October 2017 31 day challenge.

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October 2017 31 day challenge.

This topic contains 1,500 replies, has 98 voices, and was last updated by  Mia139 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi all

    Just a quick note to set up.the October 17 challenge.

    Hello fello fasters.
    Welcome to October I have volunteered to host this month’s challenge and I am looking forward to a great month with all of you. The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016; and many of us have found them very helpful in staying engaged and motivated on our individual journeys. Some of us are in maintenance while others are on the path to finding our happy weight. Regardless of where we are, this is a safe space to share, vent, seek and find support and advice. We have members from all over the world and some of us have even used this forum to learn about the differences in each other’s cultures and languages.
    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.
    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to I’ll post the link to the spreadsheet in my next post. You can use it as a tool to track your progress; feel free to enter as much or as little information as you want in it. The names highlighted in green are in maintenance.

    The spreadsheet can be edited by amyone. Ive copied all the names across from September so most people who were in Septembers challenge should be ready to go.

    Anyone not already on or who are new to these challenges, please add yourself if you can. If not let me know and I’ll do it.

    Remember, anybody can consume an elephant – if you are willing to take one small bite at a time 
    Now let’s go make October Awesome!

    My best to you all 

    @saffy420 Thank you so much for hosting this month! I’ll enjoy the new challenge with all the lovely people joining in again or just starting and hope to maintain my current weight. More about myself on October 1st.

    @saffy420: Thanks for hosting our October Challenge. Please count me in! 😊⚘😊⚘😊

    Good Morning all. I would love to join the October challenge. Thank you for graciously hosting, Saffy. You do not need to have me on the worksheet as I am really just here for the challenge and to keep myself accountable. Everybody has been so kind to each other, I am proud to be a part of this “family”.

    I have been a part of the challenges for over a year, believe my beginning weight was around 158-160. On this way of eating and with the wonderful support of this forum, I quickly lost what I needed to and have been successful at maintaining at or below my goal weight of 145 ( I am 5’4 or 5’5 – not sure anymore). I was amazed that I didn’t even gain the normal 7 pounds or so over the holidays. I love to exercise so that isn’t a problem, and love water and green tea. When people say they never drink water I think whattttt???

    I try to fast M, Tu, Wed as those are my work days (I am a legal assistant at a law firm that handles family law and I truly, truly love my job and my work environment.)

    Live on a little horse ranch in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks with my husband – a good looking, blue eyed cowboy. We have wonderful kids, grandkids and great grandkids who reinforce daily how blessed we are.

    Best wishes to all as we travel this journey together.

    Thanks @saffy420. I’m in.

    Thanks @saffy420 in anticipation – count me in please.
    Looking forward to a really good October.🙃

    Saffy420, thanks for hosting this month! Please count me in!

    @saffy420, I’ll be there

    Thanks @saffy420, I’d like to join in too 😀

    Count me in @saffy420. Thank you for hosting October.

    Thanks @saffy420 I am in!

    I am all on for it. Many thanks @saffy420 for hosting.

    I’m in, thanks @saffy420 !

    Many thanks @saffy420 I’m in and this month I am giving up sweets/candy as I have been indulging in too many bags of wine gums, sports mixtures and midget gems. If the dry winos made it through a dry September then I hope i can follow their example and make it a sweet free October. Would anyone like to join me?

    Thanks @saffy420 in anticipation – count me in please.

    Thanks @saffy420. Please count me in.

    Another challenge……Love it!

    @saffy420…… thank you hosting! Could you keep my stats updated on the spread sheet as I can access it…..Thank you!

    @coda…..I’m in for no sweets Oct. I’m gonna either tame or kill my dragon this month!

    Welcome Newbies!

    Okay……who am I

    The last week in Oct. will be the one year mark for me and my eating style. I began my journey with these challenges and kept it up with the love and support given to me by all the loving and wonderful friends, who are on this journey with me!
    I started out at 165lbs, and I’m currently as of this morning at 133lbs. Right now, I’m looking for a goal…..
    I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 20 years, we have two great kids, 18 and 21 respectfully….. They still live at home with us! I work full time and am always looking for ways to challenge myself to become better than I was yesterday!
    Currently, I am in the process of uncluttering my home…… I can’t wait until it’s finished.
    I’m currently sticking to the fasting times of 7pm until noon daily, I try to do 500 calorie days M, W and Fri. As it stands right now, I’m just being all Willy nilly and just eating light most days……

    Goals for Oct…… getting my 500 calorie days under control, no sweets for Oct. find a name for those on the no sweets challenge and decide my weight goals!

    Well, I’m off to find an ending for the month!

    Hello Saffy,

    I’m new here. Signing up for my first challenge! Looking forward to it and learning more from everyone here.

    Happy in Atlanta

    Onward & Downwards with another monthly challenge!! Thanks for hosting this month @saffy420………. looking forward to meeting the newbies and banishing some more fat!!!!!

    Thanks @saffy420 for hosting and please add me too
    I put on a few kilos when on holiday recently and my goal is to fit into a dress I have and wear it to a wedding 28th october. Also, with daylight savings starting 1st October I want to go for more walks and get hubby along as well.

    Day 28 – USA – NFD

    Great FD yesterday, 425 cals. and lots of water/ACV; @Stevetoon & @bigviking, happy birthday!!! With 1 more FD to go for September, hoping the scales will be kind on Saturday. I was wondering if the long-time members of this group would be a good test group for MM to monitor the long-term health benefits of IF…would be interesting to see from a medical perspective.

    Here’s the link to the spreadsheet


    I’ve added @happy-go-lightly, @camcd and @tinting to the sheet,
    @stayinthin welcome.

    @coda I’m in for no sweets October. In the last week I’ve managed to go through Wine gums and midget gems (only £1 a pack so can’t be many calories in them surely!) . So need to do a firm re set in October.

    Bit about me, I’ve been doing 5:2 since February and in that time have banished about 50 pounds of fat. I started at about 17.5 stones and now weigh just under 14. Haven’t seen 13 stones anything for several years.

    I tend to stick to the basics, 5nfds:2 fds although I’ll add another FD in if I feel I’ve over indulged. FDs tend to be no breakfast, apple 🍎 for lunch then light meal later, typically chicken 🍗 or fish with salad 🥗. I can’t do liquid fasts as I get far too hungry. I find that by missing breakfast I’m automatically doing 16/8 days.

    I’ve learned so much about my body and what I am capable of since starting this WOL . These monthly forums are amazing, so much support and advice from across the world. If you’re new to this, all I can say is stick with it for a few weeks, it does work. Don’t expect miracles, and if you feel the urge to indulge then come on here, have a moan and a rant. We don’t mind and by the time you’ve written it down you won’t be hungry. 🙂

    @saffy 420 thank you for hosting the October challenge. I will be joining you.

    Count me in @saffy420 I’m very grateful you are volunteering for our group.✨ 🎶🌈🎉Thanks @saffy420 for leading and hosting the October Challenge! ✨😊✨🎶🎉

    I’m on with this next challenge! Thanks to @saffy420 for jumping in for all of us! I so appreciate being able to work this WOL together.

    Pre-Post Intro – ABQ, NM – USA

    Count me in and thank you to @saffy420 for hosting!!

    A little about me: I’m from California, but spent most of my adult life in Texas. I met my hubby in college and we will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary this month 🎉 . We have one beautiful daughter who is a 1 ½. We moved to New Mexico a little over two years ago and are just loving the tons of outdoor activity we can do here!

    I started 5:2 at the end of August, and so far have lost 6 lbs (I’m hoping for 1 more before the start of this challenge). My goal was to get to 135 lbs by the end of the year, but I am starting to think that may be unrealistic – my new goal is to get to 145 lbs by the end of the year with 135 lb eventually.

    My overall reason/big push to lose the weight is so that I can try to have another baby. Right now I am the weight I was when I gave birth to my daughter, so I’d like to get back down to where I was before (or at least close to it) so that I can have another healthy pregnancy. That’s my big motivation – until I lose this weight I can’t try, so anytime I think about ruining a FD or going over my TDEE on a NFD I think about having to postpone it.

    I will be jumping in on the Dry Winos for the month of October – no alcohol for the entire month again for me!

    I’d also like to join the Plank Challenge for this month as well! I believe @at started it back in August, and I’d like to start a list of Pocket Plankers if anyone is interested?

    I’ll actually be following this sheet to simplify my life:

    I found these other simple sheets for those who’d like to build up to either 2 or 5 min plank hold:
    **2 min plank: http://fitnessgoals.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/30-day-plank-workout6.jpg
    **5 min plank: https://www.exercisereviewsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/30-Day-Plank-Challenge.jpg

    Can’t wait for this month to get started!!

    @saffy420 – Thank you very much for hosting this October Challenge – I look forward to “seeing” many of our friends from the previous challenges and look forward to getting to know the newbies to this WOL

    @coda @bert1802 @saffy420 – I’ll join you with the no sweets/candy and I’m adding chocolate for October! Can’t wait to see what @bert1802 calls our mini challenge group 😁

    A bit more about me and my journey on October 1st

    A little about me.
    I’m a 65 year old, recently retired former yo-yo dieter. I began 5:2 in September 2014 with the goal to improve my health. I’d given up dieting because it didn’t work. Every time I reached goal my weight would rebound in a bigger way. My DH and I had spent 3 glorious months travelling. We enjoyed a very healthy diet, walked for hours each day. My DH lost weight, mine stayed the same. I was convinced I had to learn to live with the excess baggage I carried. But I was determined not to live with the potential health risks. Inspired by Dr Moseley I began fasting. To my surprise and delight I lost weight. I reached my goal weight in April 2015 and have been below ever since. I am eternally grateful for finding this WOL and the support of our international community here.

    Hi everyone. I would like to join in this month if I can?

    I’ve been around for a while, on and off 5:2. I really do like it. I recently moved back to Australia from overseas and have been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease (I would rather not say which). I had the pleasure of seeing Michael M live earlier this month and he reminded me that there were some studies that show that fasting can have a positive impact on my particular disease. It was enough to kick my butt back in to gear.

    I fast on Mondays and Thursdays, and on most other days I don’t eat until around 6pm. The longer time without food is meant to be better for my situation. Also, I rarely get hungry before about 3pm anyway.

    My real battle is (and always has been!) evening munchies. It’s just way too easy to snack and drink (I do love a good red) way over my TDEE, even though the only consumption of anything is roughly from 6-10pm. WAY too easy.

    So my October challenge for myself is to cut back on my evening snacks and beverages. And kick at least 2 kilos. I have about 20 to lose but am happy to take it slow.

    Looking forward to working with you all!

    Hi @elphaba, welcome to the October challenge. You’ll find we’re a really friendly and supportive group. There’s a lovely mix of people, some who are new to this way of life. Some like me are on a journey and have been on these challenges for a while and some who are in maintenance and still come here to offer and receive support.

    I’ve taken the liberty of adding your name spreadsheet. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. A lot of folks find it really helpful in keeping track. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oHFqnmdzVCzauz5eJOzqQfuHywXgRwErhMyTS3MSHog

    Good luck you’ve already done the hardest part -you’re here.

    Hi Saffy420

    Thanks for hosting please add me to you list, I don’t use or update the spreadsheet but I do try to check in each day and read all posts, which helps.

    Wishing October to be a good month for all.

    @saffy420 – Please count me in for October!!

    @saffy420 – I’m joining as well , first time on a month challenge, looking forward to it 🙂

    @saffy420 – I’d love to join in for October. I was here for about 9 months from October last year and then because of traveling for 2 months over the summer I took a break. Lost about 7 or 8 kg last time, have gained some over the summer and want to get back into the ADF routine once again. I felt much more healthy while doing it. Looking forward to the challenge.

    @saffy420 – thanks so much for leading the October challenge – I am looking forward to getting back into the groove with many lovely people I have ‘met’ since February and look forward to getting to know the new folks who are joining us. Please count me in.

    Welcome @afridgetoofar and welcome back @erika45. I’ve added you both to the spreadsheet.


    Feel free to use it or not – it’s up to you. It’s lovely to see so many familiar faces already on this challenge and quite a few newbies too.

    Ready to roll for October. Found the spreadsheet and it still said September. Changed the name and now September and October on same Google doc with different tabs at bottom for each month. Entered my stats. Thank you @saffy420 for hosting. Our support for each other keeps us focused.

    Count me in too. Have added my name to the spread sheet x

    Hi @saffy420 and thanks for hosting the Oct challenge. I’d like to join in fresh from the Sept challenge.

    Hello Saffy420 – many thanks for hosting this month. Count me in! No need to add me to the spreadsheet however.

    Afridgetoofar – I love your name!

    And Coda – I’m with you on the sweet free month of October.

    Hello Saffy420, please count me in for the October challenge. Thanks for hosting. I’m hoping for a better October than September.

    @saffy420, please count me in for October

    Thank you for hosting. Haven’t decided my goal, I have to think on it.



    I’d like to be included in the October 2017 31 day challenge too!

    Day 1/CD/Melbourne Australia

    Looking forward to a new month and a reboot. My overall goal is to stay under 59kg (BMI 22.5) and to continue enjoying the many health benefits of this WOL (way of life). I love that all my clothes are fitting (I’m an Australian size 8, down from a size 14/16) but I’d like a little more wriggle room. My October goal is to downsize by returning to what worked. Less 🍷🍾🧀🍞, daily tracking, weighing, more walking and gardening, 2 fast days under 500 calories and a focus on 16:8, colourful vegetables, smaller portions and fewer carbs. No calorie counting!

    Can’t believe I’m starting my fourth year this month following 5:2. I’ve been under goal since April 2015. There have been ups and downs, struggles and successes, weeks with no fasting and reboots along the way. I feel very lucky that this is working. I wish you all a positive October. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 30 Gozo Malta

    Weight at 66 kilos. Goal for October to lose 2 kilos at least. My target weight is 63.5 kilos.

    Please count me in Saffy420 and thanks.

    Good night everyone.

    hi what happens in the challenge i want to join please what do i have to don

    Good morning and welcome @noodles69 Have a read of saffy’s posts at the beginning of the challenge. There is a spreadsheet to help you stay on track if you wish to use it. Hopefully someone can post a link to help any newbies?

    This is my first time here. I want to participate in the October challenge in order to give myself accountability and support. Right now I am very frustrated with myself and am not getting a grip on myself with eating.

    I am 64 years old and have been on and off of diets since I was 13. 10 years ago I lost 25 pounds through very healthy eating (mainly meat, veggies and fruit). I felt fantastic but soon put the weight back on – probably within a year.

    Two years ago I once again got very motivated and got with a group where I had accountability and coaches and again lost 20 pounds. I kept it off a year or so and then put it back on with a few additional pounds.

    I bought the 5:2 book a month or so ago and did 2 fasting days (around 600 calories) within a week, but then I struggled with it and just didn’t stick with it. I can’t wear most of my clothes (as is often the case) because I only like to shop when I am at a smaller weight. Right now I am uncomfortable with myself and am much more conscious of that bulge between my breasts and stomach that I never saw when I was younger. I know that is a part of aging, but losing weight sure would help!!

    I am hoping that participating in a group will help me to stick with this plan much better!

    I forgot to post my city. I live in Chicago, IL. (part of that odd country that uses pounds instead of kilos) 🙂

    I plan to usually do my fast days on Monday and Thursday.

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