November 2017 Challenge

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November 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,403 replies, has 122 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello and welcome to November everyone!
    I have volunteered to host this month’s challenge, and I am very much looking forward to it. The monthly challenges were kindly created by @coda in May 2016, and have been an ongoing motivation for many of us here.

    Some of us are brand new to the 5:2 Way of Life (WOL), some of us are working toward our goal, and some of us have reached our goals and are in maintenance. This is a safe space to share our triumphs and our bumps, where we can voice our questions, vent to fellow WOLers, and where you can (and will) find some of the most supportive, uplifting, and motivating international group of people on the internet!

    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.

    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to do so.

    To quote @coda:
    A word of warning here and apologies for shouting but just wanted to get the message out there.

    Let’s have a great month ya’ll! I know Nov & Dec are the hardest months to stay on track, but that is why we are here! Let us be your support group and cheerleaders!

    “Life is a series of steps. Things are done gradually. Once in a while there is a giant step, but most of the time we are taking small, seemingly insignificant steps on the stairway of life.” – Ralph Ransom

    And here is the link to the spreadsheet!

    You can use it as a tool to track your progress; feel free to enter as much or as little information as you want in it. The names highlighted in green are in maintenance.

    The spreadsheet can be edited by anyone. I’ve copied all the active names from October so most people who were in the October challenge should be ready to go.

    Anyone not already on or who are new to these challenges, please add yourself or tag me (@jessyoursize) with a request to be added and I’ll do it for you.

    For the sake of having a backup, this is a “new” copy of the October sheet, so any updates on October’s sheet will not be in it (as of Oct. 28, 2017, 19:30 MST) and the old sheet won’t have any of this new November data, so please use this link above!

    Thank you @jessyoursize. Looking forward to to continuing.

    @jessyoursize I’m new to this, brand new!!
    Really want to give it a go so thought this challenge would be a good place to start.

    Hi @jessyoursize thanks for hosting.
    I’m in for November. Life got in the way in October and my stress eating took out😞I’m determined in November not to let it and take back control. Love reading all the posts and even did when I wasn’t even fasting! sure they will keep me motivated to stick at it. Good luck everyone..louis05 x

    I’ve done the every other day diet for 22 days. I’m proud of myself, but I managed to fail this time, and I ate my breakfast one hour to late. The clock is changed, and I forgot that. I’m so sad.

    And… I’ve lost 4 kg ( how many pounds?) In 11 fastings. Is this possible?

    The clock change automatically this time of year

    Good Morning from UK.
    I would like to join this challenge.
    I am 55 years old. I am a newbie(ish). Started a couple of weeks back
    And thanks to all the posts, I have managed to notice my pattern of eating.
    I tend to eat about 800 calories on aFD and over TDEE on NFD
    I tend to do Pilates or Yoga once or twice a week . I do not like to go to the gym
    Hence there has been no weight loss so far.
    I want to get into a healthier pattern of eating and would like to join this challenge
    @jessyoursize..please add me to this group

    London UK

    Hi @jessyoursize
    Please count me in for November. Reading the posts every day makes me stick to this WOL. Even when things go a bit ( a lot) wrong. It’s such a supportive place. Have a good day everybody.

    @jessyoursize I’m in, but due to work travel, I won’t be able to weigh in and set a target until Friday 3rd. And if anyone wants to join me for a Dry November (aka Dry Wino challenge), I’ve already started. Oct 28 – Dec 1.

    @jessyoursize – I’m in for November, thanks for hosting.

    @bigviking – hope this isn’t just this mornings hangover talking……I’ll join you for Dry Wino November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @jessyoursize – Please add me to the challenge 🙂

    I’m new to this forum and started 5:2 in the beginning of September. My current weight is 75.4 kg and my goal for November is to lose at least 2 kilos.

    Happy fasting everyone =)

    @jessyoursize – thanks for taking up the mantel in November. Looking forward to a great month!

    Oh yes, I am in! This forum keeps me accountable, you guys are great for support, we are all in this together.

    I had thought of doing a dry November, but I am away to Valencia in two weeks, plus other social commitments, so cannot do it…but I will try to have wine on a Saturday night only 😳

    @jessyoursize Hello!! I’m new to this! Will you add me to the November 2017 Challenge? Please lmk what info you need from me to put me on the spreadsheet ….

    So I’m starting right at the beginning so will be looking for lots of help .. first fast tomorrow.. I have 4 stone 8 lb to loose at least .. good luck everyone

    I’m in as welll. Starting back at it after a bit. Looking to lose 15-17lbs overall.

    @jessyoursize – Thank you for taking on the task of hosting this month’s challenge – Looking forward to another month in maintenance – the support from this group is amazing and a great motivator!

    I first joined the 30 Day November 2016 Challenge with @back2thefuture having started in January 2016 on my own – best thing I ever did, as it got me to my maintenance weight and has kept me motivated and on track with this WOL – Next month will be be my one year anniversary in maintenance!

    Looking forward to continuing this journey with “old friends” and meeting some new ones across the globe!

    I think this quote is so suitable for our 5:2 WOL – “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose”

    @jessyoursize – please add me to this challenge aswell (tried to add myself to the list, but my technical knowledge obviously wasn’t enough…)
    I am from Germany and I’ve been doing 5:2 since February 2017 but this will be my first challenge. I’m looking forward to do this together! I hope to finally lose those last 2 or three kilos! I haven’t weighed myself for more than a week because I wasn’t that clear last week… I’ll weigh myself tomorrow and hope to manage to fill in my weight and goal to the list.
    Thanks a lot!

    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting. I’m in!
    For all the newbies, welcome to WOL where you’ll find a non judgmental but supportive community of Fellow Fasters. This forum has those at the beginning of their journey, those on route and of course those seasoned maintainers. Lots of advice, but also an opportunity to sound off, celebrate, share and ask for support.
    Whatever you share stays here, but we all share several goals;
    to maintain the 5:2
    Enjoy the health benefits
    Lose weight
    Support our fellow fasters in their highs and lows of a life changing journey.
    See you in November!

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting. I will be joining you for what will be my 5th challenge. 💪😀

    I’m in – again! Thanks @jessyoursize for being our fearless leader!

    I began 5:2 in March 2016 then joined @coda in May. I’ve been a part of all the challenges since then, and happy about it! Once I had lost 35 pounds by November, my goal has been to maintain. With the help of these wonderful peeps, I’ve managed to do it! I use My Fitness Pal (MFP) to track my calories (I hate counting, but found that to be very motivating and makes me accountable) and weigh daily to keep at 160#. That is right at the high end of a healthy BMI for me. (No need to get any skinnier as that shows more wrinkles!)

    I’m 69.5 years old, mother of 4, grandmother of 5, living in northern Illinois. Although I am a retired school music teacher, I still direct a townspeople choir, do church music, teach private piano lessons, and am working on a fledgling children’s museum for our area.

    I look forward to getting to know you newbies, and keeping up with so many wonderful acquaintances.

    Onward and downward.

    HI I’d love to join the November challenge!! I’ve been doing 5:2 a week. Is it any different or just encouragement to continue and be brilliant?!! Xx

    Hi @jessyoursize. I am completely new to this. I planned to start tomorrow so this sounds fantastic. Will be even more motivating to be part of such a great group.
    Thank you for taking time out to host this.
    I am 43 from Derby Uk . Mother of 3. Really interested in all the health benefits as well as shifting about a stone.
    Please add me to the group.
    Good luck everyone


    Hi @jessyoursize – I would really like to be added as well! 🙂

    I’m 23, from Copenhagen, Denmark, and looking to shift around 6 stone overall. For this challenge I’m hoping half a stone will come off! 😉 I’ve done 5:2 before – in 2014 – where I lost about 1,5 stone, then went off as I started Uni, and gained 6 stone over the next two years. Most of all I really miss the enormous amount of energy and increase in my mood I experienced when I was on 5:2, so I’m really looking forward to that! 🙂

    Thanks so much for doing this! X

    @jessyoursize Thankyou for hosting November2017.

    Honing in on my one year Fast 5:2 anniversary, 16 pounds gone in one year and another size down.
    I am 71, married 49 years, grandmother of 6 and mom of 3.

    I own the Mountaintop Eagle, weekly newspaper in PA for 32 years. Starting our 33rd year this week. Lots of community interrraction including a Biggest Loser competition a couple of years ago.

    I walk my mountain trail every day and keep track with my Fitbit. Last week I met a bear and retreated back down toward home, but walked again and the trail was clear. Walking and fasting dynamic combination for me.

    Overall 50 pounds gone in almost 4 years, only 1.5 pounds per month. I am a tortoise winning the race.

    No matter our ages Fast 5:2 recipe for good health. On to a positive month and new year!

    @jessyoursize – I just realised I could add myself to the spreadsheet, so I’ve done that, only I did not know how to put myself into the alphabetical order, so.. Soz! x

    Welcome @rowieaz, @aarjee, @koellefornia, @fancy1, @skinnyme45, @miraclelou, @marsupial, @katey74, @abfab5, @clare1984 – I’ve add you all to the sheet & re-alphabetized! Just find your name and add in as much or as little detail as you would like to share! Whatever you write (or delete) in each cell will auto save. We are so glad to have you join us!

    @louis05 Good for you for committing to a reset! That’s the best part of this WOL, if you fall to the way-side it’s okay and we will welcome you back and cheer you on!

    @bananaboo96 – wow! 4 kg is amazing! I know that a good many people do start off with a rapid drop like that, though I don’t know of too many who do the Alternate Day Fasting! As a question, are you interpreting “fasting” as no food, or as the usual 400/500 cals (or newly introduced 800 cals) limit per day?

    @aarjee there is usually a group of Plank challengers each month, if you are interested in joining that 🙂

    @bigviking glad to see our Dry Wino Challenge lives on! I’ll be sitting this one out, a busy schedule + lots of family time = must have wine 😀 And good for you @missybear for joining!

    @at YAY for celebrating 1 year in maintenance! You truly are an inspiration and proof that this WOL works if you stick with it and give it a chance to work!

    @marsupial this challenge is just a lovely way to keep each other motivated and cheer each other on! Welcome!

    @steffieagle WOOOHH for your 1 year anniversary on this WOL! You show all the rest of us tortoises that we too can win!

    Brisbane, Australia
    I am excited to be a part of my second monthly challenge.
    I am a 53 yo Mum of five grown sons, four of whom still live at home. I have been a stay at home Mum for the last 23 years and am most happy in the kitchen baking or reading a book.
    I have just celebrated 33 years of marriage to my wonderful husband.
    I have been doing 5:2 for about six weeks now and have dispatched 3.5 kgs. I would like to wave goodbye to another 4kgs. My goal for November is to lose 2kgs.
    Welcome to all the newcomers, I am sure you will benefit from being a part of this lovely encouraging group.

    Good morning from UK
    I am unable to edit the sheet @jessyoursize
    Starting weight 67 kg
    Goal for November lose 1-2 kg
    Will take a look at plank challenge

    Day -2, Guildford UK, getting ready to reboot

    Yes please, I would like to join you for the November challenge. I aim this month to stay within TDEE, although I intend to do plenty of exercise so I will see if I can swap some of the deadly white stuff for lovely lean muscle.

    I’ve discovered that exercising to music assists me a great deal in lifting my mood which is particularly low as a result of getting a high conflict divorce and my father has terminal cancer.

    I struggle daily with depression and feeling that life is hard and unfair,this also makes me feel guilty. I am 63 and only recently became overweight as a result of an abusive relationship started later in life. The stresses of finding that I was married to anot active compulsive gambler who gambled our life savings and assets including pension schemes has sent me spiralling.

    I restarted my life in September by going to college and beginning to study which is exciting. This gets me out of bed in the morning, something I wasn’t doing, arising in the early afternoon.

    Life is a challenge but I am determined to stick out the 5:2 diet,I long to get myself back on track so that I can wear the lovely clothes that are in my wardrobe. Dancing and exercise are encouraging me to become more mobile and active. Sleep is even more elusive if I don’t get moving!

    I am so grateful for the help and support that has been given to me in these challenges. The great kindness and generous encouragement has enabled me to stick at it.

    I want my revenge body back to demonstrate to myself that the things that my ex-husband said to me about being ugly and unattractive because of my weight are no longer true. I still have about 10 kilos to lose from my tiny frame.

    So please add me to the November challenge @jessyoursize, and thank you for hosting this month. It’s wonderful to see so many of my fellow compatriots on the 5:2 journey joining us for this month’s challenge and a warm welcome to the newbies trying this for the first time. Challenge is a good word for the month ahead.


    @bigviking won’t be joining your dry November challenge, sorry. The October challenge was enough for me 😂. Looking forward to that glass of 🍷 Wednesday night 😜

    Well done @missybear for joining the November dry wino challenge. The October one wasn’t that bad, honest!!!!!!!!

    @jessyoursize – thanks for hosting Nov and adding my name to list 😊

    Dear Mari,
    Well done for starting your new life. Can I share with you something that I read in a magazine? ‘The best revenge is living well’. I saw my ex who had gained the 3 stone that I had lost and it was a rather delicious moment!

    So start taking care of yourself. Eating good food makes you feel better, add that to dancing and you will be unstoppable!

    Good morning, lovely people.

    November is a good time for this challenge. Come to think of it, I did it last year, and I did relatively well on it, because of the support/checking-in. My goal for the month will be to lose 2 kg. I’m starting today, with a FD.

    Thank you very much jessyoursize for volunteering to host.

    Perth, Western Australia
    Ready for my second monthly challenge! Everyone is so supportive and friendly.
    Mari – I understand where you are coming from – similar emotionally abusive ex and issues with anxiety and depression. Not sure how to do private messaging on this board but if you need to vent to someone that has been in a similar space – I’ll listen. I think that it is awesome that you have gone back to study. It sounds as if you are rediscovering you. What an amazing (and sometimes frightening) adventure. Thanks for sharing

    @tsubaki and @rainbowsmile. If you wish to link up privately, you can ask the tech team to send your email to the other party. They are always pleased to help.

    Hi @jessyoursize, I’m new to this but please add me to the list! Really looking forward to getting started!

    Hi-I’m new here on the forum and wanted to jump in on the November challenge. I’m 65 years old and I’d done the 5:2 about 4 years ago with great success. I was a vegan at the time and now I’m mostly vegan but do occasionally eat animal products. I’ve recently tried the 5:2 again but have found its not working. Not sure if my metabolism has slowed down a bit with age or what. Anyway, I’m not giving up and I figure being a part of this group will be a huge help. Thanks to everyone for being here!

    Goals for this Month:

    Since I got a new scale that showed me how wrong my old one was (off by about 5 lbs), I’m trying to still think about the fact that I didn’t “gain” any weight, I just had a higher starting weight than I originally thought.

    Current Weight: 161.4 lbs
    Nov. Goal Weight: 155 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145 -135 lbs

    Other Goals: I will begin training with my husband to run (okay at least jog/fast-walk) a 5K the first weekend in December. Since that’s just “running” 3 days a week, to cross train we are also doing a 30 Day HIIT challenge, that is on the easier side, each day is a 1 Min exercise for one move, and every 5th day is a combo of the previous 4 days’ exercise (a total of a 4 min workout). Then for stretching we will be doing a 30 day “A Move A Day” Yoga pose challenge. I’ll link both below for anyone interested.

    In addition to these challenges and it being American Thanksgiving, I am also joining NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). So basically I’m using all of these challenges – 5:2, 5K training, HIIT, Yoga, and a 50K word novel – to keep me busy and keep me on track to lose the weight.

    A quick bit about me:
    I’m a 28 year old mom of a beautiful (almost 2 years old!) little girl. My hubby and I live in Albuquerque, NM USA. I work a desk job as an executive assistant, so some days are busy, and other are not. I’ve been doing 5:2 since Aug 2017, and have been a participant ever since. To date I’ve lost approx 15 lbs since starting 5:2 and I have another 15 – 25 lbs to go. I started this WOL because after having my little bundle of joy and losing most of the baby weight, I put it all back on (and then some) when I went back to work. My hubby and I want to start trying for baby #2, but our doc said I needed to get to at least 150 to avoid having a lot of risk of complications due to excessive weight. I wanted to give myself a buffer of at least 5 lbs before we actually start trying (145 lbs), and while we are trying, until conception is confirmed, the doc said there is no harm in continuing to try to lose more weight (goal of 135) as long as it’s a steady weight loss with healthy eating and exercise (which this WOL does fit under 🙌 )

    30 Day HIIT Challenge:

    30 Day Yoga Challenge:—day-yoga-challenge-workout-challenge.jpg

    @rainbowsmile – Wow. Just Wow! You are an incredible person for standing up and getting yourself out of a terrible situation and for starting your life over for YOU! You should be incredibly proud of yourself and you will find a supportive group here for you!

    @aarjee – Hmm. I double checked the settings and I see that others are able to make changes to the sheet. Are you using a computer, tablet, or smartphone to try to make the changes? With a computer, it should be pretty straight forward where you follow the link, find your name, and select a cell in that row to make a change to. With a table or phone, I would recommend making sure you have Google Sheets downloaded and use that to make any changes. You technically can use the mobile web app to view and make changes, but I have found it to be clunky and difficult to maneuver.

    Greetings everyone, I am So happy to have found this forum. I have research IF for a long time, and have gone back and forth doing it. I always feel better when I do but let life get the best of me. Nothing is different, life is still busy and ever changing, however I am mentally more ready. I am a mommy of two, in my early 40’s and just shy of 5ft. I am around 150lbs and was comfortable at 130ish. I would like getting back there to be my initial goal, however I would love getting back to 115/120lbs. After baby #2, my hormones have been all over the place. And being that my last “baby” is almost 9 now….I have zero excuses. SO again, I am so excited to have found such an involved and informative support base here. @jessyoursize, I would love to join the Nov challenge. If you can add me that would be great!

    @jessyoursize no worries for adding me . I can handle it!

    Please may I join. Started fasting last week and found it surprisingly ok. Today was my 3rd FD, first a work, and coped fine. I enjoyed the discipline tbh.

    Looking forward to the support and distraction.

    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting. Count me in!!

    Hi! Ive tried water fasting, and I did it twice. It was to hard. But I eat 200- 250 calories on my fasting days, and I eat high protein food. It works. question. How do I create a post\ topic on this forum? I dontunderstand. Thank you for the answer. As you know, I don’t know how to create my own topic, and I know you’re discussions is about another challenge.

    Hi I tried to download the sheet it wanted me to register my card details is that right? Please can you add me I’m 225lb

    Thanks jessyoursize for hosting us ! I’m in – I don’t need to be on the worksheet or anything. I have been in maintenance mode for over a year but I love the fellowship and great advice here. And, it keeps me honest !

    Thanks, again. Hope to make it through the holidays relatively sane.

    I’m loving the ability to take part in the November 2017 Challenge. Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting! Hugs!

    Hi – thanks for hosting November Challenge @jessyoursize 🙂

    So nice to read and get to know you guys on a “deeper level”.

    I will turn 39yrs next week, from Norway, other half, no kids, 3 dogs, work in an office, and started this WOL Jul 31 2017. Lost 8kg/17.85lbs since then.
    I keep my tracking up to date on this website, and I watch what my TDEE is. My FD’s should be ¼ of my TDEE, right? So that means my kcal-intake on FD’s should be adjusted accordingly? For now I don’t think “water only”-FD’s are for me.

    I could join the “Pocket Winos”, for an alcohol-free November 

    Goal for November – – – -I Think I will go for…… 2,5kg/5.5lbs

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