It went ok yesterday.
I came in at 600 cals so that’s not too bad. I believe keeping my fasting time long is really helping me stay committed.
Now to enjoy the holiday weekend here 🙂
Anyone fasting ?
This topic contains 268 replies, has 52 voices, and was last updated by Coda 7 years, 3 months ago.
@nat,Well done on fasting, 550 is great, this is a life style and I firmly believe that it is the time spent fasting, and not whether we go over by 50 cals, that matters.
I’m looking forward to the day you post that you have reached your goal.I have my personal goal in sight and the first milestone is getting under 140 lbs… not much more to go…
I see a difference when I try on the clothes I want to wear this summer, which is motivating in itself.
Here’s to next week and keeping on, keeping it off!!
As I keep saying to myself Stay Strong..
Hi fizzy123 and Nat –
Well done on your fasting days last week!
I was on holiday and didn’t manage to do any fasts. I also ate and drank far too much so I know I’ve put weight back on but not how much. I weigh in tomorrow and fast Wednesday and Thursday. I have a feeling it will be quite a tricky week after last weeks indulgence…
Good luck this week!
Thanks Myggan40,
Its always a challenge to return to fasting but I find its never as difficult as I imagine it will be.Of course I stay away from the scales if I haven’t been compliant, like over this weekend when it was a celebration bank holiday,buts that the thing, I know I can get back on track again this week and when I try on my summer clothes they are fitting so much better.Actually its this fact and not the scales that keep me focused.
Have a good week fasting and talk soon.
Thanks fizzy123.
I’d put 3 lb on over the 10 days since my last fast which is Not good but it has galvanised me into doing well for the rest of this week and then some…
I think you are right though… I always picture things much worse than they actually are so fingers crossed for the next few days.
All the best.
@myggan40 I hope the fast experience is tolerable for you.I think its good, in a way, to take a break as it reinforces the benefits of the lifestyle, for me anyway when I sees just how sluggish everything gets BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY, after an episode of non-fasting 🙂
Hi M (fizzy123)
Thanks, it’s been better than predicted but still harder than before the holiday.
And I’d forgotten how in control I feel when I fast. I’ve had multiple temptations in the last couple of days and managed to stay clear of them.
Hopefully the scales will agree with me but I’m not as fussed about that as I was. I feel much better for fasting and that’s what I’m hoping for this week.
Have a good weekend.
Excellent @nat I was about to turn to comfort eating…. NOT!!
I didn’t manage to fast to day, so tomorrow is the day for me. At least I’m keeping to my TDEE on the other days.
Just a thought, when should you re-evaluate your TDEE for any weight lost.
Any ideas anyone?
Hi M and Nat.
Sorry I’ve not been posting over the weekend. I went out for birthday drinks on Friday night (with a bit of a cough but nothing serious) and came down with the most awful throat infection I’ve ever experienced over the weekend. I have Never Ever been in so much pain. And that’s counting a super fast 3h labour without pain relief with my second child…
Went to the Dr yesterday who diagnosed Tonsillitis so now on Amoxicillin. Feeling SO much better today it’s like having my life back…
My Fast went well last week but this week I will only do a maintenance day on Thursday provided I’m well enough then.
Well done on the fasting both of you hope it goes well this week and good luck today M!
@myggan40 So sorry to hear you were unwell.Tonsillitis is probably the most painful thing I have ever had also, and the fever well ….
Take care of yourself as you get back into the fasting routine,you could say you’ve had an enforced fast for the last few days, so don’t rush anything until you feel better.
Fasting today was difficult already over by 150 cals so no more food now FOR ME!!!
Hi M and Nat. Good luck with your fasts today! Hope they go well. We have lovely summer here in the UK.
I’ve decided to take a week off until I’m off the antibiotics.
As you say M, I’ve had a few days enforced fasting. I don’t have any apetite anyway and although my throat is ok now I’m keeping an eye on what I eat.
Back to fasting next week though!
All the best and have a good weekend.
@myggan40 Sounds like a good plan.
@nat The weight-loss is going okay, I’m checking in yesterday at 143 so I’m happy with that, but truth be told, the change in my shape is what thrills me. I can get into my summer clothes without a squeeze ! which is what people will see and unless I invite a camera to my weigh-in, that moment of revelation on the scales is a non event 🙂
Good fasting today,
Good luck M.
I did two days back to back Wednesday & Thursday with good results. I have now broken the 70kg mark which means I’ve lost over 15 kg since January.. Woohoo.
Glad to hear your shape is changing too… It’s fab to wear stuff that doesn’t pinch all the time 🙂
Hope you have a good fast day and well done for doing a Friday. I find it extra hard to do Fridays for some reason…
Lotta what wonderful news about your weight loss. Its very motivational to read that this is ‘do-able’.
@nat don’t be despondent.I have no tips just old fashioned advice to stick with this. Every day you attempt to do it , is a baby step to your good health.I hope that you managed to fast today,lets try the ADF for the week anyway and see how it goes . Nothing ventured nothing lost (to misquote)
Thanks M that is very kind. Hope your fast has gone well this week!
How is it going this week Nat? It’s so hard when the willpower gets zapped!
I have quite a few times felt ‘what’s the point’.
I have always got through it by telling myself that I’m doing this for me, not anyone else. I’m doing it so I can walk into a clothes shop and not get that sinking feeling of ‘oh no I hate my body I will never find anything that fits’.
I’m doing it so I can play football with my son without my knees screaming for mercy under my weight. I’m doing it because I want to be able to run alongside my daughter when she learns to ride a bike without collapsing with exhaustion.
I try to keep these mental pictures in my mind so I can use them when I feel dispirited and down and utterly demotivated.
I hope this didn’t sound too preachy and that this week has been better for you!
I’ve been off the fast diet this week as I’ve been ill (again) with sinus problems and a horrible cold.
So next week I’m focusing again and will do my best to lose weight… For me! 🙂
Have a good weekend and all the best!
Hi all – I am going to attempt to start tomorrow for the first day. I work in aged care full time and have to serve them food !!! While serving them their bacon and eggs I usually make myself a cup of tea (due to years of weight watchers 1 slice of bacon is 6 pro points) so I know the cup of tea works to subside the desire to have some. I just hope that I can do it. The girls I work with LOVE FOOD… so lunch time may be a test.
I am going to spread my 500 cals over the day – at least then I don’t have to explain to everyone why I’m not eating.
Good luck to me and good luck to all who have just started and about to start..
Hi All – This is my second round of the Fast Diet. I have been overweight since I quit smoking 12 years ago and replaced nicotine with food. Since then, I had a child, had my thyroid removed due to hashimoto’s and thyroid cancer, and developed rheumatoid arthritis. About a year ago I bought the Fast Diet book, started the diet enthusiastically, and stuck with it until the holidays, when I slowly went from 4:3, to 5:2 to 6:1 to 7:0…where I have been for the past 6 months. I originally lost 30 pounds and then leveled off, and since stopping, have gained back 8 pounds. So, it is time to get refocused and recommitted. I hope that by sharing the process in the forum, I will be encouraged by others’ progress and eventually have my own encouragement to offer. Interestingly, I recently had my annual blood work done, and even with tumbling off the wagon, my numbers were so much better than when I started a year ago. My glucose, bp, and “bad” cholesterol were much lower, my “good” cholesterol had risen, just to mention a few areas, and my doctors were very pleased. Both my gp and rheumatologist have encouraged the 5:2 plan, by the way. I will be 50 next summer and want to get healthier so that I can be around to watch my 10-year-old grow up! Good luck to all those who are starting off!
Hi all been reading through some posts today. I started last Monday and weighed in on Friday pre-weekend and plan to weigh in every Friday. Last week Monday through to friday I saw a 5.5lb weight loss. I have a way to go as want to loose at least 2 stone but was more than impressed with results. I do ADF Monday, Wednesday and Friday and stick below TDEE on tuesday and thursday. This was the first weekend I had done and only just stuck to TDEE. First day of fasting this week, its nearly 4pm and only just now start to feel the first hunger pangs so my cure is make a cuppa tea with skinny milk. Hope you dont mind me dropping in but reading posts is motivation in itself. Happy Monday all.
Hi all, I was also just reading through all the posts. I’m starting today and so far so good (touch wood!!) I have my lunch and dinner planned out coming in around 500 calories. I did notice that when I had some green tea this morning I felt a bit nauseous but that’s likely because of my empty stomach. So for now chewing sugar free gum and drinking water! I am thirsty!! Looking forward to seeing how this works for me but also the health benefits! I have a family history of alzeihmers and want to keep it at bay.
Hi, I just started on Monday. I had my first fast day on Tuesday. I had a yoghurt for breakfast cuppa soup for lunch and a ww meal for tea. Reading on here for best weight loss and health it’s best not to eat anything until tea time, is this correct? The only thing is I have been suffering with headaches but drinking plenty. Can I drink tea with skimmed milk on fast days to keep my hunger at bay?
I’d suggest you start off slowly. This is meant to be a lifelong pursuit, not a sprint!
Have something like an egg for breakfast, a small amount of veg soup or tiny salad for lunch and a bit of fish and salad for dinner ( no refined carbs, fat or alcohol brings the cals right down) No snacking at all.
When you are used to that, drop either lunch or breakfast (eg combine them as a brunch) You are your own experiment. You decide what suits you and how and when you will eat your 300-500 cals. Calculate the cals and write it all down to start with.
Many of us eventually eat all our calories in the evening, but I took 15 months to get to that stage (and 27kg lighter). Take it easy. Be kind to yourself. And read the books! Cheers PVE
Well done on starting the FAST way of life Reddders.
Good luck with it for whatever reason you are doing it, be it weight loss, health or general wellbeing.
I have been doing it for 6 months and I don’t eat breakfast but split my 500 between lunch and dinner. Usually 180, 320. i found that drinking lots of fruit teas helped after my meals to start with as it took a while to get used to e smaller portions.
I use MyFitnessPal to track the calories but also my exercise. It really works for me but look around for a way that you are happy with.
I watch what I eat in my non fast days but I no longer count calories. I find I no longer want to binge on treats and my general portion size has gone down considerably.
I’m doing it for weight loss… I have lost 17.5kg in 6 months which I am very happy with, but I also notice
I have loads more energy, clear skin, no knee or back ache anymore and much higher self esteem.
Good luck and as PVE says; work out what works for you and you have a much better chance of sticking to it. All the best!
Thank you Lotta. I am wanting to lose weight and feel healthy. Well done on your weight loss I hope I can do as well as you. I have been logging my calories which has helped lots. I also do boot camp twice a week this has landed on my fasting days which at the moment had been fine.
So as long as I don’t go over 500 calories, no snacking and stay away from carbs fat and sugar it should work?
Re your headaches, Redder, they usually go pretty quickly as your body gets used to this system.
The main thing behind this is allowing your body periods without bloodsugar spikes to let your system have a chance to heal itself. Therefore, try to avoid any calories not in your couple of eating sessions. So, no, try not to use milk (skim or full cream) in your tea. Black teas and coffee are the way to go. There is also a lot of work being done these days that fats are important, so a healthy choice on normal days would be real milk 🙂 If you do use milk in your tea, count the cals in your allocation. Don’t leave anything out.
Do a full body measure at this stage too. It is fascinating to look back and see the changes. Good luck PVE
Hi Redders
I’ve also been doing exercise on FAST days and found that it’s been absolutely fine for me but not everyone feels comfortable with it so well done for making that work for you!
You’ve worked out your TDEE so you are well on your way to great success. I had a 3 week plateau around wk 8 which at the time was very discouraging but with lots of great advice from these forums it was no problem to keep going.
I found that as long as I logged the number of calories on my FAST days and kept within my TDEE on other days it worked better for me not to say; no carbs, no sugar, no fat or no Alcohol. My worst enemy is someone who says you can’t have this or that… It just makes me want to have it more… Instead I balance what I eat and make sure I stay within the limits but I never cut anything out entirely. That wouldn’t work for me.
All the best and hope you find your own path to successful FAST-ing.
I think you have misunderstood my advice. I agree, there should be no rules what you eat. I was SUGGESTING that on fast days (not other days) we found if we cut out empty calories we were able to eat more filing foods for the same number of calories. eg Potatoes are very high in calories, so you can hardly eat any, whereas leafy greens and lean protein are low and you can really pig out on them and feel full.
I agree, if told not to have something, we crave it, but the whole point of this WOE is that it is only for one day. Tell yourself, I’d love (whatever) but that would take me over my calorie count, so I’ll wait until tomorrow to have it. What’s amazing is how you don’t feel like it the next day. It is like having a little brake in your head 🙂 PVE
Experiment with different foods. Read all labels and look up cal counts for fresh foods. You very quickly learn which foods are low cal and therefore more appropriate on fast days. You will probably find, as I did, how many cals are in foods you thought were ok.
We eat full fat cheese, milk, yoghurt and drink wine on the other five days. This WOL is for the long term, so it has to be enjoyable and sustainable. All the best PVE
Hi Purple, I’m totally with you! We answered Redders post at the same time so I hadn’t read your last post when mine was added. I was just answering Redders last question saying it should work if we stay away from all the carbs, fat and sugar. I wan’t commenting on your post there… The danger of not quite same time posting.
I was just saying from my personal experience it feels more manageable to balance it all and not completely deny myself specific things.
I also identify with the ‘I can have it tomorrow’ mantra which I recited every Fast day fir the first 6 weeks when I started. I don’t think I would have goth through it otherwise.
I must admit that if I did manage to stay away from sugar and carbs a lot more my weight loss would be swifter. Alas my discipline is not always that strong and I find myself with a cheesecake from Time to time. 🙂
Right it’s late here so good luck all Fast dieters and all the best.
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8:28 am
30 May 14