Newbie here, how long before you adjust…

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Newbie here, how long before you adjust…

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  DTfromWA 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I’m new here! I decided to try 5:2 on Monday, i’d been waiting until my breastfed baby (who is now 27 months!) was old enough that i felt the added toxins thing was no longer much of a concern.

    I don’t know what i weigh but just measured my waist and it’s 37inches. Which sounds massive but as i’m 5’10” actually is only 2″ bigger than half my height. I don’t think i want to begin weighing myself. I think i’ll lose weight but i find the scales become more important than the change in habits/general wellbeing for me, and i get to feeling one must constantly reflect the other. Which means the “wrong” number on the scales can wreck a day when i felt otherwise fantastic about myself. Not worth it for me.

    Anyway i did my first fast on monday, and it went fine. I stayed well hydrated and ate eggs and veggies for most of my calories as an evening meal, with a bit of fruit earlier in the day and some milk in drinks. I aimed for 600 rather than 500 as i am still breastfeeding frequently (though i don’t think he’s drinking much in volume, if you see what i mean). I did have a headache in bed around 11pm, but i wonder if i could have drunk more between 7pm and then as i’d sort of stopped in the evening (was busy).

    So all in all a fine start, BUT today i’m starving! I feel like i ran a half marathon yesterday (and i’ve run one before so i really mean that). I assume that’s just my body trying to fill in the missing calories, but i’m wondering if that will stop over time or if i’ll be starving on this diet? It’s okay being hungry on a fast day because i can’t eat so i just distract myself, but much harder to stop myself overeating on a normal day when food is on offer every couple of hours.

    Experiences? Advice?

    Hi 5 beck I started yesterday too I am also starving today but not over ate as defeats the purpose second fast day tomorrow! I weighed myself three weeks ago and was mortified to see that I have pit on 12lbs but I am now going on how my clothes fit as like you I don’t want to become dependant on the scales as they fluctuate from one day to the next as you also said good luck

    Hi 5beck2, I just eat whatever I want on the non-fast days, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

    I think eventually once you’ve done a few weeks it will get easier and you won’t be quite as uber-hungry on the day-after-fast days.

    I’ve only done two so far (last Thursday and yesterday), and already my second fast-day was easier than the first.

    Good luck!

    Hi all, welcome to the fast diet way of life! It shouldn’t take you too long to adjust. Some folks have more trouble in the beginning with physical symptoms and cravings. I have found that those decrease if I don’t eat a lot of carbs. The only time I had a lot of cravings and was really hungry was when I was eating lots of breads etc. I have since given up grains due to health issues and found I don’t get hungry at all.

    I would suggest the day after a fast be sure to have a good protein breakfast. Maybe omelette with veggies and cheese. Will fill you up fast and stay with you for a while, at least it does for me. 🙂 sounds like you are all off to a great start! Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing! Phyllis

    Thanks for all your comments guys.

    Today was my second fast and i’m amazed by how much easier it has been so far. My first fast i ate a bit of fruit at my normal breakfast and lunch times, but today i just had water, a diet drink (i know, it spikes insulin, but it was so warm this afternoon and i was craving a cold sweet drink) and two coffee’s each with a small splash of milk all day and then a nice chicken and vegetables dinner for the rest of my calories at 7pm. This worked much better for me, i had WAY fewer hunger pangs having not eaten at all. I actually felt by dinner time i could probably just skip the whole day, if anything i felt mildly sick after dinner. DOes one HAVE to have the 500 calories? Or do some people just skip the whole day?

    Tomorrow i planned to have porridge (no eggs in the house!) for breakfast but i’ll bear the protein idea in mind Phyllis, thanks.

    Hi FiveBecTwo, good luck with your journey to health :-)I have been on this for several weeks. I have lost weight and cms and have never exceeded my cals on the fast days but have certainly exceeded 2000 cals at times on non fast days. I don’t feel great on fast days, a bit light headed and sometimes a bit of nausea. This has improved but still an issue. A number of people say they feel better for eating nothing all day until dinner but I can’t do that. I have brekkie lunch and dinner (200 cals, 100cals, 200 cals).
    I am now exploring more high protein options as suggested by others. As I am vegetarian, that means cheese/eggs/tofu/beans and fewer carbs, eg, less bread.
    I like to cook and have purchased some low cal recipe books as well as checking out the many online recipes.
    Lots of luck to you. I am really glad I am doing this, hope it works well for you too 🙂

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