past the 24h.

    Today I broke my 36h fast in the morning and was shocked to see 179lb on the scale. I did eat a lot of salty foods so I hope it is still some water retention, but I was actually thinking I remained stable at 175-176. Intead I’m starting from square one, or actually -1.

    I think I’m mentally ready for a 48h fast, but at the very least a 42h one.

    It is all a journey.

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h; 176lb
    April 18: 40h; 175.5lb
    April 19: 23h; n/a
    April 21: 38h; 175.5
    April 22: 24h
    Apri 24: 20h
    April 26: 36h; 179lb

    April 27:

    I’m at 21 hours fasted. I finishe cooking for the family, but I’m not hungry (finally!) and am continuing into tomorrow. Something tells me my May Goal might need to be transferred into June.

    I have been finding the quarantine and the state of the world and my wn ineptness challenging and at times depressing. I can’t wait for warmer days.

    April 28: 176.5lb. Okay, at least not 179. I’m at 39.5h and will break the fast after 40h.

    My goal right now is to learn to eat moderately on Eating days. This is what I still, ironically, struggle with. And of course baking special cakes didn’t help.

    I’m happy I’m at least doing well with the fasts! I like that it is healing for my body, but I am not in maintenance yet, so I need to do this last push, lose the last pounds and maintain in the 155-165 range, not the 170-180 range.

    April 29: I’m at 25h fasted and feeling hungry. However, it is already evening, so I have been telling myself that the day is almost over. I want to succeed. If I’m hungry, my body is utilizing all my extra fat for its nutrition!

    I’m about to go for a walk in the woods. I’m excited about the weigh-in tomorrow!

    May 10. I have been only doing OMADS or 16-20h fasts since the last time I posted.

    My Mother’s Day Gift to Myself was that yesterday I went for a run with my son. We did the C25K from day 1, since he is just starting, but because he runs way faster than me it was a great workout.

    I’m at 40h fasted today, about to break fast with a low carb lunch.

    Even if I haven’t fasted overnight since April 30, I have been sugar free. Which feels great!

    I’m continuing sugar free and I hope to be back to fasting ADF.

    This Spring has been really hard. Teh weather has been colder than usual; quarantine; reduced income; murder spree with 23 dead in our area…Everyone’s feeling a bit out of sorts. I had a week of treating myself and the family by baking cakes! I keep saying that I’m getting better, but maybe it is going slower than usual. I’ll get there, though! I literally have only one pair of capris and they are still too small! lol

    What is important that I’m feeling good at the moment and taking good care of myself.

    I haven’t stepped on the scale sinc the end of April and didn’t do it tooday either, as I know my weight is higher after yesterday’s run. I will check in with the scale in a couple of days. I don’t think I gained weight, but I don’t think I lost either.

    May 11. I went for a run with my kid and because I need to keep up with him, it was again a very good workout. On my own I would have been turtle slow. My muscles are pleasantly sore!

    I’m at 22h fasted, ready to continue overnight. This is a difficult moment though–I’m peckish. It is almost 6pm, I’m feeling energized after the run and the shower. But I’m also cooking…oven-baked potatoes with spices, pulled pork, pizza. It all smells really good and it is tempting to eat, while I’m not even hungry!

    Posting here helps me keep myself accountable. No food today. Only tea.

    May 13: Yesterday was a good eating day. I’m at about 24h fasting today, keeping the fast until tomorrow morning, 40ish hours.

    I went for the 3rd run–we finished Week 1 and will start Week 2 on Friday. I kept up much better than in the first 2 runs.

    I did step on the scale at the end of the previous fast and I don’t even want to mention that weight lol. Well, almost 180lb. I don’t know how I possibly gained even more. It is possible that after being back to running and running faster than before, my muscles are inflamed and I’m retaining extra water.

    I actually WAS upset, as I had been eating so well (not over eating) and just started working out. I did think that I would either lose or maintain. But GAINING?

    However, okay, it is possibly water retention. I will re-assess in a week.

    I’ currently at 20h and going for a consequitive 48h water fast, after an all liquids refeed yesterday. I’m feeling GREAT! Not hungry at all and lots of energy.

    It is all a journey. I need to shake things up. Yesterday I broke a 48h water fast, with the weight of 176lb, which was 3lb down. In my 4h eating window I only had liquids–smoothie with berries, a meal replacement, and whey protein powders, miso, V8 juice, kombucha. I did have a lot of those, but the idea was to stay with liquids only, which I did.

    Today my weigh was +3lb. This must be fluid retention from warmer weather, miso and V8? I have been giving myself this excuse for a while. I looked at my weight for January, February and March, before the state of emergency was declared. It hovered between 171 and 174. In April and May it has been between 175 and 179.5, despite me making seemingly more effort.

    Since I will really need those capris soon, I’m steady on my plan! I am also begginning to see and feel the extra fat on me which wasn’t there when I was 165lb. I don’t like it!

    I’ve been running every other day since April 8. I’m in the middle of a 48h+liquid refeed + 48h fast. I have reduced sugar significantly. I have been baking more savoury pies and pizza from scratch, and even if I eat a small slice, maybe that’s too many carbs. Gotta reduce those as well.

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h; 176lb
    April 18: 40h; 175.5lb
    April 19: 23h; n/a
    April 21: 38h; 175.5
    April 22: 24h
    Apri 24: 20h
    April 26: 36h; 179lb

    April 28: 40h; 176.5lb
    April 30: 42h; 176lb

    May 1: 20h
    May 2: 16h
    May 4: 18h
    May 6: 19h
    May 7:17h
    May 8: 22h; W1D1 C2K run (last year I was jogging, this year I’m running! ha ha!)

    —->>>I was a bit discouraged at not losing weight and thought to both have a break from regular overnight water fasts and to hopefully shake things up with shorter fasts, from May 1 to May 8. It didn’t bring any results. I gained 3.5lb.

    May 10: 41h; W1D2 run
    May 12: 41h; 179.5lb; W1D3 run
    May 14: 41h; 179lb; W2D1 run
    May 15: 18h
    May 16: 19h; W2D2 run
    May 18: 36h; W2D3 run
    May 20: 48h; 176lb

    May 21: 179lb at 18h fasted in the morning. Going on a W3D1 run later today. I will break the fast at minimum 42h, but I do hope to continue to 48!

    I think I actually need to start counting calories on my eating days. I do NOT think I’m eating DOUBLE of my TDEE, but since I’m not losing weight, heck, maybe I AM????

    May 21: I didn’t end up going for a run as my son has a sore foot, and it is acceptable to skip 2 days. I’d rather run with him tomorrow.

    I’m almost at 29h fasted and definitely peckish, but not hungry! Which is amazing considering I already did 48h and only a small refeed. I’ve been drinking lost of black and herbal tea and some black coffee.

    I made a cabbage, carrot, bell pepper salad for tomorrow, as it is supposed to marinate a bit in the brine.

    It is a bit challenging, as I’ve looked at baking recipes again and there are so many things that I’d like to try! However I have plenty of cabbage and carrots which I LOVE and lots of other healthy and nutritious options.

    I feel my body is resetting. I haven’t felt so energetic and positive during my last weeks if not months of fasting. I think the 48h was a really, really good way to challenge myself.

    May 22: 176lb

    I broke my fast at 42 h this morning as I had no fasting energy / determination left. Last night was challenging! I ended up feeling hungry and I struggled with falling asleep. I woke up feeling mellow, and felt I didn’t want to stretch it to 48h.

    I had my OMAD. 2 cups of raw cabbage with a bit bell pepper and carrot salad; 3 slices of salmon, 2 boiled eggs, coffee with milk, 3 slices of whole wheat toast fried in oil, 2 apples, 2 bananas, a cup of butter milk, and a square of dark chocolate. I re-set the timer for48h.

    I just did a rough calculation, not forgetting the amounts of oil for frying and generally rounding the calories up, and the calories in that OMAD is 2268.

    Which is 500 calories over my TDEE. However, if I count over the last 5 days, I’m in a really good deficit.

    I would like to try this kind of pattern again and see how I feel.
    48h water fast
    liquid only refeed
    36h water fast
    large OMAD.

    I still don’t understand the 3lb weight variations. I only step on the scale fasted…Possibly water retention.

    May 22:

    The 48h fast has its challenges. I’m 7 houors into the fast, it is almost evening, and I’m feeling peckish. My mind goes to the idea that today is my eating day, and therfore I can / should eat and restart the timer! I used not like too feel like I’m fasting on my eating day!

    However, I remind myself that I don’t want to lose the 7h of fasting! I also remind myself that I ate 500 calories past my TDEE, so I am certainly NOT hungry. I also remind myself that the last time I did the 48h fast the timing worked so perfectly and I can really repeat the same schedule with no issues. I remind myself that I chose water fasting for its healing and restorative benefits. I also remind myself that I HAVE NO PANTS TO WEAR and my favourite jeans are getting tight.

    THERE! A 48h fast it is. I drank some tea and I’m not even feeling peckish.

    May 23: 175.5lb this morning at 20h fasted. Currently continuing the fast to 48h tomorrow morning.

    Yesterday I did the Week 3 Day 1 run, which included running for 3 minutes (twice), and this time I’m running, not jogging! It was a great exercise and I felt fantastic.

    It seems that this Pattern is working out well! I used to prefer to start my fasts in the evenings, which made a 36-42h fast very easy, but 48 was a stretch and felt too challenging.

    Now that I started in the morning for the second time, 48h is a breeze! Even if I end up feeling peckish tonight, this is something I mostly deal rather well. My reward would be an entire 48h fast!! And so achievable too.

    The plan for tomorrow is to have a mostly liquids day–a light day. I have all I need for bluebberry, spinach, cauliflower smoothies! I just learned about adding cauliflower to smoothies. My kids haven’t even noticed (they had a frozen fruit mix + cauliflower). I have no miso or V8 left.

    Another liquid treat for tomorrow is egg latte! https://www.bulletproof.com/recipes/bulletproof-diet-recipes/bulletproof-egg-coffee-recipe-2b3c2g/

    I suspect I will be feeling much hugrier on the day AFTER the light day, but maybe this will help me to break through the plateau and start losing again.

    May 23: Change of plans. Definitely not a liquids day tomorrow. Our avocados all suddenly ripened and this means only one thing–we are ready for sushi making party with the kids. I mean yes, techically I can still do smoothies, however sushi making is not that frequent as we hardly ever have all the ingredients at once and I LOVE sushi. Cream cheese, salmon, avocado, cucumber–this is my favourite homemade sushi combo and I have everything I need, including rice and nori!

    It is quite enough that today I made a variety of savoury pies while fasting. Well, that wasn’t enough. I actually had to run an errand with one of my kids, which consisted of 1.5h of driving, and the said kid had a container of those pies with her in the car. And she was eating them while I drove. Oh the aromas. And yet I made it. I remained strong and 100% untempted, despite the increased salivation. So tomorrow when everybody eats sushi, I eat sushi too!

    And I’m having some of the pie for breakfast. I’m at 36h fasted, I baked all day…Yes, all I can think about is having some of the pie for breakfast with a nice hot cup of coffee.

    This self-isolation will be remembered as “The Time Mom Baked.”

    May 24: 173.5lb at the end of the 48h fast.

    Yay! Even the number will still fluctuate, it was really nice to finally see something under 176lb.

    I did feel hungry last night, but this morning I felt just fine. I did have a high carb day. I had coffee with milk, a slice of the meat pie, several potato+chicken+ greens + eggs patties that the kids didn’t like and I had them in the fridge for several days (so it was an act of saving them lol). And then Rice-Less sushi. I recently realized that what I love most about sushi is the combo of nori, avocado, cream cheese and salmon dipped in soya sauce, so there was no need to add carbs to my already carb heavy breakfast.

    I set my timer for a 42h fast, which will end on Tuesday morning. Tuesday will be my light day, as per my new plan of alternating normal to large eating days with light eating days, as well as inserting more 48h fasts. I will start reducing the number 48h fasts when my weight hits 165lb . That’s the plan, but I’am also just paying attention to how I’m feeling so that I don’t exhaust my body. For now I’ve been feeling really great and my motivation has returned.

    Since my weight usually fluctuates, I hope to see 173-174 on Tuesday morning. Not gaining anything will be a big progress! And being under 176 is a good motivation–this is an entirely new lower weight bracket lol.

    April 7: 68h; 177.5 lb
    Apri 9: 48h; 176lb
    April 11: 42h; 176lb
    April 13: 44h; 177lb
    April 14: 26h; n/a
    Apri 16: 40h; 176lb
    April 18: 40h; 175.5lb
    April 19: 23h; n/a
    April 21: 38h; 175.5
    April 22: 24h
    Apri 24: 20h
    April 26: 36h; 179lb
    April 28: 40h; 176.5lb
    April 30: 42h; 176lb

    May 1: 20h
    May 2: 16h
    May 4: 18h
    May 6: 19h
    May 7:17h
    May 8: 22h; W1D1 C2K
    May 10: 41h; W1D2 run
    May 12: 41h; 179.5lb; W1D3 run
    May 14: 41h; 179lb; W2D1 run
    May 15: 18h
    May 16: 19h; W2D2 run
    May 18: 36h; W2D3 run
    May 20: 48h; 176lb

    May 22: 42h; 176lb, W3D1 run
    May 23: 175.5b
    May 24: 48h; 173.5, W3D2 run

    May 25th. I’m at 25h. I’ve had a really bad streak of deciding to replace my planned 40h fasts with 18-24h–from May 1st to May 8th.

    Today it is really tempting to break the fast, but I’m trying to stay strong. Posting here helps my resolved. It is too easy to decide that 25h is quite enough and a good length. Ugh.

    I just made stewed cabbage with cumin seeds–for tomorrow. Somehow this is tempting me more than all the pies I’ve been making earlier.

    It is almost 5pm and in just a couple of hours I’d be over feeling peckish and I’ll be so happy that I persevered. And tomorrow morning, at 42 hours, I will feel accomplished and empowered.

    I’m making myself another cup of tea! Then I’m going to go for 1h walk. Then a long hot bath.

    I can do it!

    May 26: 175lb at the end of the 42.5h fast. I had my OMAD, which included berry and fruit smooothie, eggs and bacon, bread and yogurt, and dark chocolate. Maybe even a bit too much. Then I started a 48h fast.

    I really enjoyed by smooothie this morning–banana, apple, frozen blueberries, peaches, cauliflower and fresh greens.

    When I break my fast on Thursday, I’m going to have a light day of smoothies with lots of greens.

    I feel today could have been easily a smoothie day–I was craving greens in the morning and I wasn’t hungry. But I wasn’t able to keep this attitude. As I was making breakfast for the kids I got excited about eggs and bacon. I think that if I had planned this to be a smoothie say, I would have done better.

    I really need to be more in the moment and eat what my body asks me to. Today it was greens, and I should have honored it, rather than thinking yum bacon. Bacon WAS yum, but only because bacon is always yum. I don’t think I really wanted it today.

    I’m okay with the 175lb. I knew it would still go up after the low of 173.5. However my bra is fitting better in the band, the same as my jeans. I’m finally loosing! I’m on the first day of Aunt Flo, so I’m sure this also contributes to the weight fluctuations.

    Off for my run!!

    I’m getting the right attitude for a 48h fast and a day of green smoothies! Then a 36h fast and a day of normal eating.

    May 27: I’m at 24h fasting, and I’m fasting into tomorrow morning. I ended up not starting my fast as early as I would’ve wanted ha ha. But this is all still good.

    Tomorrow will be either a fast, or a light / green smoothies day, depending on how I feel in the morning. It is important for me not to eat just because food is available. I will make this decision only after I’ve made breakfast for the family and had enough tea and coffee to know whether I’m hungry or not.

    Today I went for a 1h walk in the woods. It was a nice physical effort and very rejuvinating as well.

    We are on hold for a bit with running as my kid hurt his foot, so tomorrow I will do another long walk, instead of the C25K.

    I’m feeling peckish, even after having some salt, but overall my energy is great and I’m feeling really good! In my usual masochistic way I just made a pizza from scratch for the kids. Oh, the aromas!!

    June 4th: Well this has been an odd week. There was a birthday, there was lots of cake baking and baking in general. I did maintaint 18-6 or 20-4 on all the days, and there was a 36h fast in there too, but I haven’t stepped on the scale. I haven’t been overeating, which is good, but I did decide to enjoy.

    It was pleasant to just have breakfast with the family and enjoy it!

    The capris, however, do not fit! Ha ha.

    I’m at 40h of a 60h fast. This means I am fasting for the second overnight.

    I have ZERO hunger, which is great. I am really trying not to eat just because I’m cooking / baking.

    June 4th, evening. I’m at 48h fasted. I wasn’t hungry at all today, which is really new for day two. Usually I feel peckish even on day 1.

    However, I just made cinnamon buns, though. Good that eating late in the evening is not one of my weak points. After I brush my teeth, I’m not tempted, even if I feel peckish.

    I only had nettle tea, black coffee and water. I went for a long walk. It was such a great day.

    Technically I should fast all day tomorrow–if I had two absolutely easy days without even feeling peckish…shouldn’t I have another fasting day…

    I guess I will see how I feel tomorrow morning. The cinnamon buns will certainly tempt me tomorrow. Yet the plan is to either have a water fast or to have a liquid fast.

    June 5: 177.5lb–oh gosh, I’m not losing any weight–not in this fast, as I’m sure I’m losing weight while fasting, but I mean in general! The good part is that I’m at 63 hours fasted and I’m absolutely not hungry and feeling great.

    I was planning to end the fast this morning with the cinnamon buns and coffee as a reward, but I’m going to reward myself by FASTING.

    I’m feeling so great and there is no need to break the fast yet. Considering how easy those 63 hours have been, I definitely should continue until I experiene at least some peckishness for at least 6 hours.

    I’m sitting next to the plate of the cinnamon buns that I made last night. The buns tat the kids ate last night. The buns that I warmed up for them this morning. I’m glad I’m not tempted!

    I had a cup of Nettle tea and a cup of warm water and I’m about to make pizza from scratch that the kids will eat after we are done with gardening.

    I’d be very happy if I loast 84 hours, which is tomorrow morning!

    June 5th: Another fasting note. I wonder why this fast is so incredibly easy. I’m at 70h and definitely going to at least 84 (which will be tomorrw morning). I’m not even a little bit peckish! I did have very short, moments of feeling peckish, but just for a couple of minutes.

    It is interesting that my last meal on June 2nd was not only full of carbs but it also included cake. Supposedly one should feel much worse when fasting after carbs and sugar (mind you, I baked the cake so I used about half of the recommended sugar, and even then the kids said it was too sweet). It was a no-flour cake–just merengues and lots of butter+sugar frosting.

    I’ve never felt that carbs affected how easy / hard my fast are, but I read that many are affected and find keto diet easier.

    In any case, this fast is such a gift. I’m feeling great. It is possible I ate too much in the previous week and my body is ready for a pause. I’ll take it!

    Once again, I’ve been baking more than ever. I made rhubarb crisp, two kinds actually–one paleo with honey and almond flour and the other regular one with flour. I’m saving the paleo one for myself for later. I might need to put it in the fridge! I do love “old” crisp so that’s okay. I also made pizza from scratch, which included making the sauce and the crust.

    I made savoury carrot “muffins”–sauted carrots and onions, and ground buckweat and spices, and eggs–all blended and then baked. I have 12 of those and I know my kids won’t like them, so these will be be a part of my meals for some time. They do freeze well.

    I’m just so happy and pleased with how easy this fast is going, despite all the cooking and baking!

    I’m not sure what to do tomorrow–should I continue with the water (tea/coffee) fast or should I do a liquids day. For liquids I have V8 and plain drinking yogurt (I add ice, turmeric, curry powder and salt). And fruit smoothies.

    I think if I’m feeling like today, I’ll fast until at least mid-day or evening. But if my energy is not as great in the morning I’ll do a liquid day.

    It is important for me not to eat just because I want variety and am bored with water. I can already feel this becoming an issue–I already want to try the V8 just because it is staring at me.

    One thing for sure–I won’t be eating anything but liquids tomorrow. I’ve been reading more about longer fasts and how important it is to start the digestive system slowly. I’ve been starting with normal meals after 40h fasts, and I think that’s okay, but with a longer fast I just want to be more gentle with myself.

    June 6: 175.5lb (which I know is water fluctuation, but I was able to zip up my capris, even if they were tight and I don’t expect this progress to last after I’m back to eating)YAY ME!

    I’m at 85h fasted now and feeling well! I’m so excited about this, actually! My longest fast was 94 hours–only one. And I did only several fasts past 44 hours in the last year and a half. Several 48s recently, and I think on 72ish.

    I’m amazed at how well I’m feeling! I’m not hungry. I feel a bit “lighter”, but not really light-headed.

    I looked at all the pies and buns on the counter and I’m not tempted. I’m a bit bored with not eating, isn’t it weird? I’m contemplating making my drinks for a liquids day, but really, I should just continue with water fasting as things are going SO AMAZINGLY WELL. Not every fast is easy, and I think when they are easy, we should take them. This is my 4th day of fasting and I’m so excited!

    I had half a bottle of kombucha, 7 calories. I had the other half yesterday. I’m drinking green tea right now.

    I think a realistic plan for today is to go with the flow.

    Tomorrow I’ll have my carrot and buckwheat muffins, saurkrout and rhubarb crumble–e.i. real food. Today it is either a water fast or a liquid fast.

    I’m celebrating this fast and I’m feeling so great!

    June 6, 91h fasted! I’m so excited with how well this fast is going! I’m still not hungry and my energy is great. I have been baking again! A loaf of bread is out of the oven on the cooling rack and there is meatloaf in the oven.

    I’m pretty sure I’ll break the fast tomorrow morning when I wake up, 106-108 hours. I don’t want to overdo it. I will break the fast with a day of liquids, despite all the yummy things in the house. I guess I can make them again haha. I want to make sure I exit the fast gracefully and gently.

    June 7: 173.5lb, 108 h of fasting!

    Wow, I’m still not hungry! I’m definitely feeling lighter and maybe a tiny bit light headed, but not dizzy or unwell. Like a good kind of light-headed? Overall I’m feeling great.

    I’m honestly unsure whether to continue wit the fast or not. Some sources I’ve been reading say that the fast should be 3, 5 or 7 or 21 days. So should I aim for 5 days or end at 4? I’m not sure.

    I made bone broth last night…I have my V8 ready. If I do a 5 day fast then I definitely need to spend 4-5 days “exiting” in order to maintain the health benefits. I hate “exiting.” I’ve never been successful at gradual exiting. Though right now I feel I have the right attitude about exiting, so I think this time I’m mentally ready for the gradual exiting.

    It is also incredibly exciting that I’ve been fasting for that long! And it also feels like a bit of cheating? As this has been so easy. I feel I should have at least half of a day of feeling peckish / hungry? haha

    I’ll have to really go with the flow today and listen to my body.

    June 7: I’m super proud and happy at 116 hours! Feeling GREAT and only now feeling a touch peckish–barely. Lots of energy and good mood.

    I’ve had black tea and berry tea and water today.

    I definitely don’t want to push this fast any longer, so tomorrow is a liquids day. I am very set on breaking the fast over the next 5 days and I hope it works out well and contributes to both health and weight loss.

    Observations and notes:

    I continued having small BMs in the mornings, despite not eating.

    I slept well.

    I took several very hot baths. I do love baths, and it felt great.

    I cooked and baked a lot and I was not tempted.

    I do wish I had taken a “before” photo or at least recorded my starting weight. I only have weight from the middle of the fast. I’m guessing I lost 5lb and a lot of it is water weight and what was left in my GI tract.

    I consider this fast a gift, and I’m very happy about it. I’ve done well.

    The next 5 days will be interesting!

    June 8: 172.5lb at 132 h fasted.

    That’s a 5lb loss from June 5th. I started the fast in the evening of June 2nd, so I’m sure my weight on June 3rd was even higher. So the total weight loss so far is likely at least 6lb.

    Now to my issues. Since I’m talking to myself here, I’m not posting for an answer, I’m just musing out loud.

    I’m starting day 6 and I’m feeling so amazing. That “Feeling Euphoric” option on the Life Fasting app? I used to think it was BS, but I think I’m kinda euphoric? At the very least I’m so HAPPY and delighted with everything. There is no feeling of hunger or peckiness.

    I woke up delighted with the bright and warm morning. I went for a little walk. Everything is so beautiful and fresh after 2 days of rain.

    I’m making breakfast for the family and I’m thinking, should I even drink the V8? I really don’t want to break the fast! or should I break it WHILE I’m feeling great?

    Also, the longer the fast, the more careful the “exit” should be… and I’m not sure I want to deal with that.

    Well, I’m going to drink some tea and listen to my body and my mind.

    June 8: Another update. 138 fasted and No feeling of hunger. I’m baking with the kids and feeling great and full of energy. This is so interesting to me! I had two cups of nettle tea and a cup of black iced coffee.

    I’ve been also thinking how a prehistoric human would deal with breaking a fast lol

    I guess realistically speaking there would be two valid options. one would be hunting a mammoth, since I’m so full of energy and then eating a good chunk of it. The other would be finding a little bit of roots and berries and eating them over a period of several days. This is probably seasonal. In the spring finding some bird eggs? lol

    Which would make me actually FEEL good, both in terms of energy levels and digestion? I’m trying to figure out what my body will tell me. In any case, I’m pretty sure I won’t be breaking the fast until tommorrow morning. I don’t like breaking fasts in the evenings.

    June 9: 171lb at 156h fasted.

    Last night there was some cramping in my GI tract, as though I had to go #2. Very mild discmfort. This morning I had a small but normal BM.

    I’m still not feeling any hunger. Which is s strange and amazing!

    I’m definitely feeling a bit weaker this morning. I mean, I feel completely fine, but I wouldn’t want to go for a run. Though a walk would be fine.

    I’m not sure still how to break my fast. Last night I got convinced that the bone broth would be great. I read a lot on the benefits of it and convinced myself this would be a great first “meal.”

    Then this morning I read a bit on a raw eating vegan forum, and I guess I’m getting influenced when they say “So are you going to eat animal corpses?”

    And honestly it is easier to imagine myself starting with V8 or even fruit smoothie. But I have a lot of bone broth! And it is supposedl healthy and definitely keto. This means that I can transition to carbs and sugars in a gentler way.

    I think I will break the fast either around 4pm today, or…tomorrow morning. I’m really excited and proud to have fasted for that long!! And it is most amazing that I’ve been feeling so well! I’m especially amazed with not feeling any hunger!

    June 9, second update. 165 hours fasted. At this point I’m continuing until tomorrow morning.

    I felt really great throughout te day, with no feeling of hunger. I did cook all day! It was fun and the family loved their supper. I wasn’t tempted to eat, but definitely replicating all those new recipes when I’m back to regular meals, because it all looked and smelled amazing!

    I’ve been feeling peckish and now a bit hungry, but not different from how I feel on some of my 40h fasts. My energy is really good! I can’t belive it!

    Emotionally–wow! This feels like such a wonderful achievement.

    I’m really glad I didn’t break the fast before the feeling of hunger hit me. After all, at least some of the appeal of fasting is a bit of a challenge. I’m experiencing this challenge now, and this is great.

    It is evening. I’m finishing baked cookies. Then I’m going for a short walk and then a long hot bath. I’ve been taking long hot bath in the evenings during this fast.

    The weather is not very hot and evening are chilly. And I feel a little bit chilled at night–which I think is the only “side effect” of this fast. The hot bath feels luxirious!

    It is interesting that in the past, even when I’m not fasting, I can feel a bit dizzy for a second or two when getting out of a hot bath. I took precautions this week and I haven’t felt dizzy at all.

    This will be a complete 7 DAYS FAST!!!

    This is what I decided for the transition:

    Day 1: Bone broth–sipping, small portions throughout the day as needed.
    Day 2: Bone broth as needed and a small cup f V8.
    Day 3: Bone broth as needed, V8 and plain yogurt drink.
    Day 4: SOUP!!
    Day 5: Cabbage and carrot salads, V8
    Day 6: Cabbage and carrot salads and fruit smoothies
    Day 7: Soft boil egg and fruit smoothis.

    Well, that’s the plan. I hope I don’t feel hunger. If my GI tract is fine and I feel hungry, I might start eating normally sooner.

    The idea for this slow transition is to get all the systems going. HOWEVER…I normally don’t agree with Very Low Calorie diets, and this looks too much as one. I will see if this way of eating is appropriate during the transition. This will be an experiment.

    June 10: 170lb in the morning, at 180h fasted.

    I woke up with no hunger, and feeling absolutely great! I’ve read about this phenomenon–that people are reluctant to start eating. And now I see why. I’m feeling so great and I worry that ingesting food will make me sluggish or hungry or start craving food! This is so weird! I didn’t expect this.

    I made breakfast for the kids, am drinking nice herbal tea and am planning to go for a walk on the trails.

    My main goal for the day is to figure out whether to fast for one more day or to start my broth regimen.

    I’m trying to figure out what my body needs right now.

    If anyone is reading this and is worrired–I’m 30lb from being underweight, and I have no health issues.

    June 10: I broke my fast at 7.5 days with a cup of bone broth.

    I felt I could have continued as I was feeling well, but I decided not to experiment too much. Maybe my next prolonged fast in the fall can be longer.

    I already feel that staying on this gradual plan of broth witll be hard. I already want more broth lol I will have some more in 3 hours and then will re-assess tomorrow.

    This has been such a phenomenal experience!

    June 11: 171lb, which is 1lb up from yesterday, which is expected.

    Yesterday I had more broth and V8 than I planned. About 500ml of broth and maybe 1 L of V8 over the course of the day. When I went to bed I was really hungry. Since I was still in the Fasting Attitude rather than Eating / Feasting Attitude, I felt it was okay to be hungry.

    However, I couldn’t fall asleep and I got up at 1am and chugged V8 out of the bottle. I immediately felt great and went to sleep.

    I woke up with no hunger and feeling great. Last night I thought I’d be chugging broth the first thing after getting up, but now that I’m not hungry I will wait until closer to a 24h window.

    I’m so delighted with the experience!! So, so happy.

    June 12: 174lb. Water weight is returning, but I’m sure the fat is not! Today is Day 3 of my transition.

    Yesterday I had meals of bone broth, soup broth, some V8 and kombucha and I ate a couple of boiled apples.

    Tonight I was awoken several times by noises outside. Ended up sleeping just a couple of hours. I woke up early and am pretty exhausted. I’m sure some of the “weight gain” is from being fatigued and thus retaining water.

    I’m proud of myself for the two great Transition Days. I know this will help me with my weight loss goals.

    I wish the weather wasn’t chilly. I was planning to transition to berry + spinach smoothies today! But I really feel this should be another broth day–warm and cozy. The problem is, I might not have enough broth! I’ll have to see if I have some store-bought broth deep in the pantry! I tend to buy those from time to time but then never use them.

    June 14th: 172lb at 36 fasted and hooray, my capris zipped up easily! Yay! The waist fits perfectly, but I have to admit I need to lose another half and inch around my hips for them to fit perfectly. But they do fit decently well as it is. I’m pleased. If it were hot outside, I’d actually wear them with no issues. Since it is still chilly, my latest skinniest jeans are fitting well again so I’m happy.

    So this is how I transitioned so far:

    For 48h after the fast I only had broth and V8.
    After 48h I had an healthy but normal omad. This was egainst my plans, but it just happened and felt great. I think my body was absolutely ready. Yes, I wanted to extend the transition, but hey, 48 h, in retrospect, is quite good.

    The I really felt like a 36h fast–I didn’t feel like eating yesterday so didn’t.

    I’m not sure I’m going to do ADF that soon after the 7 day fast, but it will depend on how I’m feeling.

    June 27: 169lb at the end of a 44h fast.

    It’s been almost 2 weeks since my last update. These two weeks have been interesting. I’ve tried a variety of fasts, from 48h (which feels great and natural), to mostly 18-20h / OMAD.

    I have been eating mostly fruits and veggies with the ocassional white bread. I have to stop baking! Actually, a couple of days ago I started baking my not most favourite bread, so I haven’ been tempted by it, even if it is fresh. Though I’m planning to make some experimental cookies with my youngest kid. I enjoy baking with her.

    My weight has been all over the place, but I assume it is the water weight–it’s been really hot.

    I’m slowly and steadily going down in weight, and seeing 169lb FINALLY, made me happy this morning. I know I will still see higher numbers as this is at the end of the fast, but I do fit into my capris, I feel much slimmer, I keep enjoying my fasts. Things are well.

    June 10, last day of te 7 day fast: 170lb
    June 11: 171lb
    Jue 12: 173lb
    June 14: 172lb
    June 17: 171.5lb
    June 22: 176lb
    June 23: 173lb
    June 24: 171lb
    June 25: 174.5
    June 26: 173.5
    June 27: 169lb

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