Would love to see a picuture lol
This topic contains 90 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Debster251 8 years, 2 months ago.
Hi Debby how’s your week going so far? Due to the Bank Holiday I swapped FD to today which was a bit tricky as minding grandchildren whilst daughter was working. Pleased to report survived the day and didn’t break my fast, polishing my halo as I type! We’ve had glorious weather so took kiddies to the park and had an hilarious time playing crazy golf. Got home earlier than expected so still managed to get on my exercise bike, now in bed exhausted. Doing second fast tomorrow as going out Thursday. Speak again soon Ellie x ps didn’t think earlier post had been submitted – senior moment I believe x
Hi Ellie, I can feel your positive vibes from here. Week going well. I was fasting yesterday successfully and went to my swimming class. Have measured my cals today on my fitness pal and have kept them to about 1400 and have done 1 1/2 hours yoga tonight! Hope to swim tomorrow morning. My TDEE is over 2000 cals but I try not to count exercise otherwise I find I don’t lose any weight! Have spent today booking exciting things in New Zealand so the heat is on to get those pounds off! We’ve had great weather here too. I lost the charger to my Fitbit so haven’t worn it for a few days. I got it when I retired to keep myself active every day. It’s easy to sit on your bottom reading or on the iPad, especially when you are booking nice things! Keep up the good work! Debby
Just signing in. We’re away for 2 days in the caravan – probably the last this year so my goal is careful maintenance. Weighed in this morning and am 2 1/bs off but usually I put one back on over the weekend so if I manage that I will be delighted. I’m getting fed up with going away at weekends but we’re getting to the end of the season and my hubby wants to use it one more time. This is sad, but I feel it sabotages my diet and I’m on a roll! We’re going out for an Indian meal on Saturday and that’s the big challenge! How’s it going for you? I’ve had a couple of compliments over the last 2 weeks and that is really motivating. Have a good weekend. Debby xo
Hi Debby just signing in on a wet miserable Saturday afternoon and I’m at work to boot! The scales reflected the misery in as much I have stayed the same as last week but keep telling myself better than a gain. Bit surprised really as I thought I’d been good but thinking about it I did have two glasses of wine last night so perhaps that’s tipped the balance. I hope you’re enjoying your time away in your caravan. Hopefully the weather is being kinder to you than here. Ah well let’s gird up or loins for next week and hope for some more losses. Strong positive vibes coming your way! Bye for now Ellie x
Hi Debby, well so far this week I’ve had a curry on Monday evening with work colleagues, opted for the naan bread but no rice, FD on Tuesday, NFD today which was just as well as succumbed to a scone with jam and cream this afternoon. Fortunately now got FD on Thursday and Friday to repair the damage lol I’m so looking forward to my break next week. Having done quite a few extra hours over the past couple of weeks I feel like I’m on a treadmill. I love my job but you can have too much of a good thing! Will report in after Saturday weigh in. Happy fasting bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie,
Is it next week you go away? You’ve certainly been busy! Sometimes we need just to be normal and not count calories. Did I tell you I’m painting my kitchen units? I started on Tuesday in earnest. They were medium oak and I’ve wanted to give my kitchen an upgrade for ages so I got eggshell paint and am giving them a facelift. It’s a big job but it’s looking good. Soon I’ve been really busy. I fasted on Tuesday – ate nothing all day and had a ‘normal ‘ but lite dinner. I have eaten fairly frugally today and drank lots of water and will fast tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll lose the excess pounds gained over the weekend. Take care and bye for now. Debby xo
Hi Debby well sad to report 2lb up but not surprised as not been quite so focused this week, too busy preparing for next week when we’re in sunny Seville. Determined not to stray too much, in fact hoping the weather will prompt good choices of meats and salads.I hope your kitchen is now looking refreshed, I love the smell of fresh paint. It’s amazing the difference just painting the cupboards makes. Not sure of internet connections whilst away but will write when possible. Good luck with your next weigh in, keep focused on your trip to NZ! Bye for now Ellie x
Good morning Ellie. Sunday weigh in and 2 lbs down, which of course I’m delighted about! I think part of my success this week is keeping so busy. My big goal before our trip is another 7 lbs. 5 weeks to do it so here we go. My kitchen is coming on well but it has been a huge job. I’m on the home straight with the cupboards. The doors should all be back on by tomorrow. I’m hoping to get new work tops installed before we go away but finding a good joiner that has a free couple of days is proving difficult. My youngest son is coming up from Dublin for a couple of days which will be good. Well, back to my painting and looking forward to q new week. Have a wonderful time in Seville and don’t forget to enjoy the lovely Spanish tapas with a glass of wine! Holidays are for enjoying. Deb xo
Hi Debby I’m back having had a super time in sunny Seville. As expected 4lb up on weigh in but quietly feeling smug as hubby put on 8lb! He is now going to give 5:2 a go. Weaning myself off carbs today and tomorrow then back in earnest with first fast of the week on Monday. New goal in sight in that I want to lose half stone by end October which would put me closerto ultimate goal of 9st. When do you go to NZ? Looking forward to getting back on my bike later today. How’s it going with you? Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie, I’m so glad you had a ball! Lots of exploring I expect. Did you do anything special? Afraid it’s a pound up today. Haven’t been totally focused these last couple of days, but tomorrow is another day. My current BMI is 26.0 at 11 st 7. My ultimate goal is 10 st 7 which will give me a BMI of around 23. I’m kinda cross with myself. When I joined this diet I could have reached my goal before I went away. That’s always my shortcoming- I don’t stay focused enough. As it is, I’ve 4 weeks and I should like to see the stones saying ’10’ before I leave! However, I’m a ‘cup half full’ kinda gal, so at least I’ve got this far! I leave on the 16th of Oct – 4 weeks today! We go to Oz for a month then NZ for a month. It’s very exciting! The holiday of a lifetime of course. My biggest worries are that a) I won’t have scales to check and b) we are cruising around the northern part of Oz for 16 nights and the last time I cruised I put on half astone in a week 😢 anyway, have a good week. It will be good for you to have your hubby on board. The more support the better! Take care, Debby xo
Hi Debby, feeling your frustration but determined to encourage us both to get back on track😇 Just think one month from today how pleased we’ll be if we’re half a stone lighter so let’s get focused and embrace this wol! Positive vibes coming your way 😁ps as you can see I’ve found the emojoing button lol pps fast day today going great until I needed to go into the boss’s office where she keeps a dish of sweets/chocolates. Succumbed to a mini milky way which I thoroughly enjoyed with a cup of coffee hence me also needing to get back on track on a fast day! Bye for now Ellie x
Hi Debby, just waiting to take the post at work so thought I would pop on line and see what folk are up to. I do enjoy reading all the threads. Second fast day of the week going well. Got cod in butter sauce with broccoli followed by sugar free jelly and a smidgen of evaporated milk to look forward to later. Hubby coping well with fasting too. Managed to stay below TDEE yesterday and Tuesday so all looking good so far. Just hope I don’t blow it tomorrow. Planning a semi fast in that I will only have 500 cals in food but will enjoy a glass of wine after work. How’s it going with you? xx
Hi Ellie, your cod in sauce sounds good, specially as I am starving and counting the mins to tea time! Is that a packaged meal or ar you cooking it yourself? Yestday, I ate ‘lite’ and had no carbs. Woke up this morning (fast day) hungry and light on the scales so am quite motivated. I am experimenting with NFD’s in preparation for going away. I am eating cereal / porridge for breakfast and am trying to avoid carbs at the end of the day, but eating lots of veggies. I also enjoy reading the posts. Dieting can be a very lonely and disheartening place and I really enjoy your motivation. Am still finishing my kitchen so am pretty active, although that is coming to an end now. Such a big job! Should be finished tomorrow, thank goodness. We’re out on Saturday night for a big fundraiser so I’ll have to be careful. If we don’t speak before the weekend, have a good one! Xo
Mornin’ Ellie, despite the fact that it’s raining here, I’m happy because I’ve another pound off. I logged today instead of tomorrow to try and motivate me for tonight. Have decided to eat as normal at home and ignore the supper! Keeping the lips sealed! Well that’s the theory anyway. Have a good day. Xo
Hi Debby well done and good look with staying strong tonight. Pleased with my weigh in at 3lb down. Not quite got all the holiday excess off but on the right track. NFD today but still keeping an eye on those pesky hidden calories. Hubby has bought a big bowel of fruit and nuts which is so easy to pick at grrrr! Looking forward to a glass of wine tonight and a fish platter of cod, smoked haddock and scampi. The cod in butter sauce I had the other day was a Bird’s eye boil in the bag. I find them quick and easy and there is no chance of stretching the portion size. Ideal for a FD. Enjoy your weekend. Bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie, just a quick sign in. Brilliant to see your 3lbs off. You must have been well focused. Had a good Saturday night – a couple (ish) of gins and no supper so quite pleased with myself. Good fast yesterday and have spend this morning clearing out the wardrobe which was quite therapeutic and pleasantly surprising. I was quite ruthless – cleared a lot of work clothes and those clothes I know I won’t wear again. I also tried on all those clothes which have sat there ‘until I’m thinner’, and quit a few of them fit quite well! So feeling quite upbeat. Exercise going well too. Yoga and a swim yesterday and a 4 mile walk today. I think I’ll try that fish. I’m getting a bit fed up with my usual fasting routine. Have made another batch of carrot and coriander soup which is low calorie and quite filling. Fasting tomorrow and then hopefully Friday too. Have q good week and talk soon. Xo
Hi Debby, I’ve downloaded the app but can’t find it on my phone!It looks really good so I’ll persevere😁 Weigh in tomorrow but will be glad to have just stayed the same as had an up and down week plagued with the munchies monster😢 Got on my bike to day first time this week due to working extra hours at work so all fired up again. Not long to your trip now so keep focused. Will log in tomorrow with results bye for now Ellie x
Hi Debby trust you’re having a lovely weekend. As expected I’m 2lb up😢 Really was silly last week but hoping to do better this week. Why do we sabotage our best efforts? Hope your results are good tomorrow. Managed to get on my bike this afternoon so feeling quite virtuous😇 Got a day off tomorrow so should be able to stay on track. Bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie, yes I had a good weekend thanks. Was away with my girlfriends to Donegal. You might say it was too good because I’ve 3 lbs on 😬 Let my hair down a bit. A few glasses of gin/wine and the nibbles have sabotaged it all. Silly me. Only two weeks to go till we leave, so my goals have gone out of the window. How am I going to cope over 2 months when I can’t even manage a weekend? The biggest problem will be lack of scales. I think I’m going to have to try and weigh myself at least once a week. I’m going to have two very focused weeks and give myself a good talking to! Talk soon, Debby
Hi Debby glad you had such a good time with your friends but as you say time to buckle down and focus for the next two weeks. How excited you must be to be so close to going. I had a good FD yesterday and a good NFD today so hoping to keep on track myself. Here’s to us both making good choices bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie, having a good week too. Fasted on Monday and have been to the pool twice and yoga too. Gardened all day today and have kept to about 1400 cals. Fasting tomorrow again but feeling virtuous! My hubbie is away on business on Friday so I’ll maybe try to keep my cals lean on Friday also although not fasting. Am busy sorting out things to pack. I don’t really do excitement or nerves until the day before, but I would admit to a little excitement now. We are just putting the finishing touches to our trip and it will arrive in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the rest of your week. Debby
Good morning Ellie, hope this finds you feeling positive. I’m posting my weight today rather than tomorrow to keep my focus. Have had a really successful week, despite having a fit of the munchies yesterday. I’m down 3 1/2 lbs this week, so I have undone last weekend and lost a further 1/2 lb besides. Apart from my fast days, I think the key to my success is limiting carbs. I have had my porridge as usual in the mornings, but very little carb in the evenings. I had a sweet potato in the cupboard, so I cut it up and had roasted veggies a couple of nights, which has proved really filling. This time next week I’ll be packing! I’m keen to find a strategy to keep my weight down without really ‘dieting”. Have a good weekend Ellie. Hope the scales are kind to you! Debby
Wow Debby that’s fantastic! I agree about the carbs they really do pile on the pounds. I stayed the same this week which was a bit frustrating but I’ll not be beaten I’m up for the fight next week lol. I didn’t manage to get on my bike this week which I also believe makes a difference to weight fluctuations so hoping to get back on that next week. Exercise after work just seems such hard work now the evenings are drawing in but I mustn’t make excuses I just need to stay focused. Here’s to a good week for both of us. Bye for now Ellie x
Hi there Ellie! I don’t know what time you start work, but have you tried getting up a little earlier and doing your exercise before work? I used to spin at 7am at the gym when I belonged and felt amazing. Sadly I found that the spin classes booked up so fast with the good instructors that it was hard to get into the classes so I quit my gym membership and started swimming instead. I have a spin bike in the spare room but don’t use it much, much to my shame! Recently I looked on YouTube for spin routines, but I am so out of the way, I lost heart. That’s one for the New Years resolutions! Don’t lose heart. We’ll both get there by hook or by crook! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Xo
Good morning! Just a quick post to try and motivate myself! After having a great week last week, I’m really struggling. Fast day on Monday was awful. I ended up eating chocolate biscuits as if they were the last ones on earth. Had a fit of the munchies yesterday too, so am starting today trying to undo two days of excess calories. Am fasting today because my youngest is up from Dublin for a couple of days so we are having a family dinner tomorrow evening. We’re also out with friends Friday and Saturday evening, so the diet has no chance this week.😢 Anyway, onwards and upwards! Talk soon, Debby xo
Hi Debby, really feeling for you and your struggles this week. It’s funny how sometimes it seems so easy and then at other times it is really hard. Just enjoy time with your family and friends (but also make sensible food choices says she polishing her halo lol) My week was going quite well until we cracked open a bottle of wine with our evening meal then the munchies kicked in. Happily fast day tomorrow and Friday so hoping for good result on Saturday. How’s the packing going? I can’t begin to imagine how much you’ll need to take for two months! Not long now. Speak again soon Ellie x. Ps took your advice and have managed to get on my bike earlier in the day just hope I can keep it up x
Hi Debby just reporting in and frustrated to say stayed the same. I seem to be on a plateau so I’m considering doing liquids only fast on Monday and Thursday to kick start the metabolism into gear. Reading through some other threads quite a few do this on a regular basis. I’ve always shied away from doing them so far but feel tough action is needed! Not long to go now for your trip. How many suit cases will you be taking? Hoping your weigh in goes well tomorrow. Bye for now Ellie x
Hi Ellie, how frustrating it is, especially when you’ve worked so hard for it. I’m the opposite. I struggled all week and am another pound down, which of course I’m pleased about. Does a liquid fast mean eating nothing and just drinking water, tea etc? We leave tomorrow morning. We’ve packed two cases of 22 kg each and hand luggage too. We have an allowance with Emirates of 32 kg each but have one internal flight which will only allows 22kg, so that’s what it has to be. I’ve probably too many clothes with me any way. While we are away, I’m going to post when I get wifi. I’m going to try and find scales periodically just to keep tabs! I shall be trying to fast twice a week and I think I just won’t eat during the day if I can manage it and just have an evening meal. I also think I’ll keep the carbs low. I just don’t want to undo all the good work! Hard to believe that next time we speak I’ll be at the other side of the world. Take care and talk soon. Debby xo
Bon voyage Debby, how exciting and good for you to want to still try and keep things in check. Congratulations on losing another pound. Hopefully when we next speak I will be a ‘loser’ too! Have a fab time Ellie x PS liquid fasting is just that water, tea coffee etc. I think some of the dieters also include broth. I thought I might include low calorie soups especially on cold days – cold days shouldn’t be a problem for you going into spring/summer 🙂
Hi Ellie from the other side of the world! I didn’t realise how much a part of my life this blog is and how much I look forward to your posts. We’ve no wifi here so am using a laptop. As I write this we are staying with cousins in Sydney. Having a ball,that goes without saying. We spent a few nights in Singapore, then flew to Melbourne, and then on to Sydney. When I arrived here on Sunday, I found scales and to my delight, was pretty much the same, but since then, we’ve done a lot of lunches and socialising, so I’ve put on a few pounds (and even before we get on the cruise!) I’ve been skipping breakfast, which seems to have worked for me. I will knuckle down now for the last part of the week and try to lose that excess baggage. I am becoming more philosophical about gaining weight – it won’t be the end of the world if a few pounds sneak on. Once we get to New Zealand, I shall be more in charge! Have seen and done some amazing things and it’s a small price to pay! Our cousins have been great hosts and shown us the sights of Sydney. we went to a great fish market for lunch today – varieties I’ve never seen before! how’s your liquid fast gone? We are reliant on wifi so will post when convenient! Take care and talk soon. Debby xo
Hello again! We’ve just disembarked from 16 nights onboard the ship. Despite the abundance of food and drink, the first week hubby and I were quite controlled about what we ate, but as the time progressed, it got harder and I have to admit that I had a couple of glasses of wine each evening and my food consumption increased. Sadly, my clothes are too tight now and I have an awful feeling that I have put on most of what I lost. So I am approaching the next part of my holidays more carefully and trying to undo some of the damage! I Hope you have managed to keep up your good resolve and are a big ‘loser’ by now! I look forward to hearing how your liquid fasting has gone. Fitting into those love dresses for Christmas is always an incentive. We fly to New Zealand on Saturday. Sadly part of our tour has had to be cancelled – those poor people in Kaikoura have lost so much in the earthquake that my weight gain is of little significance. Bye for now, Debby
As I write this from my comfy sofa, I hope I find you well, and from your
positive vibes the last time you posted, a little lighter. Have you reached your goal yet? We’ve just spent the most amazing time away. We enjoyed Australia, but were blown away by New Zealand, and our biggest mistake was not to allow more time in NZ. Ifyou every get a chance, you should go. It is an amazing country covered in breath-taking scenery and lovely people. Down to business… I was delighted when I got on the scales – only 5 lbs on altogether, which considering I haven’t weighed myself or counted a calorie just shows me that I can do it without my obsessive daily weigh ins etc. I did indulge a little – some extra wine, a few ice creams, but generally I just tried to be sensible, I did.lots of walking and on the cruise I did some spin and yoga classes, so haven’t been idle. So I start this next part of myjourney at 11 st 9 but have decided I want to lose another stone and a bit, making my goal around the ten and a half region. So back on the fasting with a positive attitude. I hope you’ll continue to keep posting, Ellie. I’ve found your support so helpful. Hopefully talk soon. Debby xo
Good morning Ellie, Just posting because I feel good! Have got on the scales these last two mornings and am now 4 lbs lighter, so am really delighted. I haven’t bothered to log my food since I’ve come home, nor fast. I’m dealing with jet lag and can’t cope with dieting as well and I seem to be very hungry all the time. Am going to do a couple of days fasting next week all being well. Good luck with Christmas preparations. Debby
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12:54 pm
28 Aug 16