One Year Later: The Fast Diet

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One Year Later: The Fast Diet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Carla 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Wanted to show before and a more recent after picture (taken this morning)
    Have been maintaining with the 6:1 basically from April on.

    Happy Fasting Everyone!

    Wow!! Carla – you look fantastic! – love your photo analogies of your weight loss; imagine carrying those products in a shopping bag or backpack every minute of every day (it would REALLY hurt) & think of the damage you are saving your joints by losing that weight…you should be so chuffed with yourself, well done! Have just completed week 3 of 5:2 – you are a great inspiration. Thanks for sharing. Bx

    Thanks Bx…

    Lower back pain is gone now…and yes…it is no wonder. Imagine carrying those groceries around everywhere you went!

    The best part of the whole 5:2 is that I realize I am never ever ever going to have do do the diet du jour again!

    Good luck! Hope to see before and afters of you next year!

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