Nudgin' Nika

This topic contains 166 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Thanks people ^^ And Natasha, I currently have 38 of them in my freezer… πŸ˜‰ They’ll keep me going for the coming two Sundays!

    And yeah Dumpy I think it was a carb overdose, my body didn’t quite agree with the violence. Probably should rethink my Sundays a bit and don’t go all out like I did this time πŸ˜›

    @jean Ooooooh yeah I need to update that!!! Thanks for reminding me! And if you have the right dumplings they’re very, very yummy. I’ll certainly check the local oriental store when I get home to see if they have them there. Or maybe I shouldn’t…

    I ended up skipping my workout yesterday, also because I have this terrible cold. At a point last night even my eyes felt swollen, but I was Skyping with my niece so just kept talking and talking… sleeping was a challenge.
    I feel a bit better today though, thankfully – it’s a fast day! I’ll try to get my workout in today, depends on how I feel after work.

    Again thanks for the nice comments y’all ^^

    Well, that didn’t last long. I’m not running hot and cold and hot and cold… Think I’ll go home and have something to eat as my stomach is clenching up as well. My body is not agreeing with something, but I don’t really know what… ugh.

    Hope you feel better…

    Maybe you should take it easy for a couple of days, and eat a bit while you feel a bit better.

    Take Care

    Take Care, Nika

    Aud x

    Hey Nika, its cool that youre in china cause im in japan actually. what a coincidence. thanks for posting on my welcome post πŸ™‚

    How are you feeling today?

    Today (6th already) I feel as crappy as the past two days actually. Well, not sick-wise, I’m actually starting to feel better – but I went berserk and binged out the past two days. And I’m again fighting the urge to do it all over again. I guess the carb overload kickstarted my body throwing a huge fit / tantrum / whatever. Anyway, whatever it is, I don’t like it >.<

    Haven’t exercised since Monday, which is weird because I got good results and felt really motivated Monday evening. But then it all hit the fan.
    I’ll try to get my body in check again today and tomorrow, so no carbs at least. Had enough of those for a lifetime!

    Hi Nika,

    You sound like you’ve had a tough old week m’dear! I know it is easy to say but there’s no point in beating yourself up – what’s done is done – just draw a line under it and move on.

    It sounds like your body was trying to tell you something – maybe your regime was just a bit too strict once you started feeling under the weather? Take it easy, be kind to yourself and when you feel up to eat ease back in to the fasting and exercise.

    Anyway, take care and I hope you feel better soon.

    Cath x

    The problem wasn’t really not feeling like eating, more feeling like eating waaaaay too much πŸ˜› I fought a battle with my body / mind today, I was constantly craving and feeling frustrated – but I pulled through and only had some chicken and broth. Now to get through tomorrow and then hope I didn’t gain too much weight this week…

    Thanks for the kind words though, Cathy πŸ™‚ I’ll try not to beat myself up too much. It’s hard to practice what you preach!

    Also oeh, my topic reached 2 pages.

    Hope the weekend brings some relief

    Thinking of you, Nika and hope you’re feeling much better today

    Aud x

    Really depends on my mood whether the weekends are tough or not. During the week I’m usually at work, where food isn’t that much of a temptation. The weekends can be quite tough because I don’t do much else besides sitting at home, all alone, watching series / movies… so sometimes the munchies get really bad then πŸ˜›

    Anyway, I gained 1kg this week. I was back to 84.1kg today. Not that much of a surprise, but had back to back fast days for the past two days so was a bit disappointed – then again I did give my body a carb overload so meh. I’m just going to focus on the coming week and try to put this out of my mind!

    Thanks for all the kind words πŸ™‚ I’m certainly feeling OK again, no more sick symptoms. I’ll give myself off from exercise, then I’m going to get back into full swing next week!

    Glad you’re back and lived to tell the tale. Place was lonely without you.

    Hi Nika,

    Glad you are feeling better, missed you around the forum. Hoping you have a better week and take it easy.

    Jean x

    Hey Nika. You’ve had a tough time of it recently. Seriously, I’d be on a permanent fast if I lived there!!

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

    D’awww, thanks. It’s nice to be missed somewhere, being so lonely here it’s nice to have some place to get to where people notice it when you’re not there πŸ™‚

    They now have live ducks in the supermarket for sale, in tiny little cages stuffed together πŸ™ You just point at one and they pull it out by the neck, squeeze the chest-bone to show you just how nice and juicy it is, then slaughter it for you right then and there. That is, if you don’t want another duck, then they just throw the current one back and grab another one.
    It used to be chickens, now it’s ducks. Both are terrible, but ducks remind me of stealing bread from home to go and feed the ducklings when I was little… *sigh*

    It’s starting to feel like it’s the last stretch of China, which is a good feeling. I’m going to try to just live from week to week. It’s 6 more weeks until my parents come visit, and after they leave it’s about a week until I travel onwards to New Zealand. Goddamn I’m looking forward to that. (Sorry for the language, but just ‘damn’ didn’t feel strong enough…) Really, really, really looking forward to it? Does that cover it? πŸ˜›
    Haha and Suzy, not sure whether that’s the best idea, although I just had three fast days back to back (I think about 1000 calories spread over the three days) and I feel fine… I think it’s because my body is still living off of all those Snicker bars!!

    I’m a bit worried about when my parents visit. I don’t speak Chinese so can’t really take them out to dinner because they don’t speak English around here… just in the really expensive places. And I really want them to experience China a bit. Suzy, any ideas? Though Hong Kong is just as English as Cantonese… ugh.

    I’m setting myself a bit of an ambitious goal, I want to lose another 9 kg in the next 6 weeks (1,5kg a week). It can be done, I just have to stick to the workout routine and don’t have any more binge days!

    Nika- great job on the fasting. I also had a tough childhood, pudgy, bullied, switch schools and all that. Also live in China! Lol.

    Wow Nika, just read through your thread, you go girl! Congratulations on everything so far, but don’t be too hard on yourself πŸ™‚

    It’s good to have goals but just be pleased with how you are doing, stay positive and keep smiling!

    You are very brave living in China on your own without speaking the language for any length of time, I am impressed!

    Btw what is your workout routine like?? I am interested as you are the only person I’ve found on here that openly talks about incorporating working out with the diet…

    Well that’s not true, there are a few fitness enthusiasts on here! Rockyromero, fastforlife and some others as well (I took those from the HIIT topics).

    Anyway, that’s also an answer to your question, I do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) ;). You should check out those topics, it’ll tell you more about my routine.
    I follow the Insanity workout program, which are videos of 30-60 minutes usually (starting the second month soon, all new videos!) and they basically kill you. I never look forward to the workout, but then when I’m well into it (and especially when I’m done) I feel sooooo good! Well, depends on how it’s going, yesterday went really well so felt really good. You should look it up!

    When I’m in New Zealand I’m planning to do some more running (can’t really do that here with the bad air quality) and to make good use of the free gym membership I get for doing a semester at uni. I also want to pick up Taekwon-Do there again, I’m unable to train here which is a bit of a dud… Really want to get my 2nd black belt degree somewhere late next year!

    @iggy, thanks πŸ™‚ It’s depressing how many childhoods have sucked. I see it on my kids sometimes as well (the kids I teach Taekwon-do that is). There’s this very nice, good kid who is being bullied because he plays the Cello at an international level. Just makes me want to punch in teeth. But I guess that’s not a good thing to do as a martial arts teacher, so I just told him to ignore it, but if they get physical with him, he has my complete permission to punch them back. Hate bullies.
    Where in China do you live?

    I’ll try to catch up on all the other topics at work tomorrow, but just wanted to pop in and share my happiness!

    Lost 2.6kg(!!) this week, evening out my weight gain last week quite well I think. It still caused me a bit of a delay, but I think I couldn’t have evened it out better than I did this week.
    Anyway, it brings my weight down to 81.5kg! Seeing how I was mostly hoping to see 82 on the scales, you can imagine my reaction when I saw that number on the scales πŸ˜‰

    Also still perfectly on track for my interim goal of getting to 75 kg in 6 weeks! I needed to lose 1.5kg a week for that, so I even gave myself a little leniance for when a week doesn’t go as well. It’s now 6.5 more kg in 5 weeks, a lot less daunting than 9kg in 6 weeks πŸ˜‰


    Great result Nika!

    I KNOW RIGHT?! (still slightly over the moon)

    I went out with Panjian (remember the name) yesterday, and we went out to eat. There were three dishes, one cold one with cucumber and some other veggie things, Chinese sauerkraut with other stuff and one with beef, green bean-like vegetable things and these sort of cakes that were very yummy. I honest to god have no idea what half the stuff was what I ate, but that’s the nice thing about being an easy eater – just let the other party order nice food and there’s a good chance you’ll like it to!
    At night I decided to treat myself to two beers and crisps whilst watching a series, which concluded my Sunday Funday. Think I did quite well!

    Panjian has invited me to visit Wuzhen this coming weekend, so that’ll be outside my diet regimen again on saturday and sunday – and I’ll most likely have to skip my workout on Saturday. I’ll compensate this week by fasting Monday/Wednesday/Friday, carb free again, so that I have a bit of extra leanway towards the trip to Wuzhen.

    Anyway, Panjian is this random Chinese dude who just added me on QQ (the Chinese Instant Messenger) and said we should be friends. Now I usually don’t trust these things and find them slightly annoying… but after talking to him a bit (his English is dreadful by the way, we don’t understand each other most of the time) I agreed to meeting him yesterday, near my place. That way if he was a creep I could just go back home. But he wasn’t, he seems like a nice guy (although we don’t really understand each other). I hope I’m not pushing my luck by going travelling with him over the weekend… but I’ll just let my boss know where I’m going and I’ll have my phone and address stuff with me.

    Anyway, toodeledokie!

    Hi Nika,

    Great on the 2.6 kg weight loss, really pleased for you. I am sure you will make your goal before you leave China.

    Have a lovely weekend with Panjian, hope it goes well.

    Jean x

    Just popping in to catch up, Nika, 2.6kg! That’s fantastic, WOOOHOOOO!!! /

    I hope you have a really fun weekend with Panjian

    Aud xx

    Sadly that weekend didn’t work out, I thought we had made actual plans but a day later he said something about “hoping he’d be free” and “maybe we could do something together”. So yeah, if the communication is that bad, I’m not about to go on a weekend trip with someone.
    We did go to a mall yesterday, I bought new shoes (which already gave me blisters, damnit)and a vest. Afterwards he tried to hold my hand in the taxi and tried to kiss me when I tried to give him a hug goodbye… So yeah, huge succes.

    Food wise the last week wasn’t great and I think I gained a little bit of weight back. Not sure where it came from, I’ve noticed I’ve been more negative and down lately, which causes me to regularly think “ok F this, I want food”. I had intense abdominal pain yesterday though (not from being full, just really bloated) so I guess that’s my bodys way of saying “ok F this, this was too much bad food”.

    I’m kinda planning on going ADF this week to make up for last week. With Thursday being an eating day, because I’m then celebrating Christmas with a colleague. No idea what we’re going to do but I’m 99.9% sure it involves food… Looking forward to that!
    I’m trying a 48 hour water fast today (with just some protein after my workout because well, it’ll need it), see what my body thinks about that.

    Hi, Nika, just popping in to say hello and thank you for sending me some encouragement! I have just a few minutues, so I’ve only read the last few entries on your thread, and wow – you are an adventurer! I wish you well, and hope you’re feeling better and that things settle for you soon!


    Sorry to hear about your misadventures with Panijian. Unfortunately these things happen, but it appears that you are not too much struck by it.

    Sounds like a great plan to celebrate Christmas with a friend/ colleague. I understand that you are still pretty miserable in China so that might be a nice thing to do. So what if it is food related? It is Christmas and not just a normal day!

    I understand you though very well that you do not want to go overboard and ruin your hard earned accomplishments. I have done ADF for the last 11 days in preparation for Christmas and frankly it was not hard at all. This allowed me to enjoy a great dinner yesterday with some very yummy desert without getting a bad conscience.

    Whatever you decide good luck with it and Merry Christmas!

    Hi Nika!!

    Long time no chat! I’m back from moving house and I have actually (eventually) lost a stone aswell!!!!

    I’ve been reading up about what you’ve been up to since we last ‘spoke’; you do seem to be having a hard time of it.
    Never mind; not much longer to go and you get out of there.

    I didn’t like hearing about the ducks and chickens etc; I would love to be able to visit countries like China and Japan etc but, even if I could afford to, I wouldn’t because of the horrendous way they treat animals.
    I’ve deliberately kept off the subject when ‘speaking’ to you about China; because we don’t want to cause offence to the natives of those countries.
    I know it’s part of their culture but urhhh……..

    Personally I am pleased that you didn’t go travelling with Frangipan (or whoever); I’m sorry if that makes me sound like a doubting Thomas but be careful matey. Especially when you can’t even communicate with him properly.

    Have you said what you are doing for Xmas day? I hope you are not on your own; but if you are – it’s just a couple of days really.
    Someone I know just lost her husband; he went out to cut the grass and dropped dead. So her life partner is gone and all their hopes and dreams have turned to dust.

    So you, in comparison, are a lucky girl really….
    (That probably sounds really annoying but true!!)

    Have a peacefilled time this Yuletide, Monkey

    Yay, the nickname is back ^^

    @stef, I actually meant it when I said I was looking forward to 2nd Christmas day with the food thing ^^ And sadly yes, I’ve had men fall for me before – and act accordingly. May sound weird to say it that way but when you’re gay it’s really not a lot of fun, and in this case I couldn’t even really get him off my case by saying I was gay (he probably wouldn’t understand it) so I said I have a boyfriend back home. He doesn’t seem too struck either though, he was a very happy puppy yesterday on the IM x)
    What kind of ADF do you do? With the 500 calorie days? I’m feeling zealous (hopefully not too overzealous) and am planning on doing the complete version, so without food whatsoever on the fast days. Yesterday I talked about taking some protein after my workout and stuff, but when I was walking home I felt absolutely miserable and had to call in all my willpower (really, there were tears and hair pulling) not to go completely out of it again food-wise, so I just went to bed at 19:30. Luckily I slept rather quickly! Didn’t work out though.

    @booboo, welcome back ^^ And congrats on losing the stone!! And I dunno, it’s not like it’s gotten tougher than it was but maybe it’s the whole “it’s almost done” thing. It is getting close, four weeks including this one – but it’s just making me really restless and depressed for some reason. Could also be the weather, it’s now truly cold here as well. I agree that other people have it tougher, of course! It is annoying to hear people tell it to you though (like you said), because there are also kids in Africa dying of hunger and kids in “first world countries” being fed into morbid obesity by their parents… but that doesn’t make me feel any better πŸ˜›
    I sympathise with your friend though. My godfather (well technically not anymore since I turned 18 but you get the point) is currently being treated for thyroid cancer, the chance is really big that he’ll have died before I come home August next year. Feels really weird not to be there, and it makes me feel guilty talking to my family about feeling bad here. But not talking about it only makes it worse.

    Anyway, I’m typing away like a nerd on steroids (half true, but I don’t do steroids). I agree with you on the Frangipan (lol) matter by the way, however I don’t think he’d hurt me in any way. But misunderstandings can be dangerous in certain situations as well.
    I am alone for Christmas day tomorrow. Or well, I’m at work, they don’t have petty things like holidays here – not even during new years (because theirs is in February). But it’s not like being with these people makes me feel less lonely πŸ˜› Luckily I’m with a colleague Thursday evening, for that dinner thing. And I’m skyping with my brother and his girlfriend tomorrow night. It’s not really the same as being there (and may just make me feel worse as soon as the call drops), but it’s better than nothing!

    I now ignore the ducks and chickens and stuff as well, but it still stings. If you’d get mad they’d just look at you weird though.

    Long enough post I think! I’m out, before I rant more!


    “I am alone for Christmas day tomorrow. ”

    Best wishes to you.

    We’re thinking of finding a Chinese restaurant to eat as it may be the only place open on this day.


    Nika, I have a lot of gay friends who have the same “problem” that men if they don’t know about it fall for them. In one case, a friend of mine said to a guy that she was “loving” women to which he replied that they would have something in common as he also loved women. You would think he got it…but no…he kept on trying!

    Anyhow, my ADF is with around 400 calories per day, all of them in the evening. I also got myself a new fitbit force wrist band that tells me how many steps I have taken and a lot of other things. It is kind of interesting to see how many calories I burn per day. It is a bit of a gimmickry, but fun to have. Bery interesting are the sleeping pattern it records.

    Anyhow, just had two feast days and really…this time I did not count calories…just had a huge bowl with Vanilla ice cream with hot strawberries on top. Tomoroow is a fast day and so is Friday…and probably Sunday.

    Hope you are feeling less depressed!

    Yeah I’ve sadly had to cut two very good friends out of my life because they couldn’t handle being attracted to me whilst I was just not attracted to them. I even maintained a short relationship with one of them (I was in high school and still kind of hoping for the miracle of suddenly becoming straight). But yeah, didn’t work out.

    Like said I skipped food monday, then tuesday I planned enough food for a good refuel day – but ended up eating less than half the calories I had planned – can’t have been more than 500. So instead of eating nothing yesterday as well (as I should’ve, according to ADF) I ate the other half of the calories I had planned for the day before πŸ˜› Seeing how I’m still having it in one meal a day (every day) I’m getting enough waterfasting hours in.

    But anyway, remember when I said this;

    “And I’m skyping with my brother and his girlfriend tomorrow night. It’s not really the same as being there (and may just make me feel worse as soon as the call drops), but it’s better than nothing!”

    Well guess what… We didn’t agree on a time for the Skyping, so I was ready sitting / waiting at the laptop at 16:00. I ended up sitting there, waiting, for 8 hours. Around midnight they (my parents, brother and his gf) were at the laptop as well, finally, but then Skype decided not to work (over capacity probably) so I didn’t get to talk to them after all.
    The stuffed animal I bought myself as a Christmas present had the honour of soaking up a lot of salty water on its first day in service!

    Yesterday was a really crappy day in a lot of ways, but that kind of wrecked me. I had bought new earrings for myself, tediously kept fixing my hair, I even cleaned up the apartment a bit – not even sure why, I normally don’t when I’m Skyping, but I was looking forward to talking to them so much. And well, I got kind of bored during those 8 hours of waiting.

    Yeeaaaaah I’m a bit of a sad puppy today. But I’m still looking forward to going to dinner with my colleague. My boss surprised me with a Christmas gift yesterday as well, and I handed out some cookies at my colleagues at work. So it wasn’t all bad, and I’ll just do my best to retain the positive memories and forget about the negative ones! It’s hard to do that today though. Today everything just sucks.

    In a lot of ways, I think Christmas is a setup. We pin a lot of hopes and expectations on it because it’s a special day. I mean…it is a special day and all, but I hate when it makes people sad. I hope your outlook is better come tomorrow, Nika. I’m glad you had your little stuffed animal friend to dry your tears…they do a much better job than a live chicken from the market! πŸ˜‰

    I make jewelry as a hobby, so I’d like to hear more about those earrings! πŸ™‚


    Nika, i’m really sorry to hear about your 8 hours wasted waiting for your family to come onto Skype! That really sucks!

    Great though that you at least treated yourself to some nice new earrings!

    When are your parents coming? You don’t have that much longer in China do you? I hope that the next days are getting better and that you have a wonderful dinner with your colleague.

    Take care,

    Yeah I’ve never been a huge sucker for Christmas, cat πŸ™‚ It’s just that I think it’s these times that I realize just how lonely I am, and how much I miss home. I always act a bit high and tough, and to be honest I don’t enjoy Skyping all days – but there’s just some special edge to days like this. To me Christmas is just enjoying food with the family, and having a few drinks – sometimes being annoyed off your rocker or even fighting. But that’s part of the charm πŸ˜‰ It’s mostly just seeing each other.

    My little stuffed animal friend was a great help! It’s Totoro by the way, from the Japanese anime “My Neighbour Totoro”. I can’t post a picture here, otherwise I would’ve πŸ˜‰ And yes, he was a lot more patient than I think a chicken would’ve been…

    The earrings are just simple studs, with blue stones in them. I’m not one for flashy stuff, but I enjoy silver and some small stones in them. Nothing too big. Not a huge jewelry fan anyway, I don’t wear rings / bracelets because they annoy me and I only wear a dogtag around my neck… but my ears are double pierced so I’m wearing 4 studs in total now, makes it fun to switch out the different shades in blue ^^

    @stef yeah, they weren’t that expensive though πŸ˜› The treat was mostly the Totoro plushie. I even ended up giving him a bath with washing liquid and hot water in a bucket, then drying him off with a towel and stuff. Thankfully he was dry by the time I collapsed into bed (only to get a bit wet again but oh well).

    My parents are going to be here the 18th of January, so a little over 3 weeks from now. I’m leaving China February 5th. It’s funny how the idea of them coming here doesn’t excite me that much… I’d mostly be stressed out because we’d still be in China and I have to feed them and everything. Thinking about being home is what gets me. It’s not even just the people, it’s also the familiarity of your surroundings and knowing what to do… your own stuff, own world and all that.

    I’m rambling again! πŸ˜‰

    I assume on 5th of February you are spending a bit of time at home before going on to New Zealand? I guess New Zealand will be much easier for you because of the language and culture?

    Did you at least profit from your internship in China? Did you learn something? I am sure it looks fantastic in your CV. I cannot see many people who can say they had worked in China and NZ during their studies! How many more years of university do you have before you graduate?

    Before I ventured into the art business I used to work as an investment banker and that took me all over the world for work. I had to move more often than I can count. Some of the stints were great and others not so. Nevertheless in afterthought I’m very grateful for all the experiences.

    I hope that one day you can look back at your stint in China with at least some fond memories.

    All the best,

    Nope, 5th of February I’m flying straight to New Zealand. I can’t afford to fly back home for a week, it’s just too expensive. I’m already knee-high in student loans as it is, to finance this year abroad… so not going to do stuff like that. So I’m seeing my parents halfway, but other than that it’s a year away from home! πŸ™‚

    Yeah I guess I learned a lot here in China. About my line of work, sure, but mostly about myself I guess. There’s something about being thrown on your ass for 4 consecutive months that changes something about the way you think πŸ˜› After this year it’s another year of specialization and a graduation project / thesis / whatever. I’ll probably not get straight to work in the gaming industry, unless me and my classmates start a small company together (there are ideas). In the meantime I’ll just do some other general college-level job I hope.

    In afterthought I’m sure I’ll have some good memories, I already do! It wasn’t all fun but I realize it could have been worse AND it’s been really good for me. I was the kid who couldn’t sleep over at a friends house because I was so homesick and I really needed to start relying on myself instead of others a bit more.

    Just had a look through my own blog, it’s amazing how long I’ve already been here xD A lot of stuff seems so long ago, it’s weird. And the way I’ve been writing about China back then, it’s like reading someone else’s stories. Oh well. It’s Friday now, so just gonna get through today, then enjoy a weekend of gaming and then it’s just another three weeks.



    I was really glad BooBoo said something about not going off with Frangipani- you are a young woman far,far from home and without anyone to look out for you. I bit my tongue, but was watching everyday! Hairs raising on my neck. Also sorry Christmas was a bummer. I’m glad that all this experience will turn into something that will make you stronger and maybe you’ll really appreciate it as years go by. Sounds like you already do.

    So, what kind of gaming? Eight yr old grandson deeply into it- fifteen yr old already been there, done that– but still occasionally builds beautiful structures on Minecraft. Got him a lump of coal for Christmas. He loved it! and is going to save it for his children.

    I play all kinds of games. Currently I’m mostly into World of Warcraft, but I play other games as well.
    You got him an actual lump of coal? x)

    About Frangipani – first time I met him was close to my home, I did that on purpose, and in a public place. And well, I didn’t get any bad vibes from him. It was a bit awkward, but that was language and cultural stuff – I don’t like it when men insist to walk me to my door or something πŸ˜›
    I was already apprehensive about going to that town with him, but I figured if it went sour I could get a cab home. And the last four months I didn’t really see much of China, just the inside of my office and my apartment – I kinda wanted to see some other stuff before leaving again. Who knows if I’ll ever be back?
    But yeah I didn’t do it, just didn’t feel right. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut πŸ˜‰

    Yes , an actual lump of coal…he’s half-black, living with a white family, and a normal, hormonal 15 yr old boy— hard enough to be 15, but we don’t have anyone like him and he has no one to really talk it out with. Sometimes he’s great and sometimes a shit- just like any other 15 yr old. It’s not all he got. He loved it.

    About Frangipani– I’m so glad you trusted yourself. I know how lonely you’ve been and I really wanted your time to be filled with more good experiences. In theory, sounds like an exotic trip to the Orient, but I know I’d be lonely too. So here’s hoping that some good things come your way. New Zealand looks very cool, BTW. πŸ™‚ xx

    It’s a small world sometimes. I’m going to be caring for a horse and two barn kitties for two months whilst their owner is in New Zealand. πŸ™‚

    Geesh, Cat- I’ve been reading your post, too, and I want you to take care of yourself! Enough, already!

    Haha don’t you have enough on your plate yet, cat?

    Hey Monkey

    I’m sorry you had a rotten Yuletide and sorry for being annoying and pointing out to you how much worse it could be….I think you should empty your cupboards of dumplings and send them to the starving children in Africa…(Before someone comments on this comment – I am making a joke with Nika and not being facetious about starving children anywhere).

    It was nice to hear from other posters that they agreed with my suspicious old trout imitation regarding Frangipani – sometimes things need to be said whether it is welcome or not. If you care about someone; then you will stick your neck out.
    And when it came down to it; you trusted your own instincts, good girl.

    Not long to go now though until you pack your bags for good and of course you get a visit from your parents first. And your boss suprised you at work with a Xmas gift and you handed out cookies etc so it can’t be all bad Nika.

    Just a thought though whilst you are still in China; have you been to any Chinese practitioners about your health etc?

    I think, without any disrespect at all to China, that New Zealand will be much more your scene man.

    Take care Monkey

    (Why don’t you do a countdown with all of us to the day you leave?)

    No problem whatsoever Booboo! And yeah I did empty my cupboards this weekend, didn’t send anything to Africa though. I just don’t trust the postal services here… only reason, promise…

    I agree, it’s not all bad. I’m already retrospecting a bit, and even though it wasn’t all great I think I’ll look back fondly anyway. It’s all about keeping the good memories and forgetting the bad ones right? I mean, I’m drinking from my amazingly Christmassy Starbucks tea-mug container thing, which I got from my boss – that’s the things I’ll be taking home, and the crappy heating unit can be wiped from my mind for ever and ever πŸ˜‰

    I haven’t been to any Chinese practitioners, why’d you ask? Like it would be a good idea, or a bad idea, or maybe the reason I’m sometimes feeling ill? πŸ˜› I’m a bit tempted to go for a “massage by blind masseuses” which is a thing here, but I dunno. I guess I’ll have to just look for a pretty kiwi to do that πŸ˜‰

    And yeah, New Zealand is going to be great! I’ll just make it so. This morning I was on the phone with the housing office for my campus dorm and it was just soooo easy. They understood me, I understood them… having good, clear communication is something I’ll never undervalue ever, ever again. Oh and did you guys know I used to have a huge phone fear? I would wait for weeks to make calls, even to people I knew. But now I just phoned them, because F it, I needed something. See, China changed me! πŸ˜›

    Now to figure out a way to see the southern island during my month of free time… All those trips are damned expensive πŸ™ Maybe I’ll buy a scooter. Or a horse. Less gasoline. S gonna be cold though.

    Oh and for that countdown (this is until my internship is done by the way):

    The total number of days between Monday, December 30th, 2013 and Friday, January 17th, 2014 is 18 days.
    18 days is equal to 2 weeks and 4 days.
    The total time span from 2013-12-30 to 2014-01-17 is 432 hours.
    This is equivalent to 25,920 minutes.
    You can also convert 18 days to 1,555,200 seconds.

    Hi Nika
    A month travelling the south island sounds great, but it shouldn’t be too cold, February is still summer!
    Have fun.

    I’ll be traveling during July and August vicki πŸ˜‰ After I finish university late June, I’ll visit dumpy up north and then travel a bit. My flight home leaves August 14th πŸ™‚

    Hey Monkey

    Thatta girl; you see already you are feeling more positive about this placement and you haven’t even left yet!

    And the countdown suggestion; you do have way too much time on your hands! A simple countdown of the days was what I had in mind – so now down to (((((17))))) and tonight you have company for that ‘dinner thing’.
    So that’s another day out of the way; don’t forget though it’s the last day of 2013 and therefore poignant for all sorts of reasons.

    And no; we didn’t know you had a phone phobia but look at how you are conquering that because you needed to arrange something.
    Well done Monkey; obviously we couldn’t know about things like that and the not staying away from home thing but as you say, you have become much stronger by going to China and not having immediate family on hand etc for support.

    So you should actually be giving yourself a big old pat on the back tonight (or whenever it is in China) at midnight!! for being so brave and managing to stick it out when it was really difficult for you.

    I asked about the Chinese Practitioner thing because that’s what I would have capitalised on if I had been staying there; also as you say massage.
    They know so much about energy and meridians and blockages etc and they might have helped with the level of fear you seem to be carrying around. Fear can be a symptom of problems with the adrenal hormones etc.

    And as you say feeling ill and the issues sometimes with eating. It might be too late to benefit from those things now but have you tried flower remedies at all?

    They don’t work for all of the people all of the time but they categorically do work; if you haven’t heard of them give them a google and we can talk about which ones might be good for you next time.
    Start with the founder Dr Bach ones.

    Must go; it’s New Year’s Eve here and we are having fizz and a nice meal. There’s just the two of us because we don’t know anyone yet but that’s alright by us.

    Have a happy, healthy, peacefilled, loving New Year Monkey!

    Teehee yeah Booboo, I’ve always been feeling more positive about NZ than China. I’ve always wanted to visit NZ, and China kind of just fell on my path.

    Actually now it’s ((((15))))! New years here was boring, and to be honest it didn’t really feel special at all. Not in a bad way, I just couldn’t care less when midnight came x) Then there were maybe two bangs, and that was it. They really don’t care about our new years here.

    Thanks for the kind words again! I’ll look into that Bach fellow. I’m always sceptical about things like this, but for you I’ll have a look πŸ˜‰

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