Possible hypertension dizziness after eating

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Possible hypertension dizziness after eating

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AlexandraTheGreat 2 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Hi guys its my first post i need some addvice on Intermittent fasting hope ive come to the right place.

    Its my 4th day of intermittent fasting 16:8 fasting from 6pm to 10am ive had no problems up till now/this morning after breakfast consisting of 1/2 cup oats nuts & seeds with full cream milk with 1tps honey & a cup of tea ive sat down to watch the news about 5mins later i started feeling light-headed and sleepy is this normal?

    BP & suger B4 eating
    130/76 BPM 60.
    Blood sugars 6.

    After eating. +5min
    140/82 bpm 54
    Blood sugars 7.3

    +20min Bp 130/80 bpm 60 suger 7.8
    +30min Bp 130/80 bpm 61 suger 7.3

    Bp & suger going up make sense to me but heart rate going down to 54 is that normal?

    Not looking good guys this morning I tried breaking my fast in slowly with some coconut oil and fish oil tablets somewhat work did not feel lightheaded but only one mouthful of my usual breakfast sent my heart rate plummeting.
    Heart monitor reading minutes after eating 140/80 bpm 46 on the monitor. One for the Doctor

    Strange morning guys heart rate blood pressure all normal.

    BP after eating around 140/80 heart rate 70 to 80.
    Took around 30 minutes for blood pressure and heart rate to return to normal 130/80 60 bpm.
    Only thing I did different this morning was to break up my vitamins, supplements & medication over the 30 minutes instead of taking them all at once.

    My Vitamints.
    Ostelin (vitamin K2 calcium vitamin D)
    Thompsons Joint health. (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, & Boron)
    Glutamine 5g.
    1/2 a Swisse multi vitamin for men 50+

    Still going well hart rate is normal after 1st meal of the day well for me any from 120/70 60bpm to 130/80 80bps.

    I dont have problem after eating with 2nd & 3rd meals.Im thinking it could be a initial breaking in symptom of intermittent fasting.

    I am looking for similar advice. Pre fast, I often feel swimmy after breakfast, isn’t unpleasant🙂been tested for diabetes (big in my family) but fine. Doing this to prevent diabetes and general good health. Tough as I hate veg🤣

    So, just completed 4 days fast, then into the 800 for 2 weeks to one month (but I go for about 900 to 1000, 800 8s too low for me) then into the 5:2.

    Had gentle first meal.of white fish, broccoli & asparagus last night, then this.morning 2 eggs, smoked salmon, spinach and tiny portion of keto bread made with linseed and psyllium, with marmite on. And big dilute.black.coffee, lots of water too before and after.

    Specific question is – I know feel swimmy and drunk as fuck! Not unpleasant,real cheapdate 😆Again,not an unusual state for me, doesn’t happen every meal and I have tried to chart themes without success,is random but often.

    I have checked and rechecked with doctor and they have nothing to sayand no t3sts.say any issues. I want perspectives on similar experiences, please.

    (With respect, please don’t post things like ‘no, I can’t help you, I have never had anything like this’…it is just really annoying!) Thank you and Happy New Year!

    My suggestion would be to try and drink more water. You might be like me, I have some problem with keeping water in my body! I am best if I have a couple of big glasses of water between every meal, on top of drinks like cups of tea and having soup as a meal. Digestion uses a lot of water from our body in mucous, digestive juices etc, It is worth a try as drinking extra water is cheap and comparatively easy. Try it for a few days. Good luck.

    Thanks Cinque, I am good on the liquids front – begin each day with a pint of warm water when get up, usually same before each meal, and lots of different weak black teas alt with weak black coffees, all big cups… ho hum 😁

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