October 2017 31 day challenge.

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October 2017 31 day challenge.

This topic contains 1,500 replies, has 98 voices, and was last updated by  Mia139 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I lost 0 e kilos this October. I’m happy I didn’t gain.

    Have a great 1 November everyone. Today is all saints day.

    I’m happy to say I acheived my goal. 😀
    Many congrats to everyone else who reached their goals too.
    And to those who didn’t – don’t give up!

    Final weigh in for October: 60.4 kg 133.2 lb. 1.4 kg lost or 3 lbs. Missed my goal by 900 grams or 2 pounds. 😒 Just a month of a lot of uncontrolled eating on NFD. But I faithfully fasted 2 days each week, which is what gave me at least the small loss.

    Last night was a perfect example. I was throwing in an extra FD, a B2B and got all the way through 11:00 PM with 500 calories. Then the Halloween candy that had been calling my name all day got stronger. I didn’t even bother counting how many calories I consumed. But it was massive. Self sabotage at its finest. I knew I shouldn’t have candy in the house… November is a new month!

    Well done everyone. I lost in total 4lbs for my first month. I know it could have been better but I’m moving on into November and aiming for a 10lb loss to give me the full stone. Good luck to everyone!

    Perth, Western Australia – Days 30 & 31 NFDs. Actually, change those to full on binge sessions

    5.6 pounds. Not what I wanted, but still very encouraging. I’ve found that I’m able to do three days and four nights ok and plan on doing that at least once per month until I reach my goal. My tendency is to binge on the NFD, but I’m getting better about that. Congrats to everyone for their success!

    End October challenge.

    Sorry been missing in action these lest 10 days or so! Been on holiday and just couldn’t keep track of fasting and non fasting days. In fact… well nigh impossible,Anyway managed to finish the month on 59.4 Kg which is a loss of 0.6 Kg. Considering the amount of food and wine consumed, I’ll take that. !!
    Actually going away again tomorrow for 10 days with very little access to wifi as will be “at sea” ! But would still like to be a part of the November challenge as this is the only way I maintain some semblance of control!

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