Preperations for starting the 5:2 tomorrow!

This topic contains 268 replies, has 52 voices, and was last updated by  Coda 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi all – how has everyone found the first week? I did my second fast day yesterday and found it to be fine, although was slightly more hungry in the evening yesterday than on Monday. I didn’t have any dairy and hardly any other forms of protein yesterday until my evening meal (which had a tiny amount of chicken and prawns in it) so I think that’s where the hunger came from. And also, my water intake was lower yesterday than it was on Monday’s FD.

    Either way, I’ve lost 1.5lb and 1 inch from my waist compared to Sunday, and 2.5lb lost since last Wednesday (8th Jan). Looking forward to the next week!

    That’s excellent! My second day of my first week was yesterday and I found it a little easier. I didn’t drink as much water either. I have lost 4.6 lbs. I will measure waist and things later.
    Everyone have a great day!

    Hiya, Well done! I found my second fast day harder than the first and went 50cals over the 500. But have found I don’t want to eat more than 1300 calls on a non fast day. Has anyone else found they can’t eat their allowance? I’ve lost 5lbs since Monday – so am v happy. Looking forward to next week, have a good weekend all.

    Hi all, another 2 nasty lbs of weight down, still managing the fast days well but not sleeping too good after the fast. Non fast days I keep well under my tdee, not needing to eat loads or tempted to eat some of my old favourites. I’m going to keep on with this as long as I can. I hope you are all doing well.

    Well done Cakey42! My first week I lost 6 pounds. I just got back from a long weekend and I’m nervous about getting on the scale, I fasted today and I am fasting again tomorrow. I am hoping I didn’t gain my weight back…to scared to weigh myself, will wait until this Friday.

    Anyways, just gotta keep on keeping!! Have a great week everyone!!

    well done Dawniedawn! 6lb in the first week is brilliant.

    I’ve only managed one fast day this week, which I’m pretty gutted about – i’ve come down with a virus this week, and have had to take lots of medication that requires food. Was going to try to fast today but the other half has told me just to start again on Monday. Where I’ve been laid up with this, i’ve not managed a lot of exercise this week either, so not looking forward to the scales next week.

    Ah well, this is part and parcel of the 5:2 lifestyle I suppose, it’s flexible and I will aim to get 2 fasting days in next week when i’m back on my feet again. 🙂

    Great job everyone! I have been struggling this week. I didn’t do well on either of my days, but I am going to try tomorrow. I know I can do it because my first week wad fairly easy.

    Keep on keeping on LucyLovely!!

    I started the diet on January 5th, I only had one fast day where I managed to stay with in 500 calories, I have done a total of 6 fasting days. The other 5 days I went over 500 calories anywhere from 100-200 calories. However, I have been aggressively working out about days a week and on my non-fast days I stick to about 1000-1200 calories. Today I weighed myself and so far I have lost 7 pounds!!

    Its great I have a support team on this site, as I read these forums daily. We all have ups and downs but its important to stay focused and just keep doing what you are doing. I am also happy my husband is doing this with me, he too has lost 7 pounds.

    I read you lose about 1 pound a week. My first week I lost 5 pounds, 2nd, and 3rd, 1 pound a week. Its working!!

    Have a super weekend everyone!!

    Hi 5:2 ers, my third weigh in and I’m down another 2 lbs, if I add that to the Lb I lost just before I started this journey then that’s half a stone in January. For me that’s a major achievement. I have a very slow body so to compensate I have been doing 4:3. Everyday I read the blog for motivation and find it helps enormously.
    I hope you are all going to log in with good results this week. Please write on the blog to keep me going.

    Well done Cakey42!!

    I am back on a 5:2 week this week (fasting today) after only managing a 6:1 last week due to that bug I picked up. I did my measurements yesterday and I was still the same as I was on the tape measure last week, so that’s great – although I’ve gained about 1/2 a lb. Not too worried about that though. I’m over the moon the tape measure hadn’t changed!

    At the moment I’m planning a 5:2, but I may bring my 2nd FD forward to Wednesday, so if I feel up to it I could do a 4:3 by including Friday too. I’ll keep you posted!

    Hello old friends, I started approximately 5 months ago and remember like it was yesterday setting up my profile on here and taking my measurements…
    never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate how successful this way of life would be! I’ve done every diet going! but this one, well this one has changed my life. I’m now 4 stone lighter and back into size 12/14 clothes. incredible. If anyone is reading this and they’re about to start their own journey… do it! and don’t look back.

    Hi I’m starting this tomorrow mon 2 march so any help along the way would be great thks lorri68

    Hi lorri68 – good luck on your first day 🙂
    I started 5:2 on 12 Jan and have so far lost 15.5 lbs. The first two weeks were a struggle on fast days but they are now much much easier. I feel healthier and positive about sticking with this healthier way of eating. 28 lbs still to lose for me.
    Stay positive and keep us updated on your progress.

    Hi guys! I’m starting 5:2 on Monday (my first fast day). I’m very confident that is going to work!
    Good luck to all of us!

    Forgot to register this here! My starting weight is 94 kg for 5′ 11 woman! I read about this lifestyle a few months ago… Now after such good reviews I’m gonna give it a try!

    Hello All. Planning to start my 5:2 tomorrow. I am very worried that I will not be able to succeed. I have tried this diet before but become very hungry after work. Then end of eating loads!!
    Please can someone suggest ways to beat cravings for food
    My weight is 69 kg Height less than 5 feet!! BMI is 32

    Hi my tips would be don’t over indulge today especially with sugary carb laden foods. They are not going to disappear off the face of the earth. Hunger comes in waves, ride the wave and it disappears. Stay busy. Have lots of water, sparkly and still or herbal teas on hand. Have a coffee. Put off eating as long as possible as I find once I eat hunger can increase. I wait until my evening meal. Plan something nice and tasty to look forward to. Good luck x

    Hi Coda
    Many Thanks for your reply. Did it today!!
    About 650 calories
    Plenty of water
    So far so good
    Coda, your note helped me prepare for today.thank you
    Next one on Wednesday
    Feeling good…

    Excellent well done you. If you can do one you can do another. If you are interested there is an October challenge group. There are lots of people all supportive of one another. Some are maintaining, some have just started and others are still on their journey. Maybe read a few posts and it’s never too late to join. The thread you posted on is over a year old so pure chance I saw it.

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