November 2017 Challenge

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November 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,403 replies, has 122 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 7 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,351 through 1,400 (of 1,404 total)

  • Day 30, London, UK, FD,

    @jessyoursize, thanks for hosting this November challenge (any positive results yet???) I’ll post my final results tomorrow morning to end November and start December!!!!

    Yesterdays’ FD became a CD at about 8pm………………………………… that lock on the kitchen door seems to be broken!!!!!! So, a make-up FD today!!!

    @bert1802, a month off work sounds like heaven right about now, I can’t wait for my 2 weeks at Xmas!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver, I’m with you for that final push,

    Pocket list for the final day of this November challenge, write or print out the list, keep it in your pocket and fondle lovingly when your hand swerves towards that biscuit, we’re in this together pocketeers!!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Looking forward to that first unadulterated glass of vino tomorrow!!!!!!

    Day 30, Belfast, FD

    Last fast day of the month, so I’ll do my weigh in tomorrow.

    Thanks so much @jessyoursize for hosting November’s challenge.
    @bert1802 thanks for hosting December’s challenge…the danger month haha lol!!

    ***DAY 30 POCKET LIST***

    @steve toon taxi driver


    Day 30……Florida……FD

    I’m going for another FD as I have tomorrow off with the hubby, so, I will enjoy with him but not over do it!

    Yesterday turned out to be a good day busy as hell but good and I managed to be about 600 calories for the day!

    I may have actually lost 1 lb this month….. super excited! Took a month to lose it but I’m okay with that slow and steady always wins the race!

    Wel, I’m off!

    I do not have ducks 🦆
    I do not have rows!
    I have monkeys 🐒 and they’re running my circus!

    Day 30 – Massachusetts – CD

    I was whooshing all day yesterday guys! This morning I decided to check the scales for a preview and I am .6 pounds away from my November goal!! What an amazing comeback from Thanksgiving. I don’t know if this will last, and if it doesn’t I’m counting it as my final weigh in for the month, hehe. My time has also just started 😭 so very probable it won’t last, but I’ll try weighing tomorrow and see what happens.

    @debster251 – I am really excited to develop a relationship with the water! I injured my knee hiking one year and my body has not been the same. It caused me to decrease all physical activity which led to weight gain. 😔 I’m hoping that swimming will become my main aerobic activity once I get good at it. And breathing was something I never learned … I grew up swimming with goggles that covered my nose so I was always just holding my breath when I swam.

    Thank you guys for making my first month on 5:2 so great! Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting and everyone for being so welcoming. 😊 Looking forward to December with @bert1802!

    Day 30 Germany, LFD! 😊
    Last day of November, here we come! It’s funny that I try my first LFD on the last day possible in November. I was also already outside running (in the snow – amazing!) this morning! You can see, I am doing all I can to make for the best results tomorrow 😋
    LFD feels actually very good so far! Had a bit of a stomach ache earlier but it is gone now.
    @strawberriesandcream so sorry to hear that you had such a hard month! But we’ll rock it together in December!! 💪
    Couldn’t add myself to the pocket list with my cell phone but am with you in my heart!!
    Looking forward to December with you all!

    Day 30 Akron Ohio 4th FD in a row

    @borealis thank you for the enlightening information

    @dykask you summed it up beautifully, “Fasting does not win all the battles, but it is winning the war” with your permission I would like to adopt that as my mantra for December.

    I am enjoying this process of listening to my body, and going what it leads me rather than what conventional wisdom dictates (you know the usual: eat breakfast, eat three times a day, etc. etc.) I also have difficulty eating the amounts of food that I was once able to put away without any thought; in fact unless I add dessert and sweets to the mix, I am frequently unable to eat up to TDEE on my NFD.
    Now if you add alcohol to the mix, everything I wrote above flies out the window 🙂
    My final weigh in for November shows me holding steady at 155pounds with a BMI of 23.2. This is the very top end of my happy weight range; however considering my epic face stuffing for 5 straight days over thanksgiving, I am not complaining. Thank you 5:2. Can’t wait to tackle December with everything I have learned.
    @jessyoursize thank you for hosting November, these are for you

    See you all on the other side!!

    Day 30 Akron Ohio 4th FD in a row
    @borealis thank you for the enlightening information
    @dykask you summed it up beautifully, “Fasting does not win all the battles, but it is winning the war” with your permission I would like to adopt that as my mantra for December.
    I am enjoying this process of listening to my body, and going what it leads me rather than what conventional wisdom dictates (you know the usual: eat breakfast, eat three times a day, etc. etc.) I also have difficulty eating the amounts of food that I was once able to put away without any thought. As a matter of fact, I am frequently unable to eat up to TDEE on my NFD without the addition of dessert and sweets. Now if you add alcohol to the mix, everything I just wrote flies out the window.
    My final weigh in for November shows me holding steady at 155pounds with a BMI of 23.2. This is the very top end of my happy weight range; however considering my epic face stuffing for 5 straight days over thanksgiving, I am not complaining. Thank you 5:2. Can’t wait to tackle December with everything I have learned.
    @jessyoursize thank you for hosting November, we appreciate you so much!!
    See you all on the other side!!

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday at 431 cals…@Daffodil2010, I feel the same way! I’ve been wobbling back and forth in the 160s this month and will probably not hit my goal of 164, but it’s better than the 170s again! I have another FD tomorrow and will do my November weigh-in on Saturday. @lilimar, looking forward to “seeing” you in December…for me, slow and steady means permanent weight loss on this way of life. @jessyoursize, thanks so much for hosting November. @missybear, good for you losing 3.4 lbs this month, very commendable! @fatrabbit, as always, you are a role model for this WOL; you will be in maintenance soon enough! @debster251, when you talk about breathing while swimming, I feel the love, lol! Some of my best conversations have been underwater as I breathe. Good therapy! Question:I have a WW scale that gives me a body fat reading of 37 or 38, but the calculator here on the site is 28.8. Anyone notice the same thing?

    Day 30 – UAE – FD

    The usual Thursday fast…

    Day 29NFD
    Day 300FD Oregon USA

    Busy few days and the beginning of the busy holiday season already and extra calories/temptations at every corner!
    I loved reading all the “all time low” successes from the non-newbies @at,@BigViking,@fatrabbit and anyone else I am forgetting but read!
    @cornish_jane @bellyblast @borealis really appreciate all the information and empathy with the wakefulness from fasting. Going to try magnesium tonight after today’s fast and see if it helps.

    Here I am at day 30 of my first month and so excited and grateful for finding this.
    @jessyoursize thank you for hosting and @bert1802 and all other December challengers see you there!

    **DAY 30 POCKET LIST***
    @steve toon taxi driver

    Good choices and strength to all!

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, FD

    Last day of fasting for November! Will weigh-in tomorrow and post results.

    ***DAY 30 POCKET LIST***

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Day 30, FD, USA

    Thank you @jessyoursize for being our host this month

    And thank you all. I’m having one of those sh1tty days at work and was all set to console myself with an egg and bacon roll. On a FD! Instead I turned to the forum to help me over the bump and now I’m sipping on a hot mug of chicken bouillon. Crisis adverted!

    See you all next month.

    2nd post

    16h00 and feeling peckish so came here to boost myself a little ! This is the time of day I normally forage around for chocolates to go with my coffee!!

    So far 300cal gone, all healthy, no carbs or sugar. Probably try for an egg and runner beans this evening for the 200 calories I have left!

    How are you all doing?

    Day 30 USA (UT visiting) – NFD

    Good FD yesterday right at 600 calories. I ended up being out for supper with daughter, so my soup and bread totaled a bit more than a normal FD, but I am good with that. Maintaining 162 well. Also had a massage in the afternoon, and my masseuse is happy for me at maintenance. I see her once a month, so she knows my body pretty well! 🙂 I’m able to do a Silver Sneakers class almost every day out here in Utah, so that is good.

    November is over. Wow. Now on to keeping this weight off in December. If I could manage a few more pounds off, I would be well into 150’s and 24 BMI, but I’m not going to stress over it.

    Onward and downward!

    Keep going @SetphieS – you can do it!

    My FD going well…. I’m going to have a couple of eggs with spinach and chestnut mushrooms this evening, sprinkle of chilli flakes and crushed black pepper.

    I was going to a HIIT class but my friend (whose membership I was tagging onto) can’t go so a long walk for me instead.

    Day 30 Canada NFD
    Last day of the challenge. Congratulations to everyone who have lost this month, there are amazing success stories!
    Thanks @jessyoursize and @bert1802 for leading the monthly forums.
    See you for the December challenge!

    Day’s 28-30 all NFDs and too much proseco! Thank you @jessyoursize and fellow contributers for helping with another month of maintaining. Haven’t had time to keep up with posts. Looking forward to catching up on Sunday when my visitors leave.

    Day 30, Gozo Malta, nfd

    I weighted at 65.3 kilos this morning but today I went over tdee. I need to be more careful these coming days. I don’t think I lost anything this month but I maintained my weight.

    Onwards and downwards here comes December

    Day 30 Dublin Ireland NFD Not a great final day for me today as I was at a conference and was not up and at it early enough to be prepared properly. But I was still sub 140 this morning at 139.2 so I’ll take that as my final weight for the month. Intent on a good fast day tomorrow to start Dec well. Am on a steady 1.5 kg per month lost which seems like the right way to keep the weight off. Well done to everyone and on to Dec!

    Day 30 California FD

    Will do final weigh in tomorrow and post the results. Today is one of my regular FDs so hoping to see at least a little loss. I haven’t been vey mindful on my NFDs so hoping for the best!

    **DAY 30 POCKET LIST***

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Dry Winovember is nearly over. Not that I have missed wine or anything. Just thought I’d mention it! 🍷🥂

    Day 1 NFD Brisbane, Australia

    @bert1802 Please add me to December, and many thanks for hosting.

    Sorry I have been absent for a while. I have worked 18 out of the last 19 days with our State election, but the end is near. My usual day job is a stay at home wife and Mum, so when I take on full time work it is a challenge to keep up with my usual day duties. In saying that I have enjoyed the work and have been working with a fantastic group of people. I have put my earnings away and will start planning a nice holiday for my DH and myself in 2018. The other bonus is I haven’t had time to think about being hungry on fast days 🙂 So I have had a successful November and lost 2.2kgs and 5cm from my waist. For the first time in well over 20 years I am under 70 kgs. My goal for December is to get to 68 kgs before Christmas.

    I am looking forward to catching up with all your posts on the weekend and sharing in your successes.

    Good luck everyone for December.

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – FD

    Joining the pocket list for the final November push. Weigh-in tomorrow morning.

    @missybear – Awww – you’re heading to “my” islands. Love the Canaries. I lived on Lanzarote for 2 years a while ago. Enjoy Fuerteventura!

    **DAY 30 POCKET LIST***

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 30 – ABQ – NFD

    Welp this month went by in a flash! Sorry I haven’t posted lately, I was swarmed over the Holidays sucking up family time (and staying quite controlled all throughout Thanksgiving festivities) but on the way home I must have caught something ’cause I’ve been down and out for the last 3 days! Good news is that sick = easy FDs since I don’t want to eat much. So my usual M-W B2B2B FD went as planned! I’m hesitant to weigh in tomorrow morning since I was sooooo close to my Nov goal before I left. I really hope I by staying so controlled over the holiday I at least stayed in the same range! Here’s Hoping!

    I haven’t had a chance to completely catch up on posts, but it seems we are becoming a larger and more diverse group than ever!

    Thank you so much @bert1802 for hosting the December Challenge! I am looking forward to it!

    And a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone on this forum! Ya’ll are just the best and most inspirational group on the internet! Ya’ll made this month the best November I’ve had in YEARS!

    Stay strong everyone and let’s finish this month with a bang!

    I’ll give everyone a chance to update the spreadsheet with their final numbers and post the TOTAL GROUP LOSS here and on the December board on Saturday afternoon! I can’t wait to see how well we did!!

    @Busyjames – Feel free to use it. I’m just happy to say something useful.

    Today is a FD but I just realized I’m in the wrong month!

    Day 1,Germany, NFD
    Wow! I almost reached my November goal! My first LFD yesterday was great! I can really understand now why some of you are doing this regularly. It will be my new way of approaching my FDs for sure! I found it so much easier than eating up to 500 calories! Plus I really felt kind of high with it! 😀
    1 more Kilo to tackle in December and I am down to my absolute dream weight!
    I will stick to not weighing myself during the month!
    C u all in December!

    Final check-in, or should that be check out?

    Anyway, I was late with checking in for November due to work travel, so my starting weight on November 3rd was 82.6kg. I’ve had a dry spell – Dry Winovember – since October 28th (34 days in total) and thanks to work travel for the year finishing two weeks ago, I’ve had a fortnight of much more dog walking than normal. Add to that heady combination a few B2Bs and my weight has melted away this month!

    On the scales this morning I was 74.8kg / 165lb / 11st11lb. Since March 20th I’ve lost 31.7kg / 70lb / 5st.

    I’ve still got a spare tyre, but it is now more like the tyre from a push bike than from a truck. So for now I shall declare myself happy and call an end to weight loss. From now it is MAINTENANCE. In my case that will be 5:2, with fasting on Mondays and Thursday, with the odd extra day thrown in as and when required.

    @jessyoursize thank you for hosting November. And to everybody else: If I can do it, you can do it! See you on the December thread.

    November goal: 137
    Final weigh in: 139.5

    At least I got into a new decade to finish off November 🤗

    Thank you so much @jessyoursize for hosting November, I can almost hear your accent when you tell us “Ya’ll made this the best November…..”, you are truly motivational ☺️

    Off to update the sheet and post in December.

    Final post

    Final weight: 149.5. Loss 2lbs
    Waist : 33”. Loss 1”
    BMI : 24.1

    I’m very pleased to have bridged that 150 watershed and 1” off the waist is even more important to me.
    @leggit -I hope to works out for you. I go to an adult swimming class which really challenges you. I have learnt to do butterfly and I can now do 10 lengths (with fins) and we do sprints most weeks, which is great for your HIIT. It’s a great exercise without stressing my ageing joints!
    Yes @metatauta – it’s therapy and slow, rhythmic decisions are always well thought out!
    Wow Aljomisaza! That’s some loss of inches from your waist. Many congratulations!
    @missybear – have a great holiday.

    Many congratulations to all the posters on this forum regardless on your progress. Whether you are a sprinter or a tortoise, just being here is an achievement. Hope the celebration for the 🍷abstainers, enjoy today’s tipple!

    Thank you my fasting friends for your support and friendship. See you in December👍

    Morning all

    Final Post for Nov:

    I weighed my self this morning and tho I haven’t achieved my Nov Goal happy to say that I have lost weight. More than all that I have been very careful about what I feed my body. I have never been drawn towards fast food, may be the odd indulgences, but my genetic make up is the one where I just need to sniff food to put a few pounds on :-). All goes straight to the waist. My OH always says a moment on your lips is a life time on your hips. I dont even need it on my lips, just need to see it.

    Nov was my first time trying this WOl in a few years and I am proud to say I have managed to complete it on a very positive note. Thank you for all the support and encouragement here.

    My starting weight was 58.75kg(129.52 pounds) at the beginning of Nov
    This morning I weigh 57.5 kg (126.76 pounds), So it looks like I have lost about 1.25ks in Nov (2.76 pounds). Very happy.

    I think expecting to loose more was bit over ambitious.

    I have not checked my body measurements, so not sure.

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting November and everyone else in this forum for your support.

    By the way, welcome to my neck of woods @at, Hope you are having a fabulous time with your friends here in Suffolk. 🙂

    Final Post for November Challenge, Cornwall UK

    Target Loss: 2kg
    Actual Loss: 3.2kg
    Waist: Lost 5cm
    I’m very pleased and thanks to @jessyoursize and all of you for the support.

    I’ve had a great month, having read/watched loads about fat v carbs, insulin, ketogenic diets, daily calorie restriction v fasting, Mediterranean diets, metabolism, sodium, long-term weight loss, and all your posts. I wish I had read more years ago. This month I also had my 5-yearly NHS Health Check (all good, except BMI), and some yoga break-throughs, which felt amazing.

    I seem to be creating my own good news! See you all in December…

    Final November post – Ireland – CD
    I am so grateful to you all for the online support provided by this forum.
    I came back to 5:2 in mid October as although I am very active and thought I was eating well the weight was creeping back on… I started out at 183 lbs in mid October and came down to 178 lbs by November 1. I set my goal for November to 173lbs and am thrilled to report that my final weigh in this morning reports 171 lbs.
    I am realistic and know that the initial weight loss is quite speedy and that this will slow down but I feel great and that’s what 5:2 is about. I love this WOL!!!I’ve had nights out…some alcohol..some cheese and treats but in the main I am way more mindful of what I’m consuming…thank you @jessyoursize for hosting this month and to @bert1802 for setting up December.. I plan to continue with you all for the most challenging month..🤗

    Final post for November

    Oh dear. Must do better……

    Target was 133.0lbs
    Final weight is 137.8lbs

    See you in December forum.

    Final post for November

    Starting weight Nov 3rd: 104.8kg / 231lbs
    End weight Dec 1st: 99.1kg / 218.5lbs
    Total weight loss: 5.7kg / 12.5lbs
    FDs: 9

    I am new to this WOL and it has exceeded my expectations on all levels. I reached my (optimistic) 100kg goal for November and then some. I hope to make fasting a permanent part of my life from now on.
    Thank you all for being such a huge source of inspiration! Looking forward to the December challenge!

    Final Post for November

    November Results

    Start Weight Nov 3rd: 86kg / 190lbs
    End Weight Dec 1st: 83.5kg / 184lbs
    Total Loss 2.5kg / 6lbs

    Total Loss since starting 5:2 in September (11 weeks) 8.6kg / 19lbs

    I’m pretty new to 5:2 and this was my first challenge. I wasn’t very active on the forum in Nov but read ALL the posts, hoping to have the time to contribute more in Dec

    So happy to have found this forum! Love the support and the international feel – and looking forward (Yes! Looking Forward To!!!)next months challenge.

    Think Dec will be a challenging month for me and for many others but heading into it with confidence thanks to 5:2. My office Xmas party is tonight and so it starts……

    Off out for a long walk with my dog now, it is icy cold today but the sun is shining and it is a B E A U T I F U L day!!!!

    Happy 1st of Dec everyone – STAY STRONG

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting Nov and @bert1802 for taking on Dec


    Start weight: 168lbs
    Goal weight: 163lbs
    End weight: 161lbs

    7lbs down. happy days. I think this is the first monthly challenge that I’ve met my goal.
    Now, the challenge is to keep it off during December 😉

    Thanks to all, see you in the December Challenge

    Final Post for November

    WOW! I’m thrilled

    I started on Monday 13th at 188.6lbs and this morning weighed in at 181.6 – I’m over the moon.

    The 19 days included 5 FD – but I found I was able to manage my TDEE much easier than on previous plans… Happy Days!

    I haven’t had chance to measure yet but will later today.

    Onward to December! Thank you forum members for all your encouragement, support and advice.

    Final post for November…

    Start = 156 … on 11/20/2017. . Very late start.
    Week # 1 = 155.4 … 11/24/17
    Week # 2 = 154.6 … 12/01/17

    So final results for 5:2 in Nov. = 1.4 lbs (0.64 kg) lost in just 10 days.

    I got off to a late start toward the very end of Nov. due to medications. But I am OFF them now! Yay!!
    And ever so happy to be back on board the intermittent fasting 5:2 WOL. Looking forward to good things in December.

    @jessyoursize – Many thanks for hosting our Nov. Challenge. This thread means so much to such a large group. Thank you for keeping us going!

    Start weight: 63kg
    Goal weight: 60kg
    End weight: 60.2kg
    Total Loss 2.8kg

    Almost hit my original goal. New goal is 58kg. Have to be strong through all of the functions in December. I’ll try to take inspiration from the strength shown by the North Americans on this forum last month through Thanksgiving 😀

    Final Post

    Target loss: 7.8 lbs
    Actual loss: 7.2 lbs

    So close to my goal! Very pleased given Thanksgiving and the fact that I started the month late. Looking forward to December!

    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting!!!

    Pleased with end result

    Weight 151lbs to 148lbs 😊
    Waist reduced by inch 29 to 28 😀

    Well everyone on completing another challenge!

    Final Post
    Starting Weight 182.5
    Ending Weight 177.5
    Goal: 177.0

    So…didn’t quite get there but very pleased with my results especially considering a few days where TDEE was completely blown out of the water. Losing weight during the month of my birthday AND Thanksgiving seems like a real victory.

    Thanks to all of you and @jessyoursize for hosting!
    Here we go December!!

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting the November challenge. I am sorry I could not complete it. Signed up for the December challenge so will see you all there.

    Final Post – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    Up 2 lbs. from start of November. So glad I get a fresh start with December.

    @jessyoursize – Thank you for hosting November.

    FINAL POST for November

    Maintaining 160 pounds – goood exercise this past month. Looking forward to ski season!

    @jessyoursize – thanks for being such a kind and terrific host this past month. See you all on the December board!

    Final post for november from me too:
    First of all: Thank you to each and everyone one this forum and on these monthly challenges. I know i couldnt have done this without it!

    Did my final nov weigh-in this morning and i made it!! I saw the number 84 with just a .3 in addition 😊😊😊
    Im on a company cabin trip with OH this weekend, all my dogs are at my moms house.
    The cabin is at a Ski Resort called Bortelid, really a winter wonderland. You should google it. Its almost a «mini Colorado»😂

    Well, hope to see all of you in December Challenge. I’ve hit the magig number -10kg in 4 months. 3 months until my USA-trip, would love to lose 7-10more kg by March 7. 2018. Can I?

    Final post for November.
    FD today, and it’s a LF. Swerving offers of mince pies, cake, biscuits from the people I paint with on a Friday. I wouldn’t dare mention the F word to them. It would be met with incredulity and derision…
    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting November. Where would we be without the good organisation and goodwill of our hosts?
    Have a great December everybody.

    Final (late) check-in for November,

    Busy doctors’ appointment, pilates and shopping filled day.

    I’m still catching up with the results, but there are some fabulous numbers eradicated this month….. @borealis, you’re a star!!!!

    For me, this is the first month, in a while, where the bouncy bouncy scales were caught on the downward trend for weigh-in day………………………

    Nov aim – eradicate 4-5lbs (start weight 161lbs)
    Dec 1st weight -156.8lbs, so I banished 4.2lbs

    Happy to be moving in the right direction!!!

    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting this months challenge, I look forward to ‘seeing’ you and all my other international friends over in the Dec challenge where @bert1802 will herd us cats like a master ……..errhm,…………!!!!!

    Final November post

    November goal: 58.5 kg
    Starting weight: 60.4 – 133.2
    Ending weight – 59.3 – 130.7
    Weight lost: 1.1 kg – 2.5 lb

    Well, I didn’t hit my goal for November but I did lose 2.2 pounds, so I’m happy for that. My final goal is 158 kg or 128 pounds, so that should be doable by year end.

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting Nov and @bert1802 for taking on Dec. And thank you to everyone in these forums for your support and sharing. Congrats to everyone on your November losses. This is an important part of 5:2 for me.

    See you all in December!

    Final November Post
    Day 30 Mountaintop PA USA, NFD

    Solid month of maintenance with end of month showing 1.2 lb loss. 18 pounds gone in one year. 140.3lbs final number. Up a pound and down a pound is fine. Enjoying the continued energy and fun of wearing new smaller size clothes. My semi-annual doctor visit all positive. I don’t know that the IF Fast 5:2 protocol is widely known in the US. I am grateful that my Physician Assistant daughter told me and DH about it one year ago.

    Off to December maintenance. Walking more challenging with colder weather and we are having hunting season in PA, which keeps me out of the state Gamelands. I can share the forest with the sportsmen for a few weeks each year.

    This WOL is good for maintenance. Happy to read all your inspirational posts throughout the month.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,351 through 1,400 (of 1,404 total)

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