Nimble November Challenge 2022

This topic contains 369 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  camkenneth1993 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 384 total)

  • Day 7 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    WE’RE BACK …. 🙂

    What a fabulous cruise, almost 4 weeks since I posted, taken ‘bimbling’ to a whole new level 😉
    Quick call in to jump on todays pocket list, been playing catch-up with things since we got home Friday evening, so not really had much of a chance to call in.

    Hope everyone is going along OK, you’ll be pleased to know that despite all the food and drink only need to lose 3 or 4 pounds to be back well inside my buffer zone!

    Will call back later, thanks to @funshipfreddie for hosting … I think you could’ve had some fun on board knowing your past association with cruise ships !!!

    Take care all.

    Pocket list day 7

    Day 7 UK NFD

    Morning and welcome back i-hate-lettuce

    Due to cooking so much food Saturday when entertaining I’m going to have to delay my FD to tomorrow so we can finish off the leftovers tonight

    I’m sure there will be a weekend spike in my weight but I’m resisting getting weighed until Friday , when hopefully with the same Mon-Fri effort as last week I’ll see a drop 🤞

    I did realise we had another Brightonian onboard @amiya 👋

    Let’s have a good week all💪

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Here’s FD #2! The only good thing about a 2nd FD in a row is that I never feel hungry the morning after the first one. I’m thinking I may have to repeat this on Thanksgiving week!

    Pocket list day 7

    Day 7 UK CD
    Day 6 NFD

    Yesterday’s community feast was surprisingly healthy thanks to a fabulous salad bar, and bread went down really well. I was really pleased with that so will definitely experiment again at next community gathering on Saturday.

    Bumping my regular Monday FD to Tuesday as 6 hour meeting tomorrow which should make it easier to fast. Today I had a real craving for scrambled eggs on toast – I brought the last few slices of seedy bread home – with homegrown tomatoes – yum. The upside of these super seedy breads is that they are packed with protein, really filling and keep me going for hours.

    @matpi @gardenlily this is a SUPER simple vegan soda bread – I’ll post the recipe when I’ve got a bit more time

    I’ve had a 90 min zoom meeting and picked up email; now need to get papers out for meetings later this week then read papers for tomorrow’s meeting. I’m hoping to meet a friend for catch up tea ahead of a lecture this evening but need to pace my energy for the week ahead.

    Sending strength to today’s pocket list – you can do this!

    @daffodil2010 hope you are feeling better after last week’s cold x

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    I didn’t behave as well over the weekend as I would have preferred, but the scale this morning says I behaved worse than I thought: 154.0 I suspect it will be a case of EOEO (check out how fast I learn new terms! 😂😂👍), so I’m going to stare at my printed pocket list all day and work on finding every last bit of my RESOLVE. On the menu for tonight is a white chicken chili and biscuits (think scones, remember) with bacon, cheddar and apple in them…very odd, but intriguing enough to try. That plus milk should be well within 1200 calories and leave me a bit leftover for something to tide me over through lunch.

    And for those of you who don’t have printers: a piece of paper and a pen…

    @amiya I’m envious that you’re so committed to exercise; I used to be, but have completely lost that plot. Perhaps soon. It’s got little to do with weight loss, but it’s sure a healthy thing for our bodies, and I don’t feel good about being so indifferent to something my body NEEDS.

    @gardenlily Yeah, I thought of calling it a decade a half hour after I posted. I’m at the point of sewing together my sweater pieces, and they’re not fitting, probably because I steamed the stitches not only flat but also stretched out, so need to go back to the iron and block them back to the correct size. This is my least favorite part of knitting, the sewing up.

    @funshipfreddie So odd that you think of hay fever as a childhood thing–it’s not. My mom had hay fever until she died at 96, and I know several people who suffer terribly. I have seasonal allergies but they’re easily controlled with inexpensive OTC meds. Glad you’ve found something that’s making a big difference for you.

    @penz Make me a promise each time you decide to do a FD then post my name where you can’t miss it (on the bottle of wine? 😂) so you keep your promise to me. Will that get your mojo scurrying back with full energy??

    @malee57 Yup, being so tired can definitely contribute to overeating. Moreover, studies have shown that getting a little extra sleep can help with weight loss, just as getting too little sleep can contribute to weight gain. So my policy is to sleep as much as possible, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie I did NOT see that punchline coming, and laughed out loud. What a lovely way to start the day!

    @i-hate-lettuce Welcome back! I’ve thought of you often, enjoying the spa, enjoying your deck walks, and then dancing the night away with Mrs IHL, and I’ve smiled every time at the thought. Now you get the fun of the holidays, and I’m sure your extra few pounds will be dispatched quickly!

    @brightonbelle Yup, leftovers can be problematic for FDs, huh? 😜

    @northgeorgia You not feeling hungry the morning after a FD makes me wonder if you’re a natural ZBC person. But some mornings you’re ravenous, right? My personal experience is that occasional morning hunger is caused by far too many carbs the night before (and by habit when I was younger and when I was pregnant, when I ate breakfast because I felt browbeaten into doing so). When I don’t have a high carb meal the night before, I’m never hungry in the morning. My solution is to limit carbs–as much as possible–to lunch time so they don’t trouble me the next morning. Perhaps that will help you?

    @michelinme Such a lovely feeling when what you’ve baked/made is well received!

    So do you all have a change of time as we in the States did yesterday? “Fall back” is far easier than “Spring forward” but it’s still strange to suddenly have it dark at supper and light when I wake up in the morning. And tomorrow is the mid-term election with several important government positions, and the balance in Congress, dependent on the results. A week from now, we should be past the political ads and most of the chatter, WHEW!

    DH’s mom got taken to the hospital by ambulance early Sunday with congestive heart failure; she’s much better now…but not well at all as she is now not able to get up out of bed on her own. Could last week; can’t now. So lots of conversations are going on to figure out what the next step should be, made more difficult because her dementia is getting worse–she couldn’t figure out where she was, and couldn’t understand why she needed to be in a hospital. It’s all tough, isn’t it? I’m seeing lots of changes and drama ahead of us in the next few months, and am thankful all the siblings get along so beautifully. DH said privately to me in September that he didn’t think she’d make it to Christmas; it’s looking very possible at this point. We’ll see.

    Have a grand one, everyone! And remember, “It’s going to be hard, but hard is not impossible.”

    Pocket list day 7

    Day 8 Melbourne, Australia CD

    After yesterday’s FD I am on my way back down to Saturday’s weight. I don’t think it is easy off, easy on EOEO. I think it is hard off, easy on. So frustrating. But I am doing this for my health, not just my weight so I will persevere.

    @stitchincarol I hope your MIL is okay. It is very difficult when our loved ones get older and more frail.

    @amiya having hypothyroidism is so hard. It makes everything difficult as you lack energy, feel the cold more, put on weight and this all leads to feeling crap about yourself. Good on you for keeping on.

    Day 7 USA/HI 18:6
    Still here:)

    Day 7 Ohio, US — MFD

    Just to check in — I had two hours of dental work this morning and hefty doses of anesthetics. I’ve been feeling bad all day and am really tired right now. The only bright side is that the fasting has gone well.

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Well, I don’t want to call yesterday’s FD a F, so I’ll adopt @funshipfreddie’s helpful renaming – yesterday was an OMAD!

    I had an excellent night’s sleep (unusually), took the dogs for an early morning walk, then did a you-tube vid for some weight training. Set me up nicely to start the working day with a great mood. This all helped to solidify my thinking along the following lines. (And synchs in with what you were saying @malee57.)

    When I have a bad night’s sleep, I make poor food choices in an effort to stay awake/feel energised. This, of course, leads to thinking ‘oh well, I’ve already stuffed up this day, might as well eat what I want.’ Or, if I have a bad day at work, I may decide to have a glass of wine when I get home. Which leads to thinking ‘oh well, I’ve already stuffed up this day, might as well eat what I want.’ And the cycle repeats in a downward spiral that seems to hard to break.

    When I start the day right, I am buoyant and positive in my outlook and thinking and this WOL seems so easy and achievable. This mindset then becomes self-perpetuating as success begets success.

    Thank you for the offer of a promise, @stitchincarol – that helps! Hugs re your MIL – hope you all travel well (spiritually and physically).

    Welcome back @IHL and well done on only a very slight increase on the scales.

    A week in: how goes the bilateral challenge between @northgeorgia and @stitchincarol??

    Day 7 – USA – FD

    Day 08 – Tuesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia 🦘🦘🦘 – (NFD) 🥦🍅🥦🥒🥑🥕🍅🍆🥬🥦🍄🌶🍏

    Ok, checking in with my report re the daaaaaaaaaaaaate!
    First of all Friday night didn’t happen….. he called to beg off because of a sniffle and upset stomach. Uh oh!😲 … very glad he called it off because, whatever he has, I don’t want it! He gets a star⭐ for doing the right thing. Then Saturday, he called again and he had a negative covid test…. but had a gravelly voice, so called off Saturday too. Hmmm……? Spoke on Sunday and he was better but my natural caution thought another day won’t matter, just to be sure he is not infectious with anything. Reschedule for Monday night (last night).

    So last night (Monday) was the daaaaaaaaaaate! Movie and dinner. I met him there of course… a gal’s gotta be careful with dating new people, hey? Of course! Movie, you ask? A Rom/com of course… Ticket To Paradise…. with George “is gettin’ old now” Clooney and Julia “has way too many teeth” Roberts. It was filmed right here where I live… so that was fun trying to spot the locations that were pretending to be Bali. The cinema only had a total 5 people (including us) ….we sat away from the other 3 which made me happy so didn’t feel I had to put on a mask. The movie had a few chuckles in it which is just what you want on a date, nothing too serious… just a feel-good type movie.
    Dinner was a problem, though, as the movie finished a 8.30pm and, being Monday, there weren’t any local little bistros open nearby (this is definitely NOT Melbourne, hey Penz?) So, there was an eatery next to the cinema ie Grill’d Healthy Burgers, still open… so we dived in there before they shut and had a burger. Hey, they had GF burgers! GF bread-bun and GF meat pattie too… that was such a relief as I hadn’t mentioned to the daaaaaaaaaaate about my coeliac condition ie break ’em in slowly to this peculiarity, don’t want to scare ’em off, hey! So, I’ve now put my toe in the water of this big pond in the online dating universe. arrrgggggh! 🥴😵🤪🥴
    Chappie has called this morning and wants to meet-up again. All good but poco a poco – little by little, bit by bit, slowly, gradually.

    Well then, that’s me done for today.. I am reading everyone’s posts and happily can see some downward trends⬇⬇⬇ Everyone seems to be very motivated this month which is so good to see.
    @stitchincarol… the news re your MIL is worrying and I’m sending some hugs 💐💐for you and your DH….

    @funshipfreddie … loving your jokes! I look for them first every day!

    @i hate lettuce… you are such a great role-model for us all…. your wonderful cruise and then very little damage to the waistline ….. in Aussie-speak 🦘we say… HOW GOOD IS THAT!

    Oh, by the way, FD was Monday… went well and next FD is Thursday… you can almost set your clock to my FD/NFD schedule …😁😁

    Ok, enough of this dalliance and back to work now..
    cheerie dearies

    🌟🌟I.F. works WITH your brain instead of AGAINST it so you don’t even think about it anymore!
    🌟YOU decide what makes you feel the healthiest. 🌟YOU get to choose the role food plays in your life. 🌟YOU become the captain of your own ship. 🌟YOU decide what a fulfilled life looks like AND YOU finally get to LIVE it…..
    (that’s right, isn’t it @i hate lettuce?🤩🤩🤩🤩)

    Day 8 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏻‍♀️✅

    Another FD for me today. Yesterdays came in around 800 so will try harder today.

    @i-hate-lettuce welcome back! The holiday sounded great and well done on not doing too much damage.
    @stitchincarol I’m sorry to hear about your DHs mum and hope that you can all work the next steps out easily.
    @linda.b well done on dipping your toe in the water! I hope there was a spark ⚡️ It’s great fun to get back out there and meet new people and the world is your oyster now 🤩

    @michelinme I’m really interested in your easy seedy bread too… anything easy is very welcome and I love seeds in most everything. Actually had the most delicious seeded scone on Saturday while out with a friend… simple but delicious and saved me from french toast or a bigger breakfast.

    Thanks for popping me on the yesterday @i-hate-lettuce… 😇

    Have a great day all.
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list -Day 8

    Day 08 – Tuesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia 🦘🦘🦘 – (NFD) 🥦🍅🥦🥒🥑🥕🍅🍆🥬🥦🍄🌶🍏 —— 2nd post…. just because it’s food for thought…..

    Saw this elsewhere and have copied you all in…. well worth the read…

    “A few years ago a fellow mom taught me the most incredible trick ever. We were out shopping together with our kids. It was close to the holidays and the marketing machines were doing their best to entice the tykes.

    And they were doing a bang up job. With every step I heard “I want…” “I need..”, and “Can I get..” meanwhile, her kids were almost silent. What magical voo-doo or incredible threats had she worked on them? What was her trick??

    I asked her and the answer was so freaking SIMPLE! She’d taught her kids to say “I like…” and whatever the item was. There was no pressure to buy anything with that statement but incredibly it naturally forced them to be more mindful. They started considering whether they actually liked something or not.

    This was my first experience with seeing a mindset shift in action and it was so cool to see it firsthand!

    It’s amazing to see how powerful simply changing our words is. And it doesn’t just work when it comes to kids and their holiday wish list. It works just as well on adults and learning the difference between what we need, what we want, and even what we think we like.

    Since that day with my friend I’ve witnessed thousands of mindset shifts in action. Every single time it is like seeing magic take place in front of you. Realizing that we have the option to be mindful, to be in control, and to be intentional is the ultimate power trip.

    Talk about the power of the mind!”

    For us in IF-land, this type of shift in mindset particularly resonates and I really liked this statement:
    It works just as well on adults and learning the difference between what we need, what we want, and even what we think we like. 🎇🎆🎈🎈🎈🎆🎆🎇🎇✨✨✨✨✨
    hmmmmm….? 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    Day 8 – UK Cam – NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went very well – 2 egg omlette with 2 tpsn crumbled feta cheese and a pile of green leaves for lunch; quorn korma (made with 1 tbpsn coconut cream) with cauliflower rice and steamed greens – I made enough for 4 portions and froze 2 so estimate I only consumed 1/4 of tblsn coconut cream … Anyway, DH loved the meal and it’s one I will repeat. Today I am rushing off to a quilting day – taking a low-cal packed lunch (hummus, carrot sticks, apple and a yoghurt) but will be eating well, but hopefully carefully, tonight. I want desperately to keep in the new 130s range!

    @linda.b – only problem with your idea: I like cake, I like chocolate, I like wine …. But yes, I can see it working with other stuff, especially snacky stuff – if often looks/smells far better than it tastes. Also, I loved the report of your daaaaate – as you say, slowly does it.

    Got to dash, need to get quilting kit in the car and, yes, it’s started to rain AGAIN.

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Now that’s strange. I came on at 7.30am yesterday and filed a post and it never posted. It was a good old moan however about how I am feeling pulled in all directions over the past months with work, family and friends, and how tiring I am finding it and how I just need to have ME time for a while.

    Guess the universe decided three paragraphs of me moaning was too much and thus the post was lost in the ether 😆

    I had the most relaxing weekend, I even got to read the Sunday newspaper, and that’s something that I haven’t had time to do on a Sunday in ages. My DH is off to Milan for three nights tomorrow so more time for ME on the cards.

    Hopefully this will pass, as it’s not like me to be totally anti-social, slightly yes, but not wanting to see or talk or meet

    And now I have just moaned for another post ha ha. Wonder if the universe will allow this?

    Day 8 – South Africa – FD

    @i-hate-lettuce – welcome back! I was cruising with you vicariously via

    @matpi – urgh?! Two hours in the dreaded chair 😬 I hope you’re feeling perkier soon!

    @stitchincarol – a pen + paper?! You know, that never even occurred to me! 🤣 About the only time I pick up a pen these days is when I’m signing a check in a restaurant 🙄 We don’t change the clocks in South Africa. There’s only maybe an hour & a half difference in the sunrise/sunset between summer & winter. The sun comes up around 7 am in winter, & I’m told it rises around 5:30 am in the summer.

    @linda.b – food for thought indeed! And I’m so glad your first date went well.

    “Most of the sickness in the world is caused by eating too much” ~ Henry Ford 1943

    Joke of the day:-

    Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes.

    After that, who cares?

    They’re a mile away & you’ve got their shoes.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    Day 8-NFD-Brighton, UK

    A good FD overall!

    @matpi yes also do body strength e.g planks, is that what you mean?
    @stitchincarol have got into the routine more for mental health, especially the walking 🙂
    @malee57 yes being hypo is a pain, Drs routinely are not interested, and whack you on medication, which is like a sticking plaster as you never find the cause? symptoms are still present on medication really, can’t complain too much as otherwise healthy.
    @brightonbelle nice to know you’re nearby, love Brighton and have close family here

    Day 8 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @funshipfreddie – as you would see we went to some really nice places, supposedly relaxing, but we tend to make the most of things and although bimbling around ports we generally end up walking several miles a day, just slowly 🙂
    Plus as @stitchincarol mentions, on sea days, an hour hydrotherapy/sauna/steam room first thing, lots of laps around the promenade deck (plenty of dolphins seen on this trip) then dance floor re living our early disco years until late … which is why we need to be in the spa first thing 🙂 😉

    Getting back into routine and catching up with everything/everyone seem to be taking some doing, the gardens a mess and I can’t get near it yet, however as soon as there’s a cold dry spell, it’ll be done.

    Take care all

    Day 8 UK FD

    Sorry to hear about your MIL @stitchincarol 🫂Yes we have daylight saving here too, our clocks went back on the last Sunday of October , still trying to get used to it

    Sounds promising @linda.b

    Right aiming for a good week not stepping on the scales until Friday and there had better be a drop 💪

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Lowest weigh-in since September — that’s progress! @stitchincarol Yeah, I notice a difference when I eat more carbs vs when I eat fewer to no carbs. I know what I need to do, but pizza. LOL!

    Today, it’s potluck day, so there will be plenty of carbs. Thankfully, my mom made some homemade chicken soup last night, so I’m looking forward to that after work today. My Wednesday meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday, so I do have a bit of a break.

    Day 7 – 16:8

    Had a successful FD 800 yesterday, probably closer to 500 than 800 so feeling very good about it. I have been fighting with myself to relax on my fast days, and sometimes losing that battle. Without the need to keep losing weight I am having a harder time keeping good about them. But I saw a weigh-in at 130 last weekend and whether or not that was a high anomaly or not, it frightened me into being good yesterday. I fast again tomorrow and have my plan in hand. Making sure I have a plan for my FD is also a key to keeping me good.

    I am very worried about weight creep – that is what has always happened in the past post weight loss and I am trying to keep on top of it. As I have said, mentally, I found weight loss easier than weight maintenance.

    That said, I have a wedding to attend in January and the skirt I plan to wear is acting as my guide. It is ‘trumpet’ style (high waist, tightly fitted at hips then flares out just below the knees) and I can’t be carrying any extra weight or it doesn’t look good. So I’ll be trying it on every Thursday a.m. to keep sight on my proper weight.

    I have a lot of comments, but need to get out to an appointment so plan a second post this afternoon. Good wishes to all!

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Again, yesterday went worse than I’d intended, and far better than it could have…my stellar RESOLVE from a year ago is gone, replaced by mediocre resolve. But I’m still here, and still at it, I’ll continue to work at success on NFDs, and I call that good.

    And, we were astonished to hear from DH’s sister (who lives in the same town as his mom) that his mom was up and dressed yesterday morning, had walked down and back the hallway, and was about to be picked up to go back to her senior living facility. That was a dramatic improvement, and we’re very thankful; thanks, everyone, for the kind words.

    @penz 😂😂😂😂😂 Our race, eh? Well, I think neither one of us has achieved any success at all…am I right, @northgeorgia?? It was a lovely idea that, so far, is showing no results.

    @linda.b So glad the first date went well, despite all the delays it took to get there. OH! I just read your second post. That’s brilliant! I’m absolutely going to work on adapting that. In fact, on Sunday, I had a successful moment: two ladies were serving treats with coffee after worship, and I was keeping my RESOLVE front and center by not having anything…and then one of them walked by with a platter of pieces. She asked if I wanted one, and I said no thank you, and then I got a whiff. Oh dear. It was a lovely whiff. But instead of taking a piece, I told her it smelled lovely and I’d content myself with the lovely aroma, and instead of pushing me to take a piece, she encouraged me to take one more deep smell, smiled at me as I did, and then walked on. So, good for me for contenting myself with a smell, and good for her for not pushing a piece on me.

    @daffodil2010 I totally understand the moan about wanting and needing ME time; so glad your post showed up this time, and so glad you have some ME time coming up. We’ve missed your chatter, so we’re right there with you, wanting you to have a slightly slower life!

    @amiya You actually inspired me to walk with Leslie yesterday. Well, not Leslie, some new gal, because Leslie is gone. But I walked. And felt good all day. 😇

    @i-hate-lettuce and @gardenlily I know how frustrating too much rain is, as we’ve had that here where I live in the past. But right now, the entire state of Nebraska is in drought conditions, so I’m really envious of all your rain.

    @mariaelena That’s a perfect plan, to try on that skirt every Thursday morning, to make sure your maintenance stays on track; well done so far!

    We’re having more unseasonably warm day tomorrow (77/25) and then a 40-degree drop to 31/-1 on Friday. Huh. It must be autumn in Nebraska! 😂😂 And this Saturday is our church’s annual Turkey Dinner Fundraiser (drive-through again, with no sit-down option as in the past) where we serve 520+ meals, so I’ll be roasting and carving a turkey on Friday, and popping three frozen apple pies (purchased, not made) in the oven to bake, and then helping serve on Saturday.

    Wasn’t it just early September yesterday??

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 8 UK CD?

    Yesterday’s CD turned into a comfortable FD800 – possibly lower but I didn’t weigh my seedy bread. After lunchtime scrambled egg and tomato on seedy bread I didn’t eat again until the last of the butternut squash bread with marmite when I got home from event at 11pm! Not enough sleep and long full day with another one tomorrow.

    I’m turning today into a CD or FD800 rather than scheduled FD – I’ll count the calories. Been at desk all day – reading then one loooooong zoom meeting followed by emails. In our lunchbreak I had two cups of marmite tea so I’m more than ready for proper food now – baked potato, cauliflower, mushrooms and something followed by stewed apple and pear with ginger. It’s all sitting in the fridge calling my name

    @daffodil2010 good to hear from you. V glad you have some Me time coming up while DH away
    @stitchincarol good news about your MIL! Hope all goes well with the transition back to her regular home
    @linda.b sounds like an excellent first date 🙂

    now, away from the desk/laptop and think about food!

    Day 9 Melbourne, Australia CD 7.15am

    Yesterday’s CD did not go as well as hoped but better than it could have been. My FDs are not too bad, but then my binge eating lizard brain kicks in on NFD and I want to eat nonstop. Thankfully yest most of the overeating was fruit. But still not good.

    Beautiful weather in Melbourne today so I am off for a swim. Have a great day everyone – whatever you are doing.

    Day 8 – USA – CD

    This could have been a fD, but I was over 150 cals., so be it!

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    Travelling the next few days so won’t be online.

    Thanks for the report, @linda.b. He likes you (who wouldn’t??) but you didn’t say what you thought of him??

    Moan away @daffodil2010 – we and the universe allow it!

    Ha ha ha, @funshipfreddie, more than your joke this made me laugh “…I’m told it [the sun] rises around 5:30 am in the summer.”

    The skirt should do the trick, @marialena – I’ve long thought how clothes fit is a far better measure of weight change than the scales.

    What?!?!? Leslie is gone??? Oh no!!!! Worst news I’ve heard/read all day @stitchincarol (but great news re your MIL being up and about already).

    Day 9 – Ireland – CD 🚫✅🚶🏻‍♀️

    Oooh woke with a headache in the middle of the night but I think I can put it down to forgetting to drink enough water yesterday… 🤕
    Managed a decent FD but also caught up with friends on good walks around the working day and cycled as well… My Fitness Pal tells me I expended twice what I consumed so surely I should see a miraculous drop… 🤣 if only it worked that way. Today I probably won’t have a chance to get out much and no harm to rest..feeling tired.

    @linda.b I agree with you – the language we use when we talk to ourselves is so very important. I am rephrasing a lot at the moment and with new habits I feel it is all working really well for my mind frame.

    @amiya this time last year I was working out every week day morning – strength work. It was great for me but I fell out of the habit. Now I’m walking or cycling early but I must incorporate the strength work as it’s vital for our bone density as we age… the problem is finding time to do everything 🙃

    @daffodil2010 good to see you. I completely understand that and ME time is vital for me. Take your time out and rebalance 👍 it’s ok to step away to look after you from time to time… and moan away – we all have our moments and this is a safe space. I’m sure you feel better already.

    @gardenlily, I would love to be crafty… I try but I’m not… still learning to knit a year on…. 😂
    I’m more mechanical I think 🤔
    @i-hate-lettuce you’re reminding me of great memories before I got sick this summer straight after the 🚢 …so didn’t really bask in the post holiday memories at the time- thank you! I absolutely enjoyed everything that was on offer on the ship.

    @stitchincarol and @northgeorgia don’t give up yet… you’re only out of the blocks… 🏆

    Have a lovely day 🐪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 9, Germany, FD

    After a few days away I’m glad to be home again.

    @funshipfreddie Thanks! We had a lovely time with our friends in the Netherlands.

    @jaifaim I hope your headache will be gone soon. I hardly ever eat honey, I’m not fond of the taste. I do have an artificial sweetener in my yogurt though. I can be sugar free for a while but I don’t always want to. As I was away I haven’t looked into the glucose goddess but will later.

    @stitchincarol It’s always difficult for patients with dementia when they come to an unknown place. It’s good to hear she’s back to her senior living facility.

    @linda.b I’m glad you enjoyed your date.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏

    Have a nice day!

    Day 9 – South Africa – NFD – 🚫🍷Day 40

    @stitchincarol – great news re your MIL! And well done on declining the treats! I had a similar battle with my sense of smell yesterday. It really should come with an on/off switch. I had coffee & was flicking through the local paper at a mall around noon, when I got a whiff of hotdogs being cooked just a few feet away. Not something I would normally eat, but they smelled incredible. ‘Only R5 each!’ the woman preparing them told me. Which is basically – nothing in US$. ‘Oh, thanks, but I’ve just eaten’, I lied. By 2:30 pm I was ready to scoff the cat; but it passed, & I didn’t eat anything until after 7 pm. 😇

    @i-hate-lettuce – sounds like you had an idyllic time. Did you get to visit Santorini? I don’t think your ship actually docked there, but maybe you were able to visit it anyway? It’s one of the places that I’ll never forget.

    @northgeorgia & @mariaelena – I think you both got a bit carried away with the clocks going back? It was day 8 yesterday 😅

    @snowflake56 – welcome back!

    @penz – happy travelling

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Joke of the day:-

    A 45 year old woman arrives home from her doctor’s exam, just gleaming with happiness.

    Her husband, being a grump, asked: “What’s got you so happy!?”

    The woman says, “The doctor said I am in great health. He was also impressed and said I have the breasts of a 20 year old!!”

    The husband scoffs.
    Then asked, “Really? And what did he say about your 50 year old ass?”

    She responds, “I don’t know. He never asked about you.”

    Day9 U.K. NFD

    Up nice and early as I have my autumn covid Jab appointment later this morning and want to get my exercise in before I go

    Happy 🐫 day See you on the list tomorrow

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    DH dropped to airport and I have a few days of ME time in the evening, pity I have to go to work which spoils it all ha ha.

    By the way, my elderly cat, she is 16 years old, has in the past few weeks developed a meow that sounds exactly like a newborn baby. It’s getting louder ever day. It’s very annoying as it must be enate in us to respond when we hear the new brown cry. It’s usually Missie wanting to get in or out or both. Right now she is wailing, but I have to go to work.

    Any of you cat people out there experienced this? Is it old age turning her into a newborn 😆 There is a newborn baby next door, she must have noted how every time he cries he gets responded to!!!!!

    Day 9 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Quick call in this morning, delivery due any moment and then out for appointment straight afterwards.

    @funshipfreddie – Didn’t call into Santorini on this trip, but have visited before, very picturesque place. One of this trips (new) highlights was Milos and the tiny village of Plaka, wonderful place.

    Take care all

    Day 9, London UK, FD

    Ok, so I have 3 pages to catch up on, but by posting now, I’m in my rightful place with @daffodil2010 & @i-hate-lettuce!!!!

    Yes, the wagon travelled far & wide at super sonic speed to get away from me, then at a snails pace to get back around to picking me up again!!! But………….. here I am, back in the fold, I’ll give the full list o excuses for hurling myself off of the wagon later, but for now…………………… IT’S SOOOO GOOD TO BE BACK!!!

    Thanks @funshipfreddie, hosting form sunny Sth Africa, whilst I was praying for a boat to get me to work this morning ……………. Yes I AM moaning about the weather!!!

    Stay strong folks & keep the faith ……………. Oh, & do some fasting!!!

    Day 9 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Oops, I could have gotten the date wrong! It’s an insane week… Got to run. Nope, I approached my goal of 209 yesterday with 211… but won’t approach that weight again likely until next week 🙂

    Day 9 UK CD

    Yesterday was a solid CD. I forgot to weigh myself this morning so no idea whether weight is down or up – I’ll weigh myself tomorrow to keep motivated for second FD.

    I’m so tired and grumpy today. I was in bed super-early as too tired for a bath then slept like a dead person until 7.30, woke up aching and tired. The full-on-ness of the last few months is taking its toll and learly there’s some good care work to do to get my body to a happier place again. Meanwhile get through the second of today’s two online meetings then get an early night again..

    To reset my mind after this morning’s meeting I popped out into the garden to harvest some late tomatoes and chillis. There are now 700g of tomatoes of various varieties and stages of ripeness plus a dozen red chillis sitting in my kitchen. There weren’t many earlier in the year as I was away for 3 weeks during the July heatwave, but this is the second year running of November outdoor tomato crops….strange times.

    @flourbaby welcome back! Wherever you have been on your travels you are here now and that’s what counts. Looking forward to travelling with you again

    @daffodil2010 I hope you can enjoy your long-awaited Me-time!

    @snowflake56 welcome back!

    @funshipfreddie thank you for the ongoing jokes – they are lifting my day.

    Oops need to open a zoom for 2hr review meeting but it’s been nice to break the day with you. Wishing strength to all today’s fasters – you can do this!

    Day 9 – FD 800

    @michelleinme I was just thinking about making some of my roasted tomato soup, and am in need of a basketfull of tomatoes-usually Roma style but any fresh tomatoes will do. I wish I had your crop!

    @daffodil2010 – As my kitties got to old age there were some new and worrisome cries – but usually late at night. Like 3 or 4 am. Don’t know what that was, it sounded like their world was ending but they would be just fine when we checked. Currently my brother cats are our eldest – but they are only about 9 yrs old.

    @funshipfreddie I’m loving the jokes! Yeah, I messed up the date- I think it was a typo, I really hate this old phone. As for smell and food cravings it is bread (freshly baked or even the bread aisle in the market) that gets to me. That is one amazing smell! If I adored eating bread I’d understand but I don’t choose it often as the taste rarely seems to live up to the delicious aroma. But the smell gets to me every time!

    @jaifaim Like you, I wish I was crafty- but it is beyond my abilities. But some of my most treasured belongings are several afghans my grandmother made for my mother. I try to assuage my creative desire with photos and photo scrapbooks – as my disabilities don’t really have an impact there. But my respect and admiration abounds for artisans!

    @penz – traveling for work or fun?

    @metatauta I count that (150 cal over) as close enough for a FD – as long as I don’t make it a habit on every FD!

    @stitchincarol My mother did not have dementia but when she was hospitalized several months before she passed away, her time in the hospital was very disorienting for her – including hallucinations she was imprisoned by Nazis. It was very distressing but the Medical personnel said it was not related to her condition and not uncommon for elder people when hospitalized. She mentally bounced back quickly when she got out. Hoping your MIL does as well.

    @gardenlily 2 tsp feta! You put me to shame, my self control on applying feta crumbles is nowhere that good. Yum!

    @linda.b Semantics. And semantics matter so much, you ‘hit the mail on the head’!

    I know there was more I wanted to reply chat about but yesterday got the better of me – buy that included a two hour phone call with my father so it was a good day for sure. Have I mentioned I will be spending most of December at my Papa’s place? I got a ridiculously good airfare but had to schedule it for 2+ weeks to do so. More photo scanning and taking down some of his fantastic stories, it will be hard to be away from DH over the holidays but wonderful to spend them with papa.

    Joining you on the pocketlist, @snowflake56

    Pocket List – Day 9 


    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    it’s rather a busy day, so I must be very brief, but @flourbaby WELCOME BACK: we have most certainly missed you!

    Yesterday’s WF wasn’t. I fought a headache for several hours, despite popping Excedrin and drowning in water, so finally drove through a Burger King and got a Whopper Jr. (no cheese, no mayo, heavy on the onion, lettuce and tomato…yum…sorry, Penz) and a large iced tea, and then remembered I had migraine meds in my purse, and within an hour, my headache was finally gone. Was it the food? The caffeine in the iced tea? The migraine med? Who knows, but it was only 300 calories, so it was still a successful FD even if it wasn’t water only.

    And with that, must go. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day9 USA/HI. 18:6
    Weight today 176 lb
    Just signed up for 30 day trial for My Fitness Pal. I used it years ago with some success. Anyone here using it? Any tips? Seems it would be especially helpful on NFD. And also 500 calorie FD.

    Day 10 Melbourne, Australia NFD 7.30am

    Yesterday’s CD went well. Today I have a 70th birthday lunch with a group of friends which I am really looking forward to. Now I have to go do housework – fun fun fun.

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) MFD

    Making today just one meal, so calling it a “modified FD” if that is a thing. That meal will be steak and boiled potatoes, though, since today and tomorrow may be the last days this season that it is comfortable enough outside to grill.

    So good to see familiar names back in “our fold.” I am sorry I find many activities and obligations keeping me from posting much.

    @stitchincarol – prayers for your MIL. I cannot imagine how difficult that must be with her having dementia. Even though my DH and I have lost all of our parents, none of them were afflicted with that terrible condition, so I really feel for you and DH. Yes, a blessing he and his siblings are able to get along and exhibit a united front on her care.

    My DH continues to get stronger after his stint in the hospital, but still not completely back to strength. Quite a mystery just what afflicted him, but it does seem to have been some virus (flu, maybe?).

    Onward and downward.

    Day 10 AUS CD

    I am another prodigal faster returning to the fold! The end of the academic semester just wore me right out this year, and my diet has been way too carb-heavy as a result (partly tiredness, partly time-related).

    It took a while for the non-fasting/dietary control to catch up with me, but then it did all at once, and for the past two weeks I have been gravitating towards the looser, more forgiving clothes in my wardrobe. Never a good sign!

    But I did a FD800 on Tuesday and an accidental FD500 yesterday, so today my goal is to eat for vitamins and vitality: lots of fresh veggies and dark green things in particular. A couple of weeks will get me back on track, and I want to get back to goal weight by the end of the month.

    Day 9 Ohio, US — CD
    Day 8 — CD

    Phew! Just got done with the homework for my course. Since we don’t have class on Friday, it appears that the prof gave us twice as much homework as usual to do today! It was enough that it felt like a grind. Didn’t sign in yesterday since I was completely wiped after the three hour Zoom meeting. I think I was still in recovery mode from the dental visit on Monday. For some reason the anesthetics didn’t seem to take easily, so I had three shots in my upper right jaw and five shots in my lower left. Needless to say, a straw became my best friend for that day.

    @litprof I’ve heard people say that once one has achieved one’s lower weight goals, it’s time to get rid of all the looser fitting clothes in the wardrobe. Unfortunately, I’ve never found that practical.

    @songbirdme It seems to me that before the Fast 800 book came out, a day with 800 calories used to be labelled an “MFD”. Then that book came out and FD800 became a standard type of FD. I think that now MFD = FD800. (At least, that’s the way I’ve been using it.)

    @malee57 Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful lunch!

    @stitchincarol Glad you’re feeling better now! One of the nice things about this WOL is the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and still stay on target.

    @mariaelena It’s strange how the aromas of some foods can attract us, even if we don’t partake of the foods themselves. Similar to your case, I love the smell of freshly roasted and perked coffee, but can’t stand to actually drink it!

    Dy 10 2nd post.

    It wasn’t my birthday but one of my friends. But it was a lovely meal and worth adding in a couple of CDs rather NFD to compensate for the extra eating.

    Day 10, Germany, NFD

    After 5 days away, I’m having difficulties to catch up on posts.

    @gardenlily Do you still have chocolate in the house? I’m not very fond of chocolate but buy it when I want something sweet and don’t see anything I like. It mostly happens when shopping without having eaten before.

    @michelinme Thanks! I still make your oats/yogurt bread, you posted the recipe a long time ago. Easy to make and tasty.

    @stitchincarol and @mariaelena I think a lot of us are way to critical about our appearance. When someone calls me slim, I very quick to point out the places where I think there is too much fat.

    @mariaelena I also find maintenance difficult. When losing weight, I have a goal I want to achieve, when in maintenance I don’t have that goal anymore and I get a bit lost. I can’t really explain it. When I started this WOL 5 years ago, I didn’t weigh myself much during the month, I went by the fit of my clothes. It worked well, I still go on the scales much.

    @maui I don’t have My Fitness Pal. I don’t do much calorie counting. I only look up calories if I eat something unfamiliar.

    @flourbaby and @litprof Welcome back!

    Have a nice day!

    Day 10 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Slept like a log last night, in much better form for the day ahead, I feel prepped and ready to go. I am still suffering from that cold, it’s not Covid, but it’s hanging around….but I am feeling better despite the sinus issues.

    Whey hey, welcome back @flourbaby, hope all well with you, your seat on the wagon is always here.

    @matpi, hope you feel better, you have been through the wars with the dentist and then extra homework from your course …..gah!

    @mariaelena, that sounds like a wonderful time you will have with your Pop, and such a great idea to capture all his stories and memories.

    There were a few talking about how they would love to be crafty, but just can’t, and I am one of them. I spent three years doing Domestic Science in school, and we had double sewing every Tuesday. Lord knows what I did in that class for three years (chatting more like), but I started a skirt in 1st year and it was still unfinished three years later 😨
    I often feel I have boxing gloves instead of hands, dexterity is not great and I always drop or break things… sewing? I tried though 😀

    On that note have a good one, it’s an FD800 today. Early to bed with my book. And tomorrow is Fri-Yay ☺️

    Day 10 – Ireland – FD 🚫✅🚶🏻‍♀️

    Hello all. I’m going to go for a third FD although Monday was not a strict 500 funday 😉 so we’ll see how I go… I have work events and a night away this weekend so putting in the effort now so that I can have fun then.

    @maui I use My Fitness Pal but the free version. I did upgrade to the paid version for a little while but didn’t really use the added functionality and the free offering is grand for me. When I use it it works really well to keep track of all I eat.
    It’s also tied into other applications like my Garmin and Strava so counts calories burned also.

    Welcome back @flourbaby – so great to see you again! 👋 You have indeed been missed and I hope that all is well over there 👉.
    And @litprof hurrah another regular back on track 🚂 glad to hear you are well and a few weeks will do the trick 🪄

    @mariaelena enjoy every minute with your dad…such precious times… I miss mine every day 💕

    I had a very busy day yesterday with work and a new online course in the evening.

    I have another very busy day and another course tonight – this one in person at the local school – but all working to keep me out of the kitchen. ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list -Day 10

    Day 10 – UK Cam – FD
    Going to be a tricky FD today – morning is fine but I am scheduled to do the school run this afternoon which involves getting tea/supper on the table extra quick when we get in – ideal solution – stop for take-out treat for GD on the way home …. OK, I don’t need to share but all the same – gonna be a struggle to resist nibbling with her.

    Lovely to see some new names on the forum – welcome everyone!

    @snowflake56 – I don’t buy chocolate but with family birthdays throughout October & November it seems to collect in the cupboard and on the dresser. I have asked for bath bombs or nail polish instead of chocolate – GD said they would taste disgusting! I guess it is always the easy gift option and an excellent stocking filler for everyone else.

    @daffodil2010 – I had the same school domestic science routine! I think I made a really lumpy apron over a year’s worth of classes. Interestingly once I had children and had to buy clothes (this was back in the 1970s before recycling/charity shops became the norm) I found that making dungarees and pop-tops the easiest and cheapest way to keep the kids clean and tidy. MIL disapproved mightily of dressing little girl in dungarees until she saw her bouncing about (and falling off) her space hopper in the farmyard – all mud and dirt … FIL thought it was a brilliant idea and asked if he could have a colourful set to augment his boring brown utilitarian wardrobe!! (I declined). Since then I have continued sewing but moved more towards quilting and making bags. Who knows, with the cost of fuel these days, I shall soon be back to making quilted jackets!!

    Right, time to take the dog out for our morning walk – hope to keep the daily 10K steps average this week – I am sure a brisk walk helps clear the mind as well as body.

    Pocketlist for Day 10


    and anyone else who makes today a FunDay!

    Day 10 – UK – FD

    Great morning everyone …. !!!

    It’s been a great week –

    Some of you may recall, two years ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the chemo and radiotherapy was ‘unpleasant’ and has taken a long time to recover from, although almost back to normal, some functions will never be recovered, but are manageable.

    However, returned from holiday this week and had appointments with Oncologist and Radio/chemo team, I’ve been monitored every three months as the first two years are when the cancer may return and further treatment needed.
    I am extremely pleased to tell you I have been discharged by the specialist team (handed over to local hospital for monitoring for the next three years) as I am clear and the odds of it returning are very much lower now.

    I received a lot of support from my friends on here when I occasionally called in at the time, so I’m very pleased to share the good news and say thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂

    So FD today and will see how the scales look in the morning before a small celebration with close friends tomorrow evening.

    Take care all

    Pocket list -Day 10

    Day 10 – South Africa – NFD

    @flourbaby & @litprof – welcome back!

    @daffodil2010 – no idea re your whiny cat?! Boo Boo’s only 8, which I guess is middle-aged for a cat? But she’s certainly not getting smarter with age. She still tries to get in the TV if she sees a bird or a mouse on the screen 🙄

    @michelin & @matpi – I hope you’re both feeling perkier today

    @snowflake56 – I think I know what you mean about having the goal before maintenance & then feeling a bit lost once you’ve achieved it. I guess it’s about control, for me anyway. I suppose that’s why I don’t really like having more than two consecutive NFDs before another FD. So I’m just trying to relax a little & make healthier choices on NFD’s.

    @maui – I used My Fitness Pal every day until I reached my goal weight. Now I tend to just use it on FD’s. But I’ve never paid for it. I don’t know what extra features you get for signing up; I just use the daily diary part to log meals/calories.

    @i-hate-lettuce – great news getting the all-clear from your specialist! So happy for you! 🎉

    Joke of the day:-

    My doctor told me to eat more Taco Bell.

    Well, actually he said “less McDonalds” but I’m pretty sure I know what he meant.

    Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday Fasters 🎯💪

    Day 10 FD

    Excellent news @i-hate-letuce🎉

    I also use the free MFP @maui, and it provides everything I need

    Welcome back @litprof & @flourbaby – I’m still walk walk walking with Leslie , how about you ?

    Weigh in tomorrow 💪

    Pocket list -Day 10

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