Nudgin' Nika

This topic contains 166 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • So, I decided to start a little topic here to keep track of my progress over the next months and to allow all of you the room to encourage me and give me all the pats on the back I can carry around. (Hey, I may even burn some more fat whilst doing it!)

    Current date: 03/11/2013
    Current weight: 87,4kg
    Goal weight: 68kg (and see where I stand then)

    I’ll take some measurements tomorrow and post them here. I’ll post progress pictures on my blog: . At least when I’m not too terrified to do so. Posting this first one was a struggle all in itself… Bluh.

    “track of my progress over the next months and to allow all of you the room to encourage me ”

    Great to know your progress and witness your growth.


    In the end, only you can truly encourage yourself.

    Haha nice pun towards me being in China 😛
    And don’t forget different things work for different people Rocky, some people really like to be encouraged by others despite also encouraging themselves 😉

    Anyway, going to update my blog in a few seconds, where I’ll post a picture made this morning (be prepared I suck at making selfies).

    Current date: 04/11/2013
    Current weight: 87kg
    Chest: 91cm
    Waist: 101cm
    Biceps: 36cm
    Thighs: 69cm
    Calves: 42 cm
    Body fat: 37,3%
    Muscle: 39,2%

    Looking forward to dwindling numbers!!

    well, Nika, good luck!

    Thanks Piper, my strange childhood crush from tv! (Charmed)

    Hi again Nika

    I have noticed in the short time that you have been on this forum that you go out of your way to support and encourage others which you are to be congratulated for.

    I also think you are very brave indeed to start this thread where you give us regular updates on your progress. I also think it’s a great motivator though because you don’t want to be ‘seen’ to fail by the entire forum!

    No pressure then…..
    All the best with your fast journey

    Ha thanks Boo! Actually I had a terrible day yesterday. It was supposed to be a fast day but around 14:00 I got bad stomach and abdomen cramps and felt like I just had to eat something, so I had two mandarins (normally I don’t eat until 20:00 or something so that was quite a break out of fasting for me). That helped for a bit, but then the pain just came back and I had to go home. I passed the supermarket, thinking I should buy some crackers or something to ease my stomach…
    Ended up eating 6 little custard cakes, some buns, 19 dumplings and 2 chocolate pudding cups. My stomach didn’t hurt anymore though. x)

    “I got bad stomach and abdomen cramps and felt like I just had to eat something, so I had … My stomach didn’t hurt anymore though.”

    What do you think caused your stomach issues?

    Hi Nika

    Well that sorted out your upset stomach!

    I really feel one of the very best things about the fast diet is that it is just 2 days a week; so you have another 5 to go at if you have an aberration like you.

    You know when I was younger (I’m talking a lot about being younger today…) if I said ‘I’m going on a diet today and had something not very tasty, satisfying for a meal; I would sometimes go and bake a batch of scones and me and my husband (then boyfriend) would (probably….) scoff the lot with jam on!

    If I had not said ‘I’m on a diet’ then I would have had something that satisfied me and I wouldn’t have dreamed (truly) of baking anything at all!

    A whole lot of this diet malarkey is purely psychological.

    You’re only human Nika – don’t beat yourself up.
    Start next week with a clean slate.

    Dumplings!!! Ha ha
    Did you have one for me?

    I had 37 for you and only one for me 😉 I actually thought of you when eating them.

    Yes, it turned out to be 2 bad days. Another 19 dumplings (they come in these amazing 38 piece packs), 2 chocolate pudding cups (they come in four), and a bunch of crackers.

    However, I had a tiny auto-intervention and had a very, very clean weekend (ate 280g of cherry tomatoes on day one, another 280g on day two together with some cucumber and lettuce). I basically told myself “So you want to get the word discipline tattooed on your back (amongst other words, in Korean characters) but you can’t even stop eating? Puh-lease.” So the scales were down compared to last week anyway.

    Turns out those dumplings were around 1300 cals for the entire pack (which I spread over 2 days) so who knows, maybe I’ll make them a non-fast day treat (not the entire pack though).

    About the stomach pains, I’m not sure. It could actually be that I had simply been eating too little for 1,5 weeks and my body finally caved. This is my most logical conclusion, as they (the pains) started on an empty stomach and ended when I had a good load to eat. Haven’t been feeling ill since (though I did take Friday off from work as a precaution). I’ll go for a good clean week again this week tho, similar to the last weeks – because I’ll be going to Hong Kong this weekend and I’ll most likely have plenty to eat seeing I’m with a friend who mainly loves Hong Kong for the amazing food x)

    Oh and by the way I weighed in at 85,4 this morning. So that’s 1,6kg lost in 1 week (3 pounds I think? Or 4?) Anyway, I also took my bodyfat and muscle% but I don’t memorize them at the moment. Will put them on my blog tonight.

    I measure every two weeks, so more about that next Monday!

    Hey Nika – how is it going?

    Put those dumplings down girlfriend! Only kidding but dumplings do get a lot of mentions in your posts (I’m asking again; where is Dumpling or Dumpy as I like to think of her?!).

    I read on another thread that you were in Hong Kong for the weekend! How far out is that man? We go to Sainsburys!

    Anyway; must go – take care

    I’m here…just having a melt down cos we leave for 6 weeks away next week , so much to do .
    Dog had vets today for jabs…oh and has bacteria in ears. Check up next week and in 3 weeks..I’m not here!
    $400 later…grrr
    So not what I had hoped.

    Anyway, fast day, lucky I don’t have to think about eating. Too much to do like paying rates, due by 5 pm, no money take dog to bank to draw money out..on credit card!!! Eekkk.
    Oh well, it’s only debt, can’t take it with you.

    Have a good one peeps

    Hey BooBoo, it’s going OK. I did gain 1 kilo back last week, but I guess that makes sense with Hong Kong and all that. And I had a few days last week where I had some chocolate-y treats and not so many healthy foods. So yeah, it makes sense I guess.

    I’m not so sure about measuring any more to be honest. You can never really measure in the exact same spot, so the measurements can change every week just by having the tape a bit too high on your back but still on your belly button. I dunno, it’s so… random.

    Anyway. Here’s my stuff for this week (a bit late, but meh)
    Current date: 20/11/2013
    Current weight: 86,4kg
    Chest: 92cm
    Waist: 100cm
    Biceps: 35cm
    Thighs: 71cm
    Calves: 40 cm
    Body fat: 37,1%
    Muscle: 39,3%
    So all in all there’s like, NO change with two weeks ago.

    Hong Kong was a lot of fun, I had a good time.. but my weekend was almost completely ruined by a terribly judgemental f**kwad on the ferry back from Cheung Chau. I was sitting with my good friend from Beijing, enjoying the day and the boat ride and taking loads of pictures of the beautiful islands and such.
    We were sitting next to this other westerner who seemed like a nice guy, he was also taking pictures (also of two of his beer cans, bit weird but it made me laugh). Anyway, I was standing behind him (he was sitting down) at some point and glanced over his hands and his phone. Now I’m a quick reader so I didn’t mean to read the message he was typing, but in the glance I read the first few words – “I’m sitting next to what..” So I knew he was talking about me and I felt justified to read what the rest of the message was. Well, here it is:

    “I’m sitting next to what might be the ultimate DWTS couple. That’s Don’t Want To See. The fat one just winked at me in a manly recognition of her ‘pull’. I thought this was Cheung Chau, not Lesbos.”

    I kind of went through these phases: Anger – Extreme anger – Defeat – Sadness. And I felt insecure and ugly for a few hours afterwards. Here I was, in Hong Kong, very proud of the fact I’d lost almost 20 pounds, finally wearing a tanktop again without feeling too bad about myself and having a great time with my good friend and feeling like “hey, all this might not be so bad after all. I’ll be out of China before I know it and everything will be fine when I come to New Zealand.”

    Needless to say I wanted to throw his ass over the railing down into the sea but that probably wasn’t the best thing to do. I did walk up to him and told him that what he wrote was extremely hurtful and I just didn’t understand why he would send something like that, but I hoped that he and his friend got a good laugh from it and that it was worth it. Whilst saying that my voice kind of cracked (which probably got the message across quite well) but which I hated. I hate crying. He just asked “Feel better?” and I said “Yeah, actually I do” as I walked away (I didn’t, but well.)

    Anyway, it’s become a bit of a rant, sorry about that. It wrecked my mood for hours, feeling insecure and fat and I even skipped dinner when my friend got noodles and I just had a glass of water. That kind of angered my friend and at some point after that I pulled myself together again and had a Subway sandwich at the pier before taking the boat back to Kowloon. We went to a night market where I bought a new leather belt, leather wallet and some other souvenir stuff for people back home.

    So I didn’t let it wreck the entire weekend! Which is a good thing! Still get mad writing this whole story down again though.

    Shouldn’t have kept reading….

    But thems the breaks.
    Feel the anger, then drop it into a noodle pot and move on.

    People are just mean. He was just jealous cos you didn’t fancy him that’s all.
    Sorry it wrecked your weekend a bit. But what lessons have we learnt?

    Nika- he was an ass. Don’t let ’em get you down.

    Yeah well Dumpy that would’ve just caused me to worry all day about what he might have said about me. Reading on didn’t turn out great but at least I wasn’t in doubt.

    And I agree, he was a complete ass. And I only let him get me down for a few hours, then I recovered. Standing under the shower last night, almost unable to stand because of the work out I had I started to giggle and said to myself “I’m just so much better than that guy.”

    Guess I am!

    Oh and Dumpy, I learned that not giving in to your anger is very frustrating but also a smart and good thing. Having dealt with anger issues since I was 13 it felt good to be able to calm myself down rather quickly. And that’s a big thing for me, because my anger issues aren’t just getting mad and grumpy… a while back it caused me to spend a night in jail when I lost control (I have an actual gap in my memory).
    So yeah. Controlling anger all the way! Who knows, maybe it’s a side effect of 5:2.

    Well, well done!

    Good job.

    Thanks! Now back to happier talk and time to let this guy disappear from my memory forever.

    nika , I have a story ,too, and it’s a long one. Evidently, we all care. Chin up, babe. We have your back. God comes in in the broken places– and you know what I mean, even if you do not ever believe.

    Thanks Piper 🙂 If you ever want to tell your story, feel free to!

    won’t be likely , babe

    Okay, fair enough! Found it funny that you almost literally quoted the title of my thread in Personal Stories just there tho 😉

    Hey Nika and Dumpy and piper (there you are piper!)

    I’ve just read your response to my enquiry and I’m so mad on your behalf; what a nasty piece of work.

    I just don’t get people like him..I think he could have been nasty because you and your friend have a personality and he doesn’t? It is truly awful that a W****R like him was able to rock your newly regained confidence and spoil your weekend. I bet you looked lovely in your tanktop; it shouldn’t matter – you felt lovely.

    Dumpy and piper are right; you have to put it behind you and tell yourself that you are a much superior person because you (and most of us) would simply not do that to another human being/s.

    I don’t have time now but I do want to try and give you some advice about your extreme fasting; in the meantime have you just tried doing the regular 5:2?

    Also, I would perhaps quit giving us the detailed information on your results – I think that’s a lot of pressure that you don’t actually need.

    We just like hearing how you are doing Nika. If you lose some weight that’s great but if you don’t well so what.

    Take care monkey (and put those dumplings down!)

    Hey Booboo, thanks for your response! I’ve put the whole W****R incident behind me, he was just a piece of work and doesn’t deserve my energy.

    You can always give me advice on my “extreme fasting”, so far however I feel good. I do love fast results as I want to start training towards my second degree black belt when I arrive in New Zealand in a bit over two months with as little weight as possible in the way. I haven’t tried the regular 5:2 but I do see it in my future, once I get closer to my goals and allow myself to enjoy stuff more again – like when I get to New Zealand or back home. Being here in China it’s nice to have good results and something to focus on except all the bad things about being here. And doing this method makes me feel good about myself and also proud – I feel like I finally have control over something.
    But as said, advice is always appreciated and I enjoy discussing things on here, so bring it on! 🙂

    Giving the detailed results actually doesn’t feel like a load of pressure. Doesn’t feel like pressure at all, because I know people on here aren’t judgemental. When I lose you’re all happy with me and when I don’t lose you tell me to chin up – both are good things! The day when someone will go “Haha you didn’t lose weight, you suck” on here is the day I will wear a dress. Haven’t done that ever in my life and don’t intend to. 😉

    I like my new nickname by the way ^^ Makes me feel bouncy.

    Hey monkey

    Nicknames are always a term of affection and monkey – guess who used to get called monkey as another of her pet names? our dog! (hope you don’t find that insulting?!)

    I think perhaps I’m going to keep my advice to myself for now; if you are happy doing things your way Nika that is great.
    It’s just I mucked up my metabolism big time when I was around your age and it never got right again. You can reduce your metabolism right down so that when you do eat even normally again; you gain weight and then some.

    Also in Britain we have a diet called Slimfast which has been very popular; but essentially you are just crashing weight off and you guessed it, the vast majority of folk who go on it gain the weight back again.

    Also when you go mad and have a lot to eat (which I used to do); this really could be your body screaming out for some proper food…
    Did you read my post on the Fat, Fuzzy and Frazzled’ book?

    Could be your hormones are not as they should be?

    Anyway must go – I’m a Celebrity – Get me outta here is on telly!

    Fasting doesn’t reduce your metabolism, I thought we agreed on that on this forum! 😉

    Actually I haven’t had any binges in a while, since I added some carbs back into my diet. Yesterday was tough, but so will the next 3 Thursdays. It’s because Wednesday is a fast day for me, so I eat a big (normal) meal Tuesday evening, then a small one on Wednesday evening and then a normal meal again Thursday evening. So it’s a long fast. I don’t really blame myself for thinking about food constantly during the second half of the day, or having saliva attacks when I’m in the supermarket. It just makes me extra proud when I leave without chocolate and cookies and stuff!
    The least healthy food I had last night were spring rolls… so that’s not quite unhealthy do you think?

    As I see it I’m just forcing my body to burn fat (which is metabolism). I am interested in how you “messed up” your metabolism in your youth though, because I’m the first one to say that what you believe may not always be true!

    Current date: 24/11/2013
    Current weight: 85,0kg
    Body fat: 35,8%
    Muscle: 39,6%

    I’ve shifted my weighing day from Monday to Sunday, because Saturday is now a fast day and I like weighing after fast days.

    So, four days and 1,4kg. Not bad, I think. I’m mostly quite happy with the fat reduction, 1,3%! I think that must be thanks to starting HIIT again, so I’ll continue that this week and see what happens then. Only 4% away from the “healthy range” for women! Funny thing is that at that point my fat% will say I’m healthy, but my BMI will probably be just below 30 so I’d still be considered obese or severely overweight. I don’t really trust BMI though, it doesn’t take your build or muscle mass into consideration at all!

    I’m looking forward to seeing 84 on that scale!! And then 83! Actually, I’m already looking forward to dipping beneath 80… which I really hope to do in the next 4 weeks.

    Oh and yeah we also have Slimfast in the Netherlands. My dad knows a woman who was extremely proud she lost “80lb without any exercise at all!!” but she just looked like a scarecrow who couldn’t even lift up most patients (paramedics). And what I’ve heard is that most people just gain it all back because they just go straight back to their old eating habits when they feel like they’ve lost enough weight. Stupid people. 😉

    I had a bit of a treat day yesterday. Saturday I only had one chicken breast filet and some cherry tomatoes, so Sunday I allowed myself a bit more. Had a brown bread bun with some ham and cheese, but the f-ed up Chinese people don’t know what cheese should taste like so I threw the rest away because it tasted horribly like plastic. I had some dumplings for lunch, a few cookies and a bag of crisps with some movies and then a salad and fish for dinner. And yoghurt+fruit for dessert! (2 beers don’t count right?)
    So not the most terrible indulge days ever! I think I’ll keep Sundays like this. They’re my only no-exercise days and I think it’s good to then give my body what it craves for a bit (and within boundaries of course) to make sure it’s up for another week of fasting!

    “woman who was extremely proud she lost “80lb without any exercise at all!!” but she just looked like a scarecrow who couldn’t even lift up most patients (paramedics). ”

    Strength training and conditioning is a great balance for practical and aesthetic reasons.

    I just think that people aren’t aware of better strengthening techniques. My favorite is static conditioning which is safe, provides results, and takes less time to do.

    I still don’t know if anything helps with wrinkles besides Botox ?

    79 on a scale would be so good to see huh.
    I’m 2.5 kilo off it….I need to see it by Thursday, I wonder if I would be able to if I ate a dodgy chicken sandwich!!

    79…. Yay! And then 75! And then 69… O.O
    Don’t go for dodgy chicken sandwiches… they’re trying to dodge you for a reason.

    Hey Nika – well done on the loss this week. I think you are doing amazingly well combining the fast days and the exercise. Long may the downward trend continue 🙂

    Cath x

    Hey Cathy! Thanks! 😀 I’ll weigh again Sunday… I was 84,1 yesterday!!!! So I’ll certainly see that 83 on Sunday! Looking forward to it, as I’m also looking forward to sharing my new values with you guys ^^

    Oh and I also managed to get through the entire warm up of the work-out without stopping, for the first time since I’ve started it again here in China. Was quite proud! Exhausted… but proud.
    (Those warm-ups aren’t just some jumping jacks by the way. They’re 3,5 minutes of 7 various exercises, repeated three times with increasing intensity – first round warming up, last round going all out giving all you got. You’re supposed to be dripping with sweat after that warmup… well I was!

    Nika, I have just read through some, not all of your posts. I too was a fat unhappy kid – a result of not being terribly good at fitting in, and my mother’s death when I was 12. I don’t think my childhood was as fraught as yours, but I still hit the sweeties as consolation.

    I wonder, are you meditating at all? I have been doing it fairly consistently for the last couple of months, and find it helps a lot.

    I signed up (and paid!!!) for this programme the first 10 days are free, and if you hang on they will send you a 25% off offer.

    I’m not really one for meditating. Well, not in a sense at least. Today I went up the mountain and found a spot that wasn’t visible from the path and enjoyed some sunshine for a bit, staring out at the view. It was nice. And that’s kind of my way of “meditating”, it happens sometimes but not really scheduled.

    Does lying in bed at night thinking about stuff count as well? Not really mauling or worrying, just thinking. Or, what I tend to do, fantasize and think up stories.


    “Does lying in bed at night thinking about stuff count as well? ”


    It’s connecting with your other than conscious being.

    Be still and not think.

    Guided meditations work well for me.


    And that stuff is just too… Ghandi for me 😛 I’m fine with other people doing it, but for me it’d just feel ridiculous. But that’s just me.

    Anyway, the update:
    Current date: 01/12/2013
    Current weight: 83,1kg (-1.9kg)
    Body fat: 34,5% (-1.3%)
    Muscle: 39,9% (+0.3%)

    Same fat percentage loss as last week, very pleased with that! And the weightloss is even higher than the before week, so I’m very pleased. A part of my brain is like “noooooo I was so close to 82” but 1.9kg in a week is a very good result. (That’s 4lb 3oz for them heathens).
    Now I’m really hoping to dip beneath 80 in the next two weeks, I think I can do it if I push a little longer. It’s not gonna be easy, but it’d make me happy so why not try? Also when I get to the 80kg marker that means I’m halfway to my goal ^^

    Now today (Sunday) is my treat day, so I’ll be dining with some carbs (maybe some spring rolls? Or dumplings? Mjum) and can have another treat like some bread or even a bit of chocolate. I try to only eat carbs on Sunday, I notice it’s difficult keeping up with exercise as the week progresses, but these results are worth it!

    “And that stuff is just too… Ghandi for me ”

    Ghandi never did any martial arts. He was too one dimensional.

    Elite athletes incorporate meditation and visualization.

    It’s the edge.

    I’m all for mind and body to be aligned and all that, but I don’t see the point in having to sit down at certain times to forcefully relax. That’s all I meant. The whole ‘listening to running water’ thing. I think meditation is something that can be achieved through many different things, that can be different for many people. For me meditation can also be a good sparring exercise or just talking things through with people.

    Or, like said, lying awake at night, being relaxed in a bed.

    Also don’t catch me on single words like that, you know what I mean..

    Hiya Nika 🙂

    So you’ve lost over 4kg in just 4 weeks – that is a wonderful rate of loss! Double the average – maybe your long periods of not eating almost every day are what is making the additional difference? Especially as you have mentioned a few days when you have eaten quite a bit.

    How do you measure muscle mass, out of interest?

    Best wishes for your continued success 😀

    Yes I agree Nika
    Meditation takes on many forms
    There’s no one size fits all.
    BTW, Fantastic weight loss, well done you,
    Keep up the good work
    I’m very jealous that your heading to New Zealand, I love the place and I’m off hiking in the South Island at Xmas, just freeze dried meals so no worry about over indulging !!
    Z 🙂

    Hi Nika. Great weight loss. Well done. Mine has slowed to a crawl at the mo. Firstly, can’t believe it’s the 1st Dec!. Anyway, about meditation. I believe any kind of activity that you apply yourself to wholeheartedly is medtatative. Working on the allotment is my method. You can block out all thoughts apart from what you’re doing. Chopping veggies even, if that doesn’t sound daft. Good luck for your next weigh in.


    Enjoy your treat day, you deserve it. And the good thing is that it appears that we fasters need to have treat days on this ‘diet’ so that our bodies are assured there is no famine and there’s no need to panic into lowering the BMR. Now I want dumplings, lol.

    My zone is in front of a sewing machine, unfortunately not teribly cardio-vascular, but the zone is there nonetheless. I know what listening to running water would make me do, but at least I’d have to get up and down a few times 😉

    Chopping veggies, toms mantis? I know EXACTLY what you mean (and even better if you’ve grown them yourself).

    And finally, because it deserves to be said again, WELL DONE, NIKA!
    Aud x

    @sassy, yeah I do think it’s a contributing factor. Fasting every day certainly helps. Now I’m also counting on normal days, going low or zero carb 6 days a week and exercise 6 days a week… So all in all I think I just do everything a little more ‘extreme’ than most others, contributing to the weight loss ^^ It’s not something I’m planning on doing for the rest of my life of course, at some point I want to go to regular 5:2 like most people around here do. That’s probably when I get to NZ or something, but I’ll see then.
    And the muscle mass – my scale measures it together with the bodyfat. I know it only measures the lower body, but I like the indication that they’re both changing.

    @zec & toms, I agree on the meditation ^^ My mind is always wandering though. It’s one of the few downsides to being very creative, my mind jumps all over the place. I do walk to work instead of biking, the route is quite nice (lot of green) and with music on the traffic doesn’t bother me as much. I guess that count as my daily meditation as much as anything else.

    And last Aud, thanks! 😀 Your enthusiasm makes me happy all over again. I didn’t even have the dumplings 😉 I did something even worse… I bought the dumplings and some other stuff I allowed myself today, then on the way home past ‘BreadTalk’, where it smelled oh so lovely… so bought more bread stuffs and ended up eating so much my stomach now physically hurts x) After eating less than I would before though, so that’s good! Mostly had bread type food and some spring rolls, nothing really sugar-y so that’s good. Did buy a Snickers but decided eating it now would be a waste (seeing I’m not craving it at all) so I’ll keep it in the fridge as an incentive for next Sunday.
    I’ll have to eat the fruit I bought tomorrow though, it’ll go bad in a week, which means I’ll be eating carbs on a monday… not really happy about that. I’ll just lower the calories a bit.

    So after today I need to have a really good week to get results similar to this week! 😛

    Geez, I’m not sure what’s going on but this day is one of the toughest ones I’ve had. Yesterday I had a good meal planned, but something I bought caused me to get a bit nauseous (danger of trying out new Chinese things), so I didn’t eat a lot more than I would on a fast day. Now today I’m constantly hungry, my stomach is writhing and growling… It’s been hours now. I also feel weak. It’s weird because Sunday I ate quite a lot, and I’m used to fasting this long, even on smaller amounts of food.

    At this rate I’ll have to skip my workout 🙁 And I got such good results yesterday! I guess forcing myself to workout when my body is clearly telling me I need to eat isn’t one of the healthiest decisions though.
    Be damned, mind vs. matter!

    19 dumplings! Nika my dear you are a girl after my own heart!

    Well done on what you have achieved so far, keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us all smiling 😀

    Hi Nika, well done on your weight loss and your stamina with all the fasting! I am very impressed. Sorry you are having a tough day today – but good to listen to your body I think. 🙂

    Cath x

    Maybe it was a carb over dose.
    I know I’m having them Daily here!!!

    Hi Nika,

    Just read all your blog really interesting….don’t know why I have not done it before….

    Really well done on your weight loss, you work really hard to get it moving. All this talk about dumplings, they must be very nice.


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