Progressively worsening muscle pain in thighs!!

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Progressively worsening muscle pain in thighs!!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Matrika 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I have been feeling the front of my thighs tightening really uncomfortably so lately. Today I went to run across the office to answer the phone and I couldn’t!!! Enjoying the diet. 2 weeks on. I take a lot of meds for Coronary disease. Any ideas?

    How about seeing your doctor if you cannot identify any cause? Obviously, if you have picked up a new hobby like running or squatting, the pain could be from that.

    In touch with doctor. Really hope it has nothing to do with diet. Thanks

    I get very bad cramps in my legs and feet and take a magnesium orotate supplement which makes a big difference.
    Good luck!

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