Physicians Urge Americans to Stop Wasting Money on Supplements

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Physicians Urge Americans to Stop Wasting Money on Supplements

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • In a new editorial in Annals of Internal Medicine (AOIM), physicians urge Americans to “stop wasting money on vitamin and mineral supplements.” The editorialists—referencing new research included in the same issue of the journal—warn that, “[m]ost supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.”

    4 complete article

    There are 1000’s of research studies not paid for by drug companies that say differently.


    never thought of it that way

    i seem 2 remember a video

    by michael mosley

    where the conclusion was vitamin d & omega oils

    because our bodies can not absorb all other vitamins as efficiently like

    real food.

    i’ll have 2 watch it again

    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.

    take care

    oops 4got 2 add the link where all the videos r

    everything a poster/newbie might want 2 c, use & read

    mayb u have something u might want 2 add?

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