Nimble November Challenge 2022

This topic contains 369 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  camkenneth1993 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 384 total)

  • Day 17 Ohio, US — FD800
    Day 16 — CD

    Yesterday evening got eaten up working with my group for a final project in our course. Amazingly (at least to me) my teammates preferred texting to meeting on Zoom. As a result what could have been achieved in a half hour took about four times as long. Our project is to present a visit to Avignon. The first draft of the project was due today. For the parts I was responsible for, I tried to follow the detailed directions provided by the prof as closely as possible. My teammates not so much. The project is to be a video of a series of interviews through which content is to be conveyed. Apparently my teammates consider the project just to be an exercise in cut-and-paste from the Web, with no conversations at all. It will be interesting to see how the prof responds to this. (Sorry about this rant!)

    Fasting today has gone well, although there was no exercise out of doors, since the temperature hovered just around freezing or below (mostly below) for the day. A steady 25 mph wind just made it too frosty to do much outside. Come to think of it, that may also have contributed to dampen my mood and to the above paragraph.

    @michelinme Not sure about your vegan chocolate, but regular chocolate bars (even dark chocolate) do contain some caffeine, so perhaps you are right about that.

    @maui Hope you all had a great time for your DH’s birthday! And really?! Going to the Bahamas while you’re in Hawaii? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 17 Pocket List ๐Ÿ’ช
    @malee57 CF
    @northgeorgia OMAD
    @stitchincarol WF
    @at FD800
    @matpi FD800

    Day 18 โ€“ South Africa โ€“ FD

    I lost the plot yesterday, as far as food is concerned. Nothing very unhealthy, but just too much of everything. And a bag of crisps (chips). And not the first one this week. I NEVER buy crisps, but since I quit drinking I’ve suddenly decided they’re the best thing ever?! I seem to have a knack of getting rid of one bad habit & quickly acquiring a new one ๐Ÿค” Hopefully a strict Friday FD will undo most of the damage

    A 10 minute clip from Dr Pradip Jamnadas, definitely worth watching. Explains why we love the bad foods so much:-

    Jokes of the day:-

    Two fish are in a tank. One says, “how do you drive this thing?”

    When life give you melons, you might be dyslexic.

    A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter

    โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ She asked.

    โ€œHunting Fliesโ€ He responded.

    โ€œOh!, Killing any?โ€ She asked.

    โ€œYep, 3 males, 2 femalesโ€, he replied.

    Intrigued, she asked. โ€œHow can you tell?โ€

    โ€œ3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone.โ€

    Happy Fri-yay! ๐Ÿน

    Pocket List – Day 18 ๐Ÿ‡

    Day 18 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Unusual Friday FD today, yesterday evenings meal with visitors would’ve made a nonsense of being a normal FD. However, flexibility is my friend with 5:2 and probably very easy, ate well last night, but not massive portions these days.

    Sun shining but quite cool out this morning, think it may well be a nice wander today after yesterday and quite a lot of rain.

    @stitchincarol – I’ve only tried WFD’s once or twice, that’s on the shelf with other things I just couldn’t get along with, so I’ve not much understanding around it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 18

    Day 18-UK-FD

    Have not had great FDs this week due to headaches :-/ the ones that hang around.
    Someone asked about undoing the good work of a WFD, which btw is amazing to attempt!. From my understanding it’s about the ‘insulin response’ our bodies produce, overtime we become insulin resistant, when the body can’t clear out the sugar, so it’s dumped in fat cells. This depends a lot of overall individual health, stress and cortisol, other hormones and what’s eaten on NFDs. I’m sure a small amount of bread would not hurt too much though.

    Does anyone use an App for fasting? I do and it can make things a bit more interesting :0) mine currently says 15 hours ๐Ÿ˜‰ you can also track your mood..

    Has anyone listened to Paul McKenna’s Youtube stuff re meditating on compulsion foods? it’s pretty good, and it worked for my chocolate biscuit obsession, which I no longer eat at all.

    I agree that there could be emotional reasons behind disordered eating, but also just bad habits in my case. Thinking I deserve a treat bc ‘the sun is shining’ ๐Ÿ™‚ silly thinking! and not self care. In her book on binge eating, Kathryn Hansen says this is ‘neurological junk’ which I find quite helpful, just pathways made up from neurons that don’t need to be listened to, the opposite being true, i.e setting up new healthy pathways.

    Good luck with fasting people xx

    Day 18 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Had my OMAD lunch yesterday, although the period was extended a couple of hours… I know I didn’t eat after 3 pm. And had pizza, cola, and half a cookie. Business lunch — not my choices. Still ended up losing a pound or a bit more. Some interesting ideas are developing in my mind, and they involve not eating after 3 p.m. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 18 NFD country west Australia
    Family arrived with cake, stayed to lunch – roast lamb with all the trimmings BUT I had the smallest amount of meat, NOT the top slice which I absolutely love ๐Ÿ˜ข, and heaps of veggies .
    So starting to make more sensible choices. ๐Ÿ˜‡
    ( May have been derailed by afternoon tea at a friend’s house but again only 1 piece of slice instead of mindlessly munching whilst having a cup. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ. Baby steps….)
    @i Hate Lettuce, yes that is what I like about 5:2, that it is flexible. One just has to have 2 days where one is actually fasting!! ( something I kind of glossed over when EFS for months at a time).
    @funshipfreddie, golly your jokes are funny. I love them!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Thanks again for such hilarity.
    @matpi, I hope you manage to get your project done with your input. Cut and paste ?? I know most lecturers don’t think much of that approach so best of luck with your colleagues.๐Ÿคž
    I m going to adopt the ‘ Do – There is no try, ‘ approach.
    And sticking with AT’s saying. Sadly I AM back where I wish I wasn’t !!!
    Onward and downward.

    Day 18 UK CD

    Yesterday’s FD was derailed by way of peanut butter! Weekly weigh day and I’m 172lb but have lost a whole inch from my hips – not this week, but since I last measured 3 weeks ago. It just shows that this WOL does change things even when it’s not the things we’re noticing.

    Feeling viral again today and have taken the day off. Trying not to get overwhelmed knowing that everything will be easier when I feel better. I find it hard when there’s so much to do – it all exists in my head at the same time, clamouring for attention – but rest and time out from it all will make things much more manageable, I hope.

    Yesterday’s OMAD was steamed savoy cabbage with a little vegan butter and some nutritional yeast – yummy! – plus stir fried quorn pieces with broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach, followed by pear & apple compote. My fortnightly veg box has filled the fridge with veg and I’m excited to eat them – roast parsnips, kale crisps, steamed cabbage and cauliflower, baked sweet potatoes, crunchy carrots with bean pate and juicy tomatoes and fruit compotes with red rice pudding. It feels like a good weekend to be focussing on food for better health!

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800 151.4

    Sadly, yesterday’s WF wasn’t. It started just after noon when, feeling awful because I seem to be coming down with a cold, I ate just a bit–truly, only a bit, and good choices–to warm up (need those calories for warmth, you know, and the day was bitterly cold) and to nurture my body. Then, after lessons were done, I was on a quest to buy some wine for a friend on a budget, and the store I went to was having a massive wine tasting. Figuring I’d had enough calories not to have an empty stomach, I had four small swallows of four different wines–and then remembered I was supposed to be fasting! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Then I had a massive attack of gas that had me in misery. I was halfway home when it finally went away, so I went ahead and did my big grocery store run for Thanksgiving. By the time I got home at 8pm, I needed (did I? well, I wanted, and felt like I needed) a reward (so, yes, I guess I think I’m a dog ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) so first I had one of the new beers I bought and then I had a Kahlua and Cream. And I didn’t ever really feel guilty, and still don’t this morning. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ So, today will be a FD800 to compensate for yesterday’s shortcomings, and it’s all good. And I found two AMAZING deals for my friend and, at her direction, bought her two cases of wine at roughly $5/bottle!! It was a good day, despite the deviation from the plan.

    @at Loved reading all your chatter, especially the bit about the Nutcracker; sounds great fun!

    @maui I’ll bet your day yesterday was an absolute delight, and well done for staying at 173 for several days running!

    @brightonbelle Yeah, if I’d been losing a pound a week, I’d be back to where I was last May before I started eating…it’s TOUGH to counteract our natural instincts, isn’t it?

    @malee57 LOL, yeah, a tired brain sneaking in a “not” does indeed make the sentence nonsensical; now I get it! Thanks for the info on a mouthful of food; I completely derailed yesterday’s WF, but I’ll skip little nibbles on future WFs.

    @matpi Your rant about your teammates reminds me of a team project I had in college in an accounting class; I got an A, and my teammate did not. That was lovely vindication for the other gal’s stubborn indifference, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie I’m still laughing out loud at today’s jokes; thanks!!

    @i-hate-lettuce I’m actually quite astonished to have turned passionate about WFs… never would have guessed I’d like them so well, and find them so simple to accomplish (well, usually). But it’s because I’m doing them on T/Th: my natural inclination is to skip breakfast, and then I’m gone to teach lessons for the rest of the days, so not eating/nibbling is simple (well, most of the time! ๐Ÿ˜‚) and I end up finding it relatively easy. Now, to WF on a day when I’m at home? Nope, I won’t succeed. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    @amiya I was the one asking about nibbling on WF days; thanks for your thoughts on that as well as all the other thoughts/info you shared!

    @northgeorgia I too have found that not eating after 3pm or so, even if I’ve had extremely diet-unfriendly food before that, to be helpful on the scale. I’m sure it wouldn’t work carried to an extreme, but I’ve been surprised by the scale every time I’ve pulled it off for any random reasons.

    @lilymartin Well done, you, on those baby steps; that is indeed where success begins!

    @michelinme I hope you feel better soon! Here’s an idea for you to try: start with sweet potatoes and cook/mash them the way you would regular spuds, except add in an egg (or two, if you want, and depending on quantity) once it’s cooled a bit, whisking briskly so it doesn’t cook ahead of time. In the meantime, either cut off a fourth of a smallish orange, or cut in half a large orange, and juice them, and pull out the rest of the membranes inside. Fill your orange shells with your mashed sweet potatoes, top with almonds and a pat of butter and bake…I think in a regular oven for about 30 minutes. Divine. Truly. It pulls out the orange oil into the sweet potatoes and is so impressive looking on a plate; this has been a regular on our Thanksgiving Table for years. I am repulsed by the brown sugar/marshmallow approach to sweet potatoes, but with no added sugar, this is a far cry from that.

    @linda.b Thinking of you often, hoping you’re improving!

    Okay, it’s time to get at my to-do list. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Today WILL be FD800 because I do not choose to be fat. Today, I do not try, I DO.


    Pocket list day 18
    @stitchincarol FD800

    Day 18 USA/HI FD800
    Yesterdayโ€™s celebration with DH and sons was great. I did keep calorie count around 1200 which I think is reasonable for NFDโ€ฆ but the net carb count was 163 and instead of 63 to 90 on previous days. I am still trying to set my carb goals. Any suggestions?

    Making today another FD800. Have acupuncture treatment this morning and then shopping for our our thanksgiving dinner groceries. Hope to keep losing by increasing the FD800โ€™s between the feasting days! Now need to get the walking/exercise back into my life..seem to have a mental block right now when it comes to exercise.

    2nd post
    I am getting out of bed and on the recumbent bike for the 30 minute workout right now! Posting my lack of exercise is giving me motivation lol

    Day 18, London, UK, NFD

    Late check-in as it’s the start of my 4 day weekend, it’s not as great as it sounds as these are the days I don’t go to work, but care for my mum, unfortunately, she’s suffering a bit at the moment with terrible pain. Sleepless nights have been the norm for the last couple of weeks. I’m exhausted, but I’m polishing my halo๐Ÿ˜‡ since I’m remaining booze free!!! Remaining booze free in a stressful situation means not only a shiny halo, but a rake of medals too!!!๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿฅˆ๐Ÿฅ‰๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

    I haven’t caught up on posts, but I know there are a few of us re-joining the wagon, I’m stocking up on superglue for next week when I WILL complete at least 2 500cal FDs!! I’m going back to basics, this week has been sugar & carb free so I won’t want to gnaw my arm off on my upcoming FDs.
    2L water daily is also helping keep me full & drowning that dragon๐Ÿ‰ and,…………….. it’s 3 months until THE big birthday (yes 21 again!!)๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ, so there’s no choice but to get my ar*se in gear for that bash where I need to be ‘Fabulous’ not ‘Fat’!!

    Keep the faith folks!!

    Day 18 – UK – TDEE

    A lovely 6+km walk this morning with my regular walking group – dry and even a bit of blue sky but a chilly wind – a very welcomed coffee at the end with the group.

    A good FD800 completed yesterday and today has been well below TDEE and for the past 2 weeks I have also managed to remain alcohol free at home (with some difficulty I have to admit) Weigh in tomorrow…….hoping for the downward trend to continue ๐Ÿคž

    Baking afternoon for a fundraiser tomorrow – Orange and Poppy Seed Cake and Apple, Spelt and Almond Cake

    @maui – Happy belated birthday wishes for your DH – good to hear that you had a lovely family time
    @michelinme – what a shame about your washing machine and such an inconvenience too
    @matpi – group project work can be so frustrating as you don’t have any real control of the outcome – hope it works out ๐Ÿคž
    @funshipfreddie – I look forward to your “Jokes of the day” – always a good giggle
    @i-hate-lettuce – I so agree that flexibility is our friend with 5:2
    @lilymartin – I am loving your positive attitude – “I’m going to adopt the โ€˜ Do โ€“ There is no try, โ€˜ approach” – that’s what I have been focusing on for the past 2 weeks too
    @flourbaby – I’m not surprised that you are exhausted – the care you are providing for your mum is wonderful and I’m sure she does appreciate it – absolutely right that remaining booze free in a stressful situation means not only a shiny halo, but a rake of medals too!!! ๐Ÿค—

    I am seconding @flourbaby ‘s – “Keep the faith folks!!”

    Day 18 Second post

    Don’t have time to read the other posts, but am DELIGHTED to report that I’ve held myself strong and haven’t had a single morsel of food yet today, and it’s only a few minutes shy of four o’clock, making a FD800 very doable–yay!

    It’s a rare Friday when I manage to behave with restraint!

    Day 19 country west Australia CD 84.4 kg
    Cruella de Scales still playing nicely with small increments downwards but I am happy with that.
    83 kgs by end of November looking a distinct possibility ๐Ÿ˜Š
    @michelinme I also do not understand the vagaries of some measurements! I weigh less today ( daily weigher but Saturday only recorder) than I have in months but my measurements – bust, waist ,hips, thighs, biceps are exactly the same as when I was heavier ,with the only exception of 1 cm off my hips ??? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
    @at, yes I am feeling really motivated and positive at present. Christmas present to self is to be at 82 kgs or close to that, which will be the lightest I have been in 5 years.
    And then the work of losing the rest of the weight will continue…..๐Ÿ˜‡
    This forum ๐Ÿ‘ most certainly helps me to stay on the wagon.
    @stitchincarol, good luck with the FD800 today. BTW I am going to try that sweet potato recipe. It sounds delish.๐Ÿ˜‹ Also looks like your day may have been a FD ( fluid day) after all!!
    @flourbaby, positive you will be fab by the big day.๐Ÿ’
    We can do this together. ๐Ÿค
    @penz is holding my hand across the Nullarbor for which I am most grateful.
    I do think @penz‘s fingers may be numb by the tightness of my hold but still….๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    @maui, well done on the exercise. That is the part of health that is lacking with me at present.
    Some days are easy to get exercise happening and other days it is kind of ‘ Yeah…… Nuh!’
    Onward and downward.๐Ÿ˜
    A sign I saw outside a shop the other day which made me smile : I haven’t spoken to my wife in years – I didn’t want to interrupt her !!

    Day 19 โ€“ South Africa โ€“ NFD – ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿท Day 50

    A real Friday Pocket List?! How often does that happen? Mine went like clockwork, & I guess the Thursday mini-binge was mostly in my head, because the scales have retreated back down to my lowest weight of the year. Sometimes there really is no rhyme or reason for the number that appears.

    @flourbaby – oh, well done on remaining AF during your stressful time! Some more medals for you! ๐Ÿฅ‡๐ŸŽ–๏ธ๐Ÿฅ‰๐Ÿฅ‡

    Dr Michael Mosley talking about his struggle with junk food. Shame, I guess he hasn’t heard about the Raid hack ๐Ÿ˜…

    I’m glad everyone seems to be enjoying the jokes. Here’s today’s. Apologies in advance to the vegetarians/vegans๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

    Jokes of the day:-

    My wife left a note on the fridge that said, “This isn’t working.” I’m not sure what she’s talking about. I opened the fridge door and it’s working fine!

    When ordering food at a new restaurant, my wife asked the waiter what they do to prepare their chicken. โ€œNothing special,โ€ he explained. โ€œWe just tell them theyโ€™re going to die.โ€

    Have a good weekend everyone โ›… ๐ŸŒˆ

    Pocket List – Day 19 ๐Ÿฅ•
    @lilymartin CD

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Last time I weighed in this low on a Saturday was on October 1. I did ZBC, then overloaded a bit on legumes at lunchtime yesterday and just remained satiated for a very long time. @stitchincarol I’m keeping that 3 p.m. idea in my mind for December; I think it could be helpful to me…

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800 151.8 lbs.

    As it turns out, the dinner I was planning was more calories than 800 AND I completely forgot to even think about pouring milk to drink with dinner and poured another glass of wine. oops. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคช It’s always a struggle to figure out calories when cooking from scratch (rather than eating packaged food), but I think I came close to a TDEE amount of calories. Today will be homemade turkey noodle soup from the carcass I froze after roasting the turkey last week for our church turkey supper; I’ll definitely have milk this time, and the last of the Cranberry Pecan multi-grain bread with butter, and THINK that will come in around 800. But, again, making a soup from scratch, how will I know?? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    @lilymartin After I described the dish, I looked for an online version, and couldn’t find one (they all included brown sugar and/or honey plus cinnamon, etc.—BLECH), so I went and looked at my recipe to make sure I’d remembered everything, and I neglected to include lemon zest and white pepper, two of my favorite things to add to food! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we love it! If you have enough, put them in a small enough pan that they’re snug against each other so that they don’t lean sideways; also an option is to use a cupcake pan to hold them upright and keep them balanced.

    @northgeorgia Nice weigh-in for today! Did you notice that for three days now I’ve been at or below 2.5lbs from my winning weight?? You don’t plan to let a GIRL beat you do you??? And a middle-aged GRANDMA-GIRL, at that?????? DO yaโ“โ—โ“โ—โ“โ—I’ve thrown down the gauntlet, honey; I may not have succeeded at my actual goal on either Thursday or Friday, but I’m still making progress! ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿคช

    (just a little friendly heckling….) ๐Ÿคช

    Okay, got four pie crusts made yesterday; two are in the fridge waiting for next Wednesday to bake the pies, and two are in the freezer. Today, I’m getting a double-batch of thumbprint cookies mixed, scooped, and into the freezer. It’s such a great way to bake hundreds of cookies all at once: I simply take them out of the freezer to thaw first thing in the morning and they’re ready to go by 10 or 11. I still have a double batch of date nut swirls to get in the freezer (these are for us more than for the cookie sale on 12/3) and some cut-out cookies, and then I’ll be ready to bake on Friday, 12/2. Perhaps I can use masking tape to ensure my mouth stays shut while I’m baking???

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 19 USA/HI FD 800
    Yesterday FD 800 was successful. Planing another today.
    Lab results yesterday show high cholesterol, triglycerides etc. Gives me stong motivation to drop the weight. Did my 30 minute recumbent bike workout yesterday and today. Will switch to the 45 minute workout tomorrow. Upper body is included so itโ€™s probably enough for now. Certainly better than nothing!
    Dr will be here in a few minutes to go over lab results. I donโ€™t want to be on meds. ๐Ÿ™

    Day 19 USA/HI FD 800
    Yesterday FD 800 was successful. Planing another today.
    Lab results yesterday show high cholesterol, triglycerides etc. Gives me stong motivation to drop the weight. Did my 30 minute recumbent bike workout yesterday and today. Will switch to the 45 minute workout tomorrow. Upper body is included so itโ€™s probably enough for now. Certainly better than nothing!
    Dr will be here in a few minutes to go over lab results. I donโ€™t want to be on meds. ๐Ÿ™

    Day 20 Melbourne, Australia NFD 7.30am

    I did not log in yesterday as I was embarrassed and annoyed with myself that I had gained weight this week. But then I thought the reason I come on here is to be accountable to myself and to gain motivation to keep on going. It is too easy for me to see any set back as a reason to give up. And I am doing this for my health. I would like to lose weight, but because I do not want to end up having difficulty bending down to dry my feet after as my grandmother did. I want to be healthy enough to still be living in my own home at 90 years old. And enjoying my life.

    @amiya I have listened to Kathryn Hansen and like what she says about binge eating. That is where my bingeing brain lizard idea comes from. And he has now woken up and realized that I am losing a little bit of weight and is fighting back. My FDs are okay, but my NFDs are a real battle.

    @funshipfreddie I have just been watching the video you mentioned by Dr Pradip Jamnadas and am getting ideas to help me from it. I have already removed a lot of ultra-processed food from my diet which has helped. But I need to be more vigilant. I don’t want my life to revolve around food, but I want to be aware of all the difficulties food companies put in our way when we are trying to be healthy.

    @stitchincarol I really like the sound of that sweet potato mash in orange halves and have written out the recipe for when I have friends around for an early Christmas lunch.

    Day 19 UK NFD

    Ooops forgot to post earlier. it’s been strange here with sleep/wake cycles all over the place – weird headache and buzzy from codeine last night so I slept until after midday.

    Food wise, yesterday was solid and today has been fine tho feeling puffy and out of sorts. OMAD today of leftovers – 1/2 baked potato, vegan mince, steamed cabbage – plus a NFD mug cake (with almond flour, coconut flour, raw cacao, egg, soya milk, baking soda, raisins) with pear/apple/blueberry compote and vegan custard.

    Breakthrough – I’ve resisted snacking! My brain is flitting through what’s in the house but there’s another part of my brain saying nope, don’t need it, want to lose another 4lbs before Christmas!!! That’s real progress. Now I need to work on drinking more of that lovely ginger tea, sleeping earlier, stretching and grounding myself. it’ll all help me get over this virus.

    Not going into town tomorrow as I need to pace more gently but friend coming over to take me out to lunch – looking forward to the catch up. And going to harvest the last of my tomatoes before she gets here. Where do the days go? 4 weeks until the shortest day ๐Ÿ™‚

    @flourbaby that sounds like perfect preparation for a back to basics 5:2 – well done! Looking after your lovely mum sounds like hard work; I hope all goes well x

    @stitchincarol thank you so much for the recipe – I will give it a try

    Back to zzzz

    Day 19 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 18 — NFD

    Yesterday evening there was a big energy drain that has continued up through most of today. I’m not sure what caused it, but I do seem to be coming out of it this evening. There was good news at yesterday’s weigh-in: 178.25 lb (80.9 kg). That’s my lowest weight since July, 2020! So it appears that the diet recalibration and the fasting are really working! Of course the trick is to maintain the loss rate. Part of the diet recalibration has been going sugar-free. Maintaining that is another trick.

    @michelinme Is your vegan mince quorn based? By the way, I love mug meals and mug cooking. For Thanksgiving (this coming Thursday in the States) I plan on making a mug pumpkin pie (almost sugar free!)

    @maui Is your recumbent bike designed for inside or outside? In Portland, Oregon, it was quite common to see commuters going to work in the morning on recumbent bikes. I never found out how they fared during the evening rush hour traffic.

    @stitchincarol Actually the average glass of red wine has about 125 calories and an eight oz glass of 2% milk has about 122. So they are equivalent! Of course their effects are not equivalent! But that makes for the joy of life!

    Hope everyone is having fantastic weekend adventures!

    Day 20 โ€“ South Africa โ€“ NFD

    @malee57 – I’m so pleased you found Dr Jamnadas’ video helpful. I love his enthusiastic yet ‘no-nonsense’ approach. And as he says in one of his videos, “if it doesn’t have a label, it’s probably good for you”. Don’t even think about giving up; eventually you’ll find an approach that works for you.

    @matpi – well done on your almost 2 & a half year low! ๐ŸŽฏ One thing I just can’t quit is artificial sweeteners in tea/coffee. I used to have two sucralose tablets in a drink. But since I quit buying my occasional sugary treats just a few weeks ago, I found my drinks taste far too sweet, & I can make do with just one tablet.

    โ€œOur greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.โ€ โ€“ Thomas A. Edison

    Happy S๐ŸŒžnday!

    Jokes of the day:-

    Just burned 2,000 calories. Thatโ€™s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap.

    The last thing I want to do is hurt you; but itโ€™s still on the list.

    Whatโ€™s the difference between ignorance and apathy? I donโ€™t know and I donโ€™t care.

    A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says, โ€œHey, they named a drink after you!โ€
    โ€œReally?โ€ replies the grasshopper. โ€œThereโ€™s a drink named Stan?โ€

    Day 20 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    What an easy day yesterday, Mrs I-h-l and I decided to go for a wander along the seafront down along the bay a few miles down the road. Bright sunshine and no wind, making the most of a late November mild day. Back home and watched the Autumn International Rugby on TV, then feet up and relaxing, a really nice ‘day off’.

    @malee57 – Hopefully one day your ‘bingeing brain lizard’ will meet up with my ‘Inner Warthog’ … don’t know where he’s gone to, but he migrated a while ago when I stopped feeding him and never been back. Maybe thats the start of a 5:2 Zoo somewhere, mind you it would need a big pen for the number of ‘wine dragons’ there are about ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    @michelinme – Brilliant on beating the snacking, hopefully ‘non snacking habit’ will take over, remarkably easy once you get into the mindset of doing (or not doing) something ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care all

    Day 20 – UK – TDEE
    Day 19 – FD800

    Started out yesterday at 9am dropping off the cakes at the Parish centre for the cafe then driving off for my HIP/Yoga morning workshop which was fab, then back home to change and then off to help run the cafe for the rest of the day – busy and productive day – we served bacon/egg rolls, hot soup and a huge selection of homemade cake with tea/coffe/hot chocolate – sold out by 5.30pm!!!!! a good fundraiser.
    Town was busy as it was the day when Santa ๐ŸŽ… rode the ferry up the lake then paraded through town before turning on the Ambleside Christmas lights with magic dust! All the children had made lanterns and followed Santa Sleigh in the parade ending up in the local park for fireworks at 5.30pm ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿงจ๐ŸŽ† The cafe team managed to watch the fireworks from a room within the parish centre with a fab view of the park whilst enjoying a glass of ๐Ÿฅ‚ only a small glass as ๐Ÿพ was shared between the 6 of us (and yes it was counted into that 800cal!!)

    Luckily cooking and serving food for lots of people is always a real appetite suppressant for me – Such a busy day yesterday that I ended up doing an unplanned FD800 and woke up this morning weighing in at 59.5kg/131.2lbs that’s down 2kg/4.4lbs for the Nimble November Challenge 2022 so far ๐Ÿ˜„ and did a ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Going to see The Royal Balletโ€™s “A Diamond Celebration” this afternoon with 5 friends – it’s meant to be a journey through 60 years of the Royal Ballet ๐Ÿฉฐ From Frederick Ashton to Joseph Toonga, this gala event at the Royal Opera House celebrates the best of past and present – we are going to have lunch out before seeing the performance at 2pm – really looking forward to it ๐Ÿฉฐ

    So planning a lazy morning, still recovering from yesterday’s efforts!!! Cup of tea in bed whilst catching up on here, might have to bake OH some more scones for his post run snacks before heading out for lunch – aiming for a OMAD TDEE ๐Ÿคž

    Blue skies and sunshine out there – if I didn’t have plans would normally have been out for a long hike but I think that my body really needs a lazy day today to recover so glad that plans had been made ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @funshipfreddie – happy to report that I am managing to remain alcohol free at home, which probably explains the motivation and control leading to weight loss……here’s hoping that my mojo remains firmly in place for the rest of this Nimble November Challenge 2022

    Hoping everyone is having a good weekend too and enjoying life

    Day 20 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. I didn’t eat just at mealtimes and didn’t make great choices throughout the day, but on the other hand, I did try to eat fibrous and filling foods over carbs. So the weight gain was moderate. Will do a WFD today and Tuesday. With Thanksgiving on Thursday, I’m not sure if OMADs will end up working out this week, but we’ll see. If I can stick to just two or three meals a day (NFD) and limit junk carbs, I’ll be happy.

    Pocket list – day 20

    Day20 USA/HI. NFD 16:8
    172 lB new low since starting this challenge. Very encouraging! Yesterdayโ€™s FD 800 ended up being a about 1000 calories but very low carb.
    My primary care doctor approved me trying the Chinese herbs prescribed by my acupuncturist for lowering my cholesterol. However he wants lab test in one month to check my liver. Apparently some people have problems with absorbing these supplements. He also recommended following a keto diet plan which I am kinda doing anyway along with the 5:2.
    @matpi My recumbent bike is stationary and sits on outdoor covered porch. At least I do see blue skies and trees during my workout. A little distressed as I woke up this morning with my knee painful and swollen. I did push the resistance level up yesterday and I guess the arthritis decided to let me know I was overdoing it. I will let it rest today and wear my knee compression sleeve. Hope to get back on the bike tomorrow.
    Looking forward to my full day at work in the gallery today. DH and our 2 sons will have a nice day together watching football and just hanging out together. So thankful we are blessed to have this time together. Iโ€™m going to get up and make a quick batch of keto friendly almond biscuits for everyone. Also soaked black bean overnight to make the guys a pot of chili in the instant pot. Itโ€™s not keto so I will not be eating it but they will enjoy.
    All the best to everyone here to hang in there and stay the course despite the challenges that pop up constantly. Like waking up with a bum knee from exercising. Lol

    Day 21 country west Australia FD 2000 (code for probable NFD given the day ahead!!) 85.7 kg!!!
    Feeling quite happy with how I ‘m doing 5:2. Mostly making better choices and eating less.
    Yesterday ,had to mow, whipper snip, weed and clean up a vacant quarter acre block we have in another town.
    ( It was very overgrown and the wild oats were almost 6 feet high!! Luckily we didn’t encounter any wild animals in the jungle there!! )
    Spent 5 hours working solidly ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ˜‡ and thinking how kind Cruella would be this morning. But…. a 1.3 kg GAIN !!!
    My DH tells me it must be muscle. ( could also have been the rare treat of fish and chips we had for dinner…??)
    I think it is probably just the normal 1-2 kg variation but I was still a tad disgruntled at old Cruella’s number.๐Ÿ˜ก
    Today have family here and they are cooking their signature pasta dish , plus donuts , hence FD about 2000 I reckon!!
    @maui congrats on the new low. Well done!๐Ÿ’
    @michelinme congratulations on the no snacking. Winning.๐Ÿ˜‡
    @stitchincarol, how do you manage not to taste ll of the delicious things you bake???
    That’s what I have found on this forum – most of us are really foodies!!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜…
    @funshipfreddie, love the laughs – a lovely way to start a sunny Monday.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    It looks like spring might just be beginning to … spring. Almost summer and we are having our first consistently warm days.
    Temps for the past few days: Friday – 12C, cold and wet ; Saturday- 18C, cool and wet; Sunday – 19C coolish and windy; Monday ( today)- 27C warm; tomorrow – 30C !! then back down to the low 20s. For the last week of spring.
    It’s been a crazy year!!
    Onward and downward.

    Day 21 Melbourne, Australia FD

    Good start to the day with a nice swim. It’s cold here so it was a very quick walk from the outdoor pool to the showers. I have spent the time since then sitting in the house reading a book.

    Day 21 โ€“ South Africa โ€“ FD

    @at – where you live sounds wonderful. Ambleside – that rings a bell. A distant bell – I’m sure I was there on a school trip in ’73. And Kendal mint cake? Never forgotten that either ๐Ÿ˜…

    @maui – well done on the monthly low! And I hope that knee pain abates quickly ๐Ÿค—

    Another glorious spring day here, 22C & hardly a breeze. Looking forward to a nice long walk along the sea front ๐Ÿ–๏ธ.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Jokes of the day:-

    A professor in South Africa is teaching her students how to form English sentences.

    โ€œAttention class, I have two words: Cheetah and dandelion, can anybody use these together in a sentence?โ€

    One student raises their hand,

    โ€œThe cheetah is faster dandelionโ€

    โ€œNothing looks good on me anymore,โ€ wailed a customer modeling an outfit in front of the department storeโ€™s mirror.

    โ€œNonsense, maโ€™am,โ€ soothed the salesclerk. โ€œThat dress says it all.โ€

    โ€œThatโ€™s the problem,โ€ the woman replied. โ€œI need a dress that keeps its mouth shut.โ€

    Two eggs, a bagel, and a sausage walk into a bar. โ€œBartender, my friends and I would like a cold one,โ€ says one of the eggs.

    โ€œSorry,โ€ the barman replies. โ€œWe donโ€™t serve breakfast.โ€

    Pocket List – Day 21 ๐Ÿ

    Day 21 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Cold start to the day, central heating is off as the engineer is due any time to service the boiler, typical, it always seems to be a colder morning the day we’ve got an annual service!

    Despite having a good weekend, not overindulging at all, going to continue with my Monday morning FD, keep in the maintenance zone, heading off again this coming weekend! Treating Mrs I-h-l to a week away Christmas shopping ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Take care all

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 21 ๐Ÿ

    Day 21-UK-FD

    Hi to everyone! I haven’t weighed myself as cat sitting, and don’t want to use different scales. I’m hoping this will be a good FD.
    @malee57 well done on the loss ๐Ÿ˜‰ the body is so clever I think and will always fight back to conserve calories and make it known it’s hungry!

    I’ve also been reading (again) about the dangers of sugar. I realize I’ve been using plant based milk, instead of genuine milk, and not sure if it really is ‘better’, maybe just ‘watery starch’ with some nutrients ;-/. It’s a balancing act as with menopause/hypothyroid I was advised against dairy, due to the added hormones/antibiotics to cows here in the UK. Now I’m thinking of going back to normal semi-skimmed? I know there are some sugars in milk (lactose) though. There is the ‘no sugar added’ plant milk but I find the taste weird, and it tends to separate in a coffee.

    Happy fasting!

    Day 21 – UK – FD

    Yesterday was definitely a NFD as OH decided he wanted pizza for dinner when I returned home from the ballet and what is a girl to do when presented with the offer of her favourite mushroom pizza!!

    Today is another day so aiming for an old fashioned FD500 to reset for the week

    @maui – well done on reaching a new low

    It’s cold and grey out there today but no rain as yet – staying indoors this morning and catching up with home chores but will walk into town to meet my regular Monday afternoon tea/coffee group for a chat

    Yoga class this evening at 6pm so should help me stay on track for a good FD

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 21 ๐Ÿ

    Day 21 UK NFD

    Lost the plot over the weekend and heading off to Rome for a short break tomorrow , See you all next week to see the Month out and hopefully my mojo will make a late appearance

    Day 21 โ€“ Monday โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia ๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ˜ โ€“ NFD ๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ’๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ

    Sorry to report that the universe is playing pranks on me……. as if COVID is not enough, I now have SHINGLES!

    Yes, I’ve got the antivirals but not sure if they are working too well. It’s down my back, from back left shoulder all the way down to the back of my knees! I’ve had shingles a few times before but never like this! ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    And still have covid!

    Also lost 3 kgs and hit 57 kg which is way too low for me…… I’ll actually now have to put that back on.

    I’ll catch up again in a few days, just wanting to have lots of rest and water in the meantime.

    Hope you are all ok.

    cheerie dearies๐Ÿ˜Š

    2nd post

    @linda.b – oh poor you – sending you all the positive vibes and big virtual hugs ๐Ÿค— Hope you start to feel better soon

    Unfortunately several recent studies have highlighted the following: (you can google the link between Covid and shingles to find recent studies)
    “It found that COVID-19 diagnosis inโ€…those aged over 50 is linked to a โ€˜significantly increasedโ€™ risk of developing shingles. Overall, those diagnosed with COVID-19 had a 15% higher risk of shingles than those without COVID-19, a trend that grew to 21% if they had been hospitalised with COVID-19.

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Tomorrow will be another FD in preparation for Thanksgiving on Thursday LOL

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800 or CD 153.2

    Yesterday, we went to a performance of Handel’s Messiah that was simply glorious. There was a chamber orchestra of perhaps 18, plus a harpsichord and an organ, and a choir of about 103. I nearly have all the choruses memorized, as well as many of the solos, because of how many times I’ve sung in it, and how many times I’ve been rehearsal and/or performance accompanist, so it was beyond fun to mouth the words along with the performers. There were six of us in our group, and we went out to eat afterward, but DH and I split a fish and chips (the only time in the States that fries are called chips, LOL), so I didn’t eat too much. The kahlua and cream when we got home was probably too much, but it sure felt good on my still-sore throat. I’m barely awake yet (it’s 7:20), so I haven’t figured out what the menu is for today, nor given myself a firm talking-to about sticking to the plan…hence the indecision above about what kind of day this will be. It will be busy because I have lots of things on my list in preparation for Thursday’s Thanksgiving dinner as well as the entire month of December.

    @maui Bummer on the high cholesterol/etc. I dug in my heals for 8 years or more trying to resist going on meds before my doctor finally put down his foot and said, No, NOW. So I’ve been on a statin since summertime (? time has a way of moving faster than I notice, LOL) and am interested to see what the numbers are next time I get tested. I’m truly impressed at how many FD800s in a row you’re pulling off!

    @malee57 I’m disappointed right along with you that you gained weight this last week, but don’t lose track of how easily that can be chalked up to water weight/roughage retention than to actual weight gain, and I’m so glad you’re back on today! I’m glad you liked the look of my sweet potato recipe; it’s truly one of my Thanksgiving treasures!

    @michelinme What did I miss? Why did you need to take codeine??

    @matpi I grinned at your info on how comparable calories are between milk and wine. The huge difference is I can drink 16 oz of skim milk and feel zero guilt, LOL! Plus, 16 oz of skim makes me full, while 16 of of wine (it’s sad that I know this) makes me want more and to find some salty crackers or nuts to go with it, so…

    @funshipfreddie I’m grinning and chuckling…thanks!

    @at Your Saturday and Sunday both sound delightful! And add in a FD800?? VERY rewarding!

    @lilymartin I don’t blame you in the least for being “a bit disgruntled” at Cruella’s number choice this morning! But. I’ll just bet all that work shows results in a week or two; that’s a common thing in weight loss, is to have the results of today’s efforts show up down the road. I’m sure you know that, right? So hold strong, because you are behaving WONDERFULLY! And too funny that we both had fish and chips on Sunday evening! As to not tasting what I bake? Often I do. Sometimes I don’t. It takes absolute determination of steel not to, and also determination that only a small nibble will do me. Mostly, I simply no longer bake, as I don’t possess that much determination, and DH isn’t all that interested in baked goods. All these cookies are for our church’s annual Christmas Cookie & Candy Boutique on 12/3, so that’s why I’m baking so much. Oh, and for us, and for when all our kids and grands will be here for Christmas. So…

    @i-hate-lettuce Your time away will be fun; where are you going for Mrs IHL to shop? And what will you do? Follow alongside her or do something else??

    @brightonbelle Oh my goodness. I can’t even imagine being able to “head off to Rome for a short break,” LOL! DH and I were there in 2019 for 3 days and had a glorious time. What’s on your agenda while there? Have fun!

    Oh, @linda.b SUCH a serious bummer!!!!! My deepest sympathies, dear one, and I’ll keep you in prayer for rapid healing. Oh my. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    @northgeorgia So you simply chose to ignore my good-natured heckling, eh???? ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Our village maintenance man has been one house away from us–about 200 feet–since 7am using a jack hammer to break up the cement on the street at the corner of the block. No idea what’s there, no idea why…but he’s NOISY, LOL. All that noise is motivating to be productive as well, so I’m off to start my day.

    And because it’s been helpful over the last few days, we have Yoda speaking to us today:

    “Do or do not. There is no try.”

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 21 ๐Ÿ

    Day 21 USA (Illinois) ?FD?

    Greetings from frozen NW Illinois. Sunny but plenty cold here these days. We had our big Advent Concert yesterday of our local Choral Society, so now it will be mostly my other volunteer activities that will keep me hopping. We have “Holidays Around the World” up at our Children’s Museum where schools and day cares are booking field trips – a job I coordinate. Too busy for this ol’ retired music teacher!

    @stitchincarol – I would be right there with you on “The Messiah!” Don’t know how many times I have sung a “do-it-yourself” one but dozens I bet. Our Amazon Alexa Echo music has terrific renditions of the selections from it. Your chamber orchestra and singers sound like it was amazing. Our choir sang several selections from Vivaldi “Gloria” yesterday that were quite good if I do say so myself. We also did 3 Ukrainian Christmas carols taught by our accompanist. A cappella and beautiful.

    @funshipfreddie – your jokes are so appreciated!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 21 – Second post

    Oh, @songbirdme, your concert sounds lovely! Is it recorded and online somewhere??

    Day 21 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    I have been MIA for a while due to busy times. And then DH comes home from his trip to Milan and then he has Covid, and now I do too. It’s day 5 for him, just Day 2 for me. I was quite sick yesterday but feeling better today apart from the headaches and stuffed nose and sore throat.

    Oh my @linda.b, so sorry to hear of your dreadful Covid experience ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I think @jaifaim also got shingles with her Covid ๐Ÿ˜จ Wishing you a good recovery. Holding your hand.

    Day21 USA FD800
    Up only 1/4 lb after NFD yesterday..,total calories were about 1150 with very low sugar and carb. I am struggling with doing a true keto as doctor suggested. Will try to stick to FD800 today and tomorrow. Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinnerโ€ฆ with both sons here we are planning a big dinner Afraid I will not be counting calories!
    Knee was ok this morning but backed it down to the 20 minute recumbent stationary bike workout. Will try to do at least another 10 minute workout later today if knee continues to feel good.
    Sorry to hear several dealing with covidโ€ฆ wishing a speedy recovery.
    I am so thankful for everyone involved with keeping these challenges going! It can be a life changing tool when we choose to use it.

    Day 21 UK WFD?
    Day 20 NFD

    Yesterday was a bit of a blur as woke feeling wiped out and weird again – and forgot to post. Instead of going out to lunch my friend came over for tea & a couple of hours catch up, then I macerated my Christmas pudding fruit for ‘stir up Sunday’. Christmas pudding is never going to be healthy but it’s grain- and gluten-free!

    Feeling distinctly less viral today tho something of a PoTs flare – my heartrate kept going up to 130 just sitting up so I’ve been mostly lying down. Feeling better for it and hoping for a better day tomorrow as the To Do list isn’t going away and some things are looming!

    Weigh in today back down to 171lb. I’ve not eaten yet in my lying down state and just realised I don’t feel very hungry – yay for yesterday’s easy prep eggs & baked beans! I’m drinking marmite tea and thinking it would be good to bank a WFD and add a FD800 on my busier day tomorrow. I’m really keen to get below the 12 stone/168 milestone before Christmas if I can. And fasting always helps my brain to work which would be a real bonus

    @at well done on your 2kg loss for this challenge – that’s briliant!
    @stitchincarol codeine = weird virus that’s been plaguing me for the last week including pain flare days
    @matpi yay for your lowest weight since July 2020! I use different vegan mince but mostly quorn or soya-based
    @maui congrats on your 172lb low!
    @linda.b so sorry to hear about your shingles, and @daffodil2010 poor you and DH! Sending big hugs to all of you and hope you feel better really soon xx

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 21 ๐Ÿ
    @michelinme WFD

    Day 22 Melbourne, Australia 8.30am

    Yesterday’s FD was successful. And today I am down to 76kg which is my goal for the month. It will go up after a day of normal eating today. But it is heartening to see that weight after quite a number of months being too big for my clothes.

    @linda.b shingles is a horrible condition. I had not realized that there was an increased risk of shingles after catching COVID – another reason to keep avoiding it.

    @Daffodil2020 look after yourself.

    I also love The Messiah. In fact I’m going to look out my CD of it and blast it out in my house. Doing the housework with music going is always easier.

    Day22 country west Australia NFD 85.8 kgs!!!!
    Yet another funeral to attend today of a young person killed in an accident. So not in the mood to fast.๐Ÿ˜ข
    @funshipfreddie. Your jokes are too funny !!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    It is an early 5 am start today ๐Ÿ˜ณ as we are doing sheepwork. So I read out your jokes to the workers over breakfast and they thought they were as funny as I did – both blokes too!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    Thank you !thank you !thank you! @stitchincarol @maui and @Malee 57 ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
    Cruella has been vile this morning.
    After 3 weeks of eating better and being more mindful of what and how much I am eating, she smirked when showing me the number I started this month with!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
    So in disgust I started the very early morning with a piece of toast and peanut paste ( which I have rarely ever done even during the past 5 years ).
    I ate it while reading posts here and you lovely people have given me the motivation to keep on the right track. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    So second piece of toast ditched and for the doggies and another cup of tea had instead.
    And just like that ,sitting comfortably on the wagon again instead of thinking of jumping off !! ๐Ÿ˜…
    Pulling up my big girls’ panties ( was it Fat Rabbit of the 2017 cohort who used that expression ??) and getting on with it.
    @linda_b, oh my thoughts, prayers and a big virtual hug ( being mindful not to touch the shingles). Poor you. I do hope you improve soon.๐Ÿ’.
    @at, I did not know that about Covid and shingles. Thanks for the info. Covid is pretty rife again here in WA, just not being reported on. And the mushroom pizza sounds yummy.๐Ÿ˜‹
    @Ihatelettuce, how nice of you to take your wife away for a week. Hope you have a lovely time. And Mrs IHL gets her Christmas shopping done.๐Ÿ˜Š I lost a week somewhere and thought it was nearly 6 weeks until Christmas and was somewhat dismayed to find out it is less than 5 !!
    @michelinme, I do hope you and others who are not feeling well soon return to good health. Sending virtual hugs and a big dose of virtual chicken soup for the unwell.๐Ÿ˜Š
    Off for a long drive to the city where it is forecast to be 34ยบC !!!! And here I currently am in long sleeved jumper and jeans by the heater !!

    Day 21 Ohio, US — FD800
    Day 20 — NFD

    Yesterday was a typically busy Sunday and I was still re-calibrating my NFD eating pattern. To day the fasting has gone well. Surprisingly more than half the day was spent outside the house, running chores and attending to appointments. Fortunately it got up to 45 F (7.2 C) with lots of sunshine, so it was a pleasant time to be out and about.

    @lilymartin My heartfelt sympathies on your loss.

    @malee57 I also find that having clothes fit again is one of the nicest experiences of losing weight.

    @michelinme Is this a Christmas pudding for Dec. 25? Why do mash it up now? Does it need to ferment?

    @daffodil2010 Hope you and your DH both recover quickly and completely!

    @songbirdme Your concert sounds spectacular! And I would really love to hear those Ukrainian carols!

    @stitchincarol I don’t suppose that they will ever have commercials for wine with celebrities sporting a dark red moustache, saying “Got wine?” ๐Ÿ™‚

    @at Those statistics about Covid and shingles make sense to me. People get the virus that causes shingles when, usually as children, they get chickenpox. After recovery from chickenpox, the virus can hide out along nerves thoughout the body and then waits until the body is stressed to blossom out as shingles. And Covid is a big stress!

    @linda.b I hope you recover from that double whammy with the speed of lightning!

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 21 ๐Ÿ
    @michelinme WFD
    @matpi FD800

    Day 22 โ€“ South Africa โ€“ NFD

    My FD was a bit challenging, but otherwise uneventful. And I’m almost half a kilo down from my last weigh-in

    @brightonbelle – happy travels! โœˆ๏ธ

    @linda.b – nooo?! Shingles is very unpleasant on its own. But on top of Covid?! Wishing you a speedy recovery; & I hope you enjoy putting back on those 3 kgs once your appetite returns ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿค—

    @daffodil2010 – sending healing vibes to you & your DH ๐Ÿค—

    @michelinme – I hope you’re feeling perkier today too ๐Ÿค—

    @malee57 – congrats on reaching your monthly goal already! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐ŸŽฏ

    @lilymartin – so glad you’re enjoying the jokes! Three weeks & no progress; must be very frustrating?! I wish I could offer some advice, but can’t think what to suggest? Other than maybe trying an extra FD per week? Alternate day fasting is a bit OTT, I think; but I can imagine Mon, Wed, Fri FDs would work for some people, at least for a while… ๐Ÿค”

    Jokes of the day:-

    Two hikers were walking through the woods when they are suddenly confronted by a giant bear. Immediately, one of the men took off his boots, pulled out a pair of track shoes, and began putting them on.
    โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ cried his companion. โ€œWe canโ€™t outrun that bear, even with jogging shoes.โ€
    โ€œWho cares about the bear?โ€ the first hiker replied. โ€œAll I have to worry about is outrunning you.โ€

    A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: โ€œUgh, thatโ€™s the ugliest baby Iโ€™ve ever seen!โ€ The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: โ€œThe driver just insulted me!โ€ The man says: โ€œYou go up there and tell him off. Go on, Iโ€™ll hold your monkey for you.โ€

    I took the shell off my racing snail, thinking it would make him run faster. If anything, it made him more sluggish.

    Day 22 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    42 years ago today Miss W became Mrs I-h-l …. How time flies, we’ve survived life’s bungee jump and everything thrown at us … and we’re still smiling and enjoying retirement, travelling and just having fun wherever and whenever we can ๐Ÿ˜‰ Our friends on the ships often comment that we’re always happy and smiling, we even still hold hands …. I say it’s to her from hitting me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So todays celebration, Mrs I-h-l is off for a days shopping trip with a friend, I’m kicking the Den brewery into action for a brew day, lots of stock in for Christmas visitors. So this lot for post Christmas/New Year.

    @stitchincarol@lilymartin – Re Christmas shopping trip, rented a cottage over in the Yorkshire Dales, so handy for York and surrounding towns, Knaresborough, Ripon, Northallerton etc plus some excellent walking country for any nice weather days that come along.

    Take care all

    Day 22 – UK Cam NFD
    @linda.b – how awful to get Shingles and still have Covid – my sympathies.

    Been under the weather myself these past 4 days – scales showed a 0.5lb increase on Friday, felt depressed as had done a good FD the previous day then we had a round of family parties and I guess I picked up a cold/sinus infection. Drinking lots of fluids (non-alcoholic!) and popping pain killers as needed – will curl up today with good book and daytime TV – a sure sign I am feeling ‘poorly’. Will catch up with everyone soon.

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. @stitchincarol I was in such a hurry yesterday, I didn’t read over the posts haha! I haven’t hit my goal weight once yet, so great job ๐Ÿ™‚

    However, I was really surprised to have gained only about 1/2 lb this morning — I didn’t sleep well last night and had a full meal at lunchtime with a visitor from Atlanta to the college. But I decided no more cutting corners — I took out a dubious cut of meat from the freezer (yes, it was chicken!) stored from the beginning of the pandemic and thought … this meat may be flavorless and tough, but it’s taking up valuable freezer space and must be consumed. I thawed out the whole package, lightly floured and seasoned it, and fried it up in LARD! My first time cooking with lard, ever, and I think I have more to learn. I should have tenderized the meat first as it was really tough, but the flavor was still there, and the lard added to it. I could only manage a proper portion, probably about half the size of a modern chicken breast. I’ll chop it up and stew it with vegetables I think. Will make a change from Turkey on Friday.

    Pocket list – day 22

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