no problems – survived -1st day

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no problems – survived -1st day

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ipswichmatt 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hurrah! survived 1st day 513 calories (burned the extra 13 doing some house work!). It was not to bad!! I stayed away from soluble Carb (no rice, pasta or potato) Taking cute of our cute cat Moo/Mia helped!Lost 800 grams!

    Oh! did’nt have any fruits either! 10/12 nuts for breakfast & white tea – boiled egg & vegis, cucumber raita & white tea for lunch and chicken & vegis for dinner!

    Well done! I started this a couple of weeks ago. Isn’t it surprising how how don’t get hungrier and hungrier? I found that hunger comes and goes, and never really gets any worse. This is what make intermittant fasting possible IMO.

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